person:rick santorum

  • CNN firing Marc Lamont Hill proves Israel is untouchable in U.S. media

    You can attack the Palestinians in America uninterrupted, call to expel them and deny their existence. Just don’t dare say a bad word about Israel, the holy of holies.

    Gideon Levy
    Dec 02, 2018

    Marc Lamont Hill is an American writer and lecturer in communications at Temple University in Philadelphia, and also an analyst with CNN. In a speech last week at a United Nations conference he called for “international action that will give us what justice requires and that is a free Palestine from the river to the sea.”
    In a matter of hours, the skies collapsed into well-orchestrated hysteria. Seth Mandel, editor of the Washington Examiner, accused Hill of having called for Jewish genocide; Ben Shapiro, an analyst on Fox News, called it an anti-Semitic speech; Consul Dani Dayan tweeted that Hill’s remarks were like a “swastika painted in red,” the Anti-Defamation League said they were tantamount to calling for Israel to be wiped off the map. The inevitable outcome was not long in coming and CNN fired the rebel analyst on the very same day.
    skip - Haaretz Weekly 2/12/2018

    Does Netanyahu care about anti-Semitism?Haaretz
    To really understand Israel and the Palestinians - subscribe to Haaretz
    How dare he? What was he thinking? Where did he think he’s living, in a democracy with free speech or a country where dialogue about Israel is under the serious censorship of the Jewish establishment and Israeli propaganda? Hill tried to claim that he’s opposed to racism and anti-Semitism and his remarks were intended to support the establishment of a binational, secular and democratic state. But he didn’t stand a chance.
    In the heavy-handed reality that has seized control over dialogue in the United States, there’s no room for expressions that may offend the Israeli occupation. On a liberal day it’s permissible to say “two states” as long as you do it in a whisper.
    What would have happened if Hill had called for the establishment of a Jewish state between the Jordan and the sea? He would have safely continued holding down his job. Rick Santorum, the former senator, said in 2012 that “no Palestinian” lives in the West Bank. Nobody thought of firing him. Even Hill’s critic, Shapiro, has called in the past for ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in the territories (he backtracked on it a few years later) and nothing happened to him.

  • Your Data is Being Manipulated – Data & Society : Points

    Fast forward to 2003, when the sitting Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum publicly compared homosexuality to bestiality and pedophilia. Needless to say, the LGBT community was outraged. Journalist Dan Savage called on his readers to find a way to “memorialize the scandal.” One of his fans created a website to associate Santorum’s name with anal sex. To the senator’s horror, countless members of the public jumped in to link to that website in an effort to influence search engines. This form of crowdsourced SEO is commonly referred to as “Google bombing,” and it’s a form of media manipulation intended to mess with data and the information landscape.

    At this moment, AI is at the center of every business conversation. Companies, governments, and researchers are obsessed with data. Not surprisingly, so are adversarial actors. We are currently seeing an evolution in how data is being manipulated. If we believe that data can and should be used to inform people and fuel technology, we need to start building the infrastructure necessary to limit the corruption and abuse of that data — and grapple with how biased and problematic data might work its way into technology and, through that, into the foundations of our society.

    Like search engines, social media introduced a whole new target for manipulation. This attracted all sorts of people, from social media marketers to state actors. Messing with Twitter’s trending topics or Facebook’s news feed became a hobby for many. For $5, anyone could easily buy followers, likes, and comments on almost every major site. The economic and political incentives are obvious, but alongside these powerful actors, there are also a whole host of people with less-than-obvious intentions coordinating attacks on these systems.

    The goal with a story like that isn’t to convince journalists that it’s true, but to get them to foolishly use their amplification channels to negate it. This produces a “Boomerang effect,” whereby those who don’t trust the media believe that there must be merit to the conspiracy, prompting some to “self-investigate.”

    Consider, for example, the role of reddit and Twitter data as training data. Computer scientists have long pulled from the very generous APIs of these companies to train all sorts of models, trying to understand natural language, develop metadata around links, and track social patterns. They’ve trained models to detect depression, rank news, and engage in conversation. Ignoring the fact that this data is not representative in the first place, most engineers who use these APIs believe that it’s possible to clean the data and remove all problematic content. I can promise you it’s not.

    I’m watching countless actors experimenting with ways to mess with public data with an eye on major companies’ systems. They are trying to fly below the radar. If you don’t have a structure in place for strategically grappling with how those with an agenda might try to route around your best laid plans, you’re vulnerable. This isn’t about accidental or natural content. It’s not even about culturally biased data. This is about strategically gamified content injected into systems by people who are trying to guess what you’ll do.

    If you are building data-driven systems, you need to start thinking about how that data can be corrupted, by whom, and for what purpose.

    L’article est si intéressant qu’il faut faire attention à ne pas le copier en entier ici ;-)

    #danah_boyd #Machine_learning #médias_sociaux #data #fake_news

  • Dans le Mississippi, les fractures de l’Amérique profonde | Olivier Cyran

    Proche du courant chrétien fondamentaliste, Rick Santorum a triomphé, le 13 mars, lors de la primaire républicaine du Mississippi. Une victoire qui confirme le paradoxe électoral américain : c’est dans les régions pauvres que les conservateurs réalisent leurs meilleurs scores. / États-Unis, États-Unis (...) / États-Unis, États-Unis (affaires intérieures), #Automobile, Élections, #Inégalités, Mouvement de contestation, #Afro-Américains, Parti politique, Pauvreté, #Politique, #Racisme, #Travail, #Esclavage - 2012/04

    #États-Unis #États-Unis_(affaires_intérieures) #Élections #Mouvement_de_contestation #Parti_politique #Pauvreté #2012/04

  • [Etats-Unis] Vermin Supreme, un candidat bien sympathique | groupe Pavillon Noir

    Vous avez sûrement entendu parler de la victoire de Mitt Romney dans la primaire républicaine du New Hampshire, mardi 10 janvier : l’ancien gouverneur du Massachusetts, vainqueur au finish dans l’Iowa, l’a cette fois-ci emporté plus largement avec environ 39% des voix, contre 23% pour Ron Paul, 17% pour Jon Huntsman et 9% pour Newt Gingrich et Rick Santorum.

    Mais il y avait une autre primaire dans le même Etat, du côté des démocrates. Si pratiquement personne n’en parle, c’est parce que personne ne doute que Barack Obama sera le candidat du parti à l’âne, et il a effectivement remporté ce scrutin avec 82% des voix, selon les chiffres de l’Associated Press.

    Derrière lui, 10% des voix se sont portées sur ce qu’on appelle des write-in candidates, des personnes qui n’étaient pas officiellement candidates mais dont les électeurs ont inscrit les noms. On retrouve ensuite treize candidats entre 0% et 2% des voix, dont quelques intéressants personnages tels Craig Freis, dont le nom est écrit sur les bulletins de vote Craig « Tax Freeze » Freis (Craig « Gelons les impôts » Freis).

    Mais le candidat qui a attiré le plus l’attention des médias s’appelle Vermin Supreme et a recueilli autour de 1%, soit plus de 800 voix. Avec sa barbe grise de gourou et sa botte en guise de chapeau sur la tête, celui qui se surnomme un « fasciste amical » et veut faire de l’Amérique « une mer de sourires éclatants » a même eu droit à son portrait dans le magazine Time et sur le site de la chaîne CNBC.

  • Has Obama Waged A War On #Religion? : NPR

    Newt Gingrich warns the U.S. is becoming a secular country, which would be a “nightmare.” Rick Santorum says there’s a clash between “man’s laws and God’s laws.” And in a campaign ad, Rick Perry decried what he called “Obama’s war on religion,” saying there is “something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can’t openly ... pray in school.”

  • Faut-il s’en réjouir , les primaires et twitter...

    Congressman Ron Paul increased his number of followers by 30.05 percent in the month of December, growing by more than 20 percent for the fourth month in a row. Former Senator Rick Santorum grew his followers by 24.69 percent, and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney was in third place with 20.40 percent follower growth.

  • Rick Santorum’s Website Using Pirated Font Leads to $2 Million Lawsuit

    I’m willing to bet that this isn’t the kind of PR that Rick Santorum is looking for in his presidential campaign.

    On Tuesday, August 16, 2011, the Dutch type foundry Typotheque filed suit against RaiseDigital LLC, a Virginia-based consulting company that develops website and other materials for political campaigns and politicians.

    The lawsuit seeks up to $2 Million in damages for the alleged misuse of the Fedra type family. This shines a direct light on the fact that font compliance is a serious issue for anyone working in creative endeavors.

    #fontes #webfonts #propriété_intellectuelle #USA #républicains

  • Rick Santorum : pas une référence | Alexandre Léchenet

    À cause de déclarations très maladroites sur l’homosexualité en 2003, un sénateur états-unien a reçu une petite leçon de référencement, associant à jamais son nom à une pratique sexuelle.

    #Politique #Pouvoirs #2012 #états-unis #Google #Google_bomb #homosexualité #LGBT #sexe_anal