
  • The #Houthis March South - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

    However, the Houthi advance in the cities of central and southern Yemen is not only a result of own capability. Their advance has been aided by Riyadh and Abu Dhabi’s conflicting objectives and agendas, and their relationships with some of the groups backing the internationally recognized government. Notably, the coalition did not allow pro-government fighters to open up new fronts, such as in Qaniya (on the border between Bayda and Marib provinces) and in the Nihm district (northeast of Sanaa), which would have alleviated the pressure on forces in Bayda and Dalea. Instead, they only allowed some skirmishes in Saada province near the Saudi border.


    Escalating tensions between the Yemeni government and Abu Dhabi also played a significant role in the Houthis’ military victories. The UAE apparently viewed the new parliament (which convened in Hadramout under the protection of Saudi troops), and its announcement of the National Alliance of Yemeni Political Forces, and the creation of the Southern National Coalition as a threat to its proxy forces—and even to the legitimacy of its intervention in #Yemen. In addition, several government ministers have recently been critical of the coalition’s actions. On May 5, Minister of Interior Ahmed al-Maysari (a member of the new SNC) described the Arab coalition as a partner in the war against the Houthi “revolutionaries,” but not a partner in administering liberated areas. Minister of Transportation Saleh al-Gabwani (likewise a top-ranking leader of the SNC) tweeted that the Arab coalition was refusing to grant permission to increase the number of flights from India to Yemen, even though all seats are being reserved by international organizations, saying, “What is left for us, coalition of brothers?”

  • Israeli Army Kills Four Palestinians, Including A Baby And Her Pregnant Mother, In Gaza
    May 5, 2019 12:33 AM - IMEMC News

    The Israeli army killed, Saturday, four Palestinians, including a pregnant mother and her baby girl, in a series of bombings and air strikes targeting the Gaza Strip, wounding more than 30 civilians.

    Dr. Ashraf al-Qedra, the spokesperson of the Health Ministry in Gaza, has reported that the soldiers killed a pregnant Palestinian mother, identified as Falasteen Saleh Abu Arar , 37, and her baby girl, Saba Mahmoud Abu Arar , 14 months, after firing a missile at their home in Gaza city.

    The mother, who was also six months pregnant, suffered very serious wounds to the head and other parts of her body, and died from her wounds.

    Dr. al-Qedra added that the soldiers also moderately injured another daughter of the slain pregnant mother.

    Furthermore, the soldiers killed another Palestinian, identified as Khaled Mohammad Abu Qleiq , 25, after the army fired several missiles into areas in Beit Lahia, in northern Gaza.

    The soldiers also fired many missiles at homes in the neighborhoods of the Sheja’eyya, Tuffah and Zeitoun, in Gaza city, causing many injuries and serious property damage.

    At least thirty Palestinians have been injured in the ongoing Israeli bombardments, that caused damage to several homes in the Gaza Strip, including two residential, west of Gaza city.

    Among the targeting buildings was “Abdullah al-Hourani Center for Studies and Documentation” which is run by Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), in Gaza city.

    The Center is located in a residential building which was targeted by several Israeli missiles, Saturday.

    The Israeli bombardment also caused damage to several shops and stores, in addition to media agencies.

    Armed resistance factions in Gaza said they retaliated to the Israeli escalation by firing shells into several Israeli areas, including Ofakim, Asqalan (Ashkelon), Be’er as-Sabe’ (Beersheba) and Keryat Gat.

    Earlier Saturday, the soldiers killed one Palestinian, identified as Emad Mohammad Nosseir, 22, from Beit Hanoun, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

    On Friday, the soldiers killed two Palestinians during the Great Return March processions, and later killed two members of the al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas.

    Besides killing the two four Palestinians, the soldiers also injured 82 Palestinians, including 34 children, two journalists and three medics.


    • 19h23 Un bébé palestinien tué dans un raid israélien à Gaza
      AFP - 04/05/2019 L’Orient-Le Jour -

      Une fillette palestinienne âgée de 14 mois a péri samedi dans un raid israélien qui a touché la maison familiale dans la bande de Gaza, a indiqué le ministère de la Santé à Gaza.
      L’armée de l’air israélienne a mené plusieurs raids sur la bande de Gaza, en riposte aux quelque 200 roquettes tirées sur Israël depuis l’enclave palestinienne.

      « Saba Abou Arar , âgée d’un an et deux mois, est décédée dans un raid dans l’est de la ville de Gaza. Sa mère, qui est enceinte, a été grièvement blessée, et sa soeur a été également blessée », a précisé le porte-parole du ministère de la Santé du Hamas.
      « Nous étions en train de déjeuner lorsque la maison a été bombardée par un avion israélien. Saba a été tuée sur le coup », a dit à l’AFP Abou Mohamed Abou Arar, un cousin du père de la fillette, qui a confirmé que la mère et la soeur avaient été blessées. (...)

      20h38 Gaza : la mère du bébé palestinien tué dans un raid israélien succombe
      AFP- 04/05/2019

      La mère d’un bébé palestinien tué samedi dans un raid israélien à Gaza, a succombé à ses blessures infligées lors de la même frappe qui a touché leur maison, a indiqué le ministère de la Santé à Gaza.

      « Falastine Abou Arar , âgée de 37 ans et enceinte, est décédée après avoir été blessée à la tête », lors du bombardement de sa maison dans l’est de la ville de Gaza, a déclaré le ministère gazaoui.

      22h56 Gaza : un quatrième palestinien tué par un tir israélien
      AFP - 04/05/2019
      Un quatrième Palestinien a été tué samedi dans un raid aérien israélien contre la bande de Gaza, a indiqué le ministère de la Santé gazaoui après le tir de plus de 200 roquettes vers Israël depuis l’enclave palestinienne.
      Khaled Abou Qleiq , 25 ans, a été tué dans une frappe sur le nord de la bande de Gaza, a précisé le ministère.

  • In video - Israel demolishes home of Saleh al-Barghouthi in Kobar
    April 17, 2019 12:09 P.M. (Updated: April 17, 2019 2:51 P.M.)

    RAMALLAH (Ma’an) — Israeli forces demolished the family home of Saleh al-Barghouthi, a Palestinian accused by Israel of carrying out an attack, in the Kobar village, northwest of the central occupied West Bank city of Ramallah, early Wednesday morning.

    Saleh al-Barghouthi, 29, was shot by Israeli forces near Ramallah on December 12; initial reports said that al-Barghouthi was shot and killed after carrying out an attack against Israelis, however, his family says that Saleh was detained alive and might have died in custody.

    Palestinian human rights organization Al-Haq had sent a joint urgent appeal to the United Nations (UN) Special Procedures regarding the enforced disappearance of al-Barghouthi.
    A recent investigation by B’Tselem found that, contrary to official Israeli statements, Saleh al-Barghouthi did not try to flee or run anyone over, nor could he have tried: two security vehicles were blocking the taxi he was driving at either end, and he was surrounded by some 10 security personnel who shot him point-blank – an operation resembling an extrajudicial killing. Official attempts to sanction the killing in retrospect ensure no one will be held accountable.
    An Israeli settler was killed in the alleged attack.


  • School Building Demolished in Shu’fat Refugee Camp

    Israeli bulldozers, today, demolished an under-construction building belonging to a Palestinian school in the Shu’fat refugee camp of occupied East Jerusalem, on Tuesday.

    Dozens of Israeli soldiers escorted bulldozers into the refugee camp, surrounded the al-Razi School and went up rooftops of nearby buildings as drones flew overhead; Israeli bulldozers then began to demolish the school’s building.

    Israeli forces fired rubber-coated steel bullets towards locals in the refugee camp.

    Muhammad Alqam, owner of the school building, told Ma’an News Agency that Israeli authorities had issued a demolition order against the building last November, pointing out that he had headed to the Israeli Jerusalem Municipality, before the construction of the building, to issue necessary permits. However, he was told that the area belongs to the United Nations Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA.)

    Principal of the school, Saleh Alqam, pointed out that the demolition was carried out without prior notice.

    He added that 400 Palestinian students had registered for the 2019/2020 school year in the new building, which was supposed to serve kindergarten and elementary students. However, after the demolition, these students now have no place to go.

    School was suspended, for Tuesday, for 1500 students of all stages who attend the al-Razi School.

    Israel uses the pretext of building without a permit to carry out demolitions of Palestinian-owned homes on a regular basis.

    Israel rarely grants Palestinians permits to build in East Jerusalem, though the Jerusalem municipality has claimed that compared to the Jewish population, they receive a disproportionately low number of permit applications from Palestinian communities, which also see high approval ratings.

    For Jewish Israelis in occupied East Jerusalem’s illegal settlements, the planning, marketing, development, and infrastructure are funded and executed by the Israeli government. By contrast, in Palestinian neighborhoods, all the burden falls on individual families to contend with a lengthy permit application that can last several years and cost tens of thousands of dollars.

    According to Daniel Seidemann of the NGO Terrestrial Jerusalem, “Since 1967, the government of Israel has directly engaged in the construction of 55,000 units for Israelis in East Jerusalem; in contrast, fewer than 600 units have been built for Palestinians in East Jerusalem, the last of which were built 40 years ago. So much for (Jerusalem Mayor Nir) Barkat’s claim ‘we build for everyone.’”
    #Israël #Palestine #réfugiés_palestiniens #école #destruction #réfugiés #Shu'fat #Jérusalem
    ping @reka @nepthys

  • Israël/ TPO. Les conclusions de l’enquête de l’ONU sur les homicides à Gaza doivent ouvrir la voie à la justice pour les crimes de guerre | Amnesty International

    En réaction aux conclusions du rapport publié par la commission d’enquête de l’ONU le 28 février 2019, qui affirme que les forces israéliennes ont pu commettre des crimes de guerre lors des manifestations qui ont eu lieu à Gaza l’an dernier en tirant délibérément sur des civils palestiniens, Saleh Higazi, directeur adjoint pour l’Afrique du Nord et le Moyen-Orient à Amnesty International, a déclaré :

    « Les conclusions de ce rapport font écho à celles d’Amnesty International : de nombreux homicides de manifestants palestiniens imputables aux forces israéliennes lors des manifestations de la " Grande marche du retour " en 2018 pourraient avoir été intentionnels et constituer des crimes de guerre.

    « Ce rapport brosse un tableau accablant des forces israéliennes, qui ont tiré délibérément sur des enfants, des professionnels de santé, des journalistes et des personnes souffrant de handicaps, témoignant d’un mépris cruel et impitoyable pour le droit international humanitaire. Plus de 6 000 personnes ont été blessées par des tirs à balles réelles, ce qui a accru la pression sur le système de santé de Gaza déjà au bord de l’asphyxie. La plupart n’ont pas été autorisées à sortir de Gaza pour bénéficier des soins dont elles avaient besoin.

    #Israel #Gaza #Guerre

  • Les EAU se seraient ingérés dans les évènements algériens à la demande de la France – Site de la chaîne AlManar-Liban

    Les Emirats arabes Unis semblent tenter vouloir s’immiscer dans les récents évènements algériens, émaillées par des manifestations qui refusent que le président Abdel Aziz Bouteflika brigue un 5ème mandat. Et ce à la demande de la France.

    Selon un célèbre compte Twitter baptisé « Without Shaddow », dont l’opérateur se présente comme étant un officier des services de sécurité émirati, le prince héritier d’Abu Dhabi a accordé son soutien au chef d’état-major algérien et vice-ministre de la Défense Ahmad Kayed Saleh qui a visité les EAU dernièrement.

    « Cheikh Mohamad ben Zayed voudrait en soutenant le chef d’état-major et vice-ministre de la Défense Ahmad Kayed Saleh l’utiliser comme une carte de chantage contre le roi du Maroc », a-t-il tweeté le samedi 9 mars.
    Il y indique aussi que ce même soutien devrait lui accorder une carte gagnante en faveur du maréchal libyen Khalifat Haftar en Libye et contre le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

    Toujours selon le même tweeter, c’est le président français qui aurait donné son feu vert à MBZ pour s’ingérer dans les affaires internes algériennes et de rentrer en contact avec le général Saleh. D’autant que des manifestants français d’origine algérienne ou détenant la double nationalité ont commencé eux aussi à manifester en France.

    Selon une vidéo diffusé par le site en ligne d’informations alKhaleej Online, durant les manifestations du vendredi 8 mars, les manifestants algériens ont arboré des pancartes hostiles à MBZ, au côté de ceux contre la 5ème candidature de M. Bouteflika. On y voit inscrit : « A bas les EAU ».

    Les médias algériens ont évoqué amplement cette ingérence émiratie, relayant des militants et tweeters qui s’expriment au nom des EAU, lesquels ont semblé être particulièrement réjouis par les contestations qui ont éclaté dans ce pays.

    La contestation est même montée d’un cran lorsque l’agence de presse officielle émiratie a diffusé les photographies de l’accueil réservé par cheikh Mohammad ben Zayed, le vice-président des EAU et gouverneur de Dubaï au général algérien et à la délégation qui l’a accompagné.

    Un colonel algérien à la retraite, Hussein Ben Hadid a même accusé ce dernier de prendre ses ordres des EAU, et de contribuer à exacerber la crise en semant la peur parmi les manifestants.

    L’Arabie saoudite aussi se trouve dans le collimateur des manifestants algériens. Le vendredi, ils ont scandé des slogans anti-saoudiens, poussant la chaine de télévision saoudienne al-Arabiyyat à suspendre son direct.

    (Pour ma part, j’ai également remarqué la couverture très favorable aux manifestants d’Al-Jazeera qatarie...)

  • Israeli forces shoot, kill Palestinian attacker
    Dec. 13, 2018 10:49 A.M. (Updated : Dec. 13, 2018 12:23 P.M.)

    RAMALLAH (Ma’an) — A 29-year-old Palestinian was shot and killed by Israeli forces, on late Wednesday, near Surda village, north of the central occupied West Bank district of Ramallah.

    The Israeli army announced that Saleh Amer Saleh al-Barghouth i, 29, a resident from Kobar village, in Ramallah district, was shot and killed by Israeli special forces.

    Earlier this week, al-Barghouthi carried out a drive-by shooting attack near the illegal Israeli settlement of Ofra, injuring seven Israeli settlers, including a 21-year-old pregnant woman, who was in critical condition and delivered the baby prematurely in an emergency procedure.


    • Undercover Israeli Forces Kill A Palestinian Taxi Driver Near Ramallah
      December 13, 2018 2:33 AM

      Undercover Israeli soldiers assassinated, on Wednesday evening, a Palestinian Taxi driver, near Surda village, north of the central West Bank city of Ramallah; the army claimed the Palestinian was allegedly “involved” in the shooting targeting colonialist settlers, last Sunday.

      The slain Palestinian has been identified as Saleh Omar Saleh Barghouthi , 29; eyewitnesses said he was driving his taxi when the undercover Israeli soldiers, driving an old commercial Mercedes, ambushed him, and opened fire at him, before abducting him while he was still alive, but severely injured and bleeding.

      The army later said the Palestinian died from his wounds in a hospital in occupied Jerusalem.

      Eyewitnesses said that the taxi remained in the middle of the road, after the soldiers shot Saleh, and added that a young man, identified as Wa’ad Barghouthi, tried to remove it from the road, but the undercover forces attacked and abducted him too.

      Eyewitnesses said the undercover soldiers instantly opened fire at the car after ambushing it, in what appeared to be a clear assassination, not an attempt to abduct and imprison him.

      The soldiers also abducted Ala’ Tarifi, who owns the Taxi company, when he tried to ask about Saleh’s condition.

    • B’Tselem investigation: al-Barghouthi was shot point-blank
      Jan. 31, 2019 12:01 P.M. (Updated: Jan. 31, 2019 12:01 P.M.)

      JERUSALEM (Ma’an) — An investigation by B’Tselem found that, contrary to official Israeli statements, Saleh al-Barghouthi did not try to flee or run anyone over, nor could he have tried: two security vehicles were blocking the taxi he was driving at either end, and he was surrounded by some 10 security personnel who shot him point-blank – an operation resembling an extrajudicial killing. Official attempts to sanction the killing in retrospect ensure no one will be held accountable.

      A statement on the investigation said that “On 12 December 2018, at around 6:30 P.M., two Israeli security vehicles blocked the path of a taxi driving along the main road of Surda, a Palestinian village in Ramallah District. Driving the taxi was Saleh al-Barghouthi, 28, husband and father of a 5-year-old boy from the village of Kobar, which lies north of Ramallah. About ten personnel, including Special Police Unit officers, got out of the vehicles, surrounded the taxi and shot al-Barghouthi point-blank. They then pulled the wounded al-Barghouthi out of the taxi, handcuffed him and drove away with him. The IDF notified the family that al-Barghouthi had been critically injured in the incident and died in hospital. According to the Shin Bet (ISA), al-Barghouthi, who was an operative with Hamas’ military wing, was suspected of involvement in the drive-by shooting that took place on 9 December 2018 at the hitch-hiking post near the settlement of Ofra, north of Ramallah. Seven Israelis were injured in the attack, including Shira Ish-Ran, who was seven months pregnant and delivered of her baby in hospital. The baby boy, Amiad Israel Ish-Ran, died three days later.” (...)

  • Mahamat-Saleh Haroun’s A Season in France: The human cost of the refugee crisis - World Socialist Web Site

    Sandrine Bonnaire, Eriq Ebouaney, Aalayna Lys and Ibrahim Burama Darboe in A Season in France

    The never-ending neo-colonial wars in the Middle East, Central Asia and parts of Africa, exacerbating the already terrible poverty in those regions, have driven millions upon millions to seek what they perceive to be more stable conditions in Western Europe.

    The responsibility for the refugee crisis and the immense suffering involved lies entirely with the great powers led by the United States. Cynically and demagogically, American and European politicians of every stripe, from the extreme right to the so-called left, then demonize immigrants and blame them for mounting social and economic woes.

    #migrations #asile #fiction

  • قطّعوه وهم يسمعون الموسيقى.. تفاصيل مرعبة لتصفية خاشقجي

    Découpage à la scie sur fond musical : la Turquie laisse filer des informations et les enchères doivent monter pour un règlement à l’amiable de l’assassinat de #kashoggi
    El jefe forense de la Dirección General de Seguridad Pública de Arabia Saudita, Saleh al Tubaiqi, desmembró con sus propias manos al periodista saudí Jamal Khashoggi, que entró al consulado del país árabe en Estambul el 2 de octubre para arreglar unos documentos, y lo hizo en presencia del cónsul, informa Al Jazeera citando a fuentes turcas.

    Según el canal catarí, el asesinato del periodista duró siete minutos y después el jefe forense instó a que pusieran música para el desmembramiento del cadáver de Khashoggi.

    • De plus en plus gore...

      Affirmant avoir eu accès à des enregistrements sonores de ce qui s’est déroulé ensuite, Yeni Safak explique que M. Khashoggi a été torturé au cours d’un interrogatoire et que ses doigts ont été coupés par des agents saoudiens. Il a ensuite été « décapité », selon le quotidien progouvernemental, qui ne précise pas comment il a eu accès à ces enregistrements.

      Des responsables turcs ont accusé Riyad d’avoir fait assassiner le journaliste par une équipe spécialement envoyée sur place, mais les autorités saoudiennes ont démenti. Certains médias, dont le Washington Post pour lequel écrivait M. Khashoggi, avaient auparavant rapporté l’existence d’enregistrements audio et vidéo prouvant que le journaliste avait été « interrogé, torturé puis tué » à l’intérieur du consulat, avant que son corps ne soit démembré. Mais c’est la première fois qu’un média turc dit avoir eu accès à de tels enregistrements.

      Selon Yeni Safak, le consul saoudien Mohammad Al-Otaibi peut être entendu sur l’un des enregistrements, disant : « faites ça dehors, vous allez m’attirer des problèmes ». Ce à quoi un individu non identifié lui répond : « si tu veux vivre quand tu reviens en Arabie saoudite, tais toi ». M. Al-Otaibi a quitté Istanbul mardi.

      Le site d’informations en ligne Middle East Eye raconte, citant une source qui a eu accès à l’enregistrement sonore des derniers moments du journaliste, que M. Khashoggi a été emmené dans le bureau du consul. Selon cette source, « il n’y a pas eu de tentative d’interrogatoire. Ils étaient venus le tuer » et le consul lui-même a été sorti de la pièce.

      Un médecin légiste, identifié comme Salah al-Tubaigy et qui faisait partie de la quinzaine de Saoudiens dépêchés par Riyad à Istanbul ce jour-là selon plusieurs médias, a ensuite commencé à découper le corps de M. Khashoggi encore vivant, d’après la source de Middle East Eye. Pendant qu’il faisait cela, M. Tubaigy a commencé à écouter de la musique à l’aide d’écouteurs. « Quand je fais ce travail, j’écoute de la musique. Vous devriez (le) faire aussi », l’entend-on dire sur l’enregistrement, selon la même source. L’assassinat a duré sept minutes, affirme Middle East Eye.

  • Israeli settlers flood Khan al-Ahmar with wastewater
    Oct. 2, 2018 4:16 P.M. (Updated: Oct. 2, 2018 4:42 P.M.)

    JERUSALEM (Ma’an) — As Israel threatened to raid and demolish the Bedouin village of Khan al-Ahmar at any moment since the evacuation period ended, Israeli settlers stormed the village and flooded the area with wastewater, on Tuesday afternoon.

    Locals said that Israeli settlers from the nearby illegal Israeli settlement of Kfar Adummim stormed the village, and were confronted by international and local activists along with residents of Khan al-Ahmar.

    Israeli settlers managed to flood the area with wastewater before activists and residents were able to stop them.

    Following the Israeli High Court’s approval for the demolition, it had granted a deadline for the residents of Khan al-Ahmar to evacuate the village until October 1st.

    Since the deadline has ended, the village is in danger of being demolished by Israeli forces at any moment, which would displace 181 people, half of whom are children. (...)


    • Amnesty International: ’Demolition of Khan al-Ahmar is a war crime’
      Oct. 2, 2018 5:18 P.M.

      BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Amnesty International said, on Tuesday, that the demolition of the Bedouin village of Khan al-Ahmar, east of occupied Jerusalem, and the displacement of its residents by Israeli forces as part of an illegal Israeli settlement expansion plan is a “war crime.”

      Saleh Higazi, Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa Deputy Director, denounced Israel’s planned demolition of Khan al-Ahmar and stressed that “this act is not only heartless and discriminatory, it is illegal.”

      The demolition of the village would displace 181 residents, 53% of whom are children and 95% of whom are refugees registered with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).

    • La démolition du village palestinien de Khan al Ahmar est un acte cruel et un crime de guerre
      2 octobre | Amnesty International

      La démolition prévue le 1er octobre d’un village en Cisjordanie et le transfert forcé de sa population pour laisser place à des colonies israéliennes illégales est un crime de guerre révélateur du mépris qu’entretient le gouvernement israélien à l’égard des Palestiniens, a déclaré Amnesty International le 1er octobre 2018.

      Quelque 180 habitants de la communauté bédouine de Khan al Ahmar, à l’est de Jérusalem, risquent d’être expulsés de force et transférés par l’armée israélienne. Les autorités israéliennes offrent aux villageois le choix entre deux destinations possibles : un site jouxtant l’ancienne décharge municipale de Jérusalem, non loin du village d’Abou Dis, ou un site à proximité d’une station d’épuration, non loin de la ville de Jéricho.

      « Après presque 10 ans de lutte contre cette démolition injuste, les habitants de Khan al Ahmar redoutent de voir se concrétiser le jour terrible où l’habitation qui est la leur depuis plusieurs générations sera mise en pièces, a déclaré Saleh Higazi, directeur adjoint du programme Afrique du Nord et Moyen-Orient à Amnesty International.

  • » Israel Prevents PPS Lawyer From Visiting Hunger Striking Detainee Khader Adnan
    IMEMC News - September 20, 2018 2:43 PM

    The Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) has reported, Thursday, that the administration of the al-Jalama Israeli detention facility, declined a request by one of its lawyers to visit with hunger striking detainee, Khader Adnan.

    In a statement, PPS lawyer Saleh Ayyoub, said that Adnan is ongoing with his strike for the 19th consecutive day.

    Ayyoub added that the PPS conducted all legal measures to arrange for this visit, but once he arrived at the facility, the administration claimed Adnan’s medical condition prevents him for visits.

    The PPS said that Israel frequently prevents lawyer from visiting with hunger striking detainees, in addition to repeatedly transferring the detainees to various prisons, and constantly makes up justifications to prevent such visits.

    #Khader Adnan

  • Israeli Druze commander quits army over nation-state law in open letter to Netanyahu

    In a Facebook post, Capt. Amir Jmall calls on leaders of his community to work toward putting an end to the compulsory conscription of Israeli Druze

    Yaniv Kubovich
    Jul 30, 2018 5:36 PM

    In the letter, Jmall also called on leaders of his community to work toward putting an end to the compulsory conscription of Israel’s Druze. The Facebook post has since been removed.
    “This morning, when I woke up to drive to the [army] base, I asked myself, why? Why do I have to serve the State of Israel, a state that my two brothers, my father and I have served with dedication, a sense of mission and a love of the homeland, and, in the end, what do we get? To be second-class citizens,” Jmall wrote.
    >> ’When we’re in uniform they treat us well’: Israel’s Druze no longer feel like blood brothers
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    "Continue serving the country? I do not want to continue and I am sure that hundreds more people will stop serving and will be discharged from the army following your decision, Netanyahu, that of you and your government,” he continued.
    "After many thoughts ran through my head, I decided to let go and to discontinue serving the country, a country that has a government that takes and does not give back.”
    In conclusion, Jmall wrote: “I ask everyone who is against the nation-state law to share and share my proposal to community leaders to stop the conscription law for members of the Druze community.”
    The Basic Law: Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People, also known as the nation-state law, approved by the Knesset on July 19, affirmed that only Jews have the right to self-determination in Israel. It also downgraded Arabic to a language with “special status,” among several other controversial measures that affect the Israeli Druze.
    The nation-state law is designed to alter the application of the Basic Law on Human Dignity and Liberty in court rulings, and permits judges to give priority to Israel’s Jewish character in their rulings.

    Last week, Druze lawmakers were the first to file a High Court of Justice petition against the legislation. A hundred Druze Israel Defense Forces reserve officers added their voices to that effort on Wednesday, prompting Education Minister Naftali Bennett to speak out in support of “our blood brothers” on Twitter.
    Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon echoed similar sentiments on Thursday, telling Israeli Army Radio, “The enactment of the nation-state law was done hastily,” and adding: “We were wrong and we need to fix it.”
    On Saturday, Israeli Arab lawmaker Zouheir Bahloul (Zionist Union) announced his intention to resign from the Knesset in protest of the law. "The law oppresses me and oppresses the population that sent me to the Knesset,’’ he said.

    • Haaretz, 1er août
      Nation-state Law Backlash: Druze Leaders Say Netanyahu’s Offer May Set ’Historical Precedent’

      Representatives of the Druze community said Thursday night that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s proposal to pass a law to strengthen the status of the Druze and Circassian communities is “a window of opportunity to set a historical precedent for the advancement of the Druze community and its status in the State of Israel.”
      Representatives, headed by Sheikh Muwafak Tarif, will continue talks with Netanyahu’s team, which has been appointed to make an agreement on both sides.
      Netanyahu’s proposed law follows the protest sparked by the nation-state law. The plan outlines a Basic Law and a regular law that will recognize the contribution of minorities who defend the country by “enshrining eligibility for the benefits of minority members of all religions and communities who serve in the security forces, for the purpose of closing gaps and promoting social equality.”
      Benjamin Netanyahu and the Druze representatives, August 1, 2018.
      Benjamin Netanyahu and the Druze representatives, August 1, 2018.
      >> Israeli Druze in Golan welcome end of Syrian war but fear future in Jewish nation-state
      Another demonstration against the nation-state law is slated for Saturday evening in Tel Aviv.
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      According to the plan submitted by the prime minister’s representatives, “the law will recognize the contribution of the Druze community to the security of the state, and will include support for community institutions (religion, education and culture), will strengthen Druze residential settlements, and establish new towns if needed. It will also preserve and cultivate Druze heritage.”
      Tourism Minister Yariv Levin (Likud) congratulated “the agreement we have reached with the Druze leadership. Recognizing the rights of those who serve in the security forces is an achievement.” Tamar Zandberg (Meretz) said in response: “The Prime Minister ranks Israel’s citizens, and he divides and rules the minorities from whom he has stolen equality in his Basic Law. He got scared after the fact. Netanyahu’s government has torn apart the Declaration of Independence and the values of equality on which the state was founded. Now they’re making laws in honor of the Druze community, as if equality is a prize and not a right that all of us have.”
      The proposal drew mixed reactions from the Druze community, MK Hamad Amar (Yisrael Beiteinu), one of the two Druze MKs who petitioned the Supreme Court against the nation-state law, congratulated the plan. MK Saleh Saad (Zionist Union) said he will continue with the petition and said: “I am sad that my friends have succumbed to pressures and withdrew from the petition.”
      The negotiating team of the Druze community, which includes their spiritual leader, Sheikh Muwafak Tarif, former security officials and civil servants, has had strong disagreements over the proposal. One of the team members told Haaretz that the representatives who have security backgrounds tend to accept the spirit of the plan, while others – including local council heads – oppose it.
      The source added that some of the representatives accused the prime minister of trying to implement a policy of “divide and conquer.” They said that they would settle only for annulling the nation-state law or adding to it the value of equality. The source added that the Prime Minister’s Office is concerned about the protest rally scheduled for Saturday night, and therefore is exerting heavy pressure on the representatives of the community to accept the plan and cancel the rally.

      >> ’When we’re in uniform they treat us well’: Israel’s Druze no longer feel like blood brothers
      The plan was drafted by a team formed by the prime minister on the issue of the Druze, headed by the acting Chief of Staff of the Prime Minister’s Bureau, Yoav Horowitz, and including Sheikh Tarif, ministers Ayoub Kara and Yariv Levin, MK Hamad Amar (Yisrael Beiteinu), former MK Shakib Shenan, heads of the Druze local authorities and the forum of reservist senior officers.
      The prime minister’s office called the plan “historic” in a press release, saying it “represents a revolution in the legal status of minority group members who serve in the security forces, and members of the Druze community in particular.” Sheikh Tarif welcomed the work of the team and thanked the prime minister for his quick and serious activity. The plan will be presented to the Druze community’s dignitaries.
      The plan offers to enshrine a Basic Law - Israeli constitutional equivalent - for the status of the Druze and Circassian communities, “paying respect to the contribution of the Druze community to the State of Israel in building the land, strengthening security and shaping the face of Israeli society as an egalitarian and diverse society.”
      The plan also suggests enshrining in law that members of minority groups, from all religions and ethnic groups will be eligible for benefits if they serve in the security forces. The law will also recognize their contribution if they serve.
      >> Analysis: Druze nation-state crisis: Israeli army chief forced to put out fire Netanyahu started
      Several Druze officers have left the Israeli military in recent days over the nation-state law.
      The Basic Law on Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People, also known as the nation-state law, approved by the Knesset on July 19, affirmed that only Jews have the right to self-determination in Israel. It also downgraded Arabic to a language with “special status,” among several other controversial measures that affect the Israeli Druze.
      The nation-state law is designed to alter the application of the Basic Law on Human Dignity and Liberty in court rulings, and permits judges to give priority to Israel’s Jewish character in their rulings.
      Earlier this month, Druze lawmakers were the first to file a High Court of Justice petition against the legislation. A hundred Druze Israel Defense Forces reserve officers added their voices to that effort on Wednesday, prompting Education Minister Naftali Bennett to speak out in support of “our blood brothers” on Twitter.
      Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon echoed similar sentiments, telling Israeli Army Radio, “The enactment of the nation-state law was done hastily,” and adding: “We were wrong and we need to fix it.”
      The acting Chief of Staff of the Prime Minister’s Bureau announced the formation of a ministerial committee to deal with the issue of the Druze community, to be headed by the prime minister, which will work to promote the plan and to supervise its implementation - among other things.
      Details of the plan will be formulated and worded within 45 days, in the context of a joint team of the cabinet and representatives of the community, all subject to the instructions of the law and the approval of the attorney general. Legislative activities will begin immediately with the convening of the coming winter session of the Knesset and will be concluded within 45 days from the start of the session.
      Jonathan Lis

    • Rare manifestation de la communauté druze contre une loi controversée définissant Israël

      Une foule immense de Druzes israéliens et leurs sympathisants a manifesté samedi à Tel-Aviv contre une nouvelle loi controversée qui, disent-ils, fait d’eux des citoyens de seconde classe. Selon les médias israéliens, quelque 50 000 personnes ont pris part à la manifestation.
      Arborant des drapeaux druzes et israéliens, les protestataires ont défilé dans le centre de Tel-Aviv an scandant « égalité ». « Malgré notre loyauté illimitée à l’Etat, celui-ci ne nous considère pas comme des citoyens égaux », a affirmé le chef spirituel de la communauté druze, cheikh Mouafak Tarif dans un discours.

  • Hamas delegation in Cairo: More media show for ‘century deal’ than substance | MadaMasr

    While ‘a way out’ of the US economic deal was among the delegation’s aims, the refusal of key Hamas political figures to attend makes outcomes of the talks ‘meaningless.’

    A Hamas delegation left Cairo on Friday night after spending four days in the Egyptian capital, pushing for a temporary resolution to the humanitarian crisis in the besieged Gaza Strip and a way out of the United States’s “deal of the century” with the “least amount of damage” possible, according to a source close to the Palestinian movement’s Gaza-based leadership.

    Despite the seeming stakes of the Cairo agenda, a second high-ranking Hamas source minimized the significance of the talks between Egyptian General Intelligence Director Abbas Kamal and the Gaza delegation that is headed by Saleh Arouri and composed of Hamas political bureau members Moussa Abu Marzouk, Ezzat al-Risheq, Khalil al-Hayya, Hossam Badran, and Rawhi Mushtaha.

    The second source, who is close to representatives of the Hamas leadership abroad, tells Mada Masr that Cairo extended an invitation to Hamas senior political leader Ismail Haniyeh and the movement’s Gaza chief Yahya Sinwar. However, neither accepted the invitation, with Haniya calling the visit “worthless,” according to the source.

    For the second Hamas source, the visit’s objectives were twofold: “probing” and “staging a media show to suggest to the Americans that the key to Gaza remains singularly in Hamas’s pocket.”

  • Les « contrats de mariage de plaisir » fleurissent en Syrie - Libération

    La publication il y a dix jours par le site d’information syrien de la copie d’un acte de mariage temporaire conclu par une agence spécialisée à Alep a suscité un nouvel émoi autour de cette pratique. Appelée Sigheh en Iran et autorisée chez les chiites, cette union temporaire est strictement proscrite dans l’islam sunnite majoritaire qui l’assimile à la fornication (zina), car elle équivaut à autoriser les rapports sexuels hors mariage. La pratique s’est répandue ces dernières années dans plusieurs pays arabes, notamment en Irak et en Syrie, dans les zones sous l’influence des milices chiites iraniennes. Elle consiste à contracter un mariage musulman pour une durée déterminée convenue entre l’homme et la femme. Une union allant d’une heure minimum, à un jour, une semaine, et jusqu’à 99 ans au maximum, et pouvant être immédiatement consommée.

    Une fois de plus, Hala Kodmani et Libération se livrent à une très médiocre propagande contre le régime syrien qui emprunte les traits de la haineuse rhétorique confessionnelle anti-chiite...

    Pour un minimum de sérieux, mais ni Libération ni Kodmani ne nous ont habitués à cela sur la question syrienne, on rappellera :
    1) que les "mariages de plaisir" ont (hélas) leurs équivalents ailleurs dans la région, avec toutes sortes de pratiques tout aussi condamnables qui s’appellent "mariages coutumiers" ( ou encore, notamment en Arabie saoudite, "mariage saisonnier"...
    2) que toutes les sociétés de la région "s’adaptent" comme elles peuvent à cette situation et que l’Irak, lui aussi ravagé par la guerre, a précédé la Syrie sur cette voie (voir ici :
    3) que Mme Kodmani et Libération ont été fort silencieux sur la question des jeunes femmes syriennes en exil mariées à de riches protecteurs (, bien souvent venus du Golfe (une réalité traitée par exemple dans "Yarmouk", du cinéaste palestinien Saleh Bakri (
    4) que dans des pays tels que le Yémen, un phénomène aussi détestable que celui du mariage d’enfants est une réalité socio-économique, et non pas doctrinaire (sunnite ou chiite) (
    5) que les "mariages de plaisir" sont une des nombreuses variantes ( d’un phénomène qui tient non pas à des réalités doctrinaires (chiites/sunnites) mais à des évolutions sociétales dans la région, avec notamment une explosion des formes de célibat, imposées et aussi parfois choisies (

    #mariage #propagande #haine_confessionnelle #syrie

  • The missing reports on herbicides in Gaza
    Amira Hass Jul 09, 2018 1:05 AM |

    So we’re destroying Palestinian crops with our spraying? What’s new here, shrugs the average Israeli and clicks to another channel

    As I was working on my article about Israeli herbicide spraying in Gaza, I learned that 1948 refugees from the village of Salama are living in the village of Khuza’a. They are farmers, much as their parents and grandparents were. Back then, they grew citrus fruit, bananas and grains, and sold their crops in Jaffa as well as in Jewish communities.

    We tend to associate Palestinian refugees with the refugee camps. But sometimes you get to meet some who, even in exile from their village, have managed to maintain the same type of life and livelihood – that is, to work and live off the land in the West Bank and even Gaza. The Al-Najjar family in Khuza’a is one such family.

    Together with his father, Saleh al-Najjar, 53, works 60 dunams (about 15 acres) of land that they are leasing in Khuza’a. They employ three laborers, and Saleh says the five of them work 12 hours a day.

    By working the land they maintain continuity, despite being refugees and having lost the lands of Salama – where Israel built Kfar Shalem. Israel, meanwhile, maintains the continuity by damaging their sources of income and their health. When people say the Nakba never ended, the Najjar family can be cited as another example. One of the millions.

    Over the past four years, the Najjars – like hundreds of other farming families in the eastern part of the Gaza Strip – have learned to fear also small civilian aircraft.

    In spring and fall, and sometimes in winter too, for several days the planes appear in the mornings, flying above the separation fence. But the contrails they emit are borne westward with the wind, cross the border and reach the Gazan fields. From seeing their wilted crops, the farmers have understood that the planes are spraying herbicides.

    The fear of these crop dusters is even greater than of the Israeli armored vehicles that every so often trample all the vegetation west of the separation fence – because the herbicides reach further, seep into the soil and pollute the water. Crops up to 2,200 meters (7,220 feet) west of the border fence are affected by the spraying, says the Red Cross. The crops 100 to 900 meters away were totally destroyed. The irrigation pools located a kilometer away were contaminated.

    The Palestinian reports about Israeli crop spraying destroying Gaza agriculture were first heard in late 2014. A figment of the imagination? In late 2015, the Israel Defense Forces spokesperson confirmed to the 972 website that crop spraying was taking place. The Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, an organization in Gaza, sent soil samples for laboratory testing. The army did not tell it what was being sprayed.

    Spraying of herbicides intended to destroy crops is not the sort of thing the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit or the Coordinator of Government Activity in the Territories is happy to talk about or volunteer information on. Nor is it the kind of report that concerns Israelis much, not on social media or as a common subject of conversation in Israeli homes.

    “So we’re destroying Palestinian crops with herbicide spraying – what else is new? We did the same thing to the Bedouin crops in the Negev (before the High Court of Justice outlawed it following a petition by Adala) and with the lands of Akraba in the 1970s. If our fine young men have decided to do it, it must be necessary,” shrugs the ordinary Israeli before clicking to the next channel. That is why I’m trying to return to the previous channel.

    The IDF’s Gaza Division decides; the Defense Ministry pays the civil aviation companies to do it. The seared spinach fields and the withered parsley plants prey on my mind. Also, I think about the children of these pilots: Do they know the wind carries the chemicals their daddy sprayed, and that another daddy can’t buy his kids shoes and other things because of the crops that were destroyed due to it?

    Asked to comment, the Defense Ministry says: “The spraying is carried out by properly authorized companies in accordance with the 1956 law regarding the protection of plants.” It’s true that the two civilian companies that fly crop dusters above the border fence – Chim-Nir and Telem Aviation – are recognized professionals in the field. The Defense Ministry also says: “The crop dusting is identical to that which is done throughout Israel.”

    Whoever wrote that sentence is either demeaning the intelligence of his Israeli readers, or confident that they will take his word for it and not be concerned. Both are correct.

    The Defense Ministry only revealed what the “identical” herbicides being used are in response to an inquiry from Gisha, the Legal Center for Freedom of Movement, based on the freedom of information law. The chemicals are glyphosate, oxyfluorfen and diuron.

    Despite the numerous findings about the environmental and health hazards posed by glyphosate, it is still in use in Israel. But the Defense Ministry spokesperson ignores the fact that even with all the debate about how harmful these substances are to the environment and to people’s health, their purpose is to help safeguard farmers’ livelihoods – not to destroy their crops, as we are doing in Gaza.

    The IDF and the Defense Ministry know these sprayed chemicals don’t recognize borders. The systematic damage to Palestinian crops through spraying is not an accident. It is deliberate. Another form of warfare against the health and welfare of Palestinians, and all under the worn-out blanket of security.

    #GAZA #herbicides

    • La guerre agricole ou comment Israël se sert de substances chimiques pour tuer les récoltes à Gaza
      Amira Hass | Publié le 6/7/2018 sur Haaretz | Traduction : Jean-Marie Flémal

      Les photographies de véhicules blindés de l’armée déracinant et broyant arbres et végétation dans la bande de Gaza ne sont pas étrangères, aux yeux des Israéliens, mais ce qu’ils savent beaucoup moins, c’est que, depuis 2014, des champs palestiniens sont également détruits via l’usage d’herbicides déversés depuis les airs – comme cela a d’abord été publié sur le site internet 972. Officiellement, la pulvérisation ne se fait que du côté israélien de la clôture mais, comme en ont témoigné des fermiers palestiniens de l’autre côté, avec confirmation de la Croix-Rouge, les dégâts qui en résultent peuvent être perçus très loin dans le territoire palestinien même.

      « La pulvérisation par les airs n’est effectuée que sur le territoire de l’État d’Israël, le long de l’obstacle sécuritaire à la frontière de la bande de Gaza », a fait savoir le ministère de la Défense à Haaretz. « Elle est effectuée par des sociétés d’épandage munies d’une autorisation légale, en conformité avec les dispositions de la Loi sur la protection des plantes (5716-1956) et les réglementations qui en découlent, et elle est identique à la pulvérisation aérienne effectuée partout dans l’État d’Israël. »

      Le porte-parole des FDI 1 a déclaré : « L’épandage est réalisé à l’aide du matériel standard utilisé en Israël et dans d’autres pays ; cela provoque un dépérissement de la végétation existante et empêche les mauvaises herbes de pousser. L’épandage s’effectue près de la clôture et ne pénètre pas dans la bande de Gaza. »

      Toutefois, le matériel standard utilisé en Israël a pour but d’aider les fermiers à faire pousser leurs cultures de rapport. À Gaza, il les détruit.

  • Histoire un peu longue : l’an dernier un festival de musique allemand avait accepté comme sponsor le consulat israélien. Du coup des groupes Palestiniens l’avaient boycotté, et des groupes du monde entier leur avaient emboité le pas en solidarité.

    Cette année, un autre festival de musique allemand, sous pression de groupes sionistes, avait annulé le concert d’un groupe (The Young Fathers) qui faisait partie de ces groupes solidaires. En solidarité, d’autres groupes avaient eux aussi, la semaine dernière, annulé leur participation à ce deuxième festival, tout en lui demandant de revenir sur sa décision.

    C’est donc en solidarité avec les Young Fathers que le texte ci-dessous a été écrit, même si entre temps le festival est revenu à la raison, et que tous les groupes initialement prévus sont revenus dans la programmation...

    Ruhrtriennale festival wrong to expel Young Fathers over support for Palestinian rights
    The Guardian, le 26 juin 2018

    Chacun ses préférés, mais moi je kiffe de voir Saleh Bakri, Cat Power, Noam Chomsky, Jarvis Cocker, Angela Davis, Brian Eno, Rebecca Foon, Peter Gabriel, Danny Glover, Ian Ilavsky, Ghada Karmi, Aki Kaurismaki, Naomi Klein, Mike Leigh, Ken Loach, Massive Attack, Thurston Moore, Viggo Mortensen, Mira Nair, Ilan Pappe, Eyal Sivan, Patti Smith, Desmond Tutu, Alice Walker, Roger Waters, Eyal Weizman, Vivienne Westwood et Don Wilkie parmi les signataires !

    #Palestine #Allemagne #BDS #Boycott_culturel

  • Je suis hyper fier que sorte enfin cet article sur lequel j’ai travaillé depuis près de 5 ans :

    Soixante-dix ans de chansons pour la Palestine
    Emmanuel Dror, Contretemps, le 31 mai 2018

    Je serais curieux d’avoir l’avis, les commentaires et les critiques des éminent.e.s spécialistes de la question sur seenthis...

    J’ai réuni ici 181 chansons (dont 167 qui sont dans la playlist youtube qui accompagne cet article), de plus d’une trentaine de pays, avec leur contexte historique, politique et culturel.

    La Palestine vaincra, et comme dit Saleh Bakri, la musique sera l’âme de la révolution !

    #Palestine #Musique #Musique_et_politique #shameless_autopromo

  • مَجزرة “العُرس اليَمني” التي ارتكَبَتها طائِرات التَّحالُف في حجة جَريمةُ حَربٍ لا يَجِب أن تَمُر دُونَ عِقاب.. وصَمت “الشَّرعيّة” اليَمنيّة ورئيسِها غَيرُ مَقبول | رأي اليوم

    ABA s’emporte dans son édito contre le dernier crime de guerre des Saoudiens (25 morts et 40 blessés dans une noce). Vous n’en avez pas entendu parler ? C’est normal, ça n’a pas intéressé nos médias, qui vont en revanche beaucoup beaucoup parler de la mort du leader houthis Saleh al-Samad (dans un autre bombardement).


  • Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (22- 27 February 2018) | Palestinian Center for Human Rights

    Sunday, 25 February 2018:
    In the evening hours, Israeli naval forces killed a Palestinian fisherman after opening fire at a fishing boat sailing in Gaza Sea. The shooting led to wounding 2 fishermen, who were arrested, and damaging the fishing boat. Mahmoud ‘Adel Abu Riyalah (19), from Gaza City, who was wounded in this attack said to PCHR’s fieldworker that, at approximately 15:30, Israeli gunboats chased a Palestinian fishing boat manned by Isma’il Saleh Abu Riyalah (18) and ‘Ahed Hasan Abu Riyalah (24). The fishing boat was sailing within 3 nautical miles off Gaza City shore when the Israeli naval forces heavily opened fire at it. As a result, Isma’il Saleh Abu Riyalah was hit with a live bullet to the head and then succumbed to his wounds, while Mahmoud Abu Riyalah was hit with a rubber bullet to the leg. Additionally, ‘Ahed Hasan Abu ‘Ali was hit with a rubber bullet to the leg and the fishing boat manned by all of them sustained damage. Mahmoud Abu Riyalah added that the Israeli naval soldiers forced them to take off their clothes, jumped into the water and swim towards the Israeli gunboat. They also arrested and questioned him and ‘Ahed Abu Riyalah, but released them at approximately 20:00 on the same day.


  • كيف نَجحت الإمارات أخيرًا بإقناع السعوديّة بقُبول الرئيس صالح حَليفًا؟ ولماذا رَفضتْ إيران التّحالف مَعه رَغم نِداءاتِه المُتكرّرة؟ ومَن سَيتزّعم حزب “المُؤتمر” من بَعدِه طارق أم أحمد؟ وما هِي خِيارات الحوثيين المُقبلة؟ | رأي اليوم

    Edito d’ABA, dont je résume quelques trucs (à ma manière), à propos de la mort de Saleh au Yémen. On est en plein feuilleton. Dommage que les Yéménites paient ce scénario admirable.

    Voilà longtemps que les Emirats essayaient de convaincre leurs alliés saoudiens de débaucher l’ex-président Saleh, sans doute le seul moyen pour eux de pas trop mal finir l’expédition du Yémen. Sauf que les Saoudiens, qui l’avaient tiré d’affaire à demi-mort [à Sanaa en juin 2011] ne se décidaient pas à lui pardonner son alliance, après coup, avec les Houthis. Un des deux fistons du défunt avait même été envoyé négocier un arrangement avec MbS, qui n’était alors que le vice du vice (roi), et on l’avait traité de moins que rien. Du coup, Saleh avait continué son alliance avec les Houthis, pendant que l’invasion saoudo-émirienne piétinait. Une jolie prise, donc, que cette rupture entre Saleh et les Houthis, mais Emiriens et Saoudiens n’auront eu qu’à peine 24 heures pour se réjouir, le temps pour les Houthis [un peu à la surprise générale, parce qu’on les prend souvent pour des péquenots du Nord] de refroidir l’allié fugitif [les circonstances ne sont pas encore très claires, il y aurait - gros conditionnel - eu embuscade en rupture d’un accord pour la sortir de l’ex-président et sa mise en lieu sûr].

    Personne ne sait trop bien ce qui va sortir de cette nouvelle situation [et les Yéménites n’ont pas fini d’en voir]. Saleh avait sur le devant de la scène deux fils, militaires, dont un aux EAU : prendront-ils la tête de son parti ? Les tribus yéménites vont-elles recomposer de nouvelles alliances ? Les Houthis subiront-ils les foudres des partisans de Saleh ? Pour l’heure, ceux qui se frottent les mains, ce sont les Iraniens qui n’ont jamais eu confiance en Saleh. En tout cas, ils étaient près de perdre gros au Yémen [même si officiellement ils ne font rien, ce qu’ABA n’a pas l’air de croire beaucoup] et, en moins de 24 heures, la situation est retournée [du moins pour le moment].

    ABA, qui le connaissait, bien, à des mots d’adieu pour Saleh, en citant un poète célèbre, lequel affirmait que "chevaucher un lion, c’était plus compliqué encore que diriger le Yémen"...

    #yémen aussi appelé #arabie_heureuse

  • Beaucoup d’optimisme, peu de confiance dans l’accord Hamas-Fatah
    Omar Karmi [ ancien correspondant du journal The National à Jérusalem et à Washington, DC.]
    13 octobre 2017| The Electronic Intifada | Traduction : MR pour ISM

    C’est avec une hâte presque inconvenante que le Fatah et le Hamas, les deux principales factions palestiniennes, ont annoncé avoir conclu un accord préalable d’unité au Caire le 12 octobre, après deux jours de négociations. L’accord a été accueilli en fanfare. Mahmoud Abbas, chef du Fatah et de l’Autorité palestinienne, l’a appelé « une déclaration de la fin de la division et un retour à l’unité nationale palestinienne. » « Nous avons ouvert la porte à cette réconciliation, » a dit Saleh Arouri, chef de la délégation du Hamas au Caire.

    Les Gazaouis sont descendus en masse dans les rues de Gaza pour célébrer l’annonce avec l’espoir que l’accord apporterait à la bande côtière démunie un véritable changement qui empêcherait le désastre humanitaire majeur prédit depuis longtemps.

    Obstacles et optimisme

    Mais de réels obstacles demeurent, et il faut se garder de tout optimisme quant à la réalisation d’une avancée. Ce n’est pas le premier accord conclu en 10 ans, depuis 2007, quand le Hamas a expulsé les forces du Fatah de Gaza. En fait, il y en a eu quatre, qui ont finalement disparu dans de mutuelles récriminations : La Mecque (2007), Le Caire (2011), Doha (2012) et Gaza et Le Caire (2014). Il y eut également la Déclaration de Sanaa en 2008 et l’Accord du Caire de 2012.

    Quelques-uns des problèmes qui ont empêché la résolution des désaccords précédents ont été abordés cette fois. La question du paiement de quelques 40.000 fonctionnaires embauchés après que le Hamas ait chassé les forces du Fatah et les rémunérations versées par l’AP à d’anciens fonctionnaires pour qu’ils restent à la maison étaient parmi ces points de friction. En vertu de l’accord annoncé hier, l’AP a accepté de payer la moitié de leurs salaires, ce qui équivaut à ce qu’ils perçoivent maintenant, dans l’attente de la vérification de leurs qualifications.

    Quelques 3.000 agents de sécurité du Fatah doivent rejoindre la police de Gaza, comme première étape de reprise du contrôle de Gaza par l’AP. De plus, la garde présidentielle palestinienne doit assumer la responsabilité des points de passage de Gaza vers Israël et l’Egypte, avec supervision de l’EUBAM, agence des frontières de l’Union Européenne, à Rafah.

    Mais il n’y a aucune décision quant à ce qu’il faut faire avec l’aile militaire du Hamas, estimée à environ 25.000 hommes. La semaine dernière, Abbas a appelé le Hamas a déposé les armes, une demande qui ne sera vraisemblablement pas satisfaite. Ce qui signifie que le contrôle sécuritaire du Fatah sur Gaza, du moins à court terme, sera de pure forme.


    Nous sommes en #Irak dans les années 1940, sous le règne de la monarchie hachémite qui, avant que la révolution ne la mette à bas en 1958, vit dans l’opulence grâce à la manne pétrolière.
    A #Bagdad, on trouve de nombreux musiciens et chanteurs. Parmi eux un homme et une femme, Nazem el Ghazali et Salima Mourad... mais aussi deux frères juifs venus du Koweït voisin : Saleh et Daoud al Koweiti.
    La #musique alors est partout, dans les maisons pour des fêtes privées (mariage, circoncisions...) dans les cafés et les clubs et bien sûr, via les stations de radio qui viennent d’apparaître. Tous les vendredis, juste avant la grande prière, la voix du chanteur Hedeiri Abou Aziz s’échappe des postes, ensorcelant les auditeurs rassemblés au café ou à la maison : pendant une heure, la ville se fige... Cette relative insouciance sera bientôt ébranlée par les sirènes du nationalisme arabe et la création de l’Etat d’Israël en 1948.

    #playlist #Babylone

    • "Cette relative insouciance sera bientôt ébranlée par les sirènes du nationalisme arabe, affublé de ses « sirènes » et la création (sans le moindre quallificaif, j’aurais assez bien vu : dramatique, coupable, criminelle...) de l’Etat d’Israël en 1948." : drôle de façon de mettre les torts dos-à-dos en quelque sorte ! Avec l’antéposition du nationalisme arabe, si bien qu’on pourrait croire que la création de l’Etat d’Israël est venue comme une conséquence... Pas une allusion dans le texte de présentation sur le soutien britannique (et occidental) à la dynastie hachémite. Non, l’histoire, y compris culturelle, ne s’écrit pas ainsi ! (Ce qui n’ôte rien à l’intérêt de la playlist.)

  • Des artistes anglais à #Radiohead:

    Le grand #Ken_Loach:

    Radiohead need to join the cultural boycott of Israel – why won’t they meet with me to discuss it?
    Ken Loach, The Independent, le 11 juillet 2017

    Traduction en français:

    Radiohead devrait se joindre au boycott culturel d’Israël – pourquoi ne veulent-ils pas me rencontrer pour en discuter ?
    Ken Loach, The Independent, le 11 juillet 2017

    #Dave_Randall est le guitariste du groupe #Faithless:

    Radiohead are wrong to play in Israel. Here’s why
    Dave Randall, The Guardian, le 11 juillet 2017

    La réponse de #Thom-Yorke à Ken Loach:

    Thom Yorke responds to Ken Loach letter asking Radiohead to cancel Israel concert
    Roisin O’Connor, The Independent, le 12 juillet 2017

    Le grand #Mike_Leigh:

    Mike Leigh slams Radiohead for ignoring Palestinians
    Artists for Palestine, le 17 juillet 2017

    #Palestine #BDS #Boycott_culturel #Royaume_Uni #Musique

  • Why Do Men Harass Women? New Study Sheds Light On... | Personal Experiences with Rape Culture

    The report found that of the 4,830 men surveyed, as many as 31 percent in Lebanon to 64 percent in Egypt admitted to having sexually harassed women and girls in public, from ogling to stalking to rape.

    Of course, street harassment is a global phenomenon. Studies have shown that vast majorities of women across cities in Brazil, India, Thailand and the U.K. have been subjected to harassment or violence in public. And the U.S. isn’t immune — 65 percent of 2,000 women surveyed said they had experienced street harassment, according to a 2014 study conducted by the research firm GfK for Stop Street Harassment, an advocacy group.

    But there are a couple of things that stand out about street harassment in the Middle Eastern areas, according to the Promundo report. In the Palestinian territories,Morocco and Egypt, young men with secondary-level education were more likely to sexually harass women than their older, less-educated peers.

    The researchers were surprised by the findings. Generally, men who have finished high school or college hold more enlightened attitudes toward women than those who have had no primary school or schooling at all, says Barker, who has studied men and gender equality in over 20 countries.

    Barker and El Feki suspect that factors contributing to the behavior include the region’s high unemployment rates, political instability and pressure to supply their family’s daily needs. About half the men surveyed, for example, said they felt stressed, depressed or ashamed to face their families. Perhaps harassing women is a way to assert their power, suggests Barker.

    These young men “have high aspirations for themselves and aren’t able to meet them,” he says. “So they [harass women] to put them in their place. They feel like the world owes them.”

    In a place like rural Egypt, the situation is easy to understand, says El Feki. “It speaks to the mind-numbing tedium of being a young man [there],” she says.

    They can’t find work. They can’t afford to marry. They’re stuck living with their parents. There is nothing to do. “They’re in a suspended state of adolescence,” she says.

    The harassment is also a way for young men to “get their kicks,” says El Feki. When the men in the survey were asked why they sexually harassed women in public, the vast majority, up to 90 percent in some places, said they did it for fun and excitement.

    That is not how women see it. “It’s not fun at all,” says Saleh. “It’s a nightmare.”

    Holly Kearl, executive director for Stop Street Harassment and author of Stop Global Street Harassment: Growing Activism Around the World, says she is not surprised. “I’ve seen that reasoning before in other studies: ‘I’m bored. I’m bonding with my male friends. We’re just having fun,’ ” she says. “Men aren’t thinking about how women are feeling.”

    The researchers at Promundo suspect that men’s motivations behind the behavior is not unique to the Middle East. “We know that street harassment is an issue around the world, and there are likely similar dynamics at play,” says Brian Heilman, a fellow at Promundo who helped write the report. “We just happen to have a rich glimpse of what it looks like in (this) region through this data set.” This report is the first time that the group has studied street harassment from the male point of view in-depth.

    Women can experience a wide range of psychological effects from street harassment, says Kearl. Studies have shown that for women who are survivors of sexual violence, harassment can be triggering and traumatic. It also can make women feel unsafe, and as a result, they restrict their movement.

    #harcèlement_sexuel #domination_masculine #male_entitlement