person:sandro mezzadra

  • Attivarsi ovunque contro le frontiere assassine

    Guido Viale, presidente dell’#Osservatorio_solidarietà della #Carta_di_Milano, ha aperto i lavori della conferenza Solidarietà attraverso i confini, il 25 marzo a Fa’ la cosa giusta, illustrando semplicemente che la viva voce dei tanti protagonisti presenti avrebbe dato il senso dell’iniziativa oggi ancora più importante dopo il sequestro della nave di Proactivia Openarms operato in dispregio delle leggi italiane e internazionali come atto intimidatorio contro chi nel pieno rispetto delle leggi e dei Diritti umani è impegnato per salvare vite umane che i governi della Fortezza Europa, Italia in testa, vorrebbero si concludessero senza clamore in fondo al mare nostrum. Dopo una sintetica illustrazione di Daniela Padoan delle attività dell’Osservatorio solidarietà e una poesia di Ahmed, letta da Denise Rogers, una ragazza argentina che ha dato voce ai tanti migranti morti, si sono susseguite le testimonianze da Ventimiglia, Bolzano, Lesbo, Atene, Como formando un quadro tragico della situazione ma dimostrando anche che c’è un’Europa della solidarietà e dei diritti che lotta contro leggi e governi custodi implacabili di frontiere assassine.

    #solidarité #mer #terre #Méditerranée #Alpes #frontière_sud-alpine #criminalisation_de_la_solidarité #délit_de_solidarité #sauvetage

    J’aimerais ici reprendre les propos de Charles Heller, qui ont été publié dans une interview dans Libé :

    Ceux qui ont imposé le contrôle des frontières de l’espace européen utilisent le terme de #integrated_border_management, la « #gestion_intégrée_des_frontières » : il ne suffit pas de contrôler la limite de la frontière territoriale, il faut contrôler avant, sur et après la frontière. La violence du contrôle s’exerce sur toute la trajectoire des migrants. De la même manière, les pratiques de solidarité, plus ou moins politisées, s’exercent sur l’ensemble de leur trajectoire. On pourrait imaginer une « #solidarité_intégrée », qui n’est pas chapeautée par une organisation mais qui de fait opère, petit bout par petit bout, sur les trajectoires.
    cc @isskein

    • Crimes of solidarity. Migration and containment through rescue

      ‘Solidarity is not a crime.’ This is a slogan that has circulated widely across Europe in response to legal prosecutions and municipal decrees, which, especially in Italy and France, have been intended to act against citizens who provide logistical and humanitarian support to transiting migrants. Such criminalisation of individual acts of solidarity and coordinated platforms of refugee support is undertaken both in the name of national and European laws, in opposition to the facilitation of irregular entries, and through arbitrary police measures. In Calais on the French coast, for example, locals have been prohibited from allowing migrants to take showers in their homes or to recharge their mobile phones, while in the Roya Valley at the Italian-French border, many locals have been placed on trial, including the now famous ploughman Cedric Herrou. Responding to accusations that he has been one of the main facilitators along the French-Italian underground migrant route, Herrou has replied that ‘it is the State that is acting illegally, not me’, referring to the French State’s own human rights violations. 1

      ‘Crimes of solidarity’, to use the expression employed by activists and human rights organisations, are defined and prosecuted according to the 2002 EU Directive which prevents and penalises ‘the facilitation of unauthorised entry, transit and residence’ of migrants. In both Italy and France there are national laws that criminalise the facilitation and the support of ‘irregular’ migration; what in France activists call ‘délit de solidarité’. Notably, citizens who help migrants to cross national borders are prosecuted in Italy under the same law that punishes smugglers who take money from migrants. In France, the ‘humanitarian clause’, which exempts from sanctions citizens who support migrants whose life, dignity and physical integrity is at risk, is often disregarded. Nonetheless, the expression ‘crimes of solidarity’ should not lead us to overstate the legal dimension of what is at stake in this. Indeed, the ‘crime’ that is posited here goes well beyond the legal boundaries of European law, as well as national ones, and acquires an ethical and political dimension. In particular, the criminalisation of individuals and groups who are facilitating the crossing of migrants, without making a profit from doing so, opens up the critical question of exactly ‘who is a smuggler?’ today. Significantly, the very definition of ‘smuggling’ in European and international documents is a fairly slippery one, as the boundaries between supporting migrants for one’s own financial benefit or for ‘humanitarian’ reasons are consistently blurred. 2

      In a 1979 interview, Michel Foucault stressed the potential strategic role that might be played by ‘rights’ to ‘mark out for a government its limit’. 3 In this way, Foucault gestured towards an extralegal conceptualisation and use of rights as actual limits to be set against governments. In the case of crimes of solidarity, we are confronted less, however, with the mobilisation of rights as limits to states’ action than with what Foucault calls ‘infra-legal illegalisms’; 4 namely, with practices of an active refusal of states’ arbitrary measures that are taken in the name of migration containment, regardless of whether or not the latter are legally grounded or in violation of the law.

      NGOs and independent organisations that undertake search and rescue activities to save migrants in the Mediterranean have also been under attack, accused of collaborating with smuggling networks, of constituting a pull-factor for migrants, and of ferrying them to Europe. Three years after the end of the military-humanitarian operation Mare Nostrum, which was deployed by the Italian Navy to save migrant lives at sea, the Mediterranean has become the site of a sort of naval battle in which the obligation to rescue migrants in distress is no longer the priority. The fight against smugglers and traffickers has taken central stage, and the figure of the shipwrecked refugee has consequently vanished little by little. Today, the war on smugglers is presented as the primary goal and, at the same time, as a strategy to protect migrants from ‘traffickers’. The criminalisation of NGOs, like Doctors without Borders, Save the Children and SOS Mediterranee, and of independent actors, including Sea-Eye, Sea-Watch, Jugend-Rettet and Arms Pro-Activa, who conduct search and rescue operations, started with the simultaneous implementation of the Libyan mobile sea-barrier, which charges the Libyan Coast Guard with responsibility for intercepting migrant vessels and bringing them back to Libya. As a consequence of this agreement, being rescued means being captured and contained.

      Following the signing of a new bilateral agreement between Libya and Italy in March 2017, in July, the Italian government put pressure on one of the three Libyan governments (the one led by Fayez al-Serraj) demanding better cooperation in intercepting and returning migrants who head to Europe by sea. In order to accelerate this process, Italy sent two Navy ships into Libyan national waters, with the purpose of ‘strengthening Libyan sovereignty by helping the country to keep control of its national waters’. 5

      Far from being a smooth negotiation, however, the Libyan government led by General Khalifa Haftar threatened to shoot in the direction of the Italian ships if they were to violate Libya’s sovereignty by entering their national territory. 6

      Overall, the ‘migration deal’ has been made by the EU and Italy in the context of different asymmetric relationships: on the one hand, with a ‘rogue state’ such as Libya, characterised by a fragmented sovereignty, and on the other, with non-state actors, and more precisely with the same smugglers that Europe has supposedly declared war on. Indeed, as various journalistic investigations have proved, Italy has paid Libyan militias and smuggling networks to block migrants’ departures temporarily in exchange for fewer controls on other smuggling channels, specifically those involving drugs and weapons. In this way, smugglers have been incorporated into a politics of migration containment. Governing migration through and with smugglers has become fully part of the EU’s political agenda. As such, a critical appraisal of the criminalisation of migrant smuggling requires undoing the existing narrative of a war on smugglers, as well as challenging those analyses that simply posit smugglers as the straightforward enemies of society.

      The naval battle in the Mediterranean has not been an exclusive affair of Italy and Libya. On the contrary, it is within this type of geopolitical context that the escalating criminalisation of sea rescue is more broadly taking place. 7 On July 31, at the request of the European Commission, the Italian Home Office released a ‘Code of Conduct’ that NGOs have been asked to sign if they want to continue search and rescue activities. Given that the code of conduct imposes on NGOs the obligation to have armed judicial police on board, 8 some organisations, including Doctors without Borders, Sea Watch and Jugend Rettet, have refused to sign, arguing that through the enforcement of the Code of Conduct, and under pressure from the European Commission, Italy has turned towards a militarisation of humanitarianism and of independent actors. As a consequence of the refusal to sign, their ships have been prevented from docking in Italian ports and the rescuers of the Jugend Rettet are currently on trial, accused of collaborating with Libyan smugglers. On August 11, Libya traced new virtual restrictive sea borders for NGOs, declaring that search and rescue ships will not be allowed to get closer than one hundred miles from the Libyan coast. The humanitarian scene of rescue has been shrunk.

      In such a political context, two interrelated aspects emerging from the multiplication of attacks against refugee support activities and against search and rescue operations are worth considering. The first concerns a need to unpack what is now meant by the very expression ‘crime of solidarity’ within the framework of this shift towards the priority of fighting smugglers over saving migrants. This requires an engagement with the biopolitical predicaments that sustain a debate centered on the question of to what extent, and up to which point, rescuing migrants at sea is deemed legitimate. The second, related point concerns the modes of containment through rescue that are currently at work in the Mediterranean. One consequence of this is that the reframing of the debate around migrant deaths at sea has lowered the level of critique of a contemporary politics of migration more generally: the fight against smugglers has become the unquestioned and unyielding point of agreement, supported across more or less the entire European political arena.

      The criminalisation of NGOs, accused of ferrying migrants to Europe, should be read in partial continuity with the attack against other forms of support given to migrants in many European countries. The use of the term ‘solidarity’ is helpful in this context insofar as it helps to highlight both actions undertaken by citizens in support of refugees and, more importantly, the transversal alliances between migrants and non-migrants. In fact, acting in solidarity entails supporting migrant struggles – for example, as struggles for movement or struggles to stay in a certain place – more than it does acting in order to save or bring help to them. 9 As Chandra Mohanty argues, practices of solidarity are predicated upon the recognition of ‘common differences’, 10 and in this sense they entail a certain shared political space and the awareness of being governed by the same mechanisms of precaritisation and exploitation. 11 In other words, solidarity does not at all imply a simple politics of identity, but requires building transversal alliances and networks in support of certain struggles. The reduction of migrants to bodies to be fished out of the water, simultaneous with the vanishing of the figure of the refugee, preemptively denies the possibility of establishing a common ground in struggling for freedom of movement and equal access to mobility.

      Despite the many continuities and similarities between the criminalisation of refugee support activities on the mainland and at sea, if we shift the attention to the Mediterranean Sea, what is specifically at stake here is a biopolitics of rescuing or ‘letting drown’. Under attack in the Mediterranean scene of rescue and drowning are what could be termed crimes of humanitarianism; or, that is, crimes of rescue. Humanitarianism as such, precisely in its acts of taking migrants out of the sea through independent search and rescue operations that exercise an active refusal of the geographical restrictions imposed by nation states, has become an uncomfortable and unbearable mode of intervention in the Mediterranean.
      Geographies of ungrievability

      The criminalisation of alliances and initiatives in support of migrants’ transit should not lead us to imagine a stark opposition between ‘good humanitarians’, on the one side, and bad military actors or national authorities, on the other. On the contrary, it is important to keep in mind the many entanglements between military and humanitarian measures, as well as the role played by military actors, such as the Navy, in performing tasks like rescuing migrants at sea that could fall under the category of what Cuttitta terms ‘military-humanitarianism’. 12 Moreover, the Code of Conduct enforced by the Italian government actually strengthens the divide between ‘good’ NGOs and ‘treacherous’ humanitarian actors. Thus, far from building a cohesive front, the obligation to sign the Code of Conduct produced a split among those NGOs involved in search and rescue operations.

      In the meantime, the figure of the refugee at sea has arguably faded away: sea rescue operations are in fact currently deployed with the twofold task of not letting migrants drown and of fighting smugglers, which de facto entails undermining the only effective channels of sea passage for migrants across the Mediterranean. From a military-humanitarian approach that, under Mare Nostrum, considered refugees at sea as shipwrecked lives, the unconditionality of rescue is now subjected to the aim of dismantling the migrants’ logistics of crossing. At the same time, the migrant drowning at sea is ultimately not seen any longer as a refugee, i.e. as a subject of rights who is seeking protection, but as a life to be rescued in the technical sense of being fished out of the sea. In other words, the migrant at sea is the subject who eventually needs to be rescued, but not thereby placed into safety by granting them protection and refuge in Europe. What happens ‘after landing’ is something not considered within the framework of a biopolitics of rescuing and of letting drown. 13 Indeed, the latter is not only about saving (or not saving) migrants at sea, but also, in a more proactive way, about aiming at human targets. In manhunting, Gregoire Chamayou explains, ‘the combat zone tends to be reduced to the body of the enemy’. 14 Yet who is the human target of migrant hunts in the Mediterranean? It is not only the migrant in distress at sea, who in fact is rescued and captured at the same time; rather, migrants and smugglers are both considered the ‘prey’ of contemporary military-humanitarianism.

      Public debate in Europe about the criminalisation of NGOs and sea rescue is characterised by a polarisation between those who posit the non-negotiable obligation to rescue migrants and those who want to limit rescue operations in the name of regaining control over migrant arrivals, stemming the flows and keeping them in Libya. What remains outside the order of this discourse is the shrinking and disappearing figure of the refugee, who is superseded by the figure of the migrant to be taken out of the sea.

      Relatedly, the exclusive focus on the Mediterranean Sea itself contributes to strengthening geographies of ungrievability. By this I mean those produced hierarchies of migrant deaths that are essentially dependent on their more or less consistent geographic distance from Europe’s spotlight and, at the same time, on the assumption of shipwrecked migrants as the most embodied refugee subjectivities. More precisely, the recent multiplication of bilateral agreements between EU member states and African countries has moved back deadly frontiers from the Mediterranean Sea to the Libyan and Niger desert. As a consequence, migrants who do not die at sea but who manage to arrive in Libya are kept in Libyan prisons.
      Containment through rescue

      On 12 August 2017, Doctors without Borders decided to stop search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean after Libya enforced its sea-barrier by forbidding NGOs to go closer than about one hundred miles from the Libyan coast, and threatening to shoot at those ships that sought to violate the ban. In the space of two days, even Save the Children and the independent German organisation Sea-Eye declared that they would also suspend search and rescue activities. The NGOs’ Mediterranean exit has been presented by humanitarian actors as a refusal to be coopted into the EU-Libyan enforcement of a sea barrier against migrants. Yet, in truth, both the Italian government and the EU have been rather obviously pleased by the humanitarians’ withdrawal from the Mediterranean scene of drown and rescue.

      Should we therefore understand the ongoing criminalisation of NGOs as the attempt to fully block migrant flows? Does it indicate a return from the staging of a ‘good scene of rescue’ back to an overt militarisation of the Mediterranean? The problem is that such an analytical angle risks, first, corroborating the misleading opposition between military intervention and humanitarianism in the field of migration governmentality. Second, it re-instantiates the image of a Fortress Europe, while disregarding the huge ‘migration industry’ that is flourishing both in Libya, with the smuggling-and-detention market, and on the Northern shore of the Mediterranean. 15 With the empty space left by the NGOs at sea, the biopolitics of rescuing or letting drown has been reshaped by new modes of containment through rescue: migrants who manage to leave the Libyan coast are ‘rescued’ – that is, intercepted and blocked – by the Libyan Coast Guard and taken back to Libya. Yet containment should not be confused with detention nor with a total blockage of migrants’ movements and departures. Rather, by ‘containment’ I refer to the substantial disruptions and decelerations of migrant movements, as well as to the effects of more or less temporary spatial confinement. Modes of containment through rescue were already in place, to some extent, when migrants used to be ‘ferried’ to Italy in a smoother way, by the Navy or by NGOs. Indeed, from the moment of rescue onward, migrants were transferred and channelled into the Hotspot System, where many were denied international protection and, thus, rendered ‘illegal’ and constructed as deportable subjects. 16 The distinction between intercepting vessels sailing to Europe and saving migrants in distress has become blurred: with the enforcement of the Libyan sea barrier, rescue and capture can hardly be separated any longer. In this sense, visibility can be a trap: if images taken by drones or radars are sent to Italian authorities before migrants enter international waters, the Italian Coast Guard has to inform Libyan authorities who are in charge of rescuing migrants and thus taking them back to Libya.

      This entails a spatial rerouting of military-humanitarianism, in which migrants are paradoxically rescued to Libya. Rather than vanishing from the Mediterranean scene, the politics of rescue, conceived in terms of not letting people die, has been reshaped as a technique of capture. At the same time, the geographic orientation of humanitarianism has been inverted: migrants are ‘saved’ and dropped in Libya. Despite the fact that various journalistic investigations and UN reports have shown that after being intercepted, rescued and taken back to Libya, migrants are kept in detention in abysmal conditions and are blackmailed by smugglers, 17 the public discussion remains substantially polarised around the questions of deaths at sea. Should migrants be saved unconditionally? Or, should rescue be secondary to measures against smugglers and balanced against the risk of ‘migrant invasion’? A hierarchy of the spaces of death and confinement is in part determined by the criterion of geographical proximity, which contributes to the sidelining of mechanisms of exploitation and of a politics of letting die that takes place beyond the geopolitical borders of Europe. The biopolitical hold over migrants becomes apparent at sea: practices of solidarity are transformed into a relationship between rescuers and drowned. 18

      The criminalisation of refugee support activities cannot be separated from the increasing criminalisation of refugees as such: not only those who are labelled and declared illegal as ‘economic migrants’, but also those people who are accorded the status of refugees. Both are targets of restrictive and racialised measures of control. The migrant at sea is presented as part of a continuum of ‘tricky subjectivities’ 19 – which include the smuggler, the potential terrorist and the refugee – and as both a ‘risky subject’ and a ‘subject at risk’ at the same time. 20 In this regard, it is noticeable that the criminalisation of refugees as such has been achieved precisely through the major role played by the figure of the smuggler. In the EU’s declared fight against smuggling networks, migrants at sea are seen not only as shipwrecked lives to be rescued but also as potential fake refugees, as concealed terrorists or as traffickers. At the same time, the fight against smugglers has been used to enact a further shift in the criminalisation of refugees, which goes beyond the alleged dangerousness of migrants. Indeed, in the name of the war against the ‘illegal’ smuggling economy, as a shared priority of both left- and right-wing political parties in Europe, the strategy of letting migrants drown comes, in the end, to be justified. As Doctors without Borders have pointed out, ‘by declaring Libya a safe country, European governments are ultimately pushing forward the humanitarianisation of what appears at the threshold of the inhuman.’ 21

      The migrant at sea, who is the subject of humanitarianism par excellence, is no longer an individual to be saved at all costs, but rather the object of thorny calculations about the tolerated number of migrant arrivals and the migrant-money exchange with Libya. Who is (in) danger(ous)? The legal prosecutions and the political condemnation of ‘crimes of rescue’ and of ‘crimes of solidarity’ bring to the fore the undesirability of refugees as refugees. This does not depend so much on a logic of social dangerousness as such, but, rather, on the practices of spatial disobedience that they enact, against the restrictions imposed by the European Union. Thus, it is precisely the irreducibility of migrants to lives to be rescued that makes the refugee the main figure of a continuum of tricky subjectivities in a time of economic crisis. Yet, a critical engagement with the biopolitics of rescuing and drowning cannot stick to a North-South gaze on Mediterranean migrations. In order not to fall into a Eurocentric (or EU-centric) perspective on asylum, analyses of crimes of solidarity should also be articulated through an inquiry into the Libyan economy of migration and the modes of commodification of migrant bodies, considering what Brett Neilson calls ‘migration as a currency’; 22 that is, as an entity of exchange and as a source of value extraction.

      Crimes of solidarity put in place critical infrastructures to support migrants’ acts of spatial disobedience. These infra-legal crimes shed light on the inadequacy of human rights claims and of the legal framework in a time of hyper-visible and escalating border violence. Crimes of solidarity consist of individual and collective active refusals of states’ interventions, which are specifically carried out at the very edges of the law. In this way, crimes of solidarity manage to undo the biopolitics of rescuing and letting drown by acting beyond the existing scripts of ‘crisis’ and ‘security’. Rather than being ‘rescued’ from the sea or ‘saved’ from smugglers, migrants are supported in their unbearable practices of freedom, unsettling the contemporary hierarchies of lives and populations.

      See the interview with Herrou in l’Humanité, accessed 30 September 2017, ^

      Economic profit is an essential dimension of ‘smuggling’, as it is defined by the United Nations Conventions against Transnational Organised Crime (2000). However, it is not in the 2002 EU Council Directive defining the facilitation of unauthorised entry, transit and residence. ^

      Michel Foucault, ‘There can’t be societies without uprisings’, trans. Farès Sassine, in Foucault and the Making of Subjects, ed. Laura Cremonesi, Orazio Irrera, Daniele Lorenzini and Martina Tazzioli (London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2016), 40. ^

      See Michel Foucault, The Punitive Society: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1972-1973, trans. Graham Burchell (Houndmills and New York: Palgrave, 2015). ^

      See ‘Il governo vara la missione navale, prima nave italiana in Libia’, La Stampa, 18 July 2017, ^

      See, for example, the report in Al Arabiya, 3 August 2017, ^

      See Liz Fekete, ‘Europe: crimes of solidarity’, Race & Class 50:4 (2009), 83 – 97; and Eric Fassin, ‘Le procès politique de la solidarité (3/4): les ONG en Méditerranée’ (2017), Mediapart, accessed 30 September 2017, ^

      The Code of Conduct can be found at:; see also the transcript by Euronews, 3 August 2017, ^

      Sandro Mezzadra and Mario Neumann, ‘Al di la dell’opposizione tra interesse e identità. Per una politica di classe all’altezza dei tempi’ (2017), Euronomade, accessed September 30 2017, ^

      Chandra Mohanty, “‘Under western eyes’’ revisited: feminist solidarity through anticapitalist struggles’, in Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 28:2 (2003), 499-–535. ^

      As Foucault puts it, ‘In the end, we are all governed, and in this sense we all act in solidarity’. Michel Foucault, ‘Face aux gouvernement, les droits de l’homme’, in Dits et Ecrits II (Paris: Gallimard, 2000), 1526. ^

      P. Cuttitta, ‘From the Cap Anamur to Mare Nostrum: Humanitarianism and migration controls at the EU’s Maritime borders’, in The Common European Asylum System and Human Rights: Enhancing Protection in Times of Emergency, ed. Claudio Matera and Amanda Taylor (The Hague: Asser Institute, 2014), 21–-38. See also Martina Tazzioli, ‘The desultory politics of mobility and the humanitarian-military border in the Mediterranean: Mare Nostrum beyond the sea’, REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana 23:44 (2015), 61-–82. ^

      See Lucia Ciabarri and Barbara Pinelli, eds, Dopo l’Approdo: Un racconto per immagini e parole sui richiedenti asilo in Italia (Firenze: Editpress, 2016). ^

      Gregoire Chamayou, ‘The Manhunt Doctrine’, Radical Philosophy 169 (2011), 3. ^

      As a matter of fact, the vessels of the EU naval operation EU Navfor Med and the vessels of the Frontex operation ‘Triton’ were increased in number a few days after the pull-out of the NGOs. ^

      Nicholas De Genova, ‘Spectacles of migrant “illegality”: the scene of exclusion, the obscene of inclusion’, Ethnic and Racial Studies 36:7 (2013), 1180-–1198. ^

      See, for instance, the UN Report on Libya (2017), accessed 30 September 2017, ^

      Tugba Basaran, ‘The saved and the drowned: Governing indifference in the name of security’, Security Dialogue 46:3 (2015), 205 – 220. ^

      Glenda Garelli and Martina Tazzioli, ‘The Biopolitical Warfare on Migrants: EU Naval Force and NATO Operations of migration government in the Mediterranean’, in Critical Military Studies, forthcoming 2017. ^

      Claudia Aradau, ‘The perverse politics of four-letter words: risk and pity in the securitisation of human trafficking’, Millennium 33:2 (2004), 251-–277. ^

      Interview with Doctors without Borders, Rome, 21 August 2017. ^

      Brett Neilson, ‘The Currency of Migration’, in South Atlantic Quarterly, forthcoming 2018.

      signalé par @isskein sur FB

  • Anxiété cartographique par le collectif HIC SUNT

    par Valentine Gouget

    Dans un article récent reprenant l’essentiel de leur ouvrage Border as Method, or the Multiplication of Labor, Sandro Mezzadra et Brett Neilson font valoir que le débat contemporain autour des frontières est imprégné d’un « sentiment d’anxiété cartographique* ». Au-delà de l’évidente relation entre cartographie et frontières, les auteurs font écho aux pensées du philosophe français Etienne Balibar en soulignant cette relation anxieuse avec la frontière et l’instabilité des contours. En effet, une carte étant la projection de diverses interprétations de la matérialisation des frontières, politiques, territoriales ou autres, elle est de fait modifiable et ouverte à la pensée critique.
    Au cours des vingt dernières années, les artistes ont répondu à cette anxiété en investissant de manière significative la cartographie en tant que domaine de recherche et d’expression. Depuis les peintures rupestres de Lascaux, où certains spécialistes auraient identifié les premières tentatives cartographiques, l’art du dessin a notamment été mis au service d’enjeux pratiques et idéologiques, dans la volonté de fixer des représentations de la terre et du ciel. La carte est un artefact à travers lequel l’imaginaire donne forme à des territoires, mettant en évidence les contours d’une réalité purement subjective, sinon reconstruite. L’histoire de la géographie a donc été marquée, jusqu’à ce jour, par ces imaginaires artistiques au travail dans la représentation de l’espace.
    Dans une approche contemporaine de la cartographie comme mode de représentation de l’espace, il faut peut-être faire la distinction entre ce qui participe de la production, en utilisant le terme dynamique tracer (mapping) et ce qui fait référence à une forme plus statique, la cartographie (cartography).
    Les quatre artistes du collectif Hic Sunt sont toutes préoccupées par ces notions de tracés et cartographie et les abordent à travers dessins, performances, installations, sculptures et vidéos. Leurs productions artistiques ont en commun d’explorer ce que les cartes disent des limites de notre monde, afin, justement, d’offrir une autre manière de l’appréhender, de le « ré-ouvrir » et de le remettre en partage. Et si les œuvres questionnent la représentation des frontières – politiques, spatiales, mentales, langagières, etc. –, elles ne cherchent pas nécessairement à y répondre. Il s’agit d’abord de provoquer poétiquement, et même, d’ouvrir à de nouvelles questions et problématiques. En cela, Hic Sunt explore aussi bien la finalité que la finitude des cartes.

    #cartographie #art #cartoexperiment

  • Réponse aux sophistes Deux sophismes, ou plutôt... - Stathis Kouvelakis

    Nation subalterne (ou périphérique), lutte transnationale, internationalisme...Réponse de Stathis Kouvelakis, de l’aile gauche de Syriza, aux défenseurs de la stratégie Tsipras...

    (en tous cas, Syriza a fait monter le niveau du débat politique sur FB de façon un peu vertigineuse)

    Troisième sophisme, celui d’Etienne Balibar et de Sandro Mezzadra qui, de ce qui s’est passé, et après avoir ironisé sur la « gauche de Syriza » qui parlerait de « reniement » (personne bien entendu n’a jamais utilisé ces termes dans la gauche de Syriza, mais passons...), tirent la conclusion que cela montre « qu’une politique de liberté et d’égalité ne se construira pas en Europe sur la simple affirmation de la souveraineté nationale ». L’essentiel selon eux serait d’avoir gagné du temps, au prix certes de concessions ( avec la référence obligée à Lénine pour garantir le radicalisme du propos), et de permettre d’autres victoires politiques (ils mentionnent l’Espagne) et le déploiement de mobilisations sur le terrain des mouvements sociaux, de préférence « transnationaux » (type Blockupy).
    Ici encore on nage en plein sophisme, d’une pseudo-naïveté confondante mais après tout logique de la part d’ardents défenseur du « projet européen » (certes dans une « bonne version ») tels que ces deux auteurs. Car bien sûr les rythmes des forces politiques et des mouvements sociaux auxquels ils se réfèrent ne sont pas synchrones. D’ici l’été, le gouvernement Syriza sera confronté à des échéances plus que pressantes et on ne voit pas en quoi le succès d’une manifestation à Francfort ou un possible succès de Podemos aux législatives de novembre pourrait d’ici là modifier la situation en sa faveur. Ce décalage entre rythmes temporels est l’une des modalités sous lesquelles se présente aux acteurs de la lutte politique le caractère stratégique du niveau national : il est le terrain où se condense de façon décisive le rapport de forces entre les classes.
    Ce que Balibar et Mezzadra sous-estiment gravement par ailleurs c’est l’effet de démobilisation que ne manqueront pas d’avoir, au niveau grec interne et au niveau européen, la perception (qui s’imposera terme à tous malgré le battage qu’essaient d’organiser les défenseurs à courte vue du gouvernement grec) d’une Grèce et d’un gouvernement Syriza contraints de plier l’échine devant les diktats austéritaires de l’UE. Déjà en Grèce le climat de mobilisation et confiance retrouvée des premières semaines après les élections est loin derrière. Ce sont le désarroi et une certaine confusion qui dominent actuellement. Bien sûr les mobilisations peuvent reprendre mais d’une part elles seront cette fois dirigées contre les choix gouvernementaux et, de l’autre, elles ne peuvent surgir « sur commande ».
    Conditionner un choix politique sur l’émergence de mouvements est plus qu’ hasardeux. C’est une manière de dire qu’il ne sera pas tenu, du fait de leur absence ou de leur insuffisance. En réalité, c’est en sens inverse qu’il s’agit de procéder. On assume un choix de rupture, et c’est cela qui stimule la mobilisation, laquelle possède ou acquiert sa propre autonomie. C’est d’ailleurs exactement ce qui s’est passé en Grèce lors de la phase de « confrontation » entre le gouvernement et l’UE, entre le 5 et le 20 février, lorsque des dizaines de milliers de personnes sont descendues dans la rue, de façon largement spontanée et en dehors des cadres partidaires.
    Par ailleurs, l’argument du « temps gagné » relèvent en l’occurrence de l’illusion. Pendant ces quatre mois de supposé « répit », Syriza sera en réalité obligé de se mouvoir dans le cadre actuel, donc de le consolider en mettant en oeuvre une bonne part de ce que la Troïka (relookée en « Institutions ») exige, et en « reportant » l’application des mesures-phares de son programme, celles qui lui auraient justement permis de « faire la différence » et de cimenter l’alliance sociale qui l’a porté au pouvoir. Ce « temps gagné » risque fort en effet de s’avérer comme du « temps perdu », qui déstablisera la base de Syriza tout en permettant aux adversaires (notamment à l’extrême-droite) de regrouper leurs forces et de se présenter comme les seuls partisans d’une « vraie rupture avec le système ».
    Relevons également que, malgré le dégoût qu’inspire toute référence nationale à des mordus de l’européisme comme Balibar et Mezzadra, que les succès politiques auxquelles eux-mêmes se réfèrent, ceux de Syriza ou de Podemos, sont non seulement des victoires dans le cadre national, qui ne modifient le rapport de forces que parce qu’elles permettent à des forces politiques de gauche radicale d’accéder aux leviers d’un Etat national, mais aussi que ces succès se sont pour une part déterminante construits sur la revendication de la souveraineté nationale, dans un sens démocratique, populaire, non-nationaliste, et ouvert sur autrui. Le discours « national-populaire », et les références au « patriotisme » abondent, de façon parfaitement assumée dans les discours de Tsipras et d’Igglesias, comme abondent les drapeaux nationaux (grec ou républicain dans le cas de l’Espagne, sans mentionner ceux des nationalités de l’Etat espagnol dans son ensemble) parmi les foules et les mouvements « autonomes » (pour reprendre le terme de Mezzadra et Balibar) qui remplissent les rues et les places de ces pays.
    Plus que tout autre élément, cela montre que le référent national est, tout particulièrement dans les pays dominés de la périphérie européenne, un terrain de luttes que dans des pays comme l’Espagne ou la Grèce des forces progressistes ont réussi à hégémoniser, pour un faire l’un des moteurs les plus puissants de leur succès. C’est sur cette base que peut se construire un véritable internationalisme, et non sur le discours creux, entièrement déconnecté des réalités concrètes de la lutte politique, d’un niveau censée être d’emblée et sans médiation « européen » ou « transnational ».

    #national_populaire #Gramsci #Europe #18_mars #Francfort #Syriza #eurogroupe #Grèce


    Syriza gagne du temps et de l’espace (Tribune. Libération 24/2/15)

    Par Etienne Balibar Philosophe, Université Paris-Ouest Nanterre et Sandro Mezzadra, Philosophe, Université de Bologne
    texte intégral ci-dessous…/syriza-gagne-du-temps-et-de-l-es…

    Est-il donc vrai que, comme le proclament les gros titres de plusieurs journaux, Athènes a cédé devant les exigences de l’Eurogroupe (La Repubblica) et fait le premier pas vers la restauration de la politique d’austérité (The Guardian) ? A en croire certains leaders de la fraction de gauche de Syriza, le courage n’aurait pas tenu bien longtemps et le « reniement » aurait déjà commencé…

    Il est un peu tôt pour porter un jugement sur les accords qui ont été passés à la réunion du conseil de l’Eurogroupe. Ce n’est que dans les prochains jours que seront publiés les détails techniques et qu’apparaîtra toute leur signification politique.

    Cependant, sans attendre, nous proposerons ici une autre méthode pour analyser la confrontation entre le gouvernement grec et les institutions européennes, qui vient de se traduire à la fois par des compromis de la part du premier et par l’esquisse d’une fissure au sein des secondes. A quels critères allons-nous mesurer l’action de Tsipras et de Varoufakis, pour juger de son efficacité et de sa justesse ?

    Redisons-le d’emblée, le conflit ouvert par l’arrivée de Syriza au pouvoir survient dans un moment de crise aiguë pour l’Europe. Les guerres qui se déchaînent aux frontières de l’Union, à l’Est comme au Sud et au Sud-Est, ou la succession des hécatombes de migrants noyés en Méditerranée signalent quelque chose comme une décomposition de l’espace européen, mais il y a d’autres aspects. En quelques années la récession les a dramatiquement multipliés. Des forces politiques plus ou moins racistes et néofascistes s’en emparent d’un bout à l’autre du continent. Dans ces conditions la victoire électorale de Syriza et la montée de Podemos en Espagne apparaissent comme une occasion unique de réinventer une politique de gauche, visant à l’égalité et à la liberté, au niveau de l’Europe entière.

    Ne l’oublions pas non plus, ce qui sous-tend ces possibles, ce sont de formidables luttes de masse contre l’austérité, durant depuis des années en Grèce aussi bien qu’en Espagne. Mais ces luttes, en même temps qu’elles s’étendaient « horizontalement », se heurtaient à des limites verticales tout aussi formidables : la domination des banques et des institutions financières au sein du capitalisme contemporain, la nouvelle distribution du pouvoir politique qui s’est mise en place à la faveur de la crise. Ce qu’il y a quelques années nous avions appelé une « révolution par en haut ». (1)

    C’est à ces limites que Syriza s’est heurtée, à peine avait-elle réussi à implanter sur le terrain un axe de pouvoir « vertical », en faisant résonner le refus de l’austérité jusque dans les palais européens. Aussitôt, elle a dû faire face au régime de pouvoir existant en Europe et subir toute la violence du capital financier. Il serait naïf de croire que le gouvernement grec puisse à lui seul ébranler ces limites. Même un pays pesant beaucoup plus lourd que la Grèce aux points de vue démographique et économique n’en aurait pas eu les moyens. S’il était besoin, ce qui vient de se passer démontre à nouveau qu’une politique de liberté et d’égalité ne se construira pas en Europe sur la simple affirmation de la souveraineté nationale.

    Et pourtant les « limites » dont nous parlons ici apparaissent désormais sous un jour nouveau, ainsi que la possibilité de les faire sauter. Les luttes et les mouvements de protestation en avaient fait ressortir le caractère odieux, mais la victoire de Syriza et l’ascension de Podemos, puis l’action du gouvernement grec, commencent à dessiner une stratégie. Ce n’est pas à nous qu’on apprendra qu’un résultat électoral ne suffit pas, et d’ailleurs Alexis Tsipras lui-même n’en a jamais fait mystère. Il faut que s’ouvre un processus politique, et pour cela que s’affirme et se structure un nouveau rapport de forces sociales en Europe.

    Lénine a dit un jour à peu près qu’il y a des situations où il faut savoir céder de l’espace pour gagner du temps. L’adaptation de ce principe aux « accords » de vendredi dernier (aléatoire, comme toujours en politique) nous conduit à risquer le pari suivant : c’est pour gagner du temps et de l’espace que le gouvernement grec a « cédé » en effet quelque chose. C’est pour permettre à la chance qui vient de surgir en Europe de tenir bon, dans l’attente de prochaines échéances (dont les élections espagnoles), et jusqu’à ce que les acteurs de la politique nouvelle aient réussi à « conquérir » d’autres espaces.

    Mais pour que le processus se développe, il devra dans les mois à venir se déployer à de multiples niveaux : il faut des luttes sociales et des initiatives politiques, de nouveaux comportements quotidiens et un autre état d’esprit des populations, des actions de gouvernement et des contre-pouvoirs citoyens qui affirment leur autonomie. Au moment où nous reconnaissons l’importance décisive de ce qu’accomplit Syriza et que préfigure Podemos sur le terrain institutionnel, nous devons donc aussi en articuler les limites.

    Dans un article extraordinaire que vient de publier le Guardian de Londres, le ministre Varoufakis montre qu’il en est lui-même parfaitement conscient. (2) Fondamentalement, nous dit-il, ce qu’un gouvernement peut faire aujourd’hui, c’est de chercher à « sauver le capitalisme européen de sa tendance à l’autodestruction », qui menace les peuples et ouvre la porte au fascisme. C’est de faire reculer la violence de l’austérité et de la crise, pour ouvrir des espaces de conservation et de coopération, où la vie des travailleurs soit un peu moins « solitaire, misérable, violente, et brève », pour le dire dans les vieux mots de Hobbes. Pas plus, mais pas moins.

    Interprétons à notre tour le discours de Varoufakis. Le dépassement du capitalisme est par définition hors de portée de tout gouvernement, que ce soit en Grèce ou ailleurs. Par-delà le sauvetage en urgence du capitalisme européen de sa catastrophe qui serait aussi la nôtre, une telle perspective se situe à l’horizon de luttes sociales et politiques prolongées qui ne sauraient s’enfermer dans un périmètre institutionnel. Mais il se trouve que c’est aussi sur cet autre « continent » que doit se construire matériellement dès aujourd’hui la force collective dont dépendent les avancées des prochains mois ou des prochaines années. Et le terrain que doit investir une telle force ne peut être que l’Europe elle-même, en vue d’une rupture constituante avec le cours actuel de son histoire. D’où l’importance de mobilisations comme celle que le mouvement Blockupy convoque pour l’inauguration du nouveau siège de la BCE, le 18 mars à Francfort. C’est une occasion de faire entendre la voix du peuple européen en soutenant l’action du gouvernement grec. Par-delà l’indispensable dénonciation du capital financier et du régime postdémocratique (Habermas), c’est aussi l’occasion d’éprouver l’avancement des forces alternatives, à défaut desquelles l’action même des gouvernements et partis qui se battent contre l’austérité sera condamnée à l’impuissance.

    (1) « Europe : la révolution par en haut », "Libération" du 21 novembre 2011…/union-europeenne-la-revolution-p…
    (2) Yanis Varoufakis : « How I became an erratic Marxist », "The Guardian", 18 février…/yanis-varoufakis-how-i-became-…

  • L’homme de la frontière

    Il ne suffit pas de franchir une frontière pour entrer dans un territoire. On peut entrer et être toujours à la marge, sur le seuil. Traverser une frontière et en rencontrer d’autres. Comment repenser le capitalisme mondialisé et les migrations qu’il produit ? Depuis les frontières, nous dit Sandro Mezzadra. Mais depuis des frontières comprises comme des seuils mouvants qui hiérarchisent en permanence les individus et les groupes au sein d’un même espace.

  • Kobané est-elle seule ? par Sandro Mezzadra

    Kobané est le centre d’un des trois cantons (avec Afrin et Cizre) qui se sont constitués en “régions autonomes démocratiques” à partir d’une confédération de “kurdes, arabes, assyriens, chaldéens, turkmènes, arméniens et tchétchènes”, comme le dit le préambule de l’extraordinaire Charte de Rojava. Un texte qui parle de liberté, de justice, de dignité et de démocratie ; d’égalité et de “recherche d’un équilibre écologique”. Source : via Mediapart

  • Sandro Mezzadra: How Many Histories of Labor? Towards a Theory of Postcolonial Capitalism |

    ‘Cognitive capitalism’ and ‘cognitive labor’ have been crucial concepts in recent critical discussions on contemporary capitalism. Through these concepts the attempt was made to grasp the strategic relevance of knowledge for capital’s accumulation from the point of view of the composition of labor involved in the production of knowledge itself. Such important issues as precarity, networks, and the transformations of the welfare state were at stake in these debates since their inception. One of the most widespread criticisms of the concepts of ‘cognitive capitalism’ and ‘cognitive labor’ has revolved around theories of the ‘international division of labor’. The point is often made that capitalism and labor may well have become ‘cognitive’ in the West, but is still industrial (or even characterized by ‘earlier’ forms of extraction and so-called ‘primitive accumulation’) in ‘most of the world’.

    #marxism #capitalism #postcolonialism

  • b o r d e r l a n d s e-journal

    Né qui, né altrove - Migration, Detention, Desertion: A Dialogue

    Sandro Mezzadra & Brett Neilson
    University of Bologna :: University of Western Sydney

    1. Sandro Mezzadra teaches the History of Contemporary Political Thought at the University of Bologna. He is an active figure in the alternative globalisation movement in Italy, and has been particularly involved in bringing the question of migration to the centre of political struggle in that movement. Sandro is the author of works such as Diritto di fuga: Migrazioni, cittadinanza, globalizzazione (2001) and (with Fabio Raimondi) Oltre Genova, oltre New York: Tesi sul movimento globale (2001). He is also a member of the editorial collective of DeriveApprodi magazine, one of the chief venues in Italy for the critical analysis of contemporary capitalism. We met in Bologna one foggy January afternoon to discuss the global movement, migration, and border control in Europe and Australia.

    2. (Neilson) In your talk in the seminar ‘Diritto a migrare, diritto d’asilio’ at the European Social Forum you emphasized that the question of migration had become a central concern for the global movement in Italy. While the issue of migration had not been a primary concern at the first World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, it had emerged as a fundamental question in the lead-up to the Firenze meetings, particularly in the wake of the G8 protests in Genova. Can you describe how migration became a central issue for the global movement, giving some detail about concurrent developments in border control at the European level?

    #migrations #asile #détention #frontières