person:sepp blatter

  • 8 femmes arrêtées à leur entrée à un stade de football en Iran, malgré un déguisement

    Le régime iranien interdit aux femmes d’assister aux spectacles des matchs de football, pourtant aucun verset coranique ne le précise, puisque la prétention des préceptes de l’islam sert à moult apostasies créées de toutes pièces. Mais il est carrément impossible de dissuader des personnes éprises de liberté, voire les amateurs du sport favori de bien des millions et même des milliards de terriens. Sepp Blatter a demandé, en 2015, à l’Iran d’ouvrir ses stades de foot aux femmes, c’était en plein pleine (...)

    international, suivi, grand événement, internationaux, monde, continent, Etats, conflits, paix,

    / censure, presse, journaux, dictature, expressions, liberté, #diplomatie,_sécurité,_commerce,_économie_mondiale, Terrorisme , islamisme , Al-Qaeda , politique , , Iran, presse, journalistes, censure, (...)

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  • FIFA : Blatter et ses deux adjoints se sont partagé 80 millions de dollars en cinq ans

    Depuis le 26 février et l’élection de son nouveau président, Gianni Infantino, la Fédération internationale de football (FIFA) prône « un nouveau départ ». Et ses communicants tiennent à le faire savoir. Alors que le nouveau patron du foot mondial est déjà fragilisé par une série d’écoutes compromettantes et d’échanges de mails, une enquête interne a mis au jour le versement entre 2011 et 2015 de 80 millions de dollars (72 millions d’euros) à l’ex-numéro 1 de la FIFA, Sepp Blatter (1998-2015), banni six ans, son secrétaire général français Jérôme Valcke (2007-2015), radié douze ans en février, et l’Allemand Markus Kattner, directeur financier et secrétaire général par intérim, licencié le 23 mai pour des « manquements » dans ses activités.

    #escroquerie_en_bande_organisée #corruption

  • Lunch with the FT: Sepp Blatter

    Blatter then drops a bombshell: he did try to rig the vote but for the US, not for Qatar. There had been a “gentleman’s agreement”, he tells me, among Fifa’s leaders that the 2018 and 2022 competitions would go to the “two superpowers” Russia and the US; “It was behind the scenes. It was diplomatically arranged to go there.”

    Had his electoral engineering succeeded, he would still be in charge, he says. “I would be [on holiday] on an island!” But at the last minute, the deal was off, because of “the governmental interference of Mr Sarkozy”, who Blatter claims encouraged Michel Platini to vote for Qatar. “Just one week before the election I got a telephone call from Platini and he said, ‘I am no longer in your picture because I have been told by the head of state that we should consider . . . the situation of France.’ And he told me that this will affect more than one vote because he had a group of voters.”

    Blatter will not be drawn on motives. He says he has only once spoken to Sarkozy since the vote and did not raise the issue. He does admit that the vote for the World Cup, carried out by a secret ballot of Fifa’s executive committee, was always open to “collusion”. “In an election, you can never avoid that, that’s impossible . . . when you are only a few in the electoral compound.”

    One month after Fifa’s 22-strong executive committee voted 14-8 in a secret ballot in Qatar’s favour, the Arab state announced that it had begun testing French Dassault Rafale fighter jets against rival aircraft for a fleet upgrade. In April 2015, Qatar bought 24 of the jets for $7bn, with an option to buy 12 more.

  • Canut Infos---Le canut-info du jeudi 30 juillet 2015

    Le programme du canut-infos de ce jeudi : (le podcast est à la suite) Turquie : un bon kurde est un kurde mort ? Au pays de Vladimir : Sepp Blatter futur Prix Nobel ; ONU/MH17 ; journaliste d’opposition… un métier difficile ; … Continuer la lecture (...)

    • • Désormais, et pour ce qui nous préoccupe nous, le destin de Bretter devient secondaire. Est-il ou non un corrompu, comme nombre d’officiels de la FIFA ? […] Que [Blatter] soit ou non corrompu n’a donc pour nous aucun intérêt du point de vue fondamental et la question est hors-sujet. Du point de vue tactique, par contre, la question peut jouer : s’il n’est pas corrompu, [Blatter] se battra dans les mois qui lui restent, notamment contre ceux qui ont voulu le faire tomber (le FBI et le reste) ; s’il est corrompu, le seul point intéressant serait dans le fait qu’il ne se battrait pas dans le sens qu’on a vu, ce qui signifierait qu’il a reçu une promesse d’immunité contre sa neutralité, – c’est ce que tout le monde conclurait, et alors les pseudo-épurateurs (le FBI et le reste) deviendraient encore plus suspects d’arrière-pensées politiques... (D’un certain point de vue, il n’est pas interdit de penser que Blatter, sachant dès que le scandale eût éclaté qu’il ne pourrait pas gouverner, ait songé à toutes les circonstances qu’on va détailler en poussant sa réélection à son terme pour éviter l’élection du prince-marionnette, pour ensuite démissionner et laisser le champ libre à la campagne électorale.)

      • La lutte contre la corruption n’est plus, dans ces nouvelles circonstances, une arme antirusse mais devient une arme anti-à peu près tout le monde (et par exemple précisément, une arme anti-Qatar, vu les conditions du choix de la Coupe du Monde 2022, et alors l’on entre dans les contradictions internes au Système car le Qatar est l’ami du Système-USA, comme nombre de pays européens antirusses, dont la vertueuse France).

      Et sinon,…

      … avec un zeste du Qatar-2022, qui trouverait peut-être le sel supplémentaire d’y faire participer, disons en démonstration, l’équipe nationale de l’État Islamique.

  • Enfin ! Sepp Blatter to Step Down as FIFA President

    Sepp Blatter said Tuesday that he would resign from the presidency of FIFA in the wake of a corruption inquiry.

    He said he would ask #FIFA to schedule a new election for his replacement as soon as possible.

    At a brief, hastily called news conference in Zurich, Blatter said that “FIFA needs a profound restructuring.”

    “I appreciate and love FIFA more than anything else,” he said. “And I only want to do the best for FIFA.”

    Blatter, 79, has worked for FIFA since 1975. He has been president since 1998.

  • ôte-toi de là que je m’y mette

    It’s NOT OVER : Western Long Knives Out for #FIFA’s Sepp Blatter? US Wants Russia’s Status as World Cup 2018 Host Rescinded

    .... Blatter may be today’s Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who was IMF managing director from November 2007 – May 2011. Washington wanted him ousted for urging austerity conditions imposed on countries receiving IMF loans be softened. He publicly opposed making ordinary people pay the price for financial crisis conditions caused by banksters and other corporate crooks. He was also favored to be elected French president over America’s choice. ...

  • Les années 70 : Sepp Blatter, le digne successeur

    A l’occasion de l’élection du nouveau président de la FIFA, alors que le monde semble découvrir la corruption qui gangrène la FIFA depuis plus de 40 ans, nous republions des textes extraits de notre ouvrage « Comment ils nous ont volé le football ». Ici, on revient sur l’arrivée de Sepp Blatter à la tête de l’organisation.(...) Source : Fakir

  • The obvious and curious South African angles of Israel’s FIFA challenge - West of Eden - -
    The irony of history: Former ANC leader and anti-apartheid activist Tokyo Sexwale is pegged to monitor Israeli policies towards Palestinian footballers.
    By Chemi Shalev | May 30, 2015 Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

    Former South African cabinet minister and African National Congress (ANC) leader Tokyo Sexwale figured prominently in Friday’s political drama at international soccer’s FIFA conference in Zurich. Palestinian football chief Jibril Rajoub explicitly mentioned Sexwale as having played a critical role in his decision to withdraw the motion to have Israel expelled. And FIFA President Sepp Blatter, shortly before being reelected to a fifth term in office, unilaterally appointed Sexwale from the podium to head the monitoring committee that will deal with Palestinian grievances, including the demand that five West Bank teams be barred from participating in official Israeli soccer leagues.

    In their rush to declare victory following the frustration of Rajoub’s plan to expel Israel outright, most Israeli politicians and analysts seemed to ignore the potential symbolism and irony of putting a prominent anti-apartheid activist to adjudicate Palestinian claims of Israeli racism and discrimination. The lapse is significant in light of the fact that Palestinians and the boycott divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement view the international boycott of apartheid South Africa – in which sports played a pivotal role – as a precedent and inspiration for their own anti-Israeli campaigns.

    In fact, though white South Africans were stung far more by subsequent boycotts in rugby, cricket and the Olympics, soccer was one of the first arenas in which non-white South Africa together with the rising Africa-Asian bloc of non-aligned nations scored initial victories against the apartheid regime. FIFA’s first suspension of South Africa in 1961 was temporarily lifted at the behest of Blatter’s apartheid-condoning predecessor, the English Stanley Rous, but was shortly reinstated thereafter until 1976, when the Pretoria regime was expelled altogether following the Soweto Uprisings. South Africa was only reinstated in 1992, after it abolished apartheid.

    Sexwale’s role in Israel’s FIFA drama seems far from straightforward. The 62-year-old Soweto-born ANC leader, who spent 13 years alongside Nelson Mandela in the Robben Island prison, is a former provincial premier, presidential candidate and cabinet minister. As head of his own foundation’s Global Watch, dedicated to fighting discrimination in sports, Sexwale recently toured the West Bank together with Rajoub in order to see the plight of Palestinian footballers first hand. But despite the Israeli government’s reluctance to facilitate his visit as well as a reported scuffle with Israeli soldiers in Hebron, Sexwale’s summation was markedly evenhanded: “What we saw in Palestine in relation to what is happening in Israel is shocking. Palestine is a swollen cheek with tears, but so is Israel. They are two cheeks on the same face, and a resolution to the problem has to be found beyond sport.” 

    Sexwale’s relationship with Blatter himself seems equally complex: In 2011 he helped save Blatter’s career by allowing himself to be photographed with the FIFA president, who was facing harsh criticism at the time after claiming that there was no racism in soccer, and if there was, it could be solved with handshake. More intriguing and current, however, is the fact that Sexwale was a member of the South African organizing committee of the 2010 World Cup that is now figuring prominently in the U.S. indictments of top FIFA officials on charges of corruption. While Sexwale has since assured South Africans that they were justly and legally awarded the right to host the coveted games, speculation is rampant about the identities of “Co-Conspirator #15” and “Co-Conspirator #16”, two “high-ranking South African football and government officials” who are suspected of offering cash for votes in order to make sure the World Cup was held in South Africa.

    According to the indictments, the two suspects served on both the 2010 World Cup organizing committee and on the 2006 South African World Cup bid committee. The reports in South Africa suggest there are only two other officials, in addition to Sexwale, who fit the bill.

    Sexwale also has another Israeli connection: according to press reports, he made a fortune at one time in the diamond and mining business and was involved in a convoluted joint venture in the Congo with controversial Israeli billionaire Dan Gertler, who has himself been at the focus of several criminal inquiries, including those related to former Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman. And his financial records have now been subpoenaed by his one time advocate and subsequent wife, with whom he is now embroiled in a widely covered and messy divorce.

    Politics and sports

    Though most historians dispute the narrative that economic sanctions “brought South Africa to its knees," as its proponents claimed, no one denies the devastating influence of the boycott in sports on the white public’s morale: In a 1977 poll, white South Africans listed the lack of international sports as one of the three most damaging aspects of apartheid. Sports are important everywhere, of course, but in mid-20th century South Africa, as in Australia and New Zealand at the time, they often attained a semi-religious status. In apartheid South Africa, the all-white teams were a source of national pride and racial defiance.

    Throughout its 30-year battle to maintain racially pure squads, the South African government used a slogan frequently uttered by Israeli officials and their FIFA defenders in recent days: “Keep politics out of sports.” Their non-white challengers, also South African, countered with a slogan that Palestinians have also adapted and adopted as their own: “No normal sports in an abnormal society.”

    Of course, despite the efforts of BDS supporters to draw a direct analogy between the two, Israel’s policy towards the Palestinians, arguable immorality notwithstanding, is no successor to South Africa’s racially motivated white supremacist regime. In fact, without detracting in any way from the existence of rampant racism in Israeli soccer in general and in teams like Beitar Jerusalem in particular, Israeli Jews and Arabs probably mix and collaborate in the Israeli football leagues more than they do in most other sectors of society. And while countless Israelis are soccer crazy, sports in Israel is viewed as no more than a hobby, as its international results attest. If FIFA had expelled Israel on Friday it would have dealt a stinging blow to Israel’s national pride, not necessarily to its sporting convictions.

    Nonetheless, the fear that Israel has reached the point that expulsion by FIFA seemed possible if not imminent is an ominous harbinger of things to come. As the South African precedent proves, sporting arenas offer infinite possibilities for activists to hassle Israel and its teams, in professional associations, official tournaments and bilateral matches, both official and friendly.

    Israelis have conveniently forgotten that their national soccer teams had already been placed in unofficial quarantine in the Asian arena after the 1973 Yom Kippur War and were only accepted to Europe’s UEFA soccer group in 1994 in the wake of the goodwill generated by the previous year’s Oslo Accords. With the current government’s record on peacemaking and general popularity, however, the credit accrued then seems to have finally run out.

  • Blatter et les largesses d’Adidas - Libération (14/06/2001)

    A Blatter, ces journaux reprochent des liens très étroits avec #Adidas et son ancien PDG Horst Dassler, mort en 1986. Une relation privilégiée confirmée aujourd’hui par un proche du défunt : « C’est Dassler qui a fait nommer Blatter secrétaire général de la Fifa en 1981, Horst avait toute confiance en lui, alors on a fait ce qu’il fallait pour l’imposer », affirme André Guelfi, le richissime entrepreneur et courtier mis en cause dans l’affaire Elf.

    A l’époque, ce Corse, ami de Charles Pasqua, venait de racheter le Coq sportif avant d’en céder officiellement 49 % à Dassler. Les deux hommes se plaisent et s’associent. Entre autres activités communes, Guelfi est chargé de racheter West Nally, une société monégasque bien placée dans le marketing sportif : aux mains du duo, elle devient ISL et connaît rapidement une croissance exceptionnelle. Les premiers contrats signés avec la Fifa et le Comité international olympique (#CIO) lui assurent ainsi l’exclusivité des droits commerciaux et télévisuels de deux manifestations sportives majeures, la Coupe du monde de football et les Jeux olympiques.

    Rapidement, ISL devient un des passages obligés du sport business : « Avec Horst, on faisait ce qu’on voulait dans le milieu du sport et rien ne se faisait sans nous, assure André Guelfi. Mais Horst ne s’entendait pas bien avec le secrétaire général de la #Fifa, Helmut Kaiser. Il m’a demandé d’agir pour l’écarter. J’ai réussi à convaincre Kaiser de partir et nous avons fait nommer Blatter. Pour moi, il n’y a pas le moindre doute : Blatter travaillait pour Dassler et les intérêts d’Adidas. » Contacté par Libération, Sepp Blatter rejette catégoriquement cette version des faits, par l’intermédiaire de son porte-parole, Markus Ziegler : « Monsieur Blatter a été nommé dans des conditions parfaitement normales au secrétariat général de la fédération, fin 1981. Helmut Kaiser et quelques cadres de la Fifa s’étaient révoltés contre l’autorité de Havelange, qui les a chassés. Blatter a été choisi quelques mois après. Voilà la véritable histoire. André Guelfi raconte n’importe quoi. » Lequel persiste et promet d’« apporter si nécessaire toutes les preuves de [ses] affirmations »_

    Dans le prochain numéro de La revue dessinée, une BD sur le #sport-business et Horst Dassler (le mentor de Blatter et tant d’autres) qui tombe à pic : « L’empire du jeu », par François Thomazeau & Nicoby.

  • The #FIFA big boss guide to executive survival

    Soccer’s supremo Sepp Blatter may win a fifth four-year presidency at the scandal-wracked governing body after Friday’s election. Even if he fails, his tenacity is remarkable. It owes much to FIFA’s financial success. Cumbersome governance and steel-reinforced tin ears help. The circumstances provide object lessons for Machiavellian bosses everywhere.


  • Sepp Blatter échoue dans sa médiation entre Israël et la Palestine
    Publié le 20-05-2015 - Avec notre correspondant à Ramallah, Nicolas Ropert

    Sepp Blatter, le président de la Fifa, a rencontré hier le Premier ministre israélien Benyamin Netanyahu, et le président palestinien Mahmoud Abbas ce mercredi. Mais rien n’y fait, les Palestiniens veulent toujours demander le suspension d’Israël au prochain congrès de la Fifa qui aura lieu le 29 mai à Zürich. Les Palestiniens estiment que les Israéliens violent les règles du football, notamment en imposant des restrictions de mouvement des équipes palestiniennes.

    Sur l’estrade, la relation entre Sepp Blatter et le président de la Fédération palestinienne de football semble amicale, mais sur le fond, les deux hommes s’opposent. Jibril Rajoub, le président de la Fédération palestinienne n’en démord pas : si les Israéliens ne cèdent pas à toutes ses demandes, il promet d’aller jusqu’au vote.

    « Nous sommes divisés entre deux championnats, un à Gaza, l’autre en Cisjordanie. Il y a aussi cinq clubs dans les colonies racistes. Donc résoudre ces problèmes signifie mettre fin aux souffrances et aux difficultés de nos athlètes, de nos joueurs et de nos dirigeants. Maintenant, il est temps que l’assemblée générale décide » , estime Jibril Rajoub.

    Le président de la Fifa refuse de voir Israël exclu de la Fédération internationale. Il affirme que des progrès ont été faits côté israélien et qu’un accord est toujours possible. « J’ai discuté avec le Premier ministre israélien. Il a accepté notamment de faciliter les déplacements des joueurs et des équipes palestiniennes. Mais il reste un problème, celui des cinq équipes israéliennes qui jouent sur le territoire palestinien. Nous en avons parlé et pour le moment cela reste un point d’interrogation » , affirme Sepp Blatter.

    A un peu plus d’une semaine du Congrès de la Fifa, Sepp Blatter a promis de poursuivre ses efforts pour éviter ce vote.

  • FIFA member federations to consider suspending Israel
    | Haaretz

    Agenda for upcoming meeting includes a recent Palestinian call for Israel’s expulsion from the world soccer’s governing body.
    By The Associated Press and Reuters | May 4, 2015 | 5:09 PM

    FIFA published an agenda Monday for its election congress on May 29, including a late proposal by Palestinian football officials to suspend Israel.

    The move, needing a three-quarter majority to pass, is unlikely to succeed after FIFA President Sepp Blatter said last month he opposed it.

    Palestinian officials insist Israel’s football federation should be punished for restrictions imposed by security forces which limit movement of players, opposing teams and equipment.

    Earlier in Zurich, Blatter is scheduled to update on his mediating between the two federations.

    The FIFA election is the final main item of business.

    Blatter is strongly favored to win and extend his 17-year presidential reign.

    On Saturday, reports surfaced that Palestine will seek Israel’s expulsion from world soccer’s governing body at this month’s FIFA Congress, FA president Jibril Rajoub has told Reuters.

    Last year Rajoub agreed to drop a resolution urging delegates to take sanctions against Israel at FIFA’s Congress in Sao Paulo but he said on Friday he would press ahead with the same proposal in Zurich on May 29.

    He added he “would not make the concessions” he made when withdrawing the proposal a year ago because nothing had improved in the way Israel “were persecuting Palestine footballers, athletes and the movement of sporting equipment”.

    “Enough is enough,” Rajoub said after attending the signing ceremony of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) and Union of Arab Football Associations (UAFA) aimed at building more cooperation between the two organizations.

    “Last year we dropped the resolution when Europe got involved and the Israelis promised to co-operate in improving the situation,” said the Palestine FA chief in the Bahrain capital Manama.

  • Fifa : Blatter contre la suspension d’Israël, l’Autorité palestinienne avait dénoncé « son racisme envers les Arabes » - L’Equipe

    Le président de la Fédération internationale (FIFA), Sepp Blatter, s’est dit opposé à la suspension d’Israël, suite à la demande formulée par la Palestine, laquelle dénonce « son comportement raciste à l’encontre des Arabes ». Celle-ci va présenter un projet de résolution lors du prochain congrès de la FIFA en mai. Pour être adopté, il doit recueillir trois quarts des votes des 209 membres.

    « Une telle situation ne devrait pas arriver au congrès de la FIFA, parce que la suspension d’une fédération, quelle que soit la raison, est toujours nuisible à l’organisation dans son ensemble, a expliqué le patron de l’instance dirigeante, ce mardi lors d’une conférence de presse en marge de l’assemblée générale de la Confédération africaine de football (CAF) à son siège au Caire. Je vais rencontrer plus tard dans l’après-midi Jibril Rajoub, le président de la Fédération palestinienne de football. Je ne peux pas vous donner plus de détails. » Les Palestiniens accusent notamment Israël d’entraver les activités sportives dans les territoires occupés. (Avec AFP)

  • Le Président de la Fifa Sepp Blatter en visite en Arabie Saoudite - Communiqué Fifa

    Le mercredi 12 novembre, le Président de la FIFA Blatter s’envolera pour une visite de deux jours en Arabie Saoudite. Durant son séjour, le Président de la FIFA inaugurera officiellement le projet Goal 1, à savoir le Leader’s Institute Football Turf de Riyad, qui sera utilisé pour les activités et les stages de football pour les jeunes et de base organisés par la Fédération de football d’Arabie Saoudite.

    Au total, 1 587 000 USD ont été investis par la FIFA dans le projet, des fonds de développement supplémentaires étant fournis par le biais du Programme d’Assistance Financière, le programme PERFORMANCE et plusieurs autres activités éducatives. La FIFA a approuvé la mise en œuvre de 168 projets Goal en Asie depuis 1999, dont 48 durant le cycle 2011-14.

    Le Président de la FIFA tiendra également un discours-programme au Sports Investment Forum et assistera au match d’ouverture de la 22ème Coupe des Nations du Golfe, entre l’Arabie Saoudite et le Qatar, au King Fahd International Stadium.

    Sur @OrientXXI L’Arabie saoudite à l’assaut du football,0640

    Le sport, une arme à double tranchant pour les pays du Golfe,0454

  • World Cup Boycott: FIFA ’Unconditionally Supports’ Russia Hosting 2018 World Cup

    FIFA “unconditionally supports” Russia hosting the 2018 World Cup, FIFA President Sepp Blatter said to Russia’s R-Sport outlet on Tuesday amid rumors that Western leaders planned to boycott the tournament over Russia’s alleged involvement in eastern Ukraine this year. Russia is ahead of schedule compared with Brazil, which hosted the games earlier this year, according to Blatter.

    Russia’s President Vladimir Putin (R) and FIFA President Sepp Blatter take part in the official hand over ceremony for the 2018 World Cup scheduled to take place in Russia, in Rio de Janeiro July 13, 2014.
    Reuters/Alexey Nikolsky/RIA Novosti/Kremlin

  • FIFA’s #Sepp_Blatter Says #Corruption Report Will Remain #Secret -

    The independent investigator who wrote the report, Michael J. Garcia, on Wednesday called for its “appropriate publication,” and several members of FIFA’s executive committee, including the U.S. Soccer president, Sunil Gulati, publicly expressed support this week for releasing Garcia’s findings in the interests of transparency.

    Gulati said Wednesday that he and other committee members would press Blatter and their colleagues to permit the report’s release during two days of meetings in Zurich. But in a clear rebuke to those who challenged his authority, Blatter said Friday that no one had raised the issue with the executive committee.


  • Sepp Blatter says sports boycotts don’t work. ‘Would Mandela agree?’

    Earlier this week Sepp Blatter, defending FIFA’s decision to not rescind its decision to award Russia the World Cup in 2022, said “Boycotts in sport never has had any benefit.” Watch it here for yourself. As, a site not usually know for its progressive politics (they usually line up behind the worst aspects of […]

  • Sepp Blatter says ‘Boycotts don’t help.’ ‘Would Mandela agree?’

    Earlier this week Sepp Blatter, defending FIFA’s decision to not rescind its decision to award Russia the World Cup in 2022, said “Boycotts don’t help. Watch it here for yourself. As, a site not usually know for its progressive politics (they usually line up behind the worst aspects of US foreign policy) wondered: “Would […]

  • Is Football Federation chief al-Rajoub a Qatari-backed successor to Abbas?

    FIFA President Sepp Blatter (C-L) and the head of the Palestinian Federation of Football Jibril Rajoub (C-R) watch a training session at a football academy named after Blatter, in Al-Bireh, near the West Bank city of Ramallah, on May 27, 2014. (Photo: AFP-Abbas Momani) FIFA President Sepp Blatter (C-L) and the head of the Palestinian Federation of Football Jibril Rajoub (C-R) watch a training session at a football academy named after Blatter, in Al-Bireh, near the West Bank city of Ramallah, on May 27, 2014. (Photo: AFP-Abbas Momani)

    Who could have ever imagined that football would become a cover for politics, especially with regards to the Palestinians whose leaders have historically clung to power until death? (...)

    #Palestine #Abu_Mazen #Articles #Emir_Prince_Tamim #Fatah #Hamas #Jibril_al-Rajoub #Mahmoud_Abbas #Qatar #Yasser_Arafat

  • FIFA chief: I’m an ambassador of the Palestinians
    Sepp Blatter vows to help Palestinians in meeting with Palestinian President Abbas, promises solution for Israeli travel restrictions on soccer players.
    By The Associated Press | May 27, 2014 |

    FIFA President Sepp Blatter said Monday he is determined to solve the Palestinian Football Association’s ongoing problems with Israel in high-level meetings.

    Some members of the Palestinian national team have been prevented from travel by what Israel calls security restrictions.

    The head of the Palestinian association has called for FIFA sanctions against Israel.

    Blatter told Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in a meeting on Monday that “we shall find a solution” but that “it will not be so easy to deal on the other side,” meaning Israel.

    Blatter said he will meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday. The 78-year-old Swiss pledged his support, telling Abbas that “your people, but also your football association, is not alone in the world”.

    Blatter said he is a “self-declared ambassador of the Palestine people”.

  • #Fifa says Arab Idol winner Mohammed Assaf will perform at a Brazil ceremony

    Palestinian singer, winner of “Arab Idol” and Regional Youth Ambassador for the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) Mohammed Assaf, speaks with journalists during a visit with humanitarian officials at his former classroom in Khan Yunis, southern #Gaza Strip, on February 12, 2014. (Photo: AFP - Said Khatib)

    FIFA president Sepp Blatter said Palestinian Arab Idol winner Mohammad Assaf would perform in a #World_Cup ceremony in Brazil in June, after the singer had said he had been banned from participating. On Friday, Assaf had announced that he had been “banned” from singing at the World Cup’s opening ceremony, but Blatter claimed that the singer would perform at a smaller ceremony. Blatter wrote in a letter to the Palestinian Football Association confirming (...)

    #Palestine #Top_News

  • Attribution du Mondial-2022 au Qatar : Sepp Blatter reconnaît « une erreur »

    Après avoir admis qu’il serait préférable que le Mondial-2022 organisé au Qatar se déroule en hiver, le président de la Fifa, Sepp Blatter, va plus loin en reconnaissant que l’attribution de la Coupe du monde à l’émirat était peut-être « une erreur ».