position:designer , producer

  • The political economy of 3D printing | Re-public: re-imagining democracy – english version

    The capabilities that desktop manufacturing and in particular #3D printing offer have led to a shift from do-it-yourself (#DIY) culture to design-and-fabricate-yourself (DAFY) culture redefining the industrial value chain. Different kind of laboratories (#Fablabs) and other maker-spaces are being developed worldwide, blurring and mixing the roles of the designer, producer, distributor and consumer. Free/open source software and the passionate labour of online communities meet the novel capabilities of 3D printing and what happens at their crossroads remains to be critically investigated.

    This issue aims to tentatively approach the necessity and the potential of this new technological capability for economy, society and culture. The articles try to shed light on the current status of 3D printing and its relation to a manufacturing model that is changing.

    #travail #production

    Quatre articles au sommaire :

    – Areti Markopoulou – Towards the democratization of production: Additive and personal fabrication in Fab Labs http://www.re-public.gr/en/?p=5396

    – Johan Söderberg – The unmaking of the working class and the rise of the Maker http://www.re-public.gr/en/?p=5399

    – Dimitris Papalexopoulos – The 3d printing technology fantasy http://www.re-public.gr/en/?p=5401

    – Sarah Griffiths – The amateur at play: How Fab Labs nurture sociable expertise http://www.re-public.gr/en/?p=5403