position:forward for us television

  • Mad Men, season seven, first half: A step forward for US television? - La chute du rêve américain

    By the late 1960s, Vietnam had become the first televised war in American history. The conflict became known as “the living room war,” because every night families watched terrible images from the war zone itself, as well as body bags and coffins coming home to the US. Indeed, Peggy’s idea for a Burger Chef commercial comes from her realization that American families no longer enjoy eating dinner together at home because they are “watching the Vietnam War on television.”

    More damaging than the drinking and the drugs, which had now become ubiquitous, was the sense that not only the war but also the claims American society made about itself were based on falsehoods. Many in the younger generation, outraged by the savagery of the US war in Southeast Asia which resulted in the deaths of millions of Vietnamese, felt this keenly.

    #télévision #série #histoire #capitalisme