position:senior military official

  • Troops To Be Deployed To Border To Build And Upgrade 160 Miles Of Fencing

    More troops are expected to be deployed to the Southern border to construct or upgrade 160 miles of fencing and provide medical care to a steady stream of migrant families arriving from Central America, according to military sources.

    The deployment and fence construction along the California and Arizona borders would be paid for by the Pentagon, from the Department of Defense’s discretionary funding.

    The move comes as President Trump continues to demand more than $5 billion from Congress for border security and a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. Congressional Democrats oppose the move, and parts of the federal government have been shut down because of the impasse.

    The Department of Defense has not been affected by the shutdown.

    Last month Trump tweeted that “the Military will build the remaining sections of the Wall” after he said that much of it already has been built. The president was referring to several hundred miles of existing fencing along the Southern border.

    A few days later, Trump repeated his intention to have the Defense Department do the job, saying in another tweet that because of crime and drugs flowing through the border “the United States Military will build the Wall!”

    The Department of Homeland Security — which has had to cease some operations, although not border security — made the request for more troops to shore up the border with Mexico.

    The request will very likely mean the deployment of more forces, including combat engineers and aviation units. There are now some 2,300 active troops on the border and an additional 2,100 National Guard troops.

    The active-duty deployment was scheduled to be completed at the end of January, while the Guard troops are scheduled to remain until September.

    A senior military official said the new request could include thousands more troops and that installing the fencing could take months. The Pentagon is now considering which units to send.

    With the partial government shutdown now in its second week, Trump made a short and unannounced appearance in the White House briefing room Thursday to press for border wall funding.

    “The wall — you can call it a barrier, you can call it whatever you want — but essentially we need protection in our country,” he said.


    #Trump #frontières #armée #militarisation_des_frontières #USA #Etats-Unis

  • Gaffe : site hum-hum (et repris par des sites hum-hum). Est-ce que quelqu’un connait ce document qui aurait été sorti par le Meretz en 2014 ?

    Formation of joint militia between Saudi Arabia and Israel in Red sea

    Based on secret documents leaked by a senior military official linked to left-wing liberal party “Meretz”, in 2014 a memorandum of understanding is concluded on joint military cooperation between Israel and Saudi Arabia in the Red Sea.

    This agreement is concluded to Saudi Arabia and Israel management on Bab el-Mandeb Strait, the Gulf of Aden and the Suez Canal and the Red Sea littoral countries as well.

    Published information from this source mention in duty of a host by Israel of a number of officers Arabia to participate in military training courses in the base of polonium of Port of Haifa in 2015.

    And this attempt has taken on Israel-Saudi Arabia cooperation to support regional security and stability and combating terrorist groups in the Red Sea. The source informs also the formation of a joint operation staff by Israel and Saudi Arabia in Tiran Island.


    • Puisqu’on parle de Bab el Mandeb, il ne faut pas oublier nos droits imprescriptibles !

      Cheikh Saïd
      Le territoire de #Cheikh_Saïd se trouve sur le détroit de Bab el Mandeb, à l’extrémité sud-ouest de la presqu’île d’Arabie et à 2.500 mètres de l’île anglaise de Perim ; sa superficie est de 168.000 hectares. La côte offre d’excellents mouillages utilisés par les caboteurs au moment des moussons du sud-ouest. Des pêcheurs occupent le seul hameau qui existe (Cheikh Saïd). Le climat est à la fois chaud, sec et sain.

      Cheikh Saïd fut acheté, en 1868, à un cheikh arabe par des négociants marseillais et officiellement reconnu comme possession française. Un dépôt de charbon et des factoreries y furent établis, mais ils furent évacués après 1870. Les Turcs l’occupèrent, mais le gouvernement français maintint ses droits de propriété en se réservant de les exercer effectivement.

      in Atlas colonial français, colonies, protectorats et pays sous mandat, cartes et texte du commandant P. Pollacchi
      3ème édition revue et mise à jour, L’Illustration, 1938.
      cf. http://seenthis.net/messages/329555

  • #MH370 il y aura de (sérieux) comptes à rendre en Malaisie…

    Malaysian military withheld radar data on Flight MH370 as nations searched wrong area, sources say | National Post

    “The initial assumption was that the aircraft could have diverted due to mechanical issues or, in the worst case scenario, crashed,” said a senior Malaysian civilian source. “That is what we were working on.”

    Officials at Malaysia’s Department of Civil Aviation, which oversees air traffic controllers, the Defence Ministry and the air force directed requests for comment to the prime minister’s office, which did not respond.

    One senior military official said air traffic control had informed the military at around 2:00 a.m. that a plane was missing. The standard operating procedure was to do so within 15 minutes, he said. Another military source said the notification was slow in coming, but did not give a time.
    Another contentious issue has been whether the military was slow in passing on its radar data that showed an unidentified plane had re-crossed the Malay peninsula.

    Two civilian aviation officials said military bureaucracy delayed the sharing of this information, although they gave no precise timeframe for when it was handed over.

    “The armed forces knew much earlier that the aircraft could have turned back. That is why the search was expanded to include the Strait of Malacca within a day or two,” said a second senior civilian source, who was familiar with the initial search, referring to the narrow stretch of water between Indonesia and Malaysia, on the western side of the peninsula.

    “But the military did not confirm this until much later due to resistance from senior officers, and the government needed to step in. We wasted our time in the South China Sea.”

    Government sources have said Prime Minister Najib Razak had to force the military to turn over its raw radar data to investigators during the first week after the flight’s disappearance.

    The accounts given to Reuters reveal growing tensions between civilian officials, the military and Malaysia Airlines over whether more could have been done in those initial hours.
    In his interview with Reuters, Malaysia Airlines chief Ahmad Jauhari played down talk of tension, saying there were “ #slight_differences_of_opinion. ”

    • Et ça continue dans l’à peu près : coup de fil ou reconnexion ?

      MH370 : le mystérieux coup de fil du copilote - Le Point (en vrai, AFP)

      Le copilote du vol MH370 a tenté de passer un appel de son téléphone portable juste avant que l’avion ne disparaisse des écrans radars, a rapporté samedi un journal malaisien, citant des enquêteurs anonymes. L’appel a été coupé, peut-être « parce que l’avion s’est rapidement éloigné du relais (de télécommunications) », écrit le New Straits Times (NST), sans indiquer qui était le destinataire de l’appel.

      Selon une autre source, également citée par le quotidien malaisien, le téléphone mobile de Fariq Abdul Hamid a été « reconnecté » au réseau, sans qu’il soit certain qu’un appel ait été effectivement passé à partir du Boeing 777 disparu le 8 mars. L’avion assurant le vol MH370 aurait volé assez bas près de l’île de Penang, sur la côte ouest de la Malaisie - après avoir changé de cap - pour qu’un relais de télécommunications capte le signal du téléphone du copilote.

      La liaison téléphonique a été « reconnectée » entre le moment où l’avion a dévié de sa route et celui où il a disparu des écrans radars, affirme le quotidien contrôlé par le gouvernement, citant la deuxième source. « Une reconnexion ne signifie pas nécessairement qu’un appel a été passé. Elle peut aussi être le résultat de la remise en marche du téléphone », selon cette source.

    • Il y a deux ans, chez Malaysia Airlines, les enregistreurs de voix du poste de pilotage continuait à fonctionner sans arrêt après l’incident, effaçant les données…

      Malaysia Airlines jumbo jet had to return to Heathrow - and all black box cockpit voice recorder data was lost - Mirror Online

      The jumbo jet had a cockpit voice recorder (CVR) - a device which can record the last two hours of cockpit conversations.

      The AAIB, which classed the incident as “serious” in its report today, said the CVR continued to run for some time after the aircraft landed “and as a result all relevant CVR recordings were lost”.