
  • La Cour suprême américaine exclut la question de la nationalité du #recensement de 2020 [et refuse d’apporter des limites au #gerrymandering]

    Les arguments avancés par l’administration Trump pour justifier sa décision ne tenaient pas. Il s’agit d’un revers pour le président, qui s’est impliqué dans le dossier.

    La Cour suprême des Etats-Unis a infligé un revers, jeudi 27 juin, à l’administration Trump en lui interdisant d’ajouter une question sur la nationalité dans le prochain recensement de la population, prévu en 2020. Dans sa décision « Department of commerce v. New York », elle a estimé que les arguments avancés par le département du commerce, dont dépend le bureau du recensement, pour justifier sa décision ne tenaient pas.

    Il s’agit d’un revers pour le président républicain, qui s’est impliqué à plusieurs reprises dans le dossier. « Pouvez-vous imaginer un recensement dans lequel vous n’auriez pas le droit de dire si quelqu’un est Américain ou pas ? », « ce serait totalement ridicule », déclarait-il encore mi-juin. En mars 2018, l’administration Trump avait décidé de réintroduire une question sur la nationalité, abandonnée depuis le recensement de 1950, dans les formulaires pour le recensement de 2020. La décision, prise par le secrétaire d’Etat au commerce, Wilbur Ross, avait suscité un tollé chez les démocrates.

    Selon eux, la question risque d’intimider les étrangers en situation irrégulière et donc d’entraîner une sous-estimation des populations des Etats abritant de nombreux immigrés, qui s’avèrent être souvent démocrates. Une vingtaine d’Etats, comme la Californie ou New York, ainsi que des grandes villes, comme Chicago ou San Francisco, et des défenseurs des droits des étrangers ont saisi la justice, et un juge fédéral de New York a entamé l’examen de leur plainte le 5 novembre 2018. Le gouvernement a contre-attaqué devant la Cour suprême des Etats-Unis pour lui demander de circonscrire les preuves recevables par le juge new-yorkais, et notamment d’écarter des dépositions de certains responsables du secrétariat au commerce.

    Le bureau du recensement avait mis l’administration Trump en garde sur les conséquences négatives d’une telle question. Ses experts avaient évalué qu’au moins 1,6 million de personnes se garderaient de participer au recensement si on leur demandait leur nationalité.
    Ils ont depuis revu leurs estimations pour les porter à 6,5 millions de personnes (sur une population totale d’environ 320 millions), selon les documents judiciaires présentés à la Cour suprême. Le recensement, qui doit se tenir obligatoirement tous les dix ans selon la Constitution, conditionne l’octroi de 675 milliards de dollars de subventions fédérales et le nombre de sièges à la Chambre des représentants attribués à chaque Etat.

    Sans se prononcer sur le bien-fondé de la question, la Cour suprême a estimé que les justifications de Wilbur Ross étaient « artificielles ». « On nous a présenté une explication qui n’est pas cohérente avec ce que les archives révèlent du processus de décision et des priorités de l’administration », écrit-elle à une courte majorité (cinq juges sur neuf).

    Elle laisse toutefois la porte ouverte pour que le gouvernement Trump fournisse des explications plus convaincantes. Mais le calendrier est serré : les formulaires du recensement 2020 doivent être imprimés cet été. L’ACLU, la puissante organisation de défense des libertés civiles, a immédiatement salué « une victoire pour les immigrés et les communautés de couleur en Amérique ».

    Dans une autre décision, la Cour suprême des Etats-Unis a refusé de fixer des limites au gerrymandering, l’art subtil du découpage électoral destiné à favoriser le parti au pouvoir. Après avoir botté en touche à plusieurs reprises sur ce sujet, elle a refusé d’invalider deux cartes électorales, l’une en Caroline du Nord jugée trop favorable aux républicains, l’autre dans le Maryland qui avantageait les démocrates.
    La décision a été prise à une courte majorité : les cinq juges conservateurs ont estimé qu’il n’était pas du ressort des tribunaux de s’immiscer dans cette question politique. Leurs quatre collègues progressistes ont pris une position contraire.

  • Les mystérieux et puissants effets du placebo

    En matière de placebo, une précision s’impose d’emblée : on pourrait croire que les termes « effet placebo » et « réponse placebo » sont strictement synonymes. Il n’en est rien.

    « L’effet placebo traduit la réaction psychologique et neurobiologique, fonction des attentes du patient, faisant suite à l’administration d’un placebo. La réponse placebo désigne un changement positif chez le patient, tel qu’un soulagement de la douleur, de l’anxiété, des nausées. Celui-ci peut être effectivement dû à l’effet placebo, mais aussi à l’histoire naturelle de la maladie ou à l’effet Hawthorne, qui correspond à la modification des réponses des patients du seul fait qu’ils se sentent observés pendant l’essai clinique et souhaitent faire plaisir aux investigateurs », souligne Luana Colloca, professeure à l’université du Maryland (Baltimore, Etats-Unis).

    Le premier essai, dirigé par Ted Kaptchuk, professeur à la faculté de médecine de Harvard (Boston, Etats-Unis), a été publié dans la revue PLOS One en 2010. Baptisé « placebo en ouvert » (open label placebo), il a consisté à administrer à 80 patients souffrant du syndrome du côlon irritable un placebo en plus de leur traitement habituel ou uniquement ce dernier.

    Après trois semaines, les résultats ont été des plus surprenants : 60 % des patients du groupe « placebo ouvert » ont obtenu un soulagement adéquat, contre 35 % dans le groupe traité par le seul médicament. Un résultat statistiquement significatif.

    Trois autres essais cliniques en placebo ouvert vont ensuite être réalisés auprès de patients souffrant de lombalgie chronique, de fatigue associée au cancer, de crises épisodiques de migraine. Là encore, les résultats surprennent, suggérant que donner un placebo ouvertement à un patient peut l’aider à soulager ses symptômes.

    Attentes du patient

    Des suggestions peuvent induire des attentes positives de la part du patient. Or celles-ci constituent l’un des principaux leviers de l’effet placebo.

    Ainsi, après chirurgie, lorsqu’un patient sait qu’on lui administre de la morphine en même temps qu’on lui dit qu’il s’agit d’un puissant médicament antalgique, le bénéfice sur le soulagement de la douleur postopératoire est plus important que lorsqu’il ignore qu’il en reçoit à travers une seringue automatique.

    Ce phénomène psychobiologique apparaît indissociable du contexte clinique et environnemental, comme l’illustre une approche expérimentale dénommée « procédure ouvert-­caché » (open-hidden study). Son originalité tient à ce qu’elle évalue la part de la réponse placebo alors même qu’elle n’emploie pas de placebo.

    Dans le premier groupe, le médicament est administré au vu et au su du patient (« en ouvert »), le médecin étant présent et délivrant des informations verbales contextuelles. Dans le second groupe, le patient reçoit le médicament à son insu (« en caché »), celui-ci étant délivré par l’intermédiaire d’une pompe, en l’absence de médecin. La différence entre l’effet du traitement ouvert et celui du traitement caché correspond alors à la réponse placebo. Selon le professeur Benedetti, « le traitement caché est moins efficace, voire parfois inefficace, ce qui indique que le fait de savoir que l’on reçoit un médicament et que l’on en attend un bénéfice s’avère crucial en matière d’efficacité thérapeutique ».

    En effet, il se produit une association entre un stimulus et des réactions automatiques de l’organisme. Exemple : des individus présentant fréquemment des maux de tête et prenant régulièrement de l’aspirine peuvent associer la couleur, la forme et le goût du comprimé avec le soulagement de la douleur. Lorsque, après plusieurs dizaines de prises de ce médicament, on administre à ces patients un placebo ayant la même couleur, la même forme, le même goût qu’un comprimé d’aspirine, ils ressentent un effet analgésique comparable.

    Les travaux sur le rôle du conditionnement dans l’effet placebo ont récemment permis de créer un nouveau concept : donner au patient un placebo à la suite de l’administration répétée d’un traitement efficace. L’idée est d’alterner la prise d’un placebo avec celle d’un médicament à l’efficacité reconnue. Cette nouvelle stratégie thérapeutique pourrait entraîner une baisse des doses d’antalgiques utilisés en même temps, réduire la survenue des effets secondaires et diminuer les coûts de traitement.

    Si le conditionnement du traitement tient une place importante dans l’apparition de l’effet placebo, il en va de même de sa présentation, de son prix, de sa couleur, de son goût, de sa voie d’administration.

    Ainsi, dans la douleur, une étude a comparé la même crème placebo. On avait cependant indiqué aux participants que l’un des deux produits avait un prix plus élevé que l’autre. La réponse placebo a été plus importante lorsque les participants pensaient utiliser la crème antidouleur la plus chère. Par ailleurs, par rapport au placebo bon marché, l’autre a entraîné une activation plus importante du cortex cingulaire antérieur, région impliquée dans le contrôle endogène de la douleur.

    Plusieurs études semblent également montrer que les piqûres et les injections intraveineuses induisent de plus fortes attentes, et de ce fait un plus grand effet placebo que l’administration d’un traitement par une voie non invasive comme la prise orale ou nasale. Comme le souligne le professeur Benedetti, « le placebo ne se résume pas à la seule substance inerte. Son administration s’intègre au sein de stimuli sensoriels et sociaux qui disent au patient qu’on lui administre un traitement bénéfique ».

    #Médecine #Santé_publique #Placebo

  • Dust off that Spider-Man Halloween costume, usable spider glue may be on the way!

    We might be one step closer to a real-life Spider-Man (or woman)! Researchers at University of Maryland, Baltimore County, have successfully sequenced two genes...

  • Paralysée par un puissant ransomware depuis trois semaines, Baltimore peine à relancer ses systèmes

    Située dans le Maryland, la ville de Baltimore est en proie à une cyberattaque de type ransomware depuis trois semaines. Avec comme principale conséquence un blocage partiel des systèmes informatiques de l’agglomération, la mairie ayant refusé de payer la rançon exigée par les hackers. Clou du spectacle : le virus en question a en partie été créé par la National Security Agency (NSA). Fraîchement intronisé à la tête de Baltimore après la démission de Catherine Pugh, accusée de corruption, le nouveau maire (...)

    #FBI #NSA #ransomware #hacking


  • Map shows the millions of acres of Brazilian Amazon rain forest lost last year

    Because of human activities the world continued to lose forests in 2018, according to data compiled by research group Global Forest Watch and analysts at the University of Maryland.

    Clear cutting—removing large patches of forest indiscriminately—caused the highest loss of forest cover overall. Much of that was to make room for ranching, but other commercial activities like mining and soy production were also involved. Forest loss was down overall from the previous year by nearly 50 percent, largely due to massive wildfires in 2016 and 2017. But without wildfires, forest loss was up by roughly 13 percent. That has implications for climate change as well as other environmental concerns, the researchers note.

    #forêt #déforestation #Brésil #Amérique_du_Sud

  • ‘Siding with Big Pharma’ : Republicans warn CEOs not to cooperate with Democrats’ drug price probe –

    Jusqu’où iront les Républicains US en tordant les déclarations et en absolvant d’avance les Big Pharma. La bataille politique ne porte plus sur les projets, mais sur les détournements du langage. Ce ne sont plus les « petites phrases », mais les « extraits de phrases utilisés pour faire dire l’inverse ». Ce phénomène est grave. Il est un symptôme de la fin des Lumières... du mauvais côté (il y a des critiques à faire aux Lumières, mais pas celles portant sur le Tribunal de la raison et le développement d’une connaissance appuyées sur les faits).

    As Democrats on the House Oversight Committee attempt to investigate soaring drug prices in the U.S., Republicans are warning the CEOs of some of America’s largest pharmaceutical companies against cooperating with the probe.

    Reps. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), leaders of the far-right House Freedom Caucus, sent letters (pdf) to a dozen drug company CEOs “warning that information they provide to the committee could be leaked to the public by Democratic chair Elijah Cummings in an effort to tank their stock prices,” Buzzfeed reported Monday.

    Cummings, a Democrat from Maryland, launched his investigation in January with a request for “information and communications on price increases, investments in research and development, and corporate strategies to preserve market share and pricing power” from pharmaceutical giants such as Pfizer, Novartis, Johnson & Johnson, and others.

    In their letters to the same pharmaceutical companies, Jordan and Meadows suggested that Cummings is attempting to obtain information that “would likely harm the competitiveness of your company if disclosed publicly.”

    “While we cannot speculate about Chairman Cummings’s motives, we believe the committee should not pursue an investigation to ‘impact… stock prices with regard to drugs’—especially when there is bipartisan interest in real oversight of rising prescription drug prices,” the Republicans wrote in their letters, dated April 5.

    As Buzzfeed notes, Jordan and Meadows’ claims rest on an out-of-context quote from Cummings:

    The [Republicans’] letter quotes Cummings as saying of his drug team: “If you follow the headlines, we have already seen the impact they have had… on stock prices with regard to drugs. I mean, it has been astronomical.” The letter omits the rest of the sentence: “saving the taxpayers money.”

    In the edited quote, Cummings seems to be bragging about an “astronomical” impact on drug company stocks. In the context of his statements before and after, he seems to be saying the “astronomical” impact is on taxpayer savings, which justify giving his committee more resources. A minute later he says: “Whatever you all give us, we will give it back in savings by rooting out fraud, waste, and abuse.”

    In a statement to Buzzfeed, Cummings said Jordan—the ranking member of the House Oversight Committee—”is on the absolute wrong side here.”

    “He would rather protect drug company ‘stock prices’ than the interests of the American people,” Cummings added.

    Economist and University of California, Berkeley professor Robert Reich expressed agreement with Cummings, tweeting of the two Republicans, “Once again, they’re siding with Big Pharma at the expense of the American people.”

    #Big_pharma #Politique_USA #Langage

  • Russian state TV shows map of potential US nuclear targets | World news | The Guardian

    Russian state television has broadcast a map of the US showing military facilities Moscow would target in the event of a nuclear strike, in a report that was unusual even by its own bellicose standards.

    The targets included the Pentagon and the presidential retreat in Camp David, Maryland. A hypersonic missile Russia is developing would be able to hit them in less than five minutes, it said.

    #nucleaire #russie #etats-unis

  • Interview with Radiologist, fellow and Kaggle expert: Dr. Alexandre Cadrin-Chenevert

    Part 20 of The series where I interview my heroes.Index to “Interviews with ML Heroes”Today, I’m super excited to be interviewing one of the domain experts in #medical Practice: A Radiologist, a great member of the community and a kaggle expert: Dr. Alexandre Cadrin-Chenevert.Alexandre is an MD, Radiologist and a Computer Engineer. He is also a Deep Learning Practitioner, Kaggle Competition Expert (Ranked #72). He is actively working in the application of Deep Learning in the Medical Domain.About the Series:I have very recently started making some progress with my Self-Taught Machine Learning Journey. But to be honest, it wouldn’t be possible at all without the amazing community online and the great people that have helped me.In this Series of Blog Posts, I talk with People that have (...)

    #deep-learning #computer-vision #machine-learning #artificial-intelligence

  • Une affaire relativement petite et technique, mais qui démontre le recul des anti-BDS aux États-Unis, pourtant pays leader en la matière :

    Les sénateurs américains rejettent la loi anti-BDS et pro-Israël
    Maannews, le 10 janvier 2019

    Traduction de :

    US Senators vote down anti-BDS, pro-Israeli bill
    Maannews, le 10 janvier 2019

    A regrouper avec un autre recul aux Etats-Unis :

    Former legislator in Maryland sues state over anti-BDS law
    Middle East Eye, le 9 janvier 2019

    #BDS #USA #Palestine

  • Maryland: Former legislator sues state over anti-BDS law | Middle East Eye

    A software engineer and former state legislator is suing the US state of Maryland over its anti-boycott law.

    Saqib Ali, who became the first Muslim member of the Maryland House of Delegates in 2006, said he refused to sign a “loyalty oath” pledging that he does not boycott Israel, in order to win a contract to build a computer programme for the state.

    “I do boycott Israel and the illegally occupied territories because Palestinians are not free; they live under a brutal military occupation,” Ali said at a news conference announcing the lawsuit on Wednesday.

    “And until that occupation is ended, I decided I will boycott Israel. It is my First Amendment right. It is guaranteed by the US Constitution.”

    Maryland is one of the dozens of states that have passed measures banning government entities from hiring companies that boycott Israel.

    The push is part of a nationwide effort to counter the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which seeks to pressure Israel economically and politically to end its abuses against Palestinians.

    Critics of such measures say they restrict freedom of speech, protect a foreign nation from criticism and censor meaningful debate about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    Last year, US courts in Kansas and Arizona ruled that it is unconstitutional to force government contractors to refrain from boycotting Israel, blocking the anti-BDS laws in both states.

    In the case of Maryland, the anti-boycott measure was enacted through an executive order by Republican Governor Larry Hogan in 2017, after it failed to pass through the legislature.

    Hogan has defended the executive order, saying that it aims to protect Israel from BDS.

    “They’re asking people to discriminate against Israel,” he said of the movement after signing the order in 2017, as reported by the Baltimore Sun at the time. “There’s no argument to the contrary that makes any sense.”

    #bds #usa #israel #palestine

  • Devastating Laos dam collapse leads to deforestation of protected forests

    The collapse of a dam in southern Laos released five billion cubic meters of water, killing dozens, devastating communities, and forcing thousands to flee.
    The collapse also flooded areas of protected forest. In early September, the Global Land Analysis and Discovery Lab at the University of Maryland began detecting tree cover loss along a 22-mile length of the river. By December 7, more than 7,500 deforestation alerts had been recorded.
    An investigation by Mongabay revealed collateral damage is also taking place as residents harvest wood from both downed trees and living forests in an effort to make ends meet.
    One of the companies involved with the dam reportedly blamed heavy rain and flooding for the collapse, but many have questioned their liability and believe the companies should be providing compensation.

    #Laos #barrage

  • Amid an Export Boom, the U.S. Is Still Importing #Natural_Gas - Bloomberg

    The U.S. may be exporting natural gas at a record clip, but that hasn’t stopped it from accepting new imports. A tanker with fuel from Nigeria has berthed at the Cove Point import terminal in Maryland, while a second ship with Russian gas is idling outside Boston Harbor.

    Pipeline constraints, depleted stockpiles and a 98-year-old law barring foreign ships from moving goods between U.S. ports is opening the way for liquefied natural gas to be shipped from overseas with prices expected to spike as the East Coast winter sets in.

    The two tankers are carrying about 6 billion cubic feet of #LNG, enough to power 150,000 homes for a year. At one point Thursday, the ship carrying Nigerian fuel to Cove Point passed another tanker in the Chesapeake Bay filled with U.S. gas that was headed abroad.

    It is ironic,’” said John Kilduff, a partner at Again Capital LLC in New York. But the “super cheap gas” produced in the nation’s shale fields “is trapped down west of the Mississippi unable to serve its own market,” he said by phone. “The gas is where the people aren’t.

    bout the money. The companies shipping the gas into Maryland — BP Plc and Royal Dutch Shell Plc — will likely have it stored until freezing East Coast temperatures push prices higher as local suppliers struggle to meet demand, according to Trevor Sikorski, head of natural gas, coal and carbon with the London-based industry consultant Energy Aspects Ltd. in a note to clients on Wednesday.

    Meanwhile, the gas being exported out will likely fetch higher prices right now in Europe and Asia. Dominion Energy Inc., which owns the Cove Point terminal, didn’t respond to emailed and telephone requests seeking comment.

    Other factors are at play as well. For instance, American providers can’t just ship LNG from shale fields in the south because the giant ships that transport the super-chilled fuel sail under foreign flags. Under the 1920 #Jones_Act, that means none can legally transport LNG to the Northeast from existing export terminals in Louisiana and Texas.

    At the same time, even the vast pipeline network feeding the region can quickly develop bottlenecks at a time when stockpiles are sitting at their lowest levels for this time of year since 2002. While production is soaring, strong demand from more and more U.S. power plants using the fuel, along with new export terminals, soaks up much of that new supply.

    There’s still some logistics and pipelines that need to be built to match out to where the demand is,” Kilduff said.


  • Americans Are Increasingly Critical of Israel – Foreign Policy

    The firing of Professor Marc Lamont Hill as a CNN contributor after his speech at a United Nations event commemorating the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People has generated considerable debate about free speech that goes beyond the case itself—what is legitimate criticism of Israel, and what constitutes anti-Semitism. A recent University of Maryland public-opinion poll indicates that many aspects of Hill’s views are widely shared among the American public—and that these views are not reflective of anti-Semitic attitudes, or even of hostility toward Israel as such. On these issues, there is a gap between the mainstream media and U.S. politicians on the one hand, and the American public on the other.

    While many issues were raised about Hill, the part of his speech that received the most criticism was his call for a “free Palestine from the river to the sea,” which was seen by some as calling for the end of Israel. Hill himself clarified almost immediately that “my reference to ‘river to the sea’ was not a call to destroy anything or anyone. It was a call for justice, both in Israel and in the West Bank/Gaza.” In an op-ed he penned later, he acknowledged that the language he chose may have contributed to the misperception that he was advocating violence against Jewish people—and apologized for that.

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    But, perceptions aside, are Professor Hill’s views exceptional?

    The first issue to consider is advocacy for a one-state solution, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, with equal citizenship for all, which would in effect threaten Israel’s status as a Jewish-majority state, as Arabs might soon outnumber Jews on that territory. In fact, this solution has considerable support among the American public, as revealed in a University of Maryland Critical Issues Poll, fielded by Nielson Scarborough, which was conducted in September and October among a nationally representative sample of 2,352 Americans, with a 2 percent margin of error. When asked what outcome they want U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration to seek in mediating the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Americans are split between one state with equal citizenship and two states coexisting side by side: 35 percent say they want a one-state solution outright, while 36 percent advocate a two-state solution, 11 percent support maintaining the occupation, and 8 percent back annexation without equal citizenship. Among those between 18 and 34 years old, support for one state climbs to 42 percent.

    Furthermore, most of those who advocate a two-state solution tend to choose one state with equal citizenship if the two-state solution were no longer possible; the last time the survey asked this question, in November 2017, 55 percent of two-state solution backers said they would switch to one state in such circumstances. Bolstering this result is Americans’ views on the Jewishness and democracy of Israel: If the two-state solution were no longer possible, 64 percent of Americans would choose the democracy of Israel, even if it meant that Israel would cease to be a politically Jewish state, over the Jewishness of Israel, if the latter meant that Palestinians would not be fully equal.

    When one considers that many Israelis and Palestinians, as well as many Middle East experts, already believe that a two-state solution is no longer possible, especially given the large expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, it’s not hard to see why more people would be drawn to a one-state solution—or see the advocacy for two states as legitimizing the unjust status quo through the promise of something unattainable.

    Second, while most Americans have probably never heard of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement that Hill backs, our poll shows that a large number of Americans support imposing sanctions or more serious measures if Israeli settlements in the West Bank continue to expand: 40 percent of Americans support such measures, including a majority of Democrats (56 percent). This comes as senators, including Democrats, are proposing, despite continued ACLU opposition, to delegitimize and criminalize voluntary boycotts of Israel or settlements through the Israel Anti-Boycott Act, while not differentiating between Israeli settlements in the West Bank from those in Israel proper.

    Third, there is a growing sense that the Israeli government has “too much influence” on U.S. politics and policies: 38 percent of all Americans (including 55 percent of Democrats, and 44 percent of those under 35 years old), say the Israeli government has too much influence on the U.S. government, compared with 9 percent who say it has “too little influence” and 48 percent who say it has “about the right level of influence.” While the number of Jewish participants in the sample (115) is too small to generalize with confidence, it is notable that their views fall along the same lines of the national trend: 37 percent say Israel has too much influence, 54 percent say it has the right level, and 7 percent say it has too little influence.

    These results indicate neither a rise in anti-Semitism nor even a rise in hostility toward Israel as such. As analysis of previous polls has shown, many who espouse these opinions base them on a principled worldview that emphasizes human rights and international law.

    Keep in mind that, in a polarized America with deep political antagonism, it’s hardly surprising that Americans would have sharply divided views on Israelis and Palestinians. What many read as a rising anti-Israeli sentiment among Democrats is mischaracterized; it reflects anger toward Israeli policies—and increasingly, with the values projected by the current Israeli government.

    On the question of whether Americans want the Trump administration to lean toward Israel, toward the Palestinians, or toward neither side, there is a vast difference between Republicans and Democrats in the new poll: While a majority of Republicans want Washington to lean toward Israel outright (57 percent), a substantial majority of Democrats (82 percent) want it to lean toward neither side, with 8 percent wanting it to lean toward the Palestinians and 7 percent toward Israel. Still, it’s inaccurate to label the Democrats’ even-handedness as “anti-Israel.”

  • Rashida Tlaib Plans to Lead Delegation to Palestine
    Alex Kane, Lee Fang | December 3 2018

    Rashida Tlaib, a Democratic representative-elect from Michigan, belongs to a cohort of incoming members of Congress who’ve vowed to upend the status quo — even on third-rail issues in Washington like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. To that end, Tlaib is planning to lead a congressional delegation to the Israeli-occupied West Bank, she told The Intercept. Her planned trip is a swift rebuke of a decades-old tradition for newly elected members: a junket to Israel sponsored by the education arm of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, known as AIPAC, the powerful pro-Israel lobby group.

    The AIPAC trips are among the lesser-known traditions for freshman members of Congress. They’re typically scheduled during the first August recess in every legislative session and feature a weeklong tour of Israel and meetings with leading Israeli figures in business, government, and the military. Both critics and proponents of the AIPAC freshmen trip say the endeavor is incredibly influential, providing House members with a distinctly pro-Israel viewpoint on complex controversies in the region. In recent years, the Democratic tour has been led by incoming Majority Leader Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md. Incoming Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., traditionally leads the Republican trip. (...)


    • Et affiche son soutien au mouvement BDS :

      Tlaib’s challenge to AIPAC isn’t limited to leading a separate trip to the region. In her interview with The Intercept, she for the first time came out in support of Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions, the movement known as BDS that seeks to punish Israel over its human rights abuses.

      “I personally support the BDS movement,” said Tlaib. She added that economic boycotts are a way to bring attention to “issues like the racism and the international human rights violations by Israel right now.”

  • Migrations,au USA, rappel : L’immigration canadienne-française aux États-Unis. du milieu du XIXe siècle jusqu’à l’entre-deux-guerres
    Les malheurs d’un million d’immigrants canadiens-français : Jean-François Nadeau - 13 Novembre 2018 - Le Devoir

    Un million d’immigrants entassés dans des ghettos ne survivent que dans des conditions sanitaires précaires. À #Brunswick, au #Maine, ils vivent dans une densité difficile à se représenter.

    « C’est difficile à imaginer. Ils sont environ 500 individus à l’acre, comparativement à une famille de 4 ou 5 personnes qui occupent d’ordinaire une maison sur un demi-acre », observe en entrevue David Vermette, auteur d’une histoire de l’immigration des Canadiens français en #Nouvelle-Angleterre, A Distinct Alien Race .

    Photo : National Child Labor Committee collection, Librairie du Congrès Parmi les milliers d’immigrants canadiens-français qui peinent dans les usines de la Nouvelle-Angleterre, on trouve des enfants. Le sociologue et photographe Lewis Hine documente leurs conditions de travail. Il note à l’oreille leurs noms. Ici « Jo Bodeon », Joseph Beaudoin, photographié à la Chace Cotton Mill de Burlington, au Vermont, en 1909.

    Plus d’un million de Québécois immigrèrent pour échapper à la misère. Ils sont aujourd’hui à peu près oubliés. « Chaque famille québécoise a pourtant un lien avec cette immigration. Il est rare que je parle à quelqu’un du Québec dont un membre de la famille n’ait pas été lié avec cette fuite vers les États-Unis » qui court du milieu du XIXe siècle jusqu’à l’entre-deux-guerres.

    Pourquoi en parler encore aujourd’hui ? « Cette histoire des Canadiens français en Nouvelle-Angleterre reflète ce que d’autres groupes migrants connaissent aujourd’hui. Le président Trump agite l’idée que quelques milliers de migrants venus du Honduras représentent un danger, comme s’il s’agissait du débarquement de Normandie ! C’était la même peur qu’on agitait à l’égard de l’immigration canadienne-française aux États-Unis. On disait que les Canadiens français ne s’assimileraient jamais, qu’ils ne pouvaient pas être des citoyens fidèles puisque leur allégeance allait d’abord au pape, qu’ils se trouvaient là pour imposer leur culture aux Américains et, à terme, pour prendre le contrôle des institutions ! »

    Fasciné par l’histoire de ces Franco-Américains dont il est un descendant, David Vermette rappelle que des efforts énormes ont été entrepris en réaction à leur immigration pour convertir les catholiques et leur faire la lutte. « Il y avait même des plans pour convertir le Québec. Les protestants ont établi des cours en français dans le dessein de les convertir. »

    Pour Vermette, joint chez lui au Maryland, « beaucoup des peurs éprouvées aujourd’hui à l’égard des musulmans l’étaient à l’époque devant les catholiques ».

    Un mythe
    Son livre, Vermette l’a écrit d’abord pour ses compatriotes américains, afin de leur faire connaître la réalité de cette immigration qui les a constitués.

    « Malgré plusieurs noms français dans mon voisinage, aucune famille ne semblait connaître son passé. Mais j’ai aussi écrit ce livre pour que les Québécois cessent de répéter que leurs ancêtres immigraient afin de connaître une vie meilleure puisque, aux États-Unis, tout allait tellement mieux pour eux. Ce n’est pas vrai ! C’est de la foutaise ! La vie y était épouvantable. Pas même par rapport aux standards d’aujourd’hui, mais par rapport aux leurs ! On manquait de tout. Et c’est parce que tout manquait qu’on acceptait de travailler dans des usines de coton. Ceux qui veulent tout déréguler aujourd’hui au nom de la #compétitivité veulent revenir à cette époque, selon les standards de la #misère d’aujourd’hui. »

    En 1886, à Brunswick au Maine, le docteur du lieu atteste que la diarrhée tue de nombreux enfants, en particulier dans la population canadienne-française. L’eau potable est puisée à même la rivière où, en amont, une usine déverse ses déchets. Des pasteurs indiquent que, pour cette communauté, ils enterrent plus de bébés qu’ils n’en baptisent. Des médecins, pour leur part, font état d’épidémie de diphtérie. Dès 1881, un journaliste indique que la fièvre typhoïde décime la population canadienne-française à grande vitesse.

    Les Petits Canadas
    Les immigrants des rives du Saint-Laurent se regroupaient dans des ghettos que l’on nommait Petits Canadas. « Ces Petits Canadas n’étaient pas tous insalubres, mais beaucoup l’étaient. »

    Les archives sanitaires de l’époque corroborent les constats, montre Vermette. L’éditeur du Brunswick Telegraph , Albert G. Tenney, va décrire les conditions de vie de ces gens dans plusieurs textes qui empruntent au ton indigné des abolitionnistes. « Ce ton indigné témoigne du fait que des gens trouvaient indécent le sort fait à ces immigrants canadiens-français. »

    On est loin de l’image classique de l’oncle des États qui revient dans sa famille du Québec pour montrer sa montre en or, symbole de sa réussite.

    « C’était en fait vraiment épouvantable. Certains témoignages directs qui datent des années 1970 donnent une idée de la situation vécue. Une famille de douze par exemple qui vit dans deux pièces non chauffées. En réalité, le sort fait aux immigrants de la Nouvelle-Angleterre est épouvantable. Ça n’a rien à voir avec ce qu’on continue parfois de répéter au Québec, à savoir qu’ils partaient pour connaître une vie meilleure. »

    Dans ces maisons de compagnie où s’entassent parfois plusieurs familles en même temps, les indicateurs du recensement permettent d’avoir une idée des conditions de vie.

    En 1880, l’habitation no 25 d’une de ces filatures est habitée par toute la famille de la grand-mère de David Vermette. Juste à côté, à l’habitation no 23, Claire Albert, deux ans, et son frère Alexis, 8 ans, meurent tous les deux le même jour de la diphtérie.

    Les enfants tombent à vrai dire comme des mouches. Dans l’habitation no 29, pas moins de 32 individus s’entassent comme ils peuvent pour survivre. Un témoin du temps, cité par Vermette, indique que les Canadiens français sont soumis à un degré de brutalité quasi impensable dans une communauté civilisée.

    Près d’une fabrique où l’on trouve un Petit Canada, les déchets de la ville sont jetés à quelques mètres seulement des maisons des ouvriers canadiens-français. Le médecin du lieu a beau ordonner qu’on les enlève, leurs piètres conditions de vie demeurent.

    À Lewiston, au #Maine, le docteur A. M. Foster observe que la vaste majorité des maisons occupées par des Canadiens français ne sont pas à même d’éloigner les immondices naturelles. On y vit pour ainsi dire comme au #Moyen_Âge. La même note aussi que la ville a installé sa décharge publique à proximité de là où vivent les Canadiens français, lesquels forment la portion la plus importante des #étrangers qui vivent à #Lewiston.

    En 1882, le bureau du travail de Lowell, centre important de l’immigration canadienne-française, publie un rapport. On y traite des conditions de vie dans le quartier dit du Petit Canada.

    Dans les environs immédiats, quantité de vieilles boîtes de conserve, des bouteilles, des cendres, des déchets domestiques, mais aussi de nombreux résidus industriels, dont des fragments de laines et de coton, ce que les agents publics considèrent comme susceptible d’encourager la croissance de maladies. Et les maladies en effet prolifèrent.

    « Personne n’avait choisi ça. Aujourd’hui, de nouveaux #immigrants ont remplacé ceux-là. Mais on peut désormais trouver des liens entre ces populations et ce que nous avons été. »

    #Canadiens_français #migration #immigration #migrants #USA #Quebec #oncle_sam #gethos

  • The Growth of Sinclair’s Conservative Media Empire | The New Yorker

    Sinclair is the largest owner of television stations in the United States, with a hundred and ninety-two stations in eighty-nine markets. It reaches thirty-nine per cent of American viewers. The company’s executive chairman, David D. Smith, is a conservative whose views combine a suspicion of government, an aversion to political correctness, and strong libertarian leanings. Smith, who is sixty-eight, has a thick neck, deep under-eye bags, and a head of silvery hair. He is an enthusiast of fine food and has owned farm-to-table restaurants in Harbor East, an upscale neighborhood in Baltimore. An ardent supporter of Donald Trump, he has not been shy about using his stations to advance his political ideology. Sinclair employees say that the company orders them to air biased political segments produced by the corporate news division, including editorials by the conservative commentator Mark Hyman, and that it feeds interviewers questions intended to favor Republicans.

    In some cases, anchors have been compelled to read from scripts prepared by Sinclair. In April, 2018, dozens of newscasters across the country parroted Trump’s invectives about “fake news,” saying, “Some members of the media use their platforms to push their own personal bias and agenda to control exactly what people think. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.” In response, Dan Rather, the former anchor of “CBS Evening News,” wrote, on Twitter, “News anchors looking into camera and reading a script handed down by a corporate overlord, words meant to obscure the truth not elucidate it, isn’t journalism. It’s propaganda. It’s Orwellian. A slippery slope to how despots wrest power, silence dissent, and oppress the masses.”

    It’s unclear whether Sinclair is attempting to influence the politics of its viewers or simply appealing to positions that viewers may already have—or both. Andrew Schwartzman, a telecommunications lecturer at Georgetown Law School, told me, “I don’t know where their personal philosophy ends and their business goals begin. They’re not the Koch brothers, but they reflect a deep-seated conservatism and generations of libertarian philosophy that also happen to help their business.”

    Sinclair has even greater ambitions for expansion. In May, 2017, the company announced a proposed $3.9-billion merger between Sinclair and Tribune Media Company, which owns forty-two television stations. The merger would make Sinclair far larger than any other broadcaster in the country, with stations beaming into seventy per cent of American households. The proposal alarmed regulatory and free-speech experts. Michael Copps, a former official at the Federal Communications Commission, told me, “One of the goals of the First Amendment is to make sure the American people have the news and information they need to make intelligent decisions about our democracy, and I think we’re pretty close to a situation where the population lacks the ability to do that. That’s the whole premise of self-government.” He went on, “There are a lot of problems facing our country, but I don’t know one as important as this. When you start dismantling our news-and-information infrastructure, that’s poison to self-government and poison to democracy.”

    In subsequent years, Smith took measures to deepen Sinclair’s influence among policymakers, apparently recognizing that the company’s profits were dependent upon regulatory decisions made in Washington. One of Smith’s first notable forays into politics was his support for Robert Ehrlich, Jr., a Republican congressman who represented Maryland from 1995 until 2003. Sinclair became a top donor to Ehrlich and, in 2001, Ehrlich sent the first of several letters on Sinclair’s behalf to Michael Powell, who had recently become the chair of the F.C.C. The commission was investigating a request from Sinclair to buy a new group of stations, and Ehrlich protested the “unnecessary delays on pending applications.” The F.C.C.’s assistant general counsel responded that Ehrlich’s communication had violated procedural rules. Ehrlich sent another message, alleging that the delays were politically motivated and threatening to “call for a congressional investigation into this matter.” He added, “Knowing that you have served as Chairman for a few short months, we would prefer to give you an opportunity to address these concerns.” The proposed acquisitions were approved.

    A former general-assignment reporter at the station, Jonathan Beaton, told me, “Almost immediately, I could tell it was a very corrupt culture, where you knew from top down there were certain stories you weren’t going to cover. They wanted you to keep your head down and not upset the fruit basket. I’m a Republican, and I was still appalled by what I saw at Sinclair.” Beaton characterized the man-on-the-street segments as “Don’t forget to grab some random poor soul on the street and shove a microphone in their face and talk about what the Democrats have done wrong.” He said that reporters generally complied because of an atmosphere of “intimidation and fear.”

    After Trump’s victory, it looked as though Sinclair’s investment in the candidate would pay off. In January, 2017, Trump appointed Ajit Pai, a vocal proponent of media deregulation, to be the chair of the F.C.C. Pai, formerly an associate general counsel at Verizon and an aide to Senators Jeff Sessions and Sam Brownback, was exactly the sort of commission head that Sinclair had been hoping for. He believed that competition from technology companies such as Google had made many government restrictions on traditional media irrelevant—an argument that echoed Smith’s views on ownership caps and other regulations. Sinclair executives quickly tried to cultivate a relationship with Pai; shortly after the election, he addressed a gathering of Sinclair managers at the Four Seasons in Baltimore. He also met with David Smith and Sinclair’s C.E.O., Christopher Ripley, the day before Trump’s Inauguration.

    It’s not unusual for business executives to meet with the chair of the F.C.C., but Pai soon announced a series of policy changes that seemed designed to help Sinclair. The first was the reinstatement of the ultrahigh-frequency discount, an arcane rule that digital technology had rendered obsolete. The move served no practical purpose, but it freed Sinclair to acquire many more stations without bumping up against the national cap.

    The F.C.C. soon made other regulatory modifications that were helpful to Sinclair. It eliminated a rule requiring television stations to maintain at least one local studio in licensed markets, essentially legitimatizing Sinclair’s centralized news model. Perhaps most perniciously, Pai took steps toward approving a new broadcast-transmission standard called Next Gen TV, which would require all consumers in the U.S. to purchase new televisions or converter devices. A subsidiary of Sinclair owns six patents necessary for the new standard, which could mean billions of dollars in earnings for the company. Jessica Rosenworcel, the sole Democratic commissioner at the F.C.C., told me, “It’s striking that all of our media policy decisions seem almost custom-built for this one company. Something is wrong.” Rosenworcel acknowledged that many F.C.C. policies need to be modernized, but, she said, “broadcasting is unique. It uses the public airwaves, it’s a public trust.” She added, “I don’t think those ideas are retrograde. They are values we should sustain.”

    The F.C.C. and the D.O.J. both warned Sinclair about the dummy divestitures, insisting that the company find independent owners in ten problematic markets. According to a lawsuit later filed by Tribune, instead of taking steps to appease regulators, Sinclair executives “antagonized DOJ and FCC staff” by acting “confrontational” and “belittling.” The company offered to make sales in only four of the markets, and told the Justice Department that it would have to litigate for any further concessions. One Sinclair lawyer told government representatives, “Sue me.” There was no tactical reason for Sinclair to take such a combative and self-sabotaging stance. Instead, the episode seemed to reflect how Trump’s own corruption and conflicts of interest have filtered into the business community. One industry expert who followed the proceedings closely told me that the company clearly “felt that, with the President behind them, why would the commission deny them anything?

    Then, in April, the Web site Deadspin edited the broadcasts of Sinclair anchors reciting the script about fake news into one terrifying montage, with a tapestry of anchors in different cities speaking in unison. The video ignited public outrage, and Trump tweeted a defense of Sinclair, calling it “far superior to CNN and even more Fake NBC, which is a total joke.” (In a statement, a spokesperson for Sinclair said, “This message was not presented as news and was not intended to be political—there was no mention of President Trump, political parties, policy issues, etc. It was a business objective centered on attracting more viewers.”)

    #Médias #Concentration #Dérégulation #Etats-Unis #Sinclair

  • Une juge fédérale d’Arizona décide que les Etats (des USA) ne peuvent pas punir une entreprise pour le boycott d’Israël
    Isaac Stanley-Becker, Washington Post, le 1er octobre 2018

    Dans sa vie professionnelle, cependant, il était tenu par une loi promulguée par l’Etat d’Arizona en 2016 exigeant de toute entreprise sous contrat avec l’État qu’elle certifie qu’elle ne boycottait pas Israël. Il a contesté la directive devant les tribunaux, affirmant qu’elle violait ses droits au titre du premier amendement.

    Un juge fédéral en Arizona a jugé sa plainte fondée. La juge américaine Diane Humetewa a émis une injonction la semaine dernière, bloquant l’application de cette mesure qui oblige toute entreprise passant un contrat avec l’état à fournir une garantie écrit qu’elle ne participe pas à des activités de boycott visant Israël.

    Cette conclusion est la deuxième cette année à revenir sur une vague de lois au niveau des Etats, qui utilisent les fonds publics pour décourager les activités anti-israéliennes. Elle est dans la lignée d’un jugement similaire prononcé en janvier, lorsqu’un juge fédéral du Kansas a statué pour la première fois que l’application d’une disposition de l’Etat obligeant les contractants à signer un certificat de non-boycott violait le droit d’expression garanti par le Premier amendement. Selon l’American Civil Liberties Union, des dispositions similaires sont en vigueur dans plus d’une douzaine d’États, dont le Maryland, le Minnesota et la Caroline du Sud.

    A propos du #Maryland :

    A propos du #Kansas :

    A propos de la #Caroline_du_sud :

    #Palestine #USA #Arizona #BDS #boycott #criminalisation_des_militants

  • [Projet] cf. city flows | Till Nagel & Christopher Pietsch
    cf. city flows a comparative visualization of urban bike mobility

    Une exposition sur la mobilité urbaine à vélo conçue "pour aider les citoyens à analyser de façon « décontractée » trois systèmes de Vélo en libre-service (VLS)".

    Trois écrans montrent l’évolution de la mobilité en VLS (trajectoires) des villes de New York, Berlin et Londres... d’ou le cf. (pour confer, en latin).

    Le principe de la co-géo-visualisation de ces « flux » selon différentes modalités graphiques apparaît réussi. Il pousse l’observateur à la comparaison des morphologies urbaines, similitudes, différences, qui résultent du trafic en VLS. Cela permet aussi et surtout de voir la ville autrement que via le prisme des véhicules à moteur.

    Sur les représentations, on notera par exemple cette « magnifique » carte des trajectoires de VLS en 3D et en edge bundling, une « expérience » que je trouve réussie. Après, on peut toujours discuter sur les aspects thématiques etc.

    La représentation animée, en 3D, d’un flux figuré par une ligne (et non pas une bande, de surface mesurable) est également très intéressante. Elle change de propositions antérieures (le flux est symbolisé par une bande) pour laquelle le passage à la 3D donne l’effet d’un caisson, d’un bâtiment ... alors qu’il s’agit d’un déplacement. C’est un peu gênant que la cartographique de flux ressemble à celle de bâtiments en 3D. (Dans la vue ci-dessous, il s’agit de New-York).

    Référence bibliographique : Till Nagel & al. (2016),Staged Analysis :
    From Evocative to Comparative Visualizations of Urban Mobility, Proceedings of the IEEE VIS 2016 Arts Program, VISAP’16 : Metamorphoses, Baltimore, Maryland, October 23th-28th, 2016

    En savoir plus sur le projet cf. city flows :

    MAJ du 31 janvier 2019 :
    Mise en ligne de l’article de Giovanni Profeta (@profeta_g) : The graphic visualisation of flows
    The information design tools for the analysis of the urban fabric

    #cartedeflux #networg #trajectoire #VLS #flowmap #ville #city #réseau #vélo #bike #Berlin #Londres #New-York #Urbanfmobility #gFlowiz

  • Ca y est, j’ai résumé tout ça dans ma chronique hebdomadaire :

    ELO#336 - Queen of Soul Forever
    Dror, Entre Les Oreilles, le 22 août 2018

    Par rapport à tout ce que j’ai déjà raconté ici, pas grand chose de neuf si ce n’est une meilleure mise en page, quelques mp3 et quelques liens en plus...

    #Aretha_Franklin #Musique #Soul #mort_en_2018

  • Can the Manufacturer of Tasers Provide the Answer to Police Abuse ? | The New Yorker

    Tasers are carried by some six hundred thousand law-enforcement officers around the world—a kind of market saturation that also presents a problem. “One of the challenges with Taser is: where do you go next, what’s Act II?” Smith said. “For us, luckily, Act II is cameras.” He began adding cameras to his company’s weapons in 2006, to defend against allegations of abuse, and in the process inadvertently opened a business line that may soon overshadow the Taser. In recent years, body cameras—the officer’s answer to bystander cell-phone video—have become ubiquitous, and Smith’s company, now worth four billion dollars, is their largest manufacturer, holding contracts with more than half the major police departments in the country.

    The cameras have little intrinsic value, but the information they collect is worth a fortune to whoever can organize and safeguard it. Smith has what he calls an iPod/iTunes opportunity—a chance to pair a hardware business with an endlessly recurring and expanding data-storage subscription plan. In service of an intensifying surveillance state and the objectives of police as they battle the public for control of the story, Smith is building a network of electrical weapons, cameras, drones, and someday, possibly, robots, connected by a software platform called In the process, he is trying to reposition his company in the public imagination, not as a dubious purveyor of stun guns but as a heroic seeker of truth.

    A year ago, Smith changed Taser’s name to Axon Enterprise, referring to the conductive fibre of a nerve cell. Taser was founded in Scottsdale, Arizona, where Smith lives; to transform into Axon, he opened an office in Seattle, hiring designers and engineers from Uber, Google, and Apple. When I met him at the Seattle office this spring, he wore a company T-shirt that read “Expect Candor” and a pair of leather sneakers in caution yellow, the same color as Axon’s logo: a delta symbol—for change—which also resembles the lens of a surveillance camera.

    Already, Axon’s servers, at Microsoft, store nearly thirty petabytes of video—a quarter-million DVDs’ worth—and add approximately two petabytes each month. When body-camera footage is released—say, in the case of Stephon Clark, an unarmed black man killed by police in Sacramento, or of the mass shooting in Las Vegas, this past fall—Axon’s logo is often visible in the upper-right corner of the screen. The company’s stock is up a hundred and thirty per cent since January.

    The original Taser was the invention of an aerospace engineer named Jack Cover, inspired by the sci-fi story “Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle,” about a boy inventor whose long gun fires a five-thousand-volt charge. Early experiments were comical: Cover wired the family couch to shock his sister and her boyfriend as they were on the brink of making out. Later, he discovered that he could fell buffalo when he hit them with electrified darts. In 1974, Cover got a patent and began to manufacture an electric gun. That weapon was similar to today’s Taser: a Glock-shaped object that sends out two live wires, loaded with fifty thousand volts of electricity and ending in barbed darts that attach to a target. When the hooks connect, they create a charged circuit, which causes muscles to contract painfully, rendering the subject temporarily incapacitated. More inventor than entrepreneur, Cover designed the Taser to propel its darts with an explosive, leading the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms to classify it a Title II weapon (a category that also includes sawed-off shotguns), which required an arduous registration process and narrowed its appeal.

    A few years after Tasers went on the market, Rick Smith added a data port to track each trigger pull. The idea, he told me, came from the Baltimore Police Department, which was resisting Tasers out of a concern that officers would abuse people with them. In theory, with a data port, cops would use their Tasers more conscientiously, knowing that each deployment would be recorded and subject to review. But in Baltimore it didn’t work out that way. Recent reports in the Sun revealed that nearly sixty per cent of people Tased by police in Maryland between 2012 and 2014—primarily black and living in low-income neighborhoods—were “non-compliant and non-threatening.”

    Act II begins in the nauseous summer of 2014, when Eric Garner died after being put in a choke hold by police in Staten Island and Michael Brown was shot by Darren Wilson, of the Ferguson Police. After a grand jury decided not to indict Wilson—witness statements differed wildly, and no footage of the shooting came to light—Brown’s family released a statement calling on the public to “join with us in our campaign to ensure that every police officer working the streets in this country wears a body camera.”

    In the fall of 2014, Taser débuted the Officer Safety Plan, which now costs a hundred and nine dollars a month and includes Tasers, cameras, and a sensor that wirelessly activates all the cameras in its range whenever a cop draws his sidearm. This feature is described on the Web site as a prudent hedge in chaotic times: “In today’s online culture where videos go viral in an instant, officers must capture the truth of a critical event. But the intensity of the moment can mean that hitting ‘record’ is an afterthought. Both officers and communities facing confusion and unrest have asked for a solution that turns cameras on reliably, leaving no room for dispute.” According to White’s review of current literature, half of the randomized controlled studies show a substantial or statistically significant reduction in use of force following the introduction of body cameras. The research into citizen complaints is more definitive: cameras clearly reduce the number of complaints from the public.

    The practice of “testi-lying”—officers lying under oath—is made much more difficult by the presence of video.

    Even without flagrant dissimulation, body-camera footage is often highly contentious. Michael White said, “The technology is the easy part. The human use of the technology really is making things very complex.” Policies on how and when cameras should be used, and how and when and by whom footage can be accessed, vary widely from region to region. Jay Stanley, who researches technology for the American Civil Liberties Union, said that the value of a body camera to support democracy depends on those details. “When is it activated? When is it turned off? How vigorously are those rules enforced? What happens to the video footage, how long is it retained, is it released to the public?” he said. “These are the questions that shape the nature of the technology and decide whether it just furthers the police state.”

    Increasingly, civil-liberties groups fear that body cameras will do more to amplify police officers’ power than to restrain their behavior. Black Lives Matter activists view body-camera programs with suspicion, arguing that communities of color need better educational and employment opportunities, environmental justice, and adequate housing, rather than souped-up robo-cops. They also argue that video has been ineffectual: many times, the public has watched the police abuse and kill black men without facing conviction. Melina Abdullah, a professor of Pan-African studies at Cal State Los Angeles, who is active in Black Lives Matter, told me, “Video surveillance, including body cameras, are being used to bolster police claims, to hide what police are doing, and engage in what we call the double murder of our people. They kill the body and use the footage to increase accusations around the character of the person they just killed.” In her view, police use video as a weapon: a black man shown in a liquor store in a rough neighborhood becomes a suspect in the public mind. Video generated by civilians, on the other hand, she sees as a potential check on abuses. She stops to record with her cell phone almost every time she witnesses a law-enforcement interaction with a civilian.

    Bringing in talented engineers is crucial to Smith’s vision. The public-safety nervous system that he is building runs on artificial intelligence, software that can process and analyze an ever-expanding trove of video evidence. The L.A.P.D. alone has already made some five million videos, and adds more than eleven thousand every day. At the moment, A.I. is used for redaction, and Axon technicians at a special facility in Scottsdale are using data from police departments to train the software to detect and blur license plates and faces.

    Facial recognition, which techno-pessimists see as the advent of the Orwellian state, is not far behind. Recently, Smith assembled an A.I. Ethics Board, to help steer Axon’s decisions. (His lead A.I. researcher, recruited from Uber, told him that he wouldn’t be able to hire the best engineers without an ethics board.) Smith told me, “I don’t want to wake up like the guy Nobel, who spent his life making things that kill people, and then, at the end of his life, it’s, like, ‘O.K., I have to buy my way out of this.’ ”

    #Taser #Intelligence_artificielle #Caméras #Police #Stockage_données

  • Scholar Warns We Could Be Headed for a ’Violent Conflict’ Between Republicans and Democrats | Alternet

    How did America become so divided? Why has political polarization become so extreme? In what ways have political parties become like sports teams where winning is all that matters and the common good is unimportant? Can American democracy to survive Donald Trump amid the rise of a conservative movement that views Democrats and liberals as an “un-American” enemy?

    In an effort to answer these questions I recently spoke with Lilliana Mason. She is a assistant professor of government and politics at the University of Maryland, College Park, and the author of the new book “Uncivil Agreement: How Politics Became Our Identity.”

    He really pointed to a group of people who were feeling vulnerable and condescended to and made fun of and said, “You guys are losers, right? We’re all losers, we are losing all the time.” Then he said, “But I’m going to make you winners, I’m going to make us win again.” So it was this almost perfect message delivered to a group of people who were ready to hear a message like that, and were committed to defeating the Democrats because the other party is so socially “other” from them. Ultimately, Donald Trump tapped into a dynamic that has been developing over the last few decades in America.

    But there are now such strong partisans that will do almost anything just for their political team to win. As I said earlier, this is partly because when our party “wins,” our racial group and our religious group and our other cultural and social identities “win” too. The victory of our political party is taking up more and more of what I describe as “self-esteem real estate.” Every part of us is involved now in the outcome of the election. So when our party loses, it hurts a lot more than it did before, because we used to have other meaningful identities.

    In the United States, historically, there were conservative Democrats and liberal Republicans. You don’t have them anymore. This means the loss feels much worse and the victory feels much better. So we end up approaching our elections in a way that’s very much like a sports game where we don’t actually care what the team does after they win. That’s the whole thing that you wanted and you’re happy and excited and you cheer. But you don’t follow the team around and ask them what they’re going to do next in order to make your life better. Having Trump be like a performer enhances that sports-like competition, and it really reduces the attention that people pay to what government is actually doing.

    In American society and politics at large, where we have much powerful identities, people are willing to give up a lot in order to get a win. The stronger the identity, the more they’re willing to give up. So when we see people who are essentially willing to give away democracy for their partisan win, there is perhaps no better example of the power of identity. This is extremely dangerous for democracy because it creates this rift between partisans where no one wants to cooperate or compromise, ever. We’re not only seeing democratic norms erode but we’re also losing the ability to functionally govern. The greater good is no longer of interest to many Americans. The only thing that we care about is whether or not we get the victory and after that nothing really matters.

    But if you look at partisan feelings towards the groups that make up the other side — for example, this would be whites, Christians, evangelicals, police and men for Republicans. For Democrats this would include gays and lesbians, blacks, Hispanics and activists, among a long list of people.

    What we found is that Democrats don’t dislike the groups that make up the Republican Party as much as Republicans dislike the groups that make up the Democratic Party. This helps to explain why there is so much anger from Republicans, because every group associated with the Democratic Party is a groups they do not like. Because of the nature of the respective parties, Democrats practice tolerance a lot more than Republicans are forced to practice it.

    #Politique_USA #Politique_identitaire

  • American Carnage « LRB blog

    I’m in Europe this summer, though not in exile. I have not been driven to find sanctuary, much less thrown into a cage awaiting deportation, or forcibly separated from my child. When I fly home to New York, I will not be told that my name has ‘randomly’ appeared on a list, and taken aside to answer questions about the country of my ancestors, or my religious and political convictions. But for the first time in my life I’m not certain that this privilege, which ought to be simply a right, will last.

    By a strange twist of historical fate, people like me, Jews whose families fled to the US from Eastern Europe in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, became insiders, ‘white ethnics’, but the racism, intolerance and sheer vindictiveness that Donald Trump has helped bring into the mainstream are volatile forces, in constant search of new targets. For Muslims, Latinos, immigrants and black people, this has been the Summer of Hatred. Now we can add journalists to the list. Trump, the inciter-in-chief, called them ‘enemies of the American people’. Five were killed in Maryland last week; they are unlikely to be the last.

    Any American abroad has had the experience of reading the news from home and experiencing the peculiar shock that others must feel when they learn of another school shooting, another police killing of a young black person. Is it possible, you wonder, that such atrocities fail to provoke a national emergency? But it is, and they do not. Instead, they are followed by similar atrocities, which occur with such numbing regularity that they begin to blur in your mind. This is the real ‘American carnage’, and it is permeating the country’s most powerful institutions, from the presidency to the Supreme Court.

  • On a coupé les enfants de la nature

    Ecrans, emploi du temps surchargé, peur de l’insécurité… tout retient la nouvelle génération à l’intérieur. Un constat inquiétant, tant jouer dans la nature est essentiel au développement humain.

    Un matin d’été, dans un centre de vacances de Montreuil (Hautes-Alpes), non loin de Grenoble, ­Caroline Guy entame un atelier de relaxation dans la nature avec un petit groupe de filles de 11 ans. Pour ­commencer, elle leur demande de se déchausser dans l’herbe. La réaction est unanime : « Quoi ? Pieds nus dans l’herbe ? Ça va pas la tête ! C’est dégoûtant. Il y a des bêtes… » Impossible. Inimaginable. Une seule ose ­finalement tenter l’expérience.

    « Elle n’avait jamais marché pieds nus dans l’herbe et a trouvé ça génial, ­raconte Caroline Guy, trois ans plus tard. Dans un monde normal, on ­découvre ça dès qu’on commence à marcher, vers 1 an. » L’expérience a tant marqué cette éducatrice autodidacte que, après un passage dans des écoles classiques, elle a décidé d’ouvrir à la rentrée prochaine une école dans la forêt, dans le sud de la France, avec pour ­modèle les skovbornehaven ­danois, des maternelles où les enfants passent la majeure partie de la journée dehors.

    Y a-t-il beaucoup d’enfants qui n’ont jamais touché de l’herbe ? Cela semble en passe de ­ devenir la norme. Aujourd’hui, quatre enfants sur dix (de 3 à 10 ans) ne jouent jamais dehors pendant la semaine, selon un rapport publié en 2015 par l’Institut de veille sanitaire (INVS). Et les petits Franciliens sortent encore moins. « Le jeu en plein air a été éliminé de l’emploi du temps des enfants », résume Julie Delalande, anthropologue de l’enfance.

    Les chances de s’émerveiller

    En l’espace d’une génération, ils sont rentrés dans les maisons. Dans son ouvrage Last Child in the Woods (« Dernier enfant dans les bois », Algonquin Books, 2005, non traduit), le journaliste américain Richard Louv cite deux études. Selon l’une, issue du Manhattan College, à New York, si 71 % des mères jouaient dehors chaque jour quand elles étaient petites, seuls 26 % de leurs propres enfants en font autant. Soit quasiment trois fois moins. Selon la ­seconde étude, de l’université du Maryland, le temps ­libre dont jouissent les enfants chaque semaine a diminué de neuf heures en vingt-cinq ans.

    Quand on arrête de grimper aux arbres et de jouer dans l’herbe, on se coupe de la nature et « on se déconnecte aussi de tout contact avec le sensible, notre odorat, notre toucher… Il ne reste que le visuel, regrette Julie Delalande. ­Développer ses cinq sens est nécessaire pour l’équilibre de tout individu. L’impact est évident sur l’équilibre mental et psychique ».

    Louis ­Espinassous, auteur, conteur, ethnologue et éducateur nature, accompagne depuis des ­dizaines d’années enfants et adultes dans la montagne. Il habite dans la vallée d’Ossau, dans les Pyrénées, loin de l’agitation des villes. L’anecdote de Caroline Guy ne l’étonne pas. Il en a de semblables « à la pelle », comme cette petite fille de 10 ans en classe découverte qui, regardant la nuit par la fenêtre, assurait que les étoiles, « c’est que dans les films ». Il fait remarquer qu’en privant les enfants de ­contact avec la nature, on leur enlève également des espaces et des moments pour profiter de leurs sens. La construction du rapport au corps est malmenée. Sans parler des chances manquées de s’émerveiller.

    Quête du risque zéro

    Ce constat ne contredit pas ceux répétés ­depuis quelques années : les enfants trop sédentaires souffrent de surpoids et sont de plus en plus touchés par le stress, la dépression… En outre, la myopie est plus fréquente, notamment par manque d’exposition à la ­lumière naturelle. « Aujourd’hui, les enfants vont mal, des études le montrent. Et la ­ situation empire », constate Béatrice Millêtre, ­docteure en psychologie et auteure du livre Le Burn-out des enfants (Payot, 2016).

    Tout ­retient les enfants à intérieur : l’attrait des écrans, l’urbanisation, les assurances, la peur de procès… On accuse également les parents, trop protecteurs. On recommande donc de limiter le temps devant les écrans, mais une piste n’est pas explorée : encourager les ­enfants à jouer dehors. « Il est plus économique, plus sécurisé d’enfermer les enfants plutôt que de les mettre dehors. Parce que l’intérieur est simple, explique Louis Espinassous. Pourtant, on connaît l’importance d’un environnement riche pour le développement de l’enfant depuis les recherches de pédagogues comme Célestin Freinet et Maria Montessori. »

    Dans Pour une éducation buissonnière (Hesse, 2010), Louis Espinassous relève une quête du risque zéro, depuis les années 1970, à l’école et dans les loisirs collectifs. Or, cette évolution des pratiques mène à une « double impasse » : en soustrayant l’enfant à toute fréquentation du danger en milieu naturel, on le prive d’une éducation à la prise de risque ; de plus, on enlève tout attrait à ce type d’activités et on en vient, logiquement, à les supprimer.

    Cette tendance prive l’enfant de la possibilité de tester ses limites, de tomber et de recommencer. Cela l’empêche également de prendre confiance en lui, note Béatrice Millêtre : « Si on explique à un enfant que tout est dangereux, cela revient à dire que rien n’est faisable pour lui. » C’est peu rassurant sur ses capacités.

    La ­nature apaise et favorise l’attention

    Dans son ouvrage Comment élever un enfant sauvage en ville (Les Arènes, 2016), le bio­logiste canadien Scott Sampson explique comment s’établit cette connexion à la ­nature : quand un enfant joue dehors, la ­nature lui offre des défis variés, il a l’occasion de prendre des décisions, de résoudre des problèmes. Il finira par avoir moins peur de faire des erreurs, ce qui fera de lui un meilleur ­apprenant.

    Les activités physiques en plein air ­contribuent également au développement des aptitudes sociales des enfants et favorisent le travail en équipe. Chacun sait que la ­nature apaise, mais on sait moins qu’elle favorise aussi l’attention.

    Une étude concluait ainsi que quand un cours est donné dehors, à côté d’un arbre, les élèves sont plus concentrés et l’enseignant plus calme. Alexandre Dumas le formulait déjà parfaitement au XIXe siècle : « Les enfants devraient vivre au grand air, face à face avec la nature qui fortifie le corps, qui poétise l’âme et éveille en elle une curiosité plus précieuse pour l’éducation que toutes les grammaires du monde. »

    L’éducation à l’environnement a commencé dans les écoles dès 1977 mais, quarante-cinq circulaires plus tard, on ne parle que d’éducation au développement durable (EDD) ; le mot « environnement » a disparu de l’intitulé. Quant à la ­nature elle-même, on n’en trouve pas trace dans les programmes de maternelle. Au ­ministère, cela semble loin d’être prioritaire. A tel point qu’il a été impossible d’y trouver un interlocuteur pour répondre à nos questions sur le sujet, ni sur les classes vertes, en voie de disparition faute de financements.

    « Explorer sans contrainte, sentir, toucher »

    Bien sûr, certaines équipes pédagogiques prennent des initiatives : faire sortir les ­enfants, apporter la nature dans l’école, ­installer un ­potager, un poulailler… « Mais c’est toujours à leurs risques et périls », note ­Julie Delalande. Louis ­Espinassous est pourtant catégorique : « Les ­enfants dans nos ­sociétés seront sauvés par l’action complexe dans un milieu complexe. Il faut absolument les mettre ­dehors. »

    Depuis une cinquantaine d’années, les réserves naturelles se sont multipliées, mais cela ne suffit pas pour sauvegarder la nature. ­Anne-Caroline Prévot, écologue, chercheuse CNRS au Muséum d’histoire naturelle, ­explique : « Il faut que les enfants jouent dans la nature : explorer de façon libre, sans contrainte, sentir, toucher… C’est indispensable pour que la nature entre dans leur identité personnelle. Ces expériences précoces sont aussi fondamentales que les connaissances. On ne protège que ce qu’on aime. Sans ça, la théorie ne sert à rien. »

    • #culpabilisation des #femmes #sexisme #instrumentalisation des #enfants #pseudo-écolos-vrais-machos #sexisme-vert #eco-sexisme
      Le texte parle des mères qui ne font pas assez sortir leurs enfants (cf etude de New York cité dans l’article) et pas un mot sur leur double-triple journées de travail et l’augmentation de la pression faite sur elles pour l’éducation des enfants.
      Ca me fait pensé au texte sur le gaspillage textile qui culpabilise la aussî les femmes. J’inaugure le tag #eco-misogynie pour ces discours écolos qui s’en prennent uniquement aux femmes et qui sous couvert de protection des enfants ou de la nature font le reproche aux femmes de leurs émancipation. Si les femmes ne laissent pas les enfants seuls dans la nature c’est parceque elles sont seuls pour s’occuper des enfants et que dans la nature est pleine d’hommes dangereux avec leurs grosses voitures qui puent et qui tuent (je sais qu’il y a des femmes qui conduisent aussî mais ce sont les hommes qui tuent avec les voitures) et leurs grosses habitudes de harcèleurs sexuels et violeurs. Sans parlé du fait que les espaces publiques urbains ont été bétonnés, goudronnés, sablés et plastiqués pour leur parkings, terrain de foot, basket, skate, pétanque... Lieux ou filles et femmes sont à peine tolérées. Et si il y a quelques espaces verts en ville ils sont couverts de pisse et c’est pas celle des chiens ni celle des mères . Alors oui les mères ne laissent pas les enfants seuls dans la nature est c’est uniquement à cause des hommes (de leur violence sexuelle et routiere). Si l’objectif de ces pretendu écolos c’est l’épanouissement des enfants c’est des hommes qu’il faut exiger un changement de comportement.

  • The Rise and Fall Of the Watusi - The New York Times
    En 1964 le New York Times publie un article sur l’extermination imminente des Tutsi. C’est raconté comme une fatalité qui ne laisse pas de choix aux pauvres nègres victimes de forces plus grandes qu’eux. Dans cette optique il s’agit du destion inexorable du peuple des Tutsi arrivant à la fin de son règne sur le peuple des Hutu qui revendique ses droits. L’article contient quelques informations intéressantes déformées par la vison colonialiste de l’époque.


    FROM the miniature Republic of Rwanda in central Africa comes word of the daily slaughter of a thousand people, the possible extermin­ation of a quarter of a million men, women and children, in what has been called the bloodiest tragedy since Hitler turned on the Jews. The victims are those tall, proud and graceful warrior­aristocrats, the Tutsi, sometimes known as the Watusi.* They are being killed

    *According to the orthography of the Bantu language, “Tutsi” is the singular and “Watutsi” the plural form of the word. For the sake of simplicity. I prefer to follow the style used in United Nations reports and use “Tutsi” for both singular and plural.

    Who are the Tutsi and why is such a ghastly fate overtaking them? Is it simply African tribalism run riot, or are outside influences at work ? Can nothing be done?

    The king‐in‐exile of Rwanda, Mwamni (Monarch) Kigeri V, who has fled to the Congo, is the 41st in line of suc­cession. Every Tutsi can recite the names of his 40 predecessors but the Tutsi cannot say how many centuries ago their ancestors settled in these tumbled hills, deep valleys and vol­canic mountains separating the great

    Nor is it known just where they came from—Ethiopia perhaps; before that, possibly Asia. They are cattle folk, allied in race to such nomadic peo­ples as the Somali, Gatlla, Fulani and Masai. Driving their cattle before them, they found this remote pocket of cen­tral Africa, 1,000 miles from the In­dian Ocean. It was occupied by a race of Negro cultivators called the Hutu, who had themselves displaced the ab­original pygmy hunters, the Twa (or Batwa). First the Tutsi conquered and then ruled the Hutu. much as a ??r‐man ruling class conquered and settled

    In the latest census, the Tutsi con­stitute about 15 per cent of Rwanda’s population of between 2.5 and 3 mil­lion. Apart from a handful of Twa, the rest are Hutu. (The same figures are true of the tiny neighboring king­dom of Burundi.)

    For at least four centuries the Tutsi have kept intact their racial type by inbreeding. Once seen, these elongated men are never forgotten. Their small, narrow heads perched on top of slim and spindly bodies remind one of some of Henry Moore’s sculptures. Their average height, though well above the general norm, is no more than 5 feet 9 inches, but individuals reach more than 7 feet. The former king, Charles III Rudahagwa, was 6 feet 9 inches, and a famous dancer and high jumper—so famous his portrait was printed on the banknotes—measured 7 feet 5 inches.

    THIS height, prized as a badge of racial purity, the Tutsi accentuated by training upward tufts of fuzzy hair shaped like crescent moons. Their leaps, bounds and whirling dances delighted tourists, as their courtesy and polished manners impressed them.

    Through the centuries, Tutsi feudal­ism survived with only minor changes. At its center was the Mwami, believed to be descended from the god of lightning, whose three children fell from heaven onto a hilltop and begat the two royal clans from which the Mwami and his queen were always chosen. Not only had the Mwami rights of life and death over his subjects but, in theory, he owned all the cattle. too — magnificent, long‐horned cattle far superior to the weedy native African bovines. Once a year, these were ceremonially presented to the Mwami in all their glory — horns sand‐polished, coats rubbed with butter, foreheads hung with beads, each beast attended by a youth in bark‐cloth robes who spoke to it softly and caught its dung on a woven straw mat.

    “Rwanda has three pillars.” ran a Tutsi saying: “God, cows and soldiers.” The cows the Mwami distributed among his subchiefs, and they down the line to lesser fry, leaving no adult Tutsi male without cows.

    Indeed, the Tutsi cannot live with­out cattle, for milk and salted butter are their staple food. (Milk is con­sumed in curds; the butter, hot and perfumed by the bark of a certain tree.) To eat foods grown in soil, though often done, is thought vaguely shame­ful, something to be carried out in private.

    THE kingdom was divided into dis­tricts and each had not one governor, but two: a land chief (umunyabutaka) and a cattle chief (umuuyamukenke). The jealousy that nearly always held these two potentates apart prompted them to spy on each other to the Mwami, who was thus able to keep his barons from threatening his own au­thority.

    Below these governors spread a net­work of hill chiefs, and under them again the heads of families. Tribute — milk and butter from the lordly Tutsi, and

    Just as, in medieval Europe, every nobleman sent his son to the king’s court to learn the arts of war, love and civil­ity, so in Rwanda and Burundi did every Tutsi father send his sons to the Mwami’s court for instruction in the use of weapons, in lore and tradition, in dancing and poetry and the art of conversation, in manly sports and in the practice of the most prized Tutsi virtue —self‐control. Ill‐temper and the least display of emotion are thought shameful and vul­gar. The ideal Tutsi male is at all times polite, dignified, amiable, sparing of idle words and a trifle supercilious.

    THESE youths, gathered in the royal compound, were formed into companies which, in turn, formed the army. Each youth owed to his company commander an allegiance which continued all his life. In turn, the commander took the youth, and subsequently the man, under his protection. Every Tutsi could appeal from his hill chief to his army com­mander, who was bound to support him in lawsuits or other troubles. (During battle, no commander could step backward, lest . his army re­treat; at no time could the

    The Hutu were both bound and protected by a system known as buhake, a form of vassalage. A Hutu wanting to enter into this relationship would present a jug of beer to a Tutsi and say: “I ask you for milk. Make me rich. Be my father, and I will be your child.” If the Tutsi agreed, he gave the applicant a cow, or several cows. This sealed the bargain­

    The Hutu then looked to his lord for protection and for such help as contributions to­ward the bride‐price he must proffer for a wife. In return, the Hutu helped from time to time in the work of his pro­tector’s household, brought oc­casional jugs of beer and held himself available for service

    The densely populated king­doms of the Tutsi lay squarely in the path of Arab slavers who for centuries pillaged throughout the central Afri­can highlands, dispatching by the hundreds of thou­sands yoked and helpless hu­man beings to the slave mar­kets of Zanzibar and the Persian Gulf. Here the explor­er Livingstone wrote despair­ingly in his diaries of coffles (caravans) of tormented cap­tives, of burnt villages, slaugh­tered children, raped women and ruined crops. But these little kingdoms, each about the size of Maryland, escaped. The disciplined, courageous Tutsi spearmen kept the Arabs out, and the Hutu safe. Feudalism worked both ways.

    Some Hutu grew rich, and even married their patrons’ daughters. Sexual morality was strict. A girl who became pregnant before marriage was either killed outright or aban­doned on an island in the mid­dle of Lake Kivu to perish, unless rescued by a man of a despised and primitive Congo tribe, to be kept as a beast of burden with no rights.

    SINCE the Tutsi never tilled the soil, their demands for labor were light. Hutu duties included attendance on the lord during his travels; carry­ing messages; helping to re­pair the master’s compound; guarding his cows. The reia­tionsiiip could be ended at any time by either party. A patron had no right to hold an unwilling “client” in his service.

    It has been said that serf­dom in Europe was destroyed by the invention of the horse

    UNTIL the First World War the kingdoms were part of German East Africa. Then Bel­gium took them over, under the name of Ruanda‐Urundi, as a trust territory, first for the League of Nations, then under the U. N. Although the Belgian educational system, based on Roman Catholic mis­sions, was conservative in out­look, and Belgian adminis­trators made no calculated attempt to undo Tutsi feudal­ism, Western ideas inevitably crept in. So did Western eco­nomic notions through the in­troduction of coffee cultiva­tion, which opened to the Hutu a road to independence, by­passing the Tutsi cattle‐based economy. And Belgian authori­ty over Tutsi notables, even over the sacred Mwami him­self, inevitably damaged their prestige. The Belgians even de­posed one obstructive Mwami. About ten years ago, the Belgians tried to persuade the Tutsi to let some of the Hutu into their complex structure of government. In Burundi, the Tutsi ruling caste realized its cuanger just in time and agreed to share some of its powers with the Hutu majority. But in Rwanda, until the day the system toppled, no Hutu was appointed by the Tatsi over­lords to a chief’s position. A tight, rigid, exclusive Tutsi aristocracy continued to rule the land.

    The Hutu grew increasingly

    WHEN order was restored, there were reckoned to be 21,­000 Tutsi refugees in Burundi, 14,000 in Tanganyika, 40,000 in Uganda and 60,000 in the Kivu province of the Con­go. The Red Cross did its best to cope in camps improvised by local governments.

    Back in Rwanda, municipal elections were held for the first time—and swept the Hutu into power. The Parmehutu —Parti d’Emancipation des Hu­tus—founded only in October 1959, emerged on top, formed a coalition government, and after some delays proclaimed a republic, to which the Bel­gians, unwilling to face a colonial war, gave recognition in terms of internal self‐gov­ernment.

    In 1962, the U.N. proclaimed Belgium’s trusteeship at an end, and, that same year, a general election held under U.N. supervision confirmed the Hutu triumph. With full in­dependence, a new chapter be­gan — the Hutu chapter.

    Rwanda and Burundi split. Burundi has the only large city, Usumbura (population: 50,000), as its capital. With a mixed Tutsi‐Hutu govern­ment, it maintains an uneasy peace. It remains a kingdom, with a Tutsi monarch. Every­one knows and likes the jovial Mwami, Mwambutsa IV, whose height is normal, whose rule

    As its President, Rwanda chose Grégoire Kayibanda, a 39‐year‐old Roman Catholic seminarist who, on the verge of ordination, chose politics in­stead. Locally educated by the Dominicans, he is a protégé of the Archbishop of Rwanda whose letter helped spark the first Hutu uprising. Faithful to his priestly training, he shuns the fleshpots, drives a Volkswagen instead of the Rolls or Mercedes generally favored by an African head of state and, suspicious of the lure of wicked cities, lives on a hilltop outside the town of Kigali, said to be the smallest capital city in the world, with some 7,000 inhabitants, a sin­gle paved street, no hotels, no telephone and a more or less permanent curfew.

    Mr. Kayibanda’s Christian and political duties, as he sees them, have fused into an im­placable resolve to destroy for­ever the last shreds of Tutsi power—if necessary by obliter­ating the entire Tutsi race. Last fall, Rwanda still held between 200,000 and 250,000 Tutsi, reinforced by refugees drifting back from the camps, full of bitterness and humilia­tion. In December, they were joined by bands of Tutsi spear­men from Burundi, who with the courage of despair, and outnumbered 10 to 1, attacked the Hutu. Many believe they were egged on by Mwami Ki­geri V, who since 1959 had been fanning Tutsi racial prideand calling for revenue.

    THE result of the attacks was to revive all the cumula­tive hatred of the Tutsi for past injustices. The winds of anti‐colonialism sweeping Af­rica do not distinguish be­tween white and black colo­nialists. The Hutu launched a ruthless war of extermina­tion that is still going on. Tut­si villages are stormed and their inhabitants clubbed or hacked to death, burned alive or herded into crocodile‐infest­ed rivers.

    What will become of the Tutsi? One urgent need is out­side help for the Urundi Gov­ernment in resettling the masses of refugees who have fled to its territory. Urundi’s mixed political set‐up is rea­sonably democratic, if not al­ways peaceful (witness the assassination of the Crown Prince by a political opponent

    In a sense the Tutsi have brought their tragic fate on themselves. They are paying now the bitter price of ostrich­ism, a stubborn refusal to move with the times. The Bourbons of Africa, they are meeting the Bourbon destiny—to be obliterated by the people they have ruled and patron­ized.

    The old relationship could survive no longer in a world, as E. M. Forster has described it, of “telegrams and anger;” a world of bogus democracy turning into one‐party states, of overheated U.N. assemblies, of press reports and dema­gogues, a world where (as in the neighboring Congo) a for­mer Minister of Education leads bands of tribesmen armed with arrows to mutilate women missionaries.

    THE elegant and long‐legged Tutsi with their dances and their epic poetry, their lyre­horned cattle and superb bas­ketwork and code of seemly behavior, had dwindled into tourist fodder. The fate of all species, institutions or individ­uais who will not, or cannot. adapt caught up with them. Those who will not bend must break.

    For the essence of the situ­ation in an Africa increasingly

    NOW, not just the white men have gone, or are going; far more importantly, the eld­ers and their authority, the whole chain of command from ancestral spirits, through the chief and his council to the obedient youth are being swept away. This hierarchy is being replaced by the “young men,” the untried, unsettled, uncer­tain, angry and confused gen­eration who, with a thin ve­neer of ill‐digested Western education, for the first time in Africa’s long history have taken over power from their fathers.

    It is a major revolution in­deed, whose first results are only just beginning to show up and whose outcome cannot be seen. There is only one safe prediction: that it will be vio­lent, unpredictable, bloody and cruel, as it is proving for the doomed Tutsi of Rwanda.

    #Ruanda #Burundi #histoire #Tutsi #Congo