• En six ans, plus de 43 millions d’#enfants ont été déplacés à cause de #catastrophes_météorologiques

    Les catastrophes climatiques ont déraciné et traumatisé des dizaines de millions d’enfants dans le monde, a alerté vendredi le Fonds des Nations Unies pour l’enfance (UNICEF).

    Selon ses estimations, les inondations fluviales pourraient, à elles seules, déplacer presque 96 millions d’enfants au cours des 30 prochaines années.

    Entre 2016 et 2021, quatre types de #catastrophes_climatiques (#inondations, #tempêtes, #sécheresses, #incendies), dont la fréquence et l’intensité augmentent avec le réchauffement de la planète, ont entraîné 43,1 millions de déplacements d’enfants à l’intérieur de 44 pays, dont 95% liés aux inondations et aux tempêtes, détaille le rapport. Et ce n’est là que « la partie émergée de l’iceberg », souligne l’UNICEF, déplorant le manque d’attention portée à ces « victimes invisibles ».

    Sur cette période de six ans, il s’agit d’environ 20.000 déplacements par jour. « Imaginez la terreur d’un enfant qui voit sa communauté ravagée par un feu incontrôlé, une tempête ou une inondation », a déclaré Catherine Russell, Directrice générale de l’UNICEF. « En plus d’affronter la peur, ceux qui sont contraints de fuir traversent des épreuves aux conséquences particulièrement dévastatrices, sans savoir s’ils pourront rentrer chez eux et retourner à l’école ou s’ils devront se déplacer à nouveau ».

    Inondations, tempêtes, sécheresses

    Les inondations et les tempêtes ont donné lieu à 40,9 millions de déplacements d’enfants entre 2016 et 2021, soit 95% du nombre total recensé. Dans le même temps, les sécheresses ont provoqué plus de 1,3 million de déplacements internes d’enfants, la Somalie comptant une fois encore parmi les pays les plus touchés, tandis que les feux incontrôlés en ont provoqué 810.000, dont plus d’un tiers au cours de la seule année 2020.

    Même si les impacts grandissants du changement climatique frappent partout, le rapport pointe du doigt des zones particulièrement vulnérables. Ainsi, les Philippines, l’Inde et la Chine sont les pays les plus touchés en nombre absolu (près 23 millions de déplacements d’enfants en 6 ans), en raison de leur très large population, de leur situation géographique, mais aussi de plans d’évacuation préventifs.

    Mais en examinant la proportion d’enfants déplacés, on constate que les enfants vivant dans de petits États insulaires, tels que la Dominique et le Vanuatu, ont été les plus affectés par les tempêtes, tandis que ceux de Somalie et du Soudan du Sud sont au premier rang des victimes d’inondations.

    Le risque de déplacement est particulièrement élevé pour les enfants vivant dans des pays déjà aux prises avec des crises simultanées, telles que les conflits et la pauvreté, et dont les capacités locales à faire face à d’éventuels déplacements d’enfants supplémentaires sont mises à rude épreuve. Haïti, par exemple, pays à haut risque de déplacements d’enfants liés à des catastrophes, est également en proie à la violence ainsi qu’à la pauvreté et pâtit d’un manque d’investissements dans des mesures d’atténuation des risques et de préparation.

    96 millions d’enfants déplacés dans les 30 prochaines années

    Par ailleurs, le rapport avance des projections. Par exemple, les inondations uniquement liées au débordement des rivières pourraient provoquer 96 millions de déplacements d’enfants dans les 30 prochaines années, les vents cycloniques 10,3 millions et les submersions marines liées aux tempêtes 7,2 millions. Des chiffres qui n’incluent pas les évacuations préventives.

    « À mesure que les effets des changements climatiques s’accentuent, les mouvements en lien avec le climat s’intensifient eux aussi, et force est de constater que nous n’agissons pas assez vite, alors même que nous disposons des outils et des connaissances nécessaires pour relever ce défi de plus en plus urgent », a ajouté Mme Russell.

    Alors que les dirigeants s’apprêtent à se réunir à Dubaï en novembre à l’occasion de la COP 28 pour aborder la question des changements climatiques, l’UNICEF appelle les décideurs à prendre des mesures pour protéger les enfants et les jeunes exposés à un risque de déplacement et les préparer, ainsi que leurs communautés. Il importe de veiller à ce que les services essentiels pour les enfants, notamment l’éducation, la santé, la nutrition, la protection sociale et la protection infantile, soient résilients aux chocs, mobiles et ouverts à tous, y compris aux enfants déjà déracinés.

    #climat #changement_climatique #IDPs #déplacés_internes #réfugiés_climatiques #chiffres #statistiques #UNICEF #rapport #enfance #déplacés

    • Alerte UNICEF : impacts du réchauffement climatique et de la crise environnementale sur les enfants

      La crise climatique et environnementale est l’un des plus grands défis à relever pour nos sociétés, et la jeune génération est déjà la plus touchée. Face à cette vulnérabilité, l’Unicef lance à nouveau l’alerte …

      Avec #Dina_Ionesco Chef de la Division des migrations, de l’environnement et du changement climatique (MECC)

      La situation est critique et ces chiffres devraient malheureusement continuer d’augmenter dans les années à venir. Quels sont les impacts du changement climatique et des dégradations environnementales sur les enfants du monde ? Quelles initiatives et solutions existent et doivent être soutenues au plus haut niveau ?

      Avec Jodie Soret, responsable du service ‘Programmes, plaidoyer et affaires publiques’ chez UNICEF France et Dina Ionesco, spécialiste des questions de migrations climatiques qui a travaillé sur ces questions à l’Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations (OIM) jusqu’en 2021 et travaille actuellement pour le Forum des Pays les Plus Vulnérables (Climate Vulnerable Forum, le CVF).

      #audio #podcast

  • The world’s poorest people won’t be able to migrate to escape climate disasters

    Climate change-driven heat waves, droughts, and floods will push vulnerable people into more extreme poverty, Harvard researcher says.

    Climate change will cause more intense droughts, extreme flooding, and crippling heat waves in many parts of the world.

    In response, some people may become climate refugees.

    But Hélène Benveniste of Harvard University found that as conditions become more extreme, it will get harder for many of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people to move. So some will be unable to escape.

    “It’s costly to move, particularly if you’re going to move further away, and especially if you’re going to move across borders,” she says.

    Climate-change-driven heat waves, droughts, and floods can damage crops and destroy houses — pushing low-income people even further into poverty.

    Extreme weather could also make it more difficult for just one or two family members to move away and send money back home.

    “What that means is kind of a double whammy,” Benveniste says. “You have climate change impacts in origin communities in those locations … but you also have limited options of having access to credit that is being sent back to origin communities because migrants are not being able to leave in the first place.”

    So Benveniste says that as much as the world is focused on climate refugees, we also need to pay attention to people who cannot afford to escape climate disasters at all.


    #réfugiés_climatiques #réfugiés_environnementaux #pauvreté #migrations #vulnérabilité

    • Climate change increases resource-constrained international immobility

      Migration is a widely used adaptation strategy to climate change impacts. Yet resource constraints caused by such impacts may limit the ability to migrate, thereby leading to immobility. Here we provide a quantitative, global analysis of reduced international mobility due to resource deprivation caused by climate change. We incorporate both migration dynamics and within-region income distributions in an integrated assessment model. We show that climate change induces decreases in emigration of lowest-income levels by over 10% in 2100 for medium development and climate scenarios compared with no climate change and by up to 35% for more pessimistic scenarios including catastrophic damages. This effect would leave resource-constrained populations extremely vulnerable to both subsequent climate change impacts and increased poverty.


  • #Migrations_climatiques : l’#Afrique_de_l’Est et la #Corne_de_l’Afrique montrent la voie

    Une nouvelle déclaration pourrait créer un précédent en matière de coopération régionale sur la crise du changement climatique en Afrique.

    La coopération régionale et la liberté de circulation sont essentielles pour bien gérer les migrations et les déplacements dus au climat. Or, ces deux outils sont peu utilisés. L’Afrique de l’Est et la Corne de l’Afrique, durement frappées par le changement climatique, sont des régions pionnières dans la reconnaissance de leur importance.

    Les pays de la Corne de l’Afrique, qui contribuent à hauteur de 0,1 % aux émissions mondiales, sont confrontés à une mauvaise saison des pluies pour la quatrième année consécutive, un phénomène climatique jamais observé en quarante ans. Au moins 36,1 millions de personnes ont été touchées par la sécheresse et 8,9 millions de têtes de bétail ont péri. Plus de 16 millions de personnes n’ont pas un accès suffisant à l’eau potable et 20,5 millions sont confrontées à une situation d’insécurité alimentaire aiguë et à une malnutrition croissante dans certaines régions en Éthiopie, en Somalie et au Kenya. En Somalie, plus d’un million de personnes ont été déplacées, principalement des femmes et des enfants.

    L’irrégularité des précipitations a provoqué une sécheresse dans certaines régions d’Afrique de l’Est et de la Corne de l’Afrique, ainsi que de graves crues soudaines et des inondations par débordement de cours d’eau, comme au Soudan du Sud, en Ouganda et au Burundi. Depuis le début de la saison des pluies en mai, les inondations au Soudan ont endommagé 238 établissements de santé, 1 500 sources d’eau et ont emporté plus de 1 500 latrines. Les inondations de 2021 au Soudan du Sud seraient les pires que le Soudan ait connues depuis ces soixante dernières années.

    En avril 2021, le Burundi avait déclaré l’état d’urgence lorsque des inondations avaient détruit des maisons et des cultures et déplacé des milliers de personnes. Cette même année, 2,6 millions de personnes ont été déplacées en Afrique subsaharienne en raison de catastrophes liées au climat.

    La communauté internationale a mis longtemps à s’attaquer aux liens entre changement climatique et migration

    Le changement climatique est l’une des principales causes des migrations et des déplacements internes et transfrontaliers. Ce phénomène devrait s’accentuer à mesure que les effets du changement climatique se feront de plus en plus durement ressentir. La Banque mondiale prévoit qu’il pourrait y avoir jusqu’à 85,7 millions de migrants climatiques en Afrique subsaharienne à l’horizon 2050. Malgré cela, la communauté internationale a mis du temps à aborder la question de la corrélation entre le changement climatique et la migration.

    Les choses changent cependant, le climat et la mobilité humaine étant de plus en plus souvent inscrits dans les cadres juridiques et politiques à tous les niveaux en Afrique. En juillet, les pays de l’Autorité intergouvernementale pour le développement (IGAD) et la Communauté de l’Afrique de l’Est (CAE) ont signé la déclaration ministérielle de Kampala sur les migrations, le changement climatique et l’environnement. En 2020, les États de l’IGAD avaient adopté le Protocole sur la libre circulation des personnes dans la région de l’IGAD – le premier document à traiter spécifiquement des personnes fuyant les catastrophes et les changements climatiques.

    La nature intersectorielle du changement climatique et des migrations pose d’importants problèmes de gouvernance. Étant donné que de nombreux ministères et entités étatiques sont concernés, il n’existe pas à ce jour de politique ou de législation unique pour faire face aux déplacements provoqués par le climat. Au contraire, on recense au moins 50 cadres et mécanismes politiques sur la migration, le changement climatique et la réduction des risques de catastrophe qui abordent différemment le lien entre le changement climatique et la mobilité en Afrique.

    La coopération régionale est essentielle car la migration climatique est par nature transfrontalière. Les réponses telles que la déclaration de Kampala permettent de sensibiliser l’opinion aux menaces existantes, d’établir des priorités et des plans d’action communs et de mobiliser la communauté internationale afin d’obtenir un soutien pour leur mise en œuvre.

    On recense au moins 50 cadres politiques abordant différents aspects du lien entre changement climatique et mobilité en Afrique

    Cette déclaration prévoit 13 mesures, dont le renforcement de la résilience au changement climatique et des interventions d’adaptation, la promulgation de lois, de politiques et de stratégies régionales et nationales, et l’introduction d’environnements réglementaires qui favorisent l’exploitation des avantages issus des transferts de fonds, du commerce et des investissements.

    Parmi ces mesures, l’investissement dans les économies circulaires et vertes et le renforcement des instituts météorologiques et climatiques sont encouragés. Il est également prévu de créer un groupe de travail interministériel sur le changement climatique, l’environnement et la migration et de demander aux principales parties de soutenir la déclaration lors de la Conférence des Nations unies sur le changement climatique (COP27) qui se tiendra en Égypte en novembre.

    Outre les pays membres de l’IGAD et de la CAE, la déclaration de Kampala a reçu un soutien de haut niveau de tout le continent. Parmi les représentants de pays éminents étaient présents : le Sénégal, qui assure actuellement la présidence de l’Union africaine ; l’Égypte, qui préside la COP27 ; l’Algérie ; la Zambie, qui préside actuellement le Groupe africain de négociateurs sur le changement climatique. Les messages clés de la déclaration devraient donc être repris lors de la COP27 et d’autres forums régionaux et continentaux.

    Les protocoles régionaux permettant la libre circulation peuvent augmenter de manière significative la protection et les ressources pour les populations qui émigrent en raison des effets du changement climatique. Ce type de mesure favorise la création d’emplois et les échanges commerciaux, tout en offrant à leurs bénéficiaires les moyens d’accéder à d’autres possibilités de revenus et à d’autres compétences. La libre circulation permet les migrations transfrontalières circulaires et saisonnières, donnant la possibilité aux migrants de rentrer chez eux avec des transferts financiers et sociaux, y compris des connaissances, des technologies et des compétences.

    Pour l’Afrique de l’Est et la Corne de l’Afrique, la migration est une mesure d’adaptation vitale qu’il convient de favoriser

    La libre circulation a également l’avantage de réduire la nécessité de définir la notion de réfugié climatique. Bien que couramment utilisée, l’expression « réfugiés climatiques » est trompeuse. En effet, la Convention de 1951 sur les réfugiés protège les personnes menacées de persécution, mais ne concerne pas la dégradation de l’environnement ou les catastrophes naturelles. La Convention de 1969 de l’Organisation de l’unité africaine sur les réfugiés élargit la définition des réfugiés mais ne couvre toujours pas la dégradation de l’environnement. Cela signifie qu’il existe toujours un vide normatif dans le droit des réfugiés qui fuient les effets du changement climatique.

    Les protocoles de libre circulation ont été conçus pour améliorer l’intégration régionale et le développement économique. Le protocole de l’IGAD est le premier du genre à protéger les personnes qui se déplacent vers les pays voisins avant, pendant ou après la survenue de menaces environnementales et à leur permettre d’y séjourner jusqu’à ce qu’elles puissent rentrer en toute sécurité dans leur pays d’origine.

    L’Afrique de l’Est et la Corne de l’Afrique sont confrontées à de graves menaces climatiques. Leurs actions collectives reconnaissent la migration comme une mesure d’adaptation vitale qui devrait être autorisée de manière sûre et ordonnée afin d’optimiser le développement. La déclaration de Kampala et le protocole de libre circulation de l’IGAD créent de nouveaux précédents qui devraient inspirer d’autres organismes régionaux et les inciter à adopter la même démarche.


    #réfugiés_climatiques #réfugiés_environnementaux #mobilité #déclaration_de_Kampala #libre_circulation #coopération_régionale #Afrique #exemple #changement_climatique #climat #IGAD_Free_Movement_Protocol #IGAD

    ping @isskein @karine4

  • The Big Climate Movement: Migration and displacement in times of climate change

    Welcome to "The Big Climate Movement: Migration & displacement in times of climate change,” a series of 12 bite-sized videos featuring Dr. Caroline Zickgraf and Dr. François Gemenne of the Hugo Observatory, Dr. Yvonne Su of York University, and 8 young climate activists from 7 countries. In this series, you will explore the contested relationship between climate change and mobility, discover why the term ’climate refugee’ is so controversial, and learn why it is hard to predict numbers of those who will be on the move. You’ll never look at a headline about “climate migration” the same! The series also includes two key case studies, input from youth activists from around the world, and a bonus clip at the end about Coronavirus and its connection to mobility and migration.


    voir aussi:
    #changement_climatique #climat #migrations #asile #réfugiés_environnementaux #réfugiés_climatiques #vidéos #ressources_pédagogiques

  • Identifying Climate Adaptive Solutions to Displacement in Somalia

    This assessment report created by Samuel Hall for IOM, UNEP, and the Directorate for Environment and Climate Change of the Somali Government explores the interactions between climate change, displacement and urbanisation. It answers two key questions in the context of the Somali cities of Baidoa and Kismayo: What factors trigger climate-induced migration? And what adaptive and transformative solutions may contribute to building resilience amid displacement and climate change – at both the community and policy levels?


    table des matières:

    #changement_climatique #Somalie #rapport #IDPs #déplacés_internes #réfugiés_environnementaux #réfugiés_climatiques

  • The convergence of climate change and migration in cities

    Rising sea levels, increasing resource scarcity, acute desertification and greater frequency and severity of extreme weather events are having complex and cascading impacts across the globe. One significant impact is human mobility. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) estimates that by 2050 there could be between 25 million to 1 billion people moving either within their countries or across borders for climate-related reasons. Most of these journeys will lead to cities.

    Despite increasing recognition of need, there is still no comprehensive legal or policy framework to define people driven to move by climate, nor any internationally agreed and implemented protection mechanism. This gap affects, first and foremost, the people who move and are forcibly displaced. Critically, this also leaves those responding on the frontlines – city leaders – without the legal, financial or policy support to proactively address the challenges and leverage the opportunities.

    Cities such as Anchorage (United States), Freetown (Sierra Leone), Bristol (UK), Dhaka (Bangladesh), São Paulo (Brazil) and Houston (United States) provide examples of city leadership in addressing the challenges and opportunities that emerge at the climate-migration nexus. They are taking inclusive and integrated approaches to policymaking on this issue, leading inclusive communications and community engagement strategies, and ensuring inclusive and equitable service provision.

    This paper, the result of a partnership between C40 Cities (C40) and Mayors Migration Council (MMC), draws on the experience of those cities and more to:

    Provide city officials, experts, and practitioners with a clearer understanding of how the complex dynamics of climate change and migration play out in cities, affecting critical infrastructures and socio-economic health.

    Identify good practices from around the globe.

    Provide a resource for city advocacy efforts to ensure national and international frameworks and policymaking provide the financial, policy, data, and capacity-building support necessary for cities to continue leading the way.


    Pour télécharger le rapport:

    #rapport #villes #urban_matters #réfugiés_urbains #asile #migrations #réfugiés #urban_refugees #réfugiés_climatiques #réfugiés_environnementaux

  • #Réfugiés_climatiques : quand attiser la « peur du migrant » masque la réalité des phénomènes migratoires

    À chaque vague, Saint-Louis s’enfonce un peu plus sous l’océan, dont le niveau ne cesse de monter ; les eaux qui assuraient jadis les moyens de subsistance de cette ville du nord du Sénégal menacent désormais sa survie même. Les Nations Unies ont déclaré que Saint-Louis était la ville d’Afrique la plus en danger du fait de l’élévation du niveau de la mer : l’Atlantique engloutit jusqu’à deux mètres de côte chaque année. Plusieurs milliers d’habitants ont été contraints de se reloger à l’intérieur des terres suite aux tempêtes et à l’inondation de Doune Baba Dièye, un village de pêcheurs des environs. Pour les personnes qui habitent toujours sur place, la vie devient de plus en plus précaire.

    Des situations comme celles-là se répètent à mesure que la #crise_climatique s’aggrave. La migration et les #déplacements_de_population induits par le climat sont en hausse, de même que l’angoisse et la désinformation qui l’accompagne. Depuis quelques années, nous observons une multiplication des propos sensationnalistes et alarmistes dans les médias et chez les responsables politiques de l’hémisphère nord, qui affirment que le #changement_climatique entraîne directement et automatiquement une #migration_de_masse, et mettent en garde, en usant d’un #vocabulaire_déshumanisant, contre l’imminence des « #flots » ou des « #vagues » de millions, voire de milliards, de migrants ou de réfugiés climatiques au désespoir qui pourraient submerger l’Europe pour fuir un hémisphère sud devenu inhabitable.

    Les prédictions apocalyptiques retiennent peut-être l’attention de l’opinion, mais elles occultent la réalité complexe du terrain et alimentent une #xénophobie et un #racisme déjà profondément enracinés en Europe en jouant sur la #peur du migrant. Elles dressent en outre un tableau très inexact : ce que révèlent les études sur le changement climatique et la migration est très différent des discours alarmistes qui ont pris place.

    Les experts s’accordent à dire que le changement climatique se répercute sur la #mobilité. Cependant, la relation entre ces deux éléments n’est pas directe, comme elle est souvent décrite, mais complexe, résultant de #causes_multiples et propre à un contexte donné. Par ailleurs, les estimations relatives à l’impact du changement climatique sur la mobilité sont mises en doute par les incertitudes quant à la manière dont évolueront à l’avenir le climat, la capacité d’adaptation des pays et les politiques migratoires internationales.

    #Mythe et réalité

    Les prévisions de millions ou de milliards de personnes déplacées au cours des prochaines décennies laissent entendre que le déplacement et la migration induits par le climat se manifesteront dans un futur éloigné alors qu’il s’agit d’une réalité bien présente. À l’échelle mondiale, le nombre de personnes déplacées à l’intérieur de leur propre pays atteint des records : près de 25 millions de personnes ont dû quitter leur foyer en 2019 suite à des catastrophes soudaines. L’aggravation des #phénomènes_météorologiques_extrêmes, comme les #typhons, les #tempêtes et les #inondations, conjuguée aux changements qui s’opèrent plus lentement, tels que l’élévation du niveau de la mer, la dégradation des sols et les variations des précipitations, devrait accroître la mobilité due au climat.

    Traiter la « #migration_climatique » comme une catégorie de migration distincte implique à tort qu’il est possible de différencier le climat des autres facteurs. Or, les décisions de quitter un endroit résultent d’une multitude d’éléments qui sont profondément liés entre eux et qui interagissent de manière complexe. Pour les personnes qui vivent de l’agriculture de subsistance, les conditions environnementales et les résultats économiques ne font qu’un, étant donné que des changements de pluviométrie ou de température peuvent entraîner de graves conséquences économiques. Caroline Zickgraf, directrice adjointe de l’Observatoire Hugo, un centre de recherche basé à l’université de Liège, en Belgique, qui étudie comment l’environnement et le changement climatique agissent sur la migration explique :

    « Si l’on ne voit pas que tous ces facteurs différents sont imbriqués – facteurs sociaux, politiques, économiques, environnementaux et démographiques – on passe vraiment à côté de la situation générale »

    Une autre idée fausse persiste au sujet du changement climatique et de la mobilité des humains, consistant à croire que la plupart des individus qui se déplacent quittent leur pays. Depuis quelque temps, l’attention vis-à-vis des migrants porte largement sur les Africains qui cherchent à aller en Europe. Cette forme de migration internationale de longue distance représente l’image la plus répandue de la migration et, pourtant, les faits indiquent que ce n’est pas la plus fréquente, mais cette réalité est souvent inaudible.

    En Afrique de l’Ouest et centrale, la migration vers l’Afrique du Nord ou l’Europe représente seulement de 10 à 20 % des déplacements, alors que les 80 à 90 % restants s’effectuent à l’intérieur de la région. « Depuis plusieurs années, l’Europe attire de moins en moins les candidats à la migration, en raison des difficultés qu’ils rencontrent pour bénéficier des programmes de régularisation, trouver du travail et rester mobiles », souligne Aly Tandian, président de l’Observatoire sénégalais des migrations et professeur de sociologie associé à l’université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis. Les pays africains constituent les destinations principales des migrants d’#Afrique_de_l’Ouest parce qu’il n’y a pas de contraintes de visa et qu’il est plus aisé de voyager sur la terre ferme, ce qui facilite la mobilité des personnes en quête d’opportunités, outre la familiarité que procure la proximité socioculturelle et linguistique de nombreux pays d’accueil, explique-t-il.

    Hind Aïssaoui Bennani, spécialiste de la migration, de l’environnement et du changement climatique auprès de l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations à Dakar, au Sénégal, affirme que l’ampleur de la #migration_économique est souvent mal reconnue, en dépit de son importance dans l’ensemble de la région. La plupart des migrants économiques partent pour trouver du travail dans le secteur des ressources naturelles, notamment l’agriculture, la pêche et l’exploitation minière. « L’#environnement est non seulement un élément moteur de la migration, qui oblige les personnes à se déplacer mais, en plus, il les attire », précise Mme Bennani. Elle ajoute toutefois que le changement climatique peut également entraîner l’#immobilité et piéger les individus qui ne peuvent pas partir par manque de ressources ou de capacités, c’est-à-dire généralement les plus vulnérables.

    Ce qui alimente la peur

    On ne peut pas savoir combien de personnes ont quitté leur région à cause du changement climatique et, d’après les experts,il est difficile, voire impossible, de prédire avec précision le nombre de citoyens qui devront se déplacer à l’avenir, du fait de la complexité inhérente à la migration et au changement climatique. « Il va y avoir toute une série de scénarios à partir des actions que nous menons en termes de politique et de climat, mais aussi par rapport à la réaction des gens qui, souvent, n’est pas linéaire. Cela ne se résume pas à dire ‘le changement climatique s’intensifie, donc la migration s’intensifie », indique Caroline Zickgraf.

    L’année dernière, un rapport (https://www.visionofhumanity.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/ETR_2020_web-1.pdf) réalisé par le think tank international Institute for Economics and Peace a révélé que les menaces écologiques contraindraient au déplacement 1,2 milliard de personnes d’ici à 2050. Ce chiffre s’est répandu comme une traînée de poudre et a été couvert par les principaux organes de presse à travers le monde, mais plusieurs experts reconnus dans le domaine de la migration récusent ce chiffre, parmi lesquels Caroline Zickgraf, qui estime qu’il n’est pas suffisamment scientifique et qu’il résulte d’une manipulation et d’une déformation des données. À titre de comparaison, un rapport de la Banque mondiale datant de 2018 qui s’appuyait sur des techniques de modélisation scientifiques prévoyait qu’il y aurait 140 millions de migrants climatiques internes d’ici à 2050 si aucune action urgente pour le climat n’était mise en place.

    L’idée selon laquelle « le changement climatique entraîne une migration de masse » est utilisée par la gauche pour alerter sur les conséquences humanitaires du changement climatique et pour galvaniser l’action en faveur du climat, alors qu’elle sert de point de ralliement à la droite et à l’extrême droite pour justifier la militarisation des frontières et les politiques de lutte contre l’immigration. Caroline Zickgraf note :

    « Mentionner la migration dans le but d’accélérer l’action pour le climat et d’attirer l’attention sur l’incidence du changement climatique pour les populations me semble tout à fait bien intentionnée. Mais malheureusement, très souvent, c’est la question de la sécurité qui prend le dessus. On attend une action pour le climat, et on se retrouve avec des politiques migratoires restrictives parce qu’on joue avec la peur des gens. »

    La peur n’incite pas les citoyens ni les gouvernements à agir davantage pour le climat mais a plutôt tendance à exacerber le racisme et la xénophobie et à contribuer à l’édification de la « forteresse Europe ». De surcroît, présenter la « migration climatique » comme un risque pour la sécurité justifie la mise en place de programmes de financement destinés à empêcher la migration en faisant en sorte que les candidats au départ restent chez eux, ce qui est contraire au droit humain fondamental de circuler librement. Alors que l’urgence climatique augmente, la « crise européenne des réfugiés » de 2015 est de plus en plus souvent invoquée pour prédire l’avenir. Caroline Zickgraf pense qu’en recourant à des tactiques qui alarment le public, ce ne sont pas les changements climatiques qui font peur, mais « l’Autre » – celui qui doit se déplacer à cause de ces changements.

    Un autre problème émane de la recherche sur la migration elle-même : quelles études, réalisées par quels chercheurs, sont reconnues et écoutées ? D’après Aly Tandian, étant donné qu’en Europe toutes les causes de la migration ne sont pas prises en considération, les analyses européennes se limitent à leur compréhension des questions migratoires sur le terrain en Afrique. « De plus, c’est souvent l’Europe qui est mandatée pour réaliser des études sur la migration, ce qui appauvrit en partie les résultats et les décisions politiques qui sont prises », observe-t-il.

    La mobilité, une #stratégie_d’adaptation

    La tendance actuelle à présenter la migration en provenance de l’hémisphère sud comme une anomalie, un problème à résoudre ou une menace à éviter ne tient pas compte du fait que la migration n’est pas un phénomène nouveau. Depuis la nuit des temps, la mobilité est une stratégie d’adaptation des humains pour faire face aux changements du climat ou de l’environnement. Et il ne s’agit pas toujours d’un moyen d’échapper à une crise. « La migration est une question de résilience et d’adaptation et, en Afrique de l’Ouest et centrale, la migration fait déjà partie de la solution », note Hind Aïssaoui Bennani.

    Dans certains endroits, nous devrons peut-être, et c’est souhaitable, faciliter la migration de manière préventive, dit Caroline Zickgraf, en veillant à ce que les gens migrent dans les meilleures conditions dans le contexte du changement climatique. « Ce que nous souhaitons vraiment, c’est donner le choix, et si nous considérons seulement la migration comme quelque chose de négatif, ou qui doit toujours être évité, nous ne voyons pas tous les intérêts qu’il peut y avoir à quitter une région vulnérable à l’impact du changement climatique. »

    Étant donné que le changement climatique pèse lourdement sur les fragilités et les inégalités existantes et qu’il frappera de façon disproportionnée les populations de l’hémisphère sud, alors qu’elles en sont le moins responsables, favoriser la mobilité n’est pas une simple stratégie d’adaptation, mais fait partie intégrante de la justice climatique.

    La mobilité peut permettre aux habitants de Saint-Louis et des innombrables lieux qui subissent déjà les effets du changement climatique, en termes de vies humaines et d’opportunités, d’être moins vulnérables et de vivre mieux – un rôle qui se révélera particulièrement essentiel dans un monde de plus en plus marqué par l’instabilité climatique.

    #réfugiés #asile #migrations #réfugiés_environnementaux #adaptation

    ping @isskein @karine4

  • A Bangladeshi migrant becomes the first ’environmentally displaced’ person in France

    Last month, the appeals court for the Administrative Court of Bordeaux granted the status of “sick foreigner” to a Bangladeshi suffering from a respiratory disease, taking into account the air pollution in his country of origin. The decision was a first in France.

    Living in France for almost a decade, Sheel*, a Bangladeshi suffering from a respiratory disease, obtained his first “residence permit for sick foreigners” in 2015. The Toulouse-based 40-something suffers from a form of severe asthma that needs extensive treatment as well as severe sleep apnea, requiring him to sleep with breathing assistance every night.

    Despite his fragile state of health, in June 2019 his residence permit was denied renewal and he risked deportation, as the prefecture deemed that he could obtain appropriate treatment in Bangladesh. His request for family reunification with his wife, who remained in the country, was also rejected.

    A year later, the administrative court overturned the prefect’s order, arguing that while medicines to relieve asthma attacks are available for sale in Bangladesh, there is no substantive treatment. But the prefect did not stop there and took the case to the Bordeaux Court of Appeal, which on December 18, 2008, confirmed the first judgment and even added a relevant factor that was unheard of in France: that of air pollution in Bangladesh.
    Bangladesh among the most polluted countries in the world

    “This is the first time in France that a court has taken into account environmental criterion to justify a person benefitting from the status of a sick foreigner,” Ludovic Rivière, Sheel’s lawyer, told InfoMigrants. “Because it is obvious that the environmental conditions in Bangladesh today make it possible to affirm that it would be illusory for my client to be treated there, it would amount to sending him to certain death.”

    Indeed, in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, the level of fine particles in the air is six times higher than that allowed by the World Health Organization (WHO). According to the WHO’s 2016 figures, some 572,600 deaths in Bangladesh are attributable to non-communicable diseases, 82% of which are due to exposure to indoor air pollution.

    Bangladesh also ranks 178th in the Environmental Performance Index, established by researchers at Yale and Columbia Universities to assess global air “quality,” ranking it among the most polluted countries in the world.

    In addition to the dangers of air pollution, the French court also recognized that the daily power cuts and high temperatures in Bangladesh did not allow the use of the night ventilation device that Sheel needs.
    Case law for ’climate refugee’ status?

    “Just as an AIDS patient cannot be sent back to a country where he cannot be treated or a death row inmate to a state that practices capital punishment, Sheel cannot be deported to Bangladesh. We are still a long way from making precedent and creating a real climate refugee status in France,” said Rivière, who now hopes that the government and the courts will consider the climate issue more systematically. “The candidates for climate exile are going to be more and more numerous, and politicians will have no choice but to address them quickly.”

    François Gemenne, a teacher and specialist in environment-related migration, also sees a “step in the right direction” but doubts that the decision of the Bordeaux Court of Appeal will be replicated. “Among the applicants for protection, there are many victims of environmental degradation, this plays a real role in the causes of departure, but it is very rarely invoked with the authorities, simply because it is almost never admissible and the applicants are well aware of this,” the researcher told InfoMigrants.

    According to Gemenne, while the Sheel case is unprecedented, environmental criteria are occasionally taken into account by the French justice system. “These are very sporadic decisions, every two or three years. There have already been several cases in which people could not be deported to their region of origin because it was too exposed to natural disasters. It should be possible to build a precedent from all these cases, except that the current political climate is not in favor of broadening the criteria for obtaining asylum,” he said.

    However, Gemenme said an existing tool could make it possible to change the situation. The Nansen Agenda, ratified by 110 countries including France in 2015, has the potential to define clear protection criteria for climate refugees, but it is not binding. France, which until December 2020 was at the head of the rotating presidency of the Platform on Disaster Related Displacement, has not announced any concrete measures in this regard.

    Sheel, for his part, said he was overwhelmed by his new status as a trailblazer in France. Relieved by the court’s decision, he wants simply to continue his life, as well as his work in the restaurant sector. His priority is restarting his family reunification file again in order to reunite with his wife, whom he has not seen for nine years.

    The United Nations Environment Programme predicts 250 million climate refugees worldwide by 2050.


    #France #asile #migrations #réfugiés #Bangladesh #réfugiés_bangladais #réfugiés_climatiques #réfugiés_environnementaux #pollution #pollution_de_l'air #titre_de_séjour_pour_étranger_malade #maladie #titre_de_séjour #statut #maladie_respiratoire #asthma

    ping @isskein @karine4

  • Debunking myths around the displacement-climate change connection

    Misconceptions about the link between climate change and displacement can hamper humanitarian assistance efforts and protection of people affected by disasters, the head of the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre said Tuesday.

    IDMC director Alexandra Bilak said her organization has become increasingly concerned about misperceptions around the climate change-displacement narrative, which she said is fueled by “sensationalist” media reports.

    “Increasingly, the different factors driving slow onset environmental as well as social change become difficult to disentangle one from another,” Bilak said during a virtual event Tuesday. “The interaction of social, political, environmental, and economic factors means that climate change must be understood as just one factor in a complex system that generates and perpetuates displacement risk.”

    Too often, she said, the press takes data and figures from studies and reports out of context, oversimplifying what such numbers mean. The domination of these false narratives creates misinformation about the true causes of the challenge, she said, and therefore undermines dialogue about solutions that can be pursued by policymakers.

    “I’m always uncomfortable when I see climate activists making the claim that climate change will displace zillions of people who will become climate refugees, because that claim is just not based in science.”
    — François Gemenne, director of the Hugo Observatory, lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

    There is also too often a perception that displacement caused by disasters are easier to resolve than displacement caused by conflict.

    “The assumption that most people can return, can rebuild their home, and can recover soon after a disaster has struck means that some displaced people may drop off the radar and they will then miss out on some critically important assistance that is needed not just in the immediate aftermath of a disaster but also very much over the longer term,” Bilak said.

    There were more than 50.8 million people internally displaced around the world at the end of 2019, according to IDMC. There were nearly 25 million new displacements from disasters, while there were 8.5 million caused by conflict. Afghanistan, India, and Ethiopia had the largest total numbers of people internally displaced by disasters at the end of 2019, while Syria, Colombia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo had the largest total numbers internally displaced by conflict and violence.

    IDMC has tracked disaster displacement for 12 years, and Bilak said its evidence shows that displacement is generally not short-lived — but can be avoided.

    People tend to think of disasters as “inevitable,” she said, which gives the impression that displacement is natural and acceptable. This keeps the focus on preparedness and humanitarian assistance, Bilak said, rather than addressing structural, longer-term disaster risk reduction and sustainable development.

    This is particularly true when it comes to the myth of mass displacement caused by climate change to Europe or other Western countries, Bilak said. Centering the narrative on impact felt by wealthy receiving countries that have shown a tendency to close down their borders prevents any conversation about solutions and long-term resilience building. It also ignores the fact that the vast majority of people affected by climate or environmental events end up internally displaced rather than in another country.

    François Gemenne, director of the Hugo Observatory and lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, said the narrative of “zillions” of people knocking on the door of Europe is “highly problematic.”

    “As lead author of the IPCC I’m always uncomfortable when I see climate activists making the claim that climate change will displace zillions of people who will become climate refugees, because that claim is just not based in science,” Gemenne said. “Most of the estimates that circulate in the press or on social networks are not based on robust estimates or robust models.”

    Although people may have good intentions, the narrative can be used to encourage governments to act against climate change as a deterrent to migration, not as the end goal itself, Gemenne said. Advocating for a reduction in emissions can instead lead to more border controls and restrictive migration policies, using people on the move as scapegoats for problems beyond their control that lead to displacement, he said.

    Trying to disentangle migration caused by climate change from other causes of displacement ignores the complexity of the entire phenomenon, Gemenne said. For example, environmental factors cannot easily be separated from economic ones.

    “The amount of money we are going to have in our bank accounts at the end of the month does not depend on the weather,” Gemenne said of the members of the virtual event panel. “But for most people on the planet, there is a direct linkage between the environmental conditions and their economic resources. And I think that we need to recognize that and that what we would label as an environmental problem is also for most people an economic problem.”

    Climate change is just one facet of the global ecosystemic crises being faced by the globe, said António Vitorino, director general of the International Organization for Migration.

    “We will, however, not be able to understand, let alone address, the different impacts of this environmental crisis unless we account for all its components and causes whether related to climate change or more broadly to the environment,” Vitorino said.

    “We must also remember that this environmental crisis is a social crisis. It is poverty, inequality and marginalization that determine people’s vulnerability.”


    #réfugiés_environnementaux #réfugiés_climatiques #changement_climatique #asile #migrations #réfugiés

  • La fermeture des frontières place les migrants à la merci du changement climatique

    Pour François Gemenne, si les migrations sont généralement présentées comme un constat d’échec face aux effets du changement climatique, elles constituent au contraire « une stratégie d’adaptation face à des sécheresses, des inondations, ou par anticipation de changements irréversibles comme la montée des océans. Dans certaines situations extrêmes, elles sont d’ores et déjà considérées comme telles, comme dans les petits États insulaires qui prévoient de déplacer leur population face au risque de submersion. »

    #politique_migratoire #climat #écologie #réfugiés_climatiques

  • Finally, Good News for Asylum Seekers in Italy. New Decree Rolls Back Some of the Worst Aspects of Immigration Policy

    It pledged last year to do so, and now the Italian government has restored some humanity to its immigration and asylum system. This week, the council of ministers adopted a decree that reverses many of the worst policies imposed by the previous interior minister and current leader of the anti-immigrant League Party, Matteo Salvini.

    The decree isn’t perfect, but it’s a step in the right direction.

    The decree, adopted October 5, essentially re-establishes in Italian law the residency permit on humanitarian grounds that Salvini abolished in 2018, now called “special protection.” This two-year permit is for people who don’t qualify for asylum, but who shouldn’t be sent away because they would face a risk of torture or inhuman or degrading treatment. The permit is also for people who have family and social links in Italy, or who suffer from serious physical or mental health issues. By one estimate, more than 37,000 people became undocumented since 2018 because humanitarian permits were abolished.

    Crucially, the decree allows people to convert this and other short-term residency permits into longer-term residency permits based on employment. This will help prevent people falling into undocumented status. The decree reduces detention pending deportation to three months from six.

    While the previous government restricted the nation’s reception system to recognized refugees and unaccompanied children, the new decree opens the doors to asylum seekers awaiting a decision. It also ensures asylum seekers have the right to register with the city hall where they live, since a Constitutional Court ruling this past July found the denial of this right made it “unjustifiably difficult for asylum seekers to access the services to which they are entitled.”

    One large blot on the decree is the failure to take a clear stand against criminalization of humanitarian activities. The government chose to reduce from 1 million to 50,000 euros, rather than eliminate, the noxious fines on ships that perform search-and-rescue at sea. Last year, six United Nations human rights authorities called on Italy to incentivize rather than discourage shipmasters from fulfilling their moral and legal obligation to respond to ships in distress. The current government has delayed disembarkations and impounded rescue vessels on administrative grounds.

    Parliament will have a chance to correct that, and make other improvements, when the decree is submitted for parliamentary oversight.


    #nouveau_décret #décret_salvini #Italie #asile #migrations #réfugiés #Italie #130/2020 #decreto_immigrazione #décret #SPRAR #accueil #permis_de_séjour #protection_internationale #travail #protection_spéciale #protection_humanitaire #réfugiés_environnementaux #réfugiés_climatiques #sauvetage #Méditerranée #citoyenneté #naturalisation #SIPROIMI #hébergement

    ping @karine4 @isskein

    • In vigore il nuovo decreto in materia di immigrazione (D.L. n. 130 del 21 ottobre 2020): luci e ombre

      Oggi, 22 ottobre, è entrato in vigore il Decreto-legge n. 130/2020, pubblicato in Gazzetta ufficiale il 21 ottobre 2020 e recante “Disposizioni urgenti in materia di immigrazione, protezione internazionale e complementare, modifiche agli articoli 131-bis,391-bis, 391-ter e 588 del codice penale, nonché misure in materia di divieto di accesso agli esercizi pubblici ed ai locali di pubblico trattenimento, di contrasto all’utilizzo distorto del web e di disciplina del Garante nazionale dei diritti delle persone private della libertà personale.

      Atteso da svariati mesi e noto all’opinione pubblica come “decreto immigrazione”, il decreto interviene in svariate materie, modificando anzitutto i c.d. decreti sicurezza del 2018 e 2019, che avevano a loro volta modificato alcune norme contenute nel Testo unico sull’immigrazione (D. Lgs. n. 286/1998), nonché la legge n. 91/1992 in materia di cittadinanza e i D. Lgs. n. 25/2008 e D. Lgs. n. 142/2015 (attuativi della direttiva UE c.d. Procedure e della direttiva UE c.d. Accoglienza del Sistema europeo comune di asilo).

      In altre parole, il c.d. nuovo decreto immigrazione prevede una serie di modifiche, apportate a diverse fonti normative, su tematiche sensibili, che non si limitano alla disciplina in materia d’immigrazione, ma riguardano anche la protezione internazionale e nuove ipotesi di protezione speciale, il soccorso in mare, degli aspetti relativi alla disciplina in materia di cittadinanza e all’accoglienza dei richiedenti asilo.

      In materia di immigrazione, il decreto è intervenuto, anzitutto, sui permessi di soggiorno per motivi di lavoro. Alle categorie di permessi già convertibili, sono state aggiunte le nuove ipotesi permesso per protezione speciale, calamità, residenza elettiva, acquisto della cittadinanza o dello stato di apolide, attività sportiva, lavoro di tipo artistico, motivi religiosi e assistenza ai minori.

      Quanto poi alla protezione internazionale, il nuovo decreto ha stabilito delle modifiche procedurali e sostanziali alla previgente disciplina. Le prime hanno modificato le modalità di svolgimento degli esami prioritari, delle procedure accelerate, nonché della gestione delle domande reiterate in fase di esecuzione di un provvedimento di allontanamento. Sul piano sostanziale

      Inoltre, sono estese le categorie di soggetti che possono beneficiare di permessi di soggiorno per protezione speciale, che costituirà una sorta di nuova categoria residuale di protezione rispetto alle due forme di protezione internazionale (lo status di rifugiato e la protezione internazionale), tanto da far parlare, nei primi commenti, di un sostanziale ritorno alla categoria della precedente protezione umanitaria, pur sotto altra veste terminologica.

      Nella specie, la nuova normativa prevede che non possa essere espulso o respinto e piuttosto meriti protezione, per l’appunto speciale, non solo, come già era previsto sino ad oggi, la persona che rischiava di subire torture, ma anche due nuove ipotesi: i) chi rischia di subire trattamenti inumani o degradanti nel paese d’origine e ii) chi rischia la violazione del diritto al rispetto della propria vita privata e familiare nel territorio nazionale. Inoltre la durata del permesso di soggiorno per protezione speciale è stata ampliata da 1 anno a 2 anni.

      Infine, sempre in materia di protezione complementare, è stata ampliata la nozione del permesso di soggiorno per calamità naturale: attuale presupposto per la concessione del permesso è adesso la semplice esistenza di una situazione di “grave” calamità. In altre parole, non si richiede più che lo stato di calamità sia eccezionale e transitorio come in precedenza, in un probabile tentativo di apertura alla protezione dei c.d. migranti ambientali (normando quanto già preconizzato dalla giurisprudenza della Corte di Cassazione).

      Tra le note positive, viene altresì espressamente prevista l’iscrizione del richiedente protezione internazionale nell’anagrafe della popolazione residente.

      Quanto alla questione del soccorso in mare, in seguito alle pesanti critiche ricevute sul punto dal secondo decreto sicurezza, la nuova disciplina è intervenuta modificando il quadro dei divieti e dei limiti di navigazione per le imbarcazioni delle ONG. In particolare, il Ministro dell’interno, di concerto con il Ministro della difesa e dei trasporti ed informato il Presidente del Consiglio, può ancora limitare o vietare l’ingresso e il transito in acque territoriali a navi non militari o governative non commerciali. Tuttavia, il decreto prevede una deroga a tale divieto o limite di navigazione, nell’ipotesi di navi che abbiano effettuato soccorsi a norma delle convenzioni internazionali, e che abbiano comunicato le operazioni alle autorità competenti nazionali o del loro stato di bandiera.

      Negli altri casi, invece, di “inosservanza del divieto o del limite di navigazione”, è prevista la comminazione di multe che vanno da 10mila a 50mila euro. Si ricorda che, precedentemente al nuovo decreto, in caso di violazione del divieto di cui sopra, era prevista un’ammenda amministrativa, con un limite superiore all’attuale multa (fino a un milione per chi avesse salvato i migranti in mare). Infine, con il nuovo decreto, non è più previsto il sequestro dell’imbarcazione entrata in acque territoriali in maniera irregolare.

      Per quanto riguarda la normativa in materia di cittadinanza, il decreto ha modificato la legge n.91 del 1992, riducendo il tempo di attesa della risposta alla domanda per l’acquisto della cittadinanza italiana da quattro a tre anni, un risultato comunque insoddisfacente alla luce del fatto che la formulazione originaria della legge del 1992 stabiliva una durata di due anni (ed era stato aumentato a quattro anni dal decreto sicurezza del 2018 sopramenzionato). Inoltre non è abrogata la norma che prevede la revoca della cittadinanza per chi l’ha acquisita, in caso di condanna definitiva per reati collegati al terrorismo, creando una discriminazione odiosa rispetto a chi è cittadino italiano iure sanguinis.

      Infine, in materia di accoglienza, è stato creato il nuovo Sistema di accoglienza e integrazione, che sostituisce il SIPROIMI (Sistema di protezione per titolari di protezione internazionale e per minori stranieri non accompagnati), ritornando a un sistema simile ai vecchi SPRAR (Sistema di protezione per richiedenti asilo e rifugiati). Tuttavia, le funzioni di prima assistenza o soccorso verranno gestite nei centri governativi ordinari e straordinari istituiti dal Ministro dell’Interno, quindi attraverso i grandi e largamente disfunzionali centri di prima accoglienza che abbiamo imparato a conoscere. La successiva fase di accoglienza, invece, viene affidata agli enti locali e si articolerà in due livelli di servizi, distinti a seconda che si tratti di soggetti richiedenti protezione internazionale (per i quali la normativa torna appunto a prevedere forme di accoglienza in precedenza eliminate dal decreto sicurezza del 2018) ovvero titolari della stessa. Nel primo caso sono previsti servizi di assistenza sanitaria, sociale e psicologica nonché di mediazione linguistico-culturale, nel secondo caso si aggiungono servizi di integrazione del soggetto, tra cui l‘orientamento al lavoro e la formazione professionale. Inoltre, il decreto ha reso potenziali beneficiari dei suddetti servizi anche i titolari di una serie di permessi di soggiorno speciali (protezione speciale, protezione sociale, violenza domestica, calamità, particolare sfruttamento lavorativo, atti di particolare valore civile, casi speciali).

      Il nuovo decreto ha dunque nuovamente inciso sul precedente impianto normativo in materia di immigrazione e asilo riformando e, per lo più, abrogando le modifiche introdotte dai cosiddetti “decreti sicurezza”, pur mantenendone alcuni profili criticabili. I tempi di attesa per l’ottenimento della cittadinanza sopra evidenziati, così come il mantenimento della criminalizzazione del soccorso marittimo sono tra questi. In ogni caso, il contenuto può ritenersi complessivamente soddisfacente e il decreto è indubbiamente un passo verso l’apertura e un trattamento della politica migratoria quale evento strutturale e non meramente emergenziale.


  • A l’horizon des migrations

    Bienvenue dans cette nouvelle édition de "Nos géographies". Dès demain, vendredi 2 octobre, et jusqu’à dimanche, la géographie tient son Festival international à Saint-Dié-des-Vosges. France Culture en parle avec nos deux invités, #François_Gemenne et #Lucie_Bacon, qui discuteront migrations.

    Une édition certes un peu différente des précédentes éditions, sans doute dans sa forme, mais tout aussi riche et variée autour d’un thème fort, les climats. Nous vous avons proposé la semaine dernière, les regards croisés de géographes sur l’épidémie de Covid-19, tels qu’ils ont été rassemblés et seront présentés dans ces journées. Ce soir, nous partons à l’horizon des migrations. Nos deux invités, François Gemenne et Lucie Bacon, par des voies différentes et à bonne distance des discours politiques si souvent réducteurs, explorent la diversité des parcours de migrants en prêtant attention à leur complexité. Pour l’un, à la transformation des frontières sous l’effet de la mondialisation et du changement climatique, pour l’autre, aux stratégies mises en place par les femmes et les hommes engagés sur une route semée d’obstacles, en rappelant aussi des vérités parfaitement vérifiables et pourtant obstinément inaudibles.

    Lucie Bacon, doctorante en géographie Laboratoire Migrinter (CNRS), Poitiers et Laboratoire Telemme, université Aix-Marseille. Elle achève une thèse : « La fabrique du parcours migratoire : la « route des Balkans » au prisme de la parole des migrants », un travail de terrain au plus près des intéressés.

    François Gemenne, spécialiste des questions de géopolitique de l’environnement, invité à Saint-Dié pour présenter son dernier livre au titre explicite : On a tous un ami noir. Pour en finir avec les polémiques stériles sur les migrations, (Fayard, 2020). Il a été directeur exécutif du programme de recherche interdisciplinaire « Politiques de la Terre » à Sciences Po (Médialab), et est par ailleurs chercheur qualifié du FNRS à l’Université de Liège (CEDEM).


    A partir de la minute 44’24 François Gemenne parle de #réfugiés_climatiques / #réfugiés_environnementaux

    #paradigme_de_l'immobilité #asile #migrations #réfugiés #frontières #im/mobilité #mobilité #idées_reçues #préjugés #frontières_ouvertes #fermeture_des_frontières #ouverture_des_frontières

    • On a tous un ami noir ; pour en finir avec les polémiques stériles sur les migrations

      Sans angélisme ni dogmatisme, ce livre apaisera le débat public sur le sujet de l’immigration, en l’éclairant de réflexions inédites : celles issues d’expériences étrangères, celles produites par la recherche et celles de l’auteur enfin, spécialiste de ces questions et lui-même étranger vivant en France depuis plus de douze ans. Pas une semaine ne s’écoule sans qu’éclate une nouvelle polémique sur les migrations : violences policières, voile dans l’espace public, discriminations, quotas, frontières... Les débats sur ces sujets sont devenus tendus, polarisés et passionnels, tandis que la parole raciste s’est libérée, relayée avec force par des activistes identitaires. Collectivement, on a accepté de penser les migrations à partir des questions posées par l’extrême-droite, en utilisant même son vocabulaire. Quant à nous, chercheurs, nous nous sommes souvent retrouvés réduits à devoir débusquer rumeurs et mensonges, qu’il s’agisse de dénoncer le mythe de l’appel d’air ou du grand remplacement. Nos sociétés resteront malades de ces questions tant qu’elles continueront à les envisager sous l’unique prisme des idéologies. C’est toute l’ambition de ce livre : montrer qu’il est possible de penser ces sujets de manière rationnelle et apaisée, en les éclairant de réflexions et de faits qui sont bien trop souvent absents des débats. En montrant, par exemple, que les passeurs sont les premiers bénéficiaires de la fermeture des frontières. Ou que la migration représente un investissement considérable pour ceux qui partent, alors qu’ils se retrouvent souvent décrits comme la « misère du monde ». Les questions d’identité collective doivent être des enjeux qui nous rassemblent, plutôt que des clivages qui nous opposent. À condition de reconnaître et d’affronter les problèmes structurels de racisme dans nos sociétés. Après tout, on a tous un ami noir.


      #livre #On_a_tous_un_ami_noir

    • Migrants : ouvrir les frontières, quelle idée ! Et pourtant...

      François Gemenne, enseignant et chercheur sur les politiques du climat et des migrations, vient de publier « On a tous un ami noir », chez Fayard. Un ouvrage en forme d’outil pour répondre aux idées trop vite convenues, dans le débat sur les migrations. Une manière depuis longtemps oubliée de penser cette épineuse question de société.


  • How Climate Migration Will Reshape America. Millions will be displaced. Where will they go?

    August besieged California with a heat unseen in generations. A surge in air-conditioning broke the state’s electrical grid, leaving a population already ravaged by the coronavirus to work remotely by the dim light of their cellphones. By midmonth, the state had recorded possibly the hottest temperature ever measured on earth — 130 degrees in Death Valley — and an otherworldly storm of lightning had cracked open the sky. From Santa Cruz to Lake Tahoe, thousands of bolts of electricity exploded down onto withered grasslands and forests, some of them already hollowed out by climate-driven infestations of beetles and kiln-dried by the worst five-year drought on record. Soon, California was on fire.

    This article, the second in a series on global climate migration, is a partnership between ProPublica and The New York Times Magazine, with support from the Pulitzer Center. Read Part 1.

    Over the next two weeks, 900 blazes incinerated six times as much land as all the state’s 2019 wildfires combined, forcing 100,000 people from their homes. Three of the largest fires in history burned simultaneously in a ring around the San Francisco Bay Area. Another fire burned just 12 miles from my home in Marin County. I watched as towering plumes of smoke billowed from distant hills in all directions and air tankers crisscrossed the skies. Like many Californians, I spent those weeks worrying about what might happen next, wondering how long it would be before an inferno of 60-foot flames swept up the steep, grassy hillside on its way toward my own house, rehearsing in my mind what my family would do to escape.

    But I also had a longer-term question, about what would happen once this unprecedented fire season ended. Was it finally time to leave for good?

    I had an unusual perspective on the matter. For two years, I have been studying how climate change will influence global migration. My sense was that of all the devastating consequences of a warming planet — changing landscapes, pandemics, mass extinctions — the potential movement of hundreds of millions of climate refugees across the planet stands to be among the most important. I traveled across four countries to witness how rising temperatures were driving climate refugees away from some of the poorest and hottest parts of the world. I had also helped create an enormous computer simulation to analyze how global demographics might shift, and now I was working on a data-mapping project about migration here in the United States.

    So it was with some sense of recognition that I faced the fires these last few weeks. In recent years, summer has brought a season of fear to California, with ever-worsening wildfires closing in. But this year felt different. The hopelessness of the pattern was now clear, and the pandemic had already uprooted so many Americans. Relocation no longer seemed like such a distant prospect. Like the subjects of my reporting, climate change had found me, its indiscriminate forces erasing all semblance of normalcy. Suddenly I had to ask myself the very question I’d been asking others: Was it time to move?

    I am far from the only American facing such questions. This summer has seen more fires, more heat, more storms — all of it making life increasingly untenable in larger areas of the nation. Already, droughts regularly threaten food crops across the West, while destructive floods inundate towns and fields from the Dakotas to Maryland, collapsing dams in Michigan and raising the shorelines of the Great Lakes. Rising seas and increasingly violent hurricanes are making thousands of miles of American shoreline nearly uninhabitable. As California burned, Hurricane Laura pounded the Louisiana coast with 150-mile-an-hour winds, killing at least 25 people; it was the 12th named storm to form by that point in 2020, another record. Phoenix, meanwhile, endured 53 days of 110-degree heat — 20 more days than the previous record.

    For years, Americans have avoided confronting these changes in their own backyards. The decisions we make about where to live are distorted not just by politics that play down climate risks, but also by expensive subsidies and incentives aimed at defying nature. In much of the developing world, vulnerable people will attempt to flee the emerging perils of global warming, seeking cooler temperatures, more fresh water and safety. But here in the United States, people have largely gravitated toward environmental danger, building along coastlines from New Jersey to Florida and settling across the cloudless deserts of the Southwest.

    I wanted to know if this was beginning to change. Might Americans finally be waking up to how climate is about to transform their lives? And if so — if a great domestic relocation might be in the offing — was it possible to project where we might go? To answer these questions, I interviewed more than four dozen experts: economists and demographers, climate scientists and insurance executives, architects and urban planners, and I mapped out the danger zones that will close in on Americans over the next 30 years. The maps for the first time combined exclusive climate data from the Rhodium Group, an independent data-analytics firm; wildfire projections modeled by United States Forest Service researchers and others; and data about America’s shifting climate niches, an evolution of work first published by The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences last spring. (See a detailed analysis of the maps.)

    What I found was a nation on the cusp of a great transformation. Across the United States, some 162 million people — nearly one in two — will most likely experience a decline in the quality of their environment, namely more heat and less water. For 93 million of them, the changes could be particularly severe, and by 2070, our analysis suggests, if carbon emissions rise at extreme levels, at least four million Americans could find themselves living at the fringe, in places decidedly outside the ideal niche for human life. The cost of resisting the new climate reality is mounting. Florida officials have already acknowledged that defending some roadways against the sea will be unaffordable. And the nation’s federal flood-insurance program is for the first time requiring that some of its payouts be used to retreat from climate threats across the country. It will soon prove too expensive to maintain the status quo.

    Then what? One influential 2018 study, published in The Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, suggests that one in 12 Americans in the Southern half of the country will move toward California, the Mountain West or the Northwest over the next 45 years because of climate influences alone. Such a shift in population is likely to increase poverty and widen the gulf between the rich and the poor. It will accelerate rapid, perhaps chaotic, urbanization of cities ill-equipped for the burden, testing their capacity to provide basic services and amplifying existing inequities. It will eat away at prosperity, dealing repeated economic blows to coastal, rural and Southern regions, which could in turn push entire communities to the brink of collapse. This process has already begun in rural Louisiana and coastal Georgia, where low-income and Black and Indigenous communities face environmental change on top of poor health and extreme poverty. Mobility itself, global-migration experts point out, is often a reflection of relative wealth, and as some move, many others will be left behind. Those who stay risk becoming trapped as the land and the society around them ceases to offer any more support.

    There are signs that the message is breaking through. Half of Americans now rank climate as a top political priority, up from roughly one-third in 2016, and three out of four now describe climate change as either “a crisis” or “a major problem.” This year, Democratic caucusgoers in Iowa, where tens of thousands of acres of farmland flooded in 2019, ranked climate second only to health care as an issue. A poll by researchers at Yale and George Mason Universities found that even Republicans’ views are shifting: One in three now think climate change should be declared a national emergency.

    Policymakers, having left America unprepared for what’s next, now face brutal choices about which communities to save — often at exorbitant costs — and which to sacrifice. Their decisions will almost inevitably make the nation more divided, with those worst off relegated to a nightmare future in which they are left to fend for themselves. Nor will these disruptions wait for the worst environmental changes to occur. The wave begins when individual perception of risk starts to shift, when the environmental threat reaches past the least fortunate and rattles the physical and financial security of broader, wealthier parts of the population. It begins when even places like California’s suburbs are no longer safe.

    It has already begun.

    Let’s start with some basics. Across the country, it’s going to get hot. Buffalo may feel in a few decades like Tempe, Ariz., does today, and Tempe itself will sustain 100-degree average summer temperatures by the end of the century. Extreme humidity from New Orleans to northern Wisconsin will make summers increasingly unbearable, turning otherwise seemingly survivable heat waves into debilitating health threats. Fresh water will also be in short supply, not only in the West but also in places like Florida, Georgia and Alabama, where droughts now regularly wither cotton fields. By 2040, according to federal government projections, extreme water shortages will be nearly ubiquitous west of Missouri. The Memphis Sands Aquifer, a crucial water supply for Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas and Louisiana, is already overdrawn by hundreds of millions of gallons a day. Much of the Ogallala Aquifer — which supplies nearly a third of the nation’s irrigation groundwater — could be gone by the end of the century.

    It can be difficult to see the challenges clearly because so many factors are in play. At least 28 million Americans are likely to face megafires like the ones we are now seeing in California, in places like Texas and Florida and Georgia. At the same time, 100 million Americans — largely in the Mississippi River Basin from Louisiana to Wisconsin — will increasingly face humidity so extreme that working outside or playing school sports could cause heatstroke. Crop yields will be decimated from Texas to Alabama and all the way north through Oklahoma and Kansas and into Nebraska.

    The challenges are so widespread and so interrelated that Americans seeking to flee one could well run into another. I live on a hilltop, 400 feet above sea level, and my home will never be touched by rising waters. But by the end of this century, if the more extreme projections of eight to 10 feet of sea-level rise come to fruition, the shoreline of San Francisco Bay will move three miles closer to my house, as it subsumes some 166 square miles of land, including a high school, a new county hospital and the store where I buy groceries. The freeway to San Francisco will need to be raised, and to the east, a new bridge will be required to connect the community of Point Richmond to the city of Berkeley. The Latino, Asian and Black communities who live in the most-vulnerable low-lying districts will be displaced first, but research from Mathew Hauer, a sociologist at Florida State University who published some of the first modeling of American climate migration in the journal Nature Climate Change in 2017, suggests that the toll will eventually be far more widespread: Nearly one in three people here in Marin County will leave, part of the roughly 700,000 who his models suggest may abandon the broader Bay Area as a result of sea-level rise alone.

    From Maine to North Carolina to Texas, rising sea levels are not just chewing up shorelines but also raising rivers and swamping the subterranean infrastructure of coastal communities, making a stable life there all but impossible. Coastal high points will be cut off from roadways, amenities and escape routes, and even far inland, saltwater will seep into underground drinking-water supplies. Eight of the nation’s 20 largest metropolitan areas — Miami, New York and Boston among them — will be profoundly altered, indirectly affecting some 50 million people. Imagine large concrete walls separating Fort Lauderdale condominiums from a beachless waterfront, or dozens of new bridges connecting the islands of Philadelphia. Not every city can spend $100 billion on a sea wall, as New York most likely will. Barrier islands? Rural areas along the coast without a strong tax base? They are likely, in the long term, unsalvageable.

    In all, Hauer projects that 13 million Americans will be forced to move away from submerged coastlines. Add to that the people contending with wildfires and other risks, and the number of Americans who might move — though difficult to predict precisely — could easily be tens of millions larger. Even 13 million climate migrants, though, would rank as the largest migration in North American history. The Great Migration — of six million Black Americans out of the South from 1916 to 1970 — transformed almost everything we know about America, from the fate of its labor movement to the shape of its cities to the sound of its music. What would it look like when twice that many people moved? What might change?

    Americans have been conditioned not to respond to geographical climate threats as people in the rest of the world do. It is natural that rural Guatemalans or subsistence farmers in Kenya, facing drought or scorching heat, would seek out someplace more stable and resilient. Even a subtle environmental change — a dry well, say — can mean life or death, and without money to address the problem, migration is often simply a question of survival.

    By comparison, Americans are richer, often much richer, and more insulated from the shocks of climate change. They are distanced from the food and water sources they depend on, and they are part of a culture that sees every problem as capable of being solved by money. So even as the average flow of the Colorado River — the water supply for 40 million Western Americans and the backbone of the nation’s vegetable and cattle farming — has declined for most of the last 33 years, the population of Nevada has doubled. At the same time, more than 1.5 million people have moved to the Phoenix metro area, despite its dependence on that same river (and the fact that temperatures there now regularly hit 115 degrees). Since Hurricane Andrew devastated Florida in 1992 — and even as that state has become a global example of the threat of sea-level rise — more than five million people have moved to Florida’s shorelines, driving a historic boom in building and real estate.

    Similar patterns are evident across the country. Census data show us how Americans move: toward heat, toward coastlines, toward drought, regardless of evidence of increasing storms and flooding and other disasters.

    The sense that money and technology can overcome nature has emboldened Americans. Where money and technology fail, though, it inevitably falls to government policies — and government subsidies — to pick up the slack. Thanks to federally subsidized canals, for example, water in part of the Desert Southwest costs less than it does in Philadelphia. The federal National Flood Insurance Program has paid to rebuild houses that have flooded six times over in the same spot. And federal agriculture aid withholds subsidies from farmers who switch to drought-resistant crops, while paying growers to replant the same ones that failed. Farmers, seed manufacturers, real estate developers and a few homeowners benefit, at least momentarily, but the gap between what the climate can destroy and what money can replace is growing.

    Perhaps no market force has proved more influential — and more misguided — than the nation’s property-insurance system. From state to state, readily available and affordable policies have made it attractive to buy or replace homes even where they are at high risk of disasters, systematically obscuring the reality of the climate threat and fooling many Americans into thinking that their decisions are safer than they actually are. Part of the problem is that most policies look only 12 months into the future, ignoring long-term trends even as insurance availability influences development and drives people’s long-term decision-making.

    Even where insurers have tried to withdraw policies or raise rates to reduce climate-related liabilities, state regulators have forced them to provide affordable coverage anyway, simply subsidizing the cost of underwriting such a risky policy or, in some cases, offering it themselves. The regulations — called Fair Access to Insurance Requirements — are justified by developers and local politicians alike as economic lifeboats “of last resort” in regions where climate change threatens to interrupt economic growth. While they do protect some entrenched and vulnerable communities, the laws also satisfy the demand of wealthier homeowners who still want to be able to buy insurance.

    At least 30 states, including Louisiana, Massachusetts, North Carolina and Texas, have developed so-called FAIR plans, and today they serve as a market backstop in the places facing the highest risks of climate-driven disasters, including coastal flooding, hurricanes and wildfires.

    In an era of climate change, though, such policies amount to a sort of shell game, meant to keep growth going even when other obvious signs and scientific research suggest that it should stop.

    That’s what happened in Florida. Hurricane Andrew reduced parts of cities to landfill and cost insurers nearly $16 billion in payouts. Many insurance companies, recognizing the likelihood that it would happen again, declined to renew policies and left the state. So the Florida Legislature created a state-run company to insure properties itself, preventing both an exodus and an economic collapse by essentially pretending that the climate vulnerabilities didn’t exist.

    As a result, Florida’s taxpayers by 2012 had assumed liabilities worth some $511 billion — more than seven times the state’s total budget — as the value of coastal property topped $2.8 trillion. Another direct hurricane risked bankrupting the state. Florida, concerned that it had taken on too much risk, has since scaled back its self-insurance plan. But the development that resulted is still in place.

    On a sweltering afternoon last October, with the skies above me full of wildfire smoke, I called Jesse Keenan, an urban-planning and climate-change specialist then at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design, who advises the federal Commodity Futures Trading Commission on market hazards from climate change. Keenan, who is now an associate professor of real estate at Tulane University’s School of Architecture, had been in the news last year for projecting where people might move to — suggesting that Duluth, Minn., for instance, should brace for a coming real estate boom as climate migrants move north. But like other scientists I’d spoken with, Keenan had been reluctant to draw conclusions about where these migrants would be driven from.

    Last fall, though, as the previous round of fires ravaged California, his phone began to ring, with private-equity investors and bankers all looking for his read on the state’s future. Their interest suggested a growing investor-grade nervousness about swiftly mounting environmental risk in the hottest real estate markets in the country. It’s an early sign, he told me, that the momentum is about to switch directions. “And once this flips,” he added, “it’s likely to flip very quickly.”

    In fact, the correction — a newfound respect for the destructive power of nature, coupled with a sudden disavowal of Americans’ appetite for reckless development — had begun two years earlier, when a frightening surge in disasters offered a jolting preview of how the climate crisis was changing the rules.

    On October 9, 2017, a wildfire blazed through the suburban blue-collar neighborhood of Coffey Park in Santa Rosa, Calif., virtually in my own backyard. I awoke to learn that more than 1,800 buildings were reduced to ashes, less than 35 miles from where I slept. Inchlong cinders had piled on my windowsills like falling snow.

    The Tubbs Fire, as it was called, shouldn’t have been possible. Coffey Park is surrounded not by vegetation but by concrete and malls and freeways. So insurers had rated it as “basically zero risk,” according to Kevin Van Leer, then a risk modeler from the global insurance liability firm Risk Management Solutions. (He now does similar work for Cape Analytics.) But Van Leer, who had spent seven years picking through the debris left by disasters to understand how insurers could anticipate — and price — the risk of their happening again, had begun to see other “impossible” fires. After a 2016 fire tornado ripped through northern Canada and a firestorm consumed Gatlinburg, Tenn., he said, “alarm bells started going off” for the insurance industry.

    What Van Leer saw when he walked through Coffey Park a week after the Tubbs Fire changed the way he would model and project fire risk forever. Typically, fire would spread along the ground, burning maybe 50 percent of structures. In Santa Rosa, more than 90 percent had been leveled. “The destruction was complete,” he told me. Van Leer determined that the fire had jumped through the forest canopy, spawning 70-mile-per-hour winds that kicked a storm of embers into the modest homes of Coffey Park, which burned at an acre a second as homes ignited spontaneously from the radiant heat. It was the kind of thing that might never have been possible if California’s autumn winds weren’t getting fiercer and drier every year, colliding with intensifying, climate-driven heat and ever-expanding development. “It’s hard to forecast something you’ve never seen before,” he said.

    For me, the awakening to imminent climate risk came with California’s rolling power blackouts last fall — an effort to pre-emptively avoid the risk of a live wire sparking a fire — which showed me that all my notional perspective about climate risk and my own life choices were on a collision course. After the first one, all the food in our refrigerator was lost. When power was interrupted six more times in three weeks, we stopped trying to keep it stocked. All around us, small fires burned. Thick smoke produced fits of coughing. Then, as now, I packed an ax and a go-bag in my car, ready to evacuate. As former Gov. Jerry Brown said, it was beginning to feel like the “new abnormal.”

    It was no surprise, then, that California’s property insurers — having watched 26 years’ worth of profits dissolve over 24 months — began dropping policies, or that California’s insurance commissioner, trying to slow the slide, placed a moratorium on insurance cancellations for parts of the state in 2020. In February, the Legislature introduced a bill compelling California to, in the words of one consumer advocacy group, “follow the lead of Florida” by mandating that insurance remain available, in this case with a requirement that homeowners first harden their properties against fire. At the same time, participation in California’s FAIR plan for catastrophic fires has grown by at least 180 percent since 2015, and in Santa Rosa, houses are being rebuilt in the very same wildfire-vulnerable zones that proved so deadly in 2017. Given that a new study projects a 20 percent increase in extreme-fire-weather days by 2035, such practices suggest a special form of climate negligence.

    It’s only a matter of time before homeowners begin to recognize the unsustainability of this approach. Market shock, when driven by the sort of cultural awakening to risk that Keenan observes, can strike a neighborhood like an infectious disease, with fear spreading doubt — and devaluation — from door to door. It happened that way in the foreclosure crisis.

    Keenan calls the practice of drawing arbitrary lending boundaries around areas of perceived environmental risk “bluelining,” and indeed many of the neighborhoods that banks are bluelining are the same as the ones that were hit by the racist redlining practice in days past. This summer, climate-data analysts at the First Street Foundation released maps showing that 70 percent more buildings in the United States were vulnerable to flood risk than previously thought; most of the underestimated risk was in low-income neighborhoods.

    Such neighborhoods see little in the way of flood-prevention investment. My Bay Area neighborhood, on the other hand, has benefited from consistent investment in efforts to defend it against the ravages of climate change. That questions of livability had reached me, here, were testament to Keenan’s belief that the bluelining phenomenon will eventually affect large majorities of equity-holding middle-class Americans too, with broad implications for the overall economy, starting in the nation’s largest state.

    Under the radar, a new class of dangerous debt — climate-distressed mortgage loans — might already be threatening the financial system. Lending data analyzed by Keenan and his co-author, Jacob Bradt, for a study published in the journal Climatic Change in June shows that small banks are liberally making loans on environmentally threatened homes, but then quickly passing them along to federal mortgage backers. At the same time, they have all but stopped lending money for the higher-end properties worth too much for the government to accept, suggesting that the banks are knowingly passing climate liabilities along to taxpayers as stranded assets.

    Once home values begin a one-way plummet, it’s easy for economists to see how entire communities spin out of control. The tax base declines and the school system and civic services falter, creating a negative feedback loop that pushes more people to leave. Rising insurance costs and the perception of risk force credit-rating agencies to downgrade towns, making it more difficult for them to issue bonds and plug the springing financial leaks. Local banks, meanwhile, keep securitizing their mortgage debt, sloughing off their own liabilities.

    Keenan, though, had a bigger point: All the structural disincentives that had built Americans’ irrational response to the climate risk were now reaching their logical endpoint. A pandemic-induced economic collapse will only heighten the vulnerabilities and speed the transition, reducing to nothing whatever thin margin of financial protection has kept people in place. Until now, the market mechanisms had essentially socialized the consequences of high-risk development. But as the costs rise — and the insurers quit, and the bankers divest, and the farm subsidies prove too wasteful, and so on — the full weight of responsibility will fall on individual people.

    And that’s when the real migration might begin.

    As I spoke with Keenan last year, I looked out my own kitchen window onto hillsides of parkland, singed brown by months of dry summer heat. This was precisely the land that my utility, Pacific Gas & Electric, had three times identified as such an imperiled tinderbox that it had to shut off power to avoid fire. It was precisely the kind of wildland-urban interface that all the studies I read blamed for heightening Californians’ exposure to climate risks. I mentioned this on the phone and then asked Keenan, “Should I be selling my house and getting — ”

    He cut me off: “Yes.”

    Americans have dealt with climate disaster before. The Dust Bowl started after the federal government expanded the Homestead Act to offer more land to settlers willing to work the marginal soil of the Great Plains. Millions took up the invitation, replacing hardy prairie grass with thirsty crops like corn, wheat and cotton. Then, entirely predictably, came the drought. From 1929 to 1934, crop yields across Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Missouri plunged by 60 percent, leaving farmers destitute and exposing the now-barren topsoil to dry winds and soaring temperatures. The resulting dust storms, some of them taller than skyscrapers, buried homes whole and blew as far east as Washington. The disaster propelled an exodus of some 2.5 million people, mostly to the West, where newcomers — “Okies” not just from Oklahoma but also Texas, Arkansas and Missouri — unsettled communities and competed for jobs. Colorado tried to seal its border from the climate refugees; in California, they were funneled into squalid shanty towns. Only after the migrants settled and had years to claw back a decent life did some towns bounce back stronger.

    The places migrants left behind never fully recovered. Eighty years later, Dust Bowl towns still have slower economic growth and lower per capita income than the rest of the country. Dust Bowl survivors and their children are less likely to go to college and more likely to live in poverty. Climatic change made them poor, and it has kept them poor ever since.

    A Dust Bowl event will most likely happen again. The Great Plains states today provide nearly half of the nation’s wheat, sorghum and cattle and much of its corn; the farmers and ranchers there export that food to Africa, South America and Asia. Crop yields, though, will drop sharply with every degree of warming. By 2050, researchers at the University of Chicago and the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies found, Dust Bowl-era yields will be the norm, even as demand for scarce water jumps by as much as 20 percent. Another extreme drought would drive near-total crop losses worse than the Dust Bowl, kneecapping the broader economy. At that point, the authors write, “abandonment is one option.”

    Projections are inherently imprecise, but the gradual changes to America’s cropland — plus the steady baking and burning and flooding — suggest that we are already witnessing a slower-forming but much larger replay of the Dust Bowl that will destroy more than just crops. In 2017, Solomon Hsiang, a climate economist at the University of California, Berkeley, led an analysis of the economic impact of climate-driven changes like rising mortality and rising energy costs, finding that the poorest counties in the United States — mostly across the South and the Southwest — will in some extreme cases face damages equal to more than a third of their gross domestic products. The 2018 National Climate Assessment also warns that the U.S. economy over all could contract by 10 percent.

    That kind of loss typically drives people toward cities, and researchers expect that trend to continue after the Covid-19 pandemic ends. In 1950, less than 65 percent of Americans lived in cities. By 2050, only 10 percent will live outside them, in part because of climatic change. By 2100, Hauer estimates, Atlanta, Orlando, Houston and Austin could each receive more than a quarter million new residents as a result of sea-level displacement alone, meaning it may be those cities — not the places that empty out — that wind up bearing the brunt of America’s reshuffling. The World Bank warns that fast-moving climate urbanization leads to rising unemployment, competition for services and deepening poverty.

    So what will happen to Atlanta — a metro area of 5.8 million people that may lose its water supply to drought and that our data also shows will face an increase in heat-driven wildfires? Hauer estimates that hundreds of thousands of climate refugees will move into the city by 2100, swelling its population and stressing its infrastructure. Atlanta — where poor transportation and water systems contributed to the state’s C+ infrastructure grade last year — already suffers greater income inequality than any other large American city, making it a virtual tinderbox for social conflict. One in 10 households earns less than $10,000 a year, and rings of extreme poverty are growing on its outskirts even as the city center grows wealthier.

    Atlanta has started bolstering its defenses against climate change, but in some cases this has only exacerbated divisions. When the city converted an old Westside rock quarry into a reservoir, part of a larger greenbelt to expand parkland, clean the air and protect against drought, the project also fueled rapid upscale growth, driving the poorest Black communities further into impoverished suburbs. That Atlanta hasn’t “fully grappled with” such challenges now, says Na’Taki Osborne Jelks, chair of the West Atlanta Watershed Alliance, means that with more people and higher temperatures, “the city might be pushed to what’s manageable.”

    So might Philadelphia, Chicago, Washington, Boston and other cities with long-neglected systems suddenly pressed to expand under increasingly adverse conditions.

    Once you accept that climate change is fast making large parts of the United States nearly uninhabitable, the future looks like this: With time, the bottom half of the country grows inhospitable, dangerous and hot. Something like a tenth of the people who live in the South and the Southwest — from South Carolina to Alabama to Texas to Southern California — decide to move north in search of a better economy and a more temperate environment. Those who stay behind are disproportionately poor and elderly.

    In these places, heat alone will cause as many as 80 additional deaths per 100,000 people — the nation’s opioid crisis, by comparison, produces 15 additional deaths per 100,000. The most affected people, meanwhile, will pay 20 percent more for energy, and their crops will yield half as much food or in some cases virtually none at all. That collective burden will drag down regional incomes by roughly 10 percent, amounting to one of the largest transfers of wealth in American history, as people who live farther north will benefit from that change and see their fortunes rise.

    The millions of people moving north will mostly head to the cities of the Northeast and Northwest, which will see their populations grow by roughly 10 percent, according to one model. Once-chilly places like Minnesota and Michigan and Vermont will become more temperate, verdant and inviting. Vast regions will prosper; just as Hsiang’s research forecast that Southern counties could see a tenth of their economy dry up, he projects that others as far as North Dakota and Minnesota will enjoy a corresponding expansion. Cities like Detroit, Rochester, Buffalo and Milwaukee will see a renaissance, with their excess capacity in infrastructure, water supplies and highways once again put to good use. One day, it’s possible that a high-speed rail line could race across the Dakotas, through Idaho’s up-and-coming wine country and the country’s new breadbasket along the Canadian border, to the megalopolis of Seattle, which by then has nearly merged with Vancouver to its north.

    Sitting in my own backyard one afternoon this summer, my wife and I talked through the implications of this looming American future. The facts were clear and increasingly foreboding. Yet there were so many intangibles — a love of nature, the busy pace of life, the high cost of moving — that conspired to keep us from leaving. Nobody wants to migrate away from home, even when an inexorable danger is inching ever closer. They do it when there is no longer any other choice.


    Quelques cartes:

    #migrations_environnementales #USA #Etats-Unis #réfugiés_climatiques #climat #changement_climatique #déplacés_internes #IDPs

  • Italian homes evacuated over risk of Mont Blanc glacier collapse

    Roads near #Courmayeur closed to tourists because of threat from falling #Planpincieux ice.

    Homes have been evacuated in Courmayeur in Italy’s Aosta valley, after a renewed warning that a huge portion of a Mont Blanc glacier is at risk of collapse.

    The measures were introduced on Wednesday morning after experts from the Fondazione Montagne Sicura (Safe Mountains Foundation) said 500,000 cubic metres of ice was in danger of sliding off the Planpincieux glacier on the Grandes Jorasses park.

    Some 65 people, including 50 tourists, have left homes in Val Ferret, the hamlet beneath the glacier. Roads have been closed to traffic and pedestrians.

    “We will find [alternative] solutions for residents,” Stefano Miserocchi, the mayor of Courmayeur, told the Italian news agency Ansa. “The tourists will have to find other solutions.”

    Glaciologists monitoring Planpincieux say a new section of ice is at risk of collapse. Homes were also evacuated in September last year following a warning that 250,000 cubic meters of ice could fall. The movement of the glacial mass was due to “anomalous temperature trends”, the experts said.

    The glacier has been closely monitored since 2013 to detect the speed at which the ice is melting.

    In August 2018, a heavy storm unleashed a debris flow, killing an elderly couple when their car was swept from the road that is currently closed.

    In the event of a collapse, it would take less than two minutes for the mass to reach the municipal road below.

    Safe Mountain Foundation experts are monitoring 184 glaciers in the Aosta valley region.

    There are 4,000 glaciers across the Mont Blanc massif, the highest mountain range in Europe, which straddles Italy, France and Switzerland.

    Scientists predict that if emissions continue to rise at the current rate, the Alpine glaciers could shed half of their ice by 2050.

    #Mont_Blanc #évacuation #glacier #montagne #changement_climatique #climat #Italie #réfugiés #réfugiés_climatiques #Vallée_d'Aoste #glace #Alpes

    ping @reka @albertocampiphoto

  • Where Will Everyone Go ?

    ProPublica and The New York Times Magazine, with support from the Pulitzer Center, have for the first time modeled how climate refugees might move across international borders. This is what we found.

    #climate #climate_refugee #migration #international_migration #map

    ping @cdb_77


  • Migrazioni climatiche (prima parte)

    Un’analisi dei flussi migratori causati dai cambiamenti climatici, che superano quelli dovuti agli eventi bellici. Le normative sovranazionali non hanno ancora recepito il problema che pertanto genera clandestinità.
    Il genere umano, sin dall’epoca preistorica, è sempre stato interessato da spostamenti, su scala più o meno ampia, generati da una vasta gamma di motivazioni, fra le quali principalmente: la ricerca di nuove terre, l’aspirazione verso migliori condizioni di vita, l’espansione coloniale, la fuga da guerre, persecuzioni e discriminazioni varie ed anche da fenomeni naturali avversi quali catastrofi e cambiamenti climatici. Numerosi sono i casi storici di movimenti di interi popoli o di parte di essi sospinti da fenomeni naturali, in quanto le migrazioni hanno da sempre rappresentato una fondamentale strategia di adattamento ai mutamenti climatico-ambientali. Nonostante ciò, l’élite politica mondiale e i media internazionali non hanno, sino a pochi anni fa, prestato particolare attenzione a questo fenomeno. La comunità scientifica mondiale, invece, dalla fine del scorso secolo ha mostrato crescente interesse sia verso lo studio dei cambiamenti climatici che delle sue conseguenze, come l’impatto sui flussi migratori.

    Le problematiche metodologiche

    L’analisi del fenomeno ha tuttavia evidenziato criticità di carattere metodologico a seguito della sua complessità e della sua eterogeneità, pertanto, nonostante le pubblicazioni accademiche abbiano registrato un sensibile incremento nell’ultimo ventennio (Amato 2019 [1]), la sua conoscenza risulta ancora frammentaria e non del tutto esaustiva. Le difficoltà di indagine riguardano aspetti di diversa natura legati, in primis, alla peculiarità del fenomeno migratorio che si può manifestare in ampia gamma di variabili riconducibili alla durata, temporanea o definitiva, alle cause, volontarie o forzate, e al raggio di spostamento, interne, internazionali o intercontinentali.

    Per quanto riguarda il rapporto tra fenomeni naturali e migrazioni, che in questo contesto ci proponiamo di indagare, i primi possono essere distinti, in base alla dinamica temporale in cui si manifestano, in eventi a «insorgenza lenta» come i cambiamenti climatico-ambientali (riscaldamento globale, desertificazione, innalzamento del livello dei mari, erosione dei suoli ecc.) e ad «insorgenza rapida» come uragani, tempeste, bombe d’acqua e inondazioni oltre alle calamità naturali (terremoti, tsunami ed eruzioni vulcaniche). La diversa natura e tipologia di fenomeno scatenante genera inevitabili riflessi sulle caratteristiche dei flussi migratori, infatti mentre i fenomeni ad «insorgenza lenta» spesso generano migrazioni volontarie mosse da motivi economici, le risposte ad eventi ad «insorgenza rapida» risultano invece prevalentemente involontarie e di breve durata.

    Nell’intento di effettuare una classificazione delle migrazioni riconducibili a soli fattori climatici e ambientali, escludendo quindi i fenomeni geofisici come terremoti e tsunami, una corrente di studiosi ha identificato 4 tipologie distinte, equamente ripartite fra processi progressivi ed eventi improvvisi: 1) perdita di territorio dovuto a innalzamento del livello del mare, 2) siccità e desertificazione, 3) disastri naturali come alluvioni, cicloni e tempeste e 4) conflitti per le scarse risorse che possono portare a tensioni e violenze.

    Opera abbastanza complessa si presenta quindi la l’individuazione, la quantificazione e la classificazione degli spostamenti generati da fenomeni naturali che, nella sostanza a causa della comune origine involontaria, vanno ad aggiungersi alle altre tipologie di migrazioni forzate, riconducibili a guerre, conflitti, persecuzioni personali e calamità naturali. Nonostante il riscaldamento globale, la cui origine antropica sia ormai ampiamente comprovata dalla comunità scientifica mondiale, e i conseguenti cambiamenti climatico-ambientali (siccità, desertificazione, piogge intense, inondazioni, innalzamento del livello dei mari ecc) siano alla base di un numero crescente di spostamenti di persone in tutte le aree del pianeta (Amato, 2019), è opportuno evidenziare come alle migrazioni climatiche non sia stata ancora attribuita una precisa definizione, sia in campo semantico che in quello giuridico.

    Elementi di criticità ad oggi restano oltre all’identificazione del fenomeno, anche la sua estensione territoriale, le cause e la terminologia da utilizzare per identificarlo. I soggetti interessati dal fenomeno vengono definiti indistintamente come: profughi ambientali, migranti ambientali, profughi climatici, rifugiati climatici o rifugiati ambientali. Quest’ultimo termine, che risulta il più utilizzato, non viene però adottato dalle Nazioni Unite in quanto lo status di rifugiato viene riconosciuto dal diritto internazionale (Convenzione di Ginevra sullo statuto dei rifugiati del 1951) ai perseguitati per motivi razziali, religiosi, politici e a chi in fuga da guerre ma non per cause climatiche o ambientali (Amato, 2019). Un vulnus nell’architettura normativa sovranazionale che rappresenta elemento di discriminazione e che necessita di essere colmato, appurato il consistente numero di persone costrette ad abbandonare le proprie case a seguito di fenomeni naturali avversi.

    Sullo sfondo dell’ambito metodologico, si staglia, in veste di problematica principale, la determinazione della causa che, sia nel caso di spostamenti interni che internazionali, si presenta non di rado in forma non univoca. Frequentemente sussistono infatti molteplici cause, spesso interagenti fra loro, riconducibili a fattori di natura sociale, economica, demografica, politica, bellica e ambientale che rendono difficile ricondurne l’origine ad una in particolare. Ad esempio risulta problematico identificare l’origine della migrazione, fra economica e climatica, nel caso in cui il surriscaldamento globale, comportando una riduzione delle rese agricole, spinge i piccoli produttori nella povertà estrema costringendoli ad abbandonare le proprie terre.

    L’origine del termine «migranti climatici» venne coniato nel 1976 dall’ambientalista statunitense Lester Brown, tuttavia, il «padre» della corrente di pensiero viene considerato l’ambientalista inglese, professore ad Oxford, Norman Myers il quale già alla metà degli anni ’90 affermava che a livello mondiale erano presenti circa 25 milioni di “rifugiati climatici” prevedendo che nel 2050 avrebbero raggiunto quota 200 milioni. L’espressione “rifugiato ambientale”, invece, venne utilizzato per la prima volta in un report delle Nazioni Unite del 1985 e, successivamente, inserita nel 1997 nel Glossario di Statistiche Ambientali in riferimento a “una persona sfollata per cause ambientali, in particolare degrado ambientale”.

    Tutt’oggi non è stata ancora trovata né una definizione condivisa, né il suo inquadramento giuridico a causa dell’inerzia politica, in quanto un accordo a livello intergovernativo che modifichi il diritto internazionale introducendo il riconoscimento dello status di «rifugiato ambientale o climatico», con il conseguente obbligo di non respingimento degli stessi alle frontiere, amplierebbe la platea delle persone da accogliere, aumentando le problematiche sociali e logistiche ed i costi per gli stati di arrivo. Pertanto, l’immobilismo della leadership politica internazionale, che peraltro non tiene in considerazione l’aggravarsi degli effetti della crisi climatico-ambientale sulle condizioni di vita delle persone, si concretizza nel fatto che i soggetti coinvolti, non avendo riconosciuto il loro status dal punto di vista giuridico e adeguata protezione internazionale, finiscono per ingrossare le file dell’immigrazione irregolare internazionale.

    Una panoramica globale

    Le emissioni antropogeniche di gas climalteranti, che già alla fine del 2018 avevano fatto salire la concentrazione di CO2 nell’atmosfera a 410 ppm (parti per milione), con aumento di circa 100 punti solo negli ultimi 60 anni (grafico 1), rappresentano la causa principale dell’aumento della temperatura media globale che, rispetto al periodo pre industriale, è aumentata di 1,1° con un’impennata nel quinquennio 2014-2019 di ben 0,2° a conferma dell’aggravamento del trend in atto.

    Il fenomeno, tuttavia, evidenzia elementi di complessità e di difformità geografica accertato che il riscaldamento globale, da un lato, non si presenta in forma omogenea nell’atmosfera terrestre, vista ad esempio la maggior intensità registrata alle alte latitudini (carta 1), dall’altro, innesca un ampio spettro di mutamenti climatici dai connotati locali talvolta molto diversi, che stanno assumendo negli ultimi anni frequenza e intensità crescenti, con inevitabili riflessi sulle condizioni di vita delle popolazioni.

    Dal rapporto pubblicato nel 2017 dal Carbon Disclosure Project emerge come le maggiori responsabilità del fenomeno siano riconducibili alle principali 100 società mondiali, sia pubbliche che private, del settore energetico, le quali tra il 1988 e il 2015 avrebbero rilasciato oltre il 70% delle emissioni globali e che anche a livello dei singoli paesi risultano gravi squilibri visto che solo Cina, Ue e Usa provocano oltre la metà del totale delle emissioni. Fuoriesce un quadro abbastanza nitido rispetto alle responsabilità che non sono attribuibili all’umanità in toto bensì a determinati stati, alle grandi imprese ed ai gruppi finanziari che vi investono.

    Le difficoltà metodologiche precedentemente rilevate rendono problematico da quantificare un fenomeno che, come visto, risulta complesso, spesso multicausale [2] e, soprattutto, riguardante soggetti il cui status non è stato ancora precisamente definito e tanto meno tutelato dal diritto internazionale. In considerazione di ciò, lo studio del fenomeno presenta un certo grado di complessità e di difficoltà oggettive in quanto, nonostante la lunga ricerca, non è risultato possibile attingere dati da fonti ufficiali circa l’entità del fenomeno globale, composto sia dalle migrazioni internazionali che da quelle interne: per le prime sono state diffuse solo stime, mentre per le seconde l’istituto più autorevole impegnato a monitorare, l’Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (Centro di monitoraggio degli spostamenti interni), è attivo solamente dal 2008.

    Un arco di tempo non lungo ma sufficiente a comprenderne le dimensioni e le tendenze visto che, in base a questa fonte, solo le persone costrette a spostarsi all’interno dello stesso paese (internally displaced persons) a causa di fenomeni climatico-ambientali fra il 2008 e il 2014 sono risultate oltre 150 milioni, un numero superiore rispetto a quello causato da guerre e conflitti e addirittura, nello stesso periodo, oltre 170 milioni secondo i dati dell’Unione Europea (tabella 1).

    In base a recenti pubblicazioni sul tema emerge come gli effetti dei cambiamenti climatici e dei fenomeni estremi inneschino prevalentemente mobilità forzate interne invece che internazionali, ciò a seguito sia della scelta prioritaria di non spostarsi al di fuori del proprio paese, dove le condizioni di vita diventano più difficili, sia per l’impossibilità delle persone in stato di fragilità estrema a muoversi (trapped population) (Amato, 2019). Nell’ambito di questa analisi, risulta utile supporto uno studio [3] che ha indagato il rapporto tra l’aumento della temperatura globale e la migrazione internazionale prendendo in esame 116 paesi, suddivisi fra paesi a basso e a medio reddito, nel periodo compreso fra il 1960 e il 2000.

    L’indagine parte dall’ipotesi che nel lungo termine il riscaldamento atmosferico impoverendo le popolazioni rurali e peggiorando le loro condizioni di vita, influenzi la migrazione, ma con modalità diverse a seconda del reddito delle popolazioni. I risultati delle analisi confermano questa ipotesi: da un lato l’aumento graduale della temperatura contribuisce ad un aumento dei flussi migratori dai paesi a medio reddito. Al contrario, lo stesso fenomeno contribuisce a ridurre l’emigrazione da paesi più poveri. Questo risultato mette in luce l’esistenza di una relazione di costo-opportunità fra gli alti incentivi a migrare e le risorse per farlo. L’aumento della temperatura, infatti, provocando un calo della produttività agricola, genera un maggiore spinta migratoria. Pur rappresentando un significativo input, questo calo del reddito riduce la possibilità di emigrare da paesi meno sviluppati, dove un’elevata percentuale di persone vivono con un misero reddito addirittura sotto la soglia di povertà estrema di 1,90 $ al giorno, in particolare in Africa Sub-Sahariana dove nel 2015 in tale condizione si trovava ancora il 41.2% della popolazione totale [4]. Il riscaldamento globale tende quindi ad intrappolare le popolazioni povere nei loro territori di appartenenza a causa dell’elevato costo degli spostamenti internazionali che i potenziali migranti hanno raramente capacità di finanziare.

    Un secondo importante risultato emerso dall’analisi è che i flussi migratori da paesi a medio reddito causati dell’aumento della temperatura, sono principalmente diretti verso destinazioni limitrofe, in genere nel raggio di 1.000 km, come ci confermano i dati dell’Unhcr [5].

    Procedendo quindi all’analisi degli unici dati attendibili e completi, vale a dire quelli relativi agli sfollati o ai dislocamenti interni, secondo il Global Report on Internal Displacement (2019) pubblicati dall’Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC), i nuovi spostamenti interni a livello globale a fine 2018 (tabella 2) raggiungevano i 28 milioni di unità che interessavano 148 paesi dei quali, 17,2 milioni a causa di calamità naturali e 10,8 per conflitti. Le migrazioni interne sono dunque per il 61% legate a eventi naturali e di queste la stragrande maggioranza è rappresentata da persone costrette a fuggire da eventi climatici estremi: 16,1 milioni per alluvioni, cicloni e tempeste, mentre solamente 1,1 milioni riconducibili a fenomeni geofisici, principalmente terremoti [6].

    Il rapporto indica che il totale mondiale degli sfollati interni, a causa sia di fenomeni naturali che di violenze, aveva raggiunto a fine 2018, i 41,3 milioni di persone, la cifra più elevata mai registrata secondo la direttrice dell’IDMC Alexandra Bilac. Un fenomeno che appare fortemente concentrato in specifiche aree, appurato che 3/4, ovvero 30,9 milioni di persone, si trovano in soli dieci paesi, principalmente Siria (6,2), Colombia (5,8), Repubblica Democratica del Congo (3,1), Somalia (2,6) e Afghanistan (2,6) che da sole ne ospitano quasi la metà.

    Premettendo che di anno in anno il quadro mondiale degli sfollati interni appare in sensibile mutamento a causa sia dell’improvvisa esplosione di conflitti che dall’imprevedibilità temporale e geografica dei fenomeni climatici, dall’analisi dei dati macroregionali disaggregati, in base alle cause dei nuovi ricollocati interni del solo 2018, suddivisi fra eventi naturali e conflitti, fuoriesce un quadro eterogeneo (tabella 3): mentre i primi superano i secondi in Asia orientale e Pacifico (9,3 milioni contro 236.000), Asia meridionale (3,3 milioni contro 544.000), Americhe (1,7 milioni contro 404.000), Europa e Asia centrale (41.000 contro 12.000), in Africa Sub-sahariana (2,6 e 7,4 milioni) e nell’area Medio Oriente e Nord-Africa (214.000 contro 2,1 milioni), a causa dell’elevato numero di guerre e scontri armati, la situazione era invertita.

    L’intensificarsi dei fenomeni meteorologici estremi, come visto, ha determinato la maggior parte dei nuovi spostamenti innescando, nel 2018, 17,2 milioni di nuovi ricollocamenti su 28 milioni; dislocamenti interni che geograficamente hanno interessato, soprattutto, l’Asia meridionale e orientale, accertato che Filippine (3,8), Cina (3,8) e India (2,7) hanno assorbito circa il 60% del totale di nuovi sfollati, principalmente sotto forma di evacuazioni. Al quarto posto seguono gli Stati Uniti, unico paese ad economia avanzata fra i primi 10, con 1,2 milioni di sfollati confermando da un lato che i fenomeni naturali estremi colpiscono soprattutto le zone tropicali asiatiche e il Sud del mondo in generale, dall’altro che i paesi sviluppati, anche che se localizzati prevalentemente nella fascia temperata, non ne sono di certo al riparo.


    #migrations #asile #réfugiés #réfugiés_environnementaux #réfugiés_climatiques #chiffres #statistiques #flux_migratoires

    ping @reka

    • Migrazioni climatiche (seconda parte)

      Le conseguenze dei cambiamenti climatici verranno pagate di più da chi ne ha meno responsabilità. Giustizia ambientale e giustizia climatica sono inscindibili.

      Le preoccupanti proiezioni future

      Appurata l’aggravarsi della crisi climatico-ambientale con i suoi riflessi sempre più rilevanti sulle condizioni di vita delle persone, il mondo scientifico, le istituzioni e le organizzazioni nazionali e internazionali vi stanno focalizzando in maniera crescente la loro attenzione con studi, dossier e convegni nel tentativo di indurre la leadership politica mondiale ad implementare efficaci strategie di contenimento del riscaldamento globale. Fra i vari, anche il rapporto dell’Ipcc [1], gruppo intergovernativo sul cambiamento climatico delle Nazioni Unite dell’8 agosto 2019, “Cambiamento climatico e territorio”, conferma che a seguito di fenomeni naturali sempre più frequenti e intensi aumenteranno sia la fame che le migrazioni. Le zone più vulnerabili saranno quelle tropicali e subtropicali: si prevede che in Asia e Africa si registri ad esempio il maggior numero di persone colpite dalla desertificazioni. Nell’area del Mediterraneo, come anche in Nord e Sud America, nell’Africa meridionale e nell’Asia centrale osserveremo invece un preoccupante aumento degli incendi. Conseguentemente, conclude il rapporto, il fenomeno delle migrazioni subirà gli effetti dei cambiamenti climatici, sia all’interno dei Paesi che fra paesi diversi, presagendo un inevitabile incremento degli spostamenti oltre frontiera.

      Della crescente rilevanza e gravità del fenomeno delle migrazioni ambientali sembra che stiano prendendo atto anche gli Stati che hanno iniziato, seppur recentemente, a discutere di inserire nelle politiche migratorie anche la sfera climatica e ambientale. In questa direzione deve essere interpretata la «Dichiarazione di New York su rifugiati e migranti», adottata il 19 settembre 2016 nell’ambito della 71°’Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite, che ha formalmente riconosciuto l’impatto dei cambiamenti climatici e ambientali quali fattori significativi nelle migrazioni forzate.

      Un fenomeno destinato in futuro ad assumere maggiore consistenza, sia nella sua dimensione interna che internazionale, come denunciato anche dal rapporto emesso 19 marzo 2018 dalla Banca Mondiale, in base al quale entro il 2050, fino a 143 milioni di persone che attualmente vivono nei paesi dell’Africa Sub-sahariana (86 milioni), dell’Asia meridionale (40 milioni) e dell’America Latina (17 milioni), potrebbero infatti essere costrette a muoversi all’interno dei propri paesi, fuggendo dalle aree meno vitali con minore disponibilità idrica e produttività delle colture, o da zone che saranno colpite dall’innalzamento del livello del mare e dalle mareggiate, creando inevitabili problemi di gestione del fenomeno a governi già afflitti da rilevanti difficoltà economiche e sociali. Preoccupante scenario che, a grandi linee, ricalca quello previsto da Norman Myers negli anni ’90.

      Il razzismo ambientale

      Gli effetti della crisi climatico-ambientale non si declinano esclusivamente attraverso l’alterazione e la distruzione degli ecosistemi naturali ma anche tramite gli aspetti economici e sociali dell’ingiustizia ambientale. Un gruppo di studiosi che ha indagato le correlazioni fra cambiamenti climatici erazzismo ambientale,fra i quali l’autorevole ambientalista statunitense William Ernest «Bill» McKibben [2], osservando che la crisi sta incidendo, e probabilmente continuerà ad incidere, su alcuni gruppi sociali maggiormente che su altri, sono arrivati a comprovare che gli effetti più gravosi vengono subiti da coloro che hanno minori responsabilità in termini di emissioni e di consumi. Secondo le loro ricerche la traiettoria della disuguaglianza sociale si sviluppa conseguentemente a quella del degrado ambientale, pertanto più lasciamo che l’emergenza climatica si aggravi, più le disparità sociali ed economiche si amplieranno. Ad analoghe conclusioni sono giunti anche gli scienziati dell’Ipcc, i quali, sempre nel rapporto “Cambiamento climatico e territorio” evidenziano la dimensione sociale dei cambiamenti climatici affermando che «gli impatti del cambiamento climatico saranno più severi non solo per i più poveri, ma anche per (…) gli anziani, i giovani, i più vulnerabili, gli indigeni e gli immigrati recenti».

      Tale dinamica discriminatoria ha alimentato sin degli anni ‘80 il movimento di giustizia ambientale, che si è concentrato su una sfera particolare del degrado ambientale: il razzismo ambientale, o eco razzismo (eco racism). Termine che sta ad indicare il meccanismo in base al quale le comunità socialmente marginalizzate hanno accessibilità limitata, se non addirittura alcuna, ad acqua, aria e terra non contaminata.
      Il razzismo ambientale benché agisca su due dimensioni distinte, quella sociale e quella territoriale, evidenzia correlazioni fra i due ambiti. Infatti, da un lato, le discariche e gli impianti inquinanti tendono ad essere costruiti nelle aree di comunità marginalizzate, popolate da famiglie a basso reddito e da minoranze sociali con elevati tassi di disoccupazione, come ad esempio in Italia gli impianti siderurgici di Bagnoli e Taranto. Negli Stati Uniti esiste, invece, una dinamica declinata in particolare su una discriminazione di tipo razziale. Uno studio ventennale, condotto da Robert Bullard, noto come il padre della giustizia ambientale americana, ha analizzato le caratteristiche razziali e socio-economiche delle comunità che vivono nelle vicinanze di discariche di rifiuti tossici concludendo che un numero sproporzionato di afroamericani risiede in aree con strutture per lo smaltimento di rifiuti chimici. D’altra parte, nelle aree più colpite dagli effetti del cambiamento climatico vi risiedono le comunità marginalizzate dove la povertà aggrava la loro vulnerabilità, come confermato anche dal rapporto «Tendenze minoritarie e indigene 2019» del Minority Rights Group che affronta gli effetti del cambiamento climatico su minoranze e popolazioni indigene e dal quale si evince che a causa dell’ancestrale rapporto con la terra e l’ambiente in cui vivono (addirittura definita Pachamama, Madre Terra, dalle comunità amerindie), queste risultano le comunità più vulnerabili in assoluto.

      La nuova frontiera dell’Apartheid climatico

      Al concetto di razzismo ambientale o eco razzismo, si sta recentemente affiancando quello più articolato di Apartheid climatico poiché alle crescenti disparità socio-economiche globali si sovrappone, acuendone gli effetti, la differente capacità di risposta delle comunità di fronte alle conseguenze del riscaldamento globale. Come abbiamo precedentemente rilevato, tutte le aree geografiche terrestri risultano interessate, seppur con intensità e forme diverse, dagli effetti del riscaldamento globale e dei cambiamenti climatici, ma ciò che differenzia i vari stati e gruppi sociali interni appare la capacità di risposta a tali fenomeni che, infatti, risulta proporzionale alle risorse a disposizione per difendersene e contrastarle. Mentre gli stati a basso reddito, i gruppi sociali marginali ed i popoli autoctoni ne subiscono i maggiori effetti in quanto privi di capacità di adattamento e di mitigazione – come visto anche la sola migrazione – viceversa, come afferma anche il rapporto presentato lunedì 24 giugno 2019 al Consiglio per i Diritti Umani dell’Onu da Philip Alston [3], solo i paesi più sviluppati «riusciranno ad operare gli aggiustamenti necessari ad affrontare temperature sempre più estreme». Lo studio in questione, che supporta le proprie affermazioni su dati oggettivi, afferma che i cambiamenti climatici rischiano di annullare i progressi conseguiti a livello globale negli ultimi 50 anni per lo sviluppo, la salute e la lotta alla fame. Tali mutamenti produrranno, entro il 2030, almeno 120 milioni di nuovi poveri, mentre «i benestanti potranno pagare per sfuggire al surriscaldamento, alla fame e ai conflitti, il resto del pianeta sarà lasciato a soffrire». A tal proposito è stato introdotto dalla comunità scientifica il concetto di vulnerabilità che l’Ipcc definisce come “la propensione o predisposizione ad essere affetti negativamente” dai cambiamenti climatici, e “la mancanza di capacità di far fronte e adattarsi” a tali cambiamenti. Alla vulnerabilità è contrapposta la resilienza, vale a dire “la capacità dei sistemi sociali, economici e ambientali di far fronte a un evento, tendenza o disturbo pericoloso”.

      L’entità dell’impatto degli eventi climatici estremi risulta sovente proporzionale alle condizioni economiche e sociali, delle comunità colpite che, se in condizioni di fragilità, subiscono un aumento della vulnerabilità e una riduzione della capacità di adattamento a situazioni in fase di mutamento. Frequentemente i cambiamenti climatici amplificano, infatti, condizioni preesistenti di vulnerabilità socio-economica fungendo da acceleratori della povertà e dell’ingiustizia sociale. Le persone malate e ferite, i bambini, i disabili, gli anziani, sono spesso tra i sopravvissuti più gravemente colpiti dagli eventi estremi, soprattutto nei paesi meno sviluppati. Sono infatti principalmente le comunità dei Sud del mondo a subire le conseguenze degli effetti del degrado ambientale e dei cambiamenti climatici, vittime da un lato di fenomeni a cui hanno scarsamente contribuito, e dall’altro anche di attività di sfruttamento di risorse o della costruzione di infrastrutture figlie di un modello di sviluppo imposto con poca attenzione ai fabbisogni delle popolazioni locali. In molti casi, soprattutto in società rurali del Sud del mondo, tale vulnerabilità è stata prodotta o amplificata da politiche neocoloniali o di “sviluppo” e globalizzazione capitalista che hanno ridotto la varietà di colture, ridotto la fertilità dei suoli, creato dipendenza economica dall’esportazione di pochi prodotti, indebolito le strutture sociali tradizionali di reciprocità e mutuo supporto a livello locale, così come la capacità degli stati di rispondere a situazioni di emergenza e provvedere a servizi sociali di base come infrastrutture sanitarie e mediche. (D. Andreucci e A. Orlandi 2019). [4]

      In sintesi, riconducendo l’analisi a scala globale, il Sud del mondo che è responsabile del solo 10% delle emissioni, si prevede che dovrà subirne il 75% delle ricadute negative, precipitando di fatto in una situazione di “apartheid ambientale”. La riduzione delle emissioni non risulta pertanto una questione prettamente di carattere ambientale ma una strategia funzionale al rispetto dei diritti umani e sociali, in quanto giustizia sociale e giustizia climatica sono concetti interdipendenti ed i movimenti che le sostengono non possono agire separatamente se aspirano ad ottenere risultati tangibili.

      Dall’Antropocene al Capitalocene

      Il concetto di Antropocene, proposto per la prima volta negli anni ’80 dal biologo Eugene Stroener, ha iniziato a diffondersi, travalicando i confini disciplinari ed accademici, ad opera del premio Nobel per la chimica, Paul Crutzen, per rimarcare l’intensità e la pervasività che l’attività umana aveva assunto nei confronti del processi biologici terrestri (Crutzen, 2005). In ambito ambientalista il concetto evidenza invece il passaggio di stato del nostro Pianeta causato dal manifestarsi su scala globale della crisi climatico-ambientale di origine antropogenica, assurta ad elemento caratterizzante di una nuova era geologica. Tale accezione del concetto di Antropocene risulta tuttavia avulsa da significative connotazioni storico-politiche poiché rapporta il cambiamento climatico all’azione umana, nel suo complesso, senza distinzioni.

      La pluricausalità alla base dei flussi migratori contemporanei riconduce invece a fattori economici e sociali, oltre che a quelli ambientali, chiamando in causa le relazioni fra il Nord e il Sud del mondo e i concetti di giustizia sociale e ambientale legati, come visto, alla vulnerabilità e all’accesso alle risorse e, dunque, alle classi sociali di appartenenza.

      Una corrente accademica di pensiero e alcuni contesti scientifici sostengono che la crisi climatico-ambientale in atto sia il frutto del sistema economico dominante a livello mondiale, nel cui ambito la volontà di una parte nettamente minoritaria di popolazione mondiale di perpetrare lo sfruttamento delle risorse nell’intento di salvaguardare il proprio, ormai insostenibile, livello di consumi [5] (Bush figlio docet), si concretizza in un forte deficit ecologico che impatta, sotto varie forme, prevalentemente nelle aree geografiche economicamente e socialmente meno sviluppate. Prendere in considerazione esclusivamente gli aspetti climatici come causa migratoria significa di fatto rimuovere il ruolo e le responsabilità del sistema dominante di produzione e consumo, che secondo quest’area di studiosi, può assumere più opportunamente una denominazione di matrice geologica diversa: il Capitalocene (Moore, 2017).

      Questo nuovo concetto mette maggiormente in risalto gli aspetti degenerativi della struttura capitalistica che, in modo sempre più «classista», polarizza le vulnerabilità non solo intergenerazionali, in ottica futura, ma soprattutto quelle odierne all’interno e fra società diverse (Amato, 2019).

      Il sistema economico globalizzato, neoliberista e sviluppista, funziona da garanzia per il capitale transnazionale nell’ambito di un modello di sviluppo lineare fondato sul ciclo estrazione, produzione, consumo, sulla concentrazione di immensi profitti e la socializzazione dei costi ambientali. Tuttavia, l’adozione di politiche indirizzate verso un modello economico circolare (Circular economy) in grado parzialmente di rigenerarsi riducendo l’impatto sull’ecosistema terrestre può, a nostro avviso, non essere sufficiente a risolvere la triplice crisi in atto (ambientale, economica e sociale) in quanto non vengono messi in discussione i paradigmi della crescita economica infinita e dell’accumulazione capitalistica.

      La tematica del superamento delle strutture economiche e sociali del Capitalocene, con i suoi insostenibili modelli di produzione, di consumo e di ripartizione della ricchezza, si propone, alla luce della crisi ambientale sull’orlo del punto del non ritorno e delle disuguaglianze sociali sempre più marcate, in modo ancor più attuale, a causa dei suoi effetti degenerativi sempre più pervasivi, arrivati ormai a mettere a repentaglio il futuro del Pianeta e dell’intera umanità.


      [1] Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change è il principale organismo internazionale per la valutazione dei cambiamenti climatici. È stato istituito nel 1988 dalla World Meteorological Organization (WMO) e dall’United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) come uno sforzo da parte delle Nazioni Unite per fornire ai governi di tutto il mondo una chiara visione scientifica dello stato attuale delle conoscenze sul cambiamento climatico e sui suoi potenziali impatti ambientali e socio-economici. Migliaia di scienziati di tutto il mondo contribuiscono al lavoro dell’IPCC, su base volontaria.

      [2] Bill McKibben autore primo libro sul cambiamento climatico (pubblicato nel 1989) e co-fondatore di «350.org».

      [3] Esperto di diritto internazionale e relatore speciale per le Nazioni Unite sulla povertà estrema.

      [4] Migranti e cambiamenti climatici. Chi emigra, perché e come intervenire per porvi rimedio?, 26 giugno 2019.

      [5] Come certificano i dati dell’impronta ecologica. L’impronta ecologica media pro capite mondiale sostenibile è 1,8 ha mente quella effettiva è invece di 2,7 ha. Fra i singoli paesi: Qatar (11,68), Kuwait (9,72), Emirati Arabi Uniti (8,44), Usa (8,1).


  • MOHAMED’S STORY. Escaping the #climate_conflict_trap

    MOHAMED’S STORY is based on more than 200 targeted interviews with a variety of religious, occupational and ethno-linguistic groups living around Lake Chad as well as satellite data-based long-term observation studies of the hydrology and climate variability of the lake. The research took place in Niger, Chad, Cameroon and Nigeria from November 2017 to June 2019.

    #BD #climat #asile #migrations #réfugiés #réfugiés_climatiques #réfugiés_environnementaux #lac_Tchad #changement_climatique #hydrologie #Niger #Tchad #Cameroun #Nigeria #conflit_climatique #guerre #conflits #bande_dessinée #piège

    Pour lire la BD complète et la télécharger :

    ping @karine4 @reka

  • New pact paves way for innovative solutions to disaster and climate change displacement in Africa

    People fleeing disasters and climate change will be able to seek safety in neighbouring countries under the pioneering deal.

    A breakthrough agreement to assist people fleeing natural hazards, disasters and climate change in eastern Africa was concluded this week. The deal not only allows those forced to flee disaster-affected countries to seek safety in neighbouring countries, but also ensures they will not be sent home until it safe and reasonable to return.

    The new agreement – the #IGAD_Free_Movement_Protocol – was endorsed by all seven Member States of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development in Khartoum on 26 February. The Protocol follows years of negotiations and consultations. It marks a significant step in addressing the protection gap for growing numbers of people worldwide displaced by disasters, who often do not qualify for refugee status or other forms of international protection.

    It is all the more poignant that the IGAD Free Movement Protocol takes in a region that includes some of the countries worst affected by drought, flooding and environmental degradation, including Somalia, Ethiopia and South Sudan. The combination of natural hazards and disasters with other challenges – including conflict, poverty and weak governance – makes dealing with displacement in this region a complex and multifaceted issue.

    The IGAD Protocol’s protection for people affected by disasters and climate change is broad. It facilitates entry and lawful stay for those who have been displaced. It also allows those at risk of displacement to move pre-emptively as a way of avoiding, or mitigating, the impacts of a disaster.

    It specifically provides for citizens of IGAD Member States to cross borders ‘in anticipation of, during or in the aftermath of disaster’, and enables disaster-affected people to remain in another country as long as return to their country of origin ‘is not possible or reasonable’.

    The IGAD Protocol could provide inspiration and impetus for the use of free movement elsewhere in Africa as well. In the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the East African Community (EAC), free movement agreements are already in place. But it is not yet clear how disaster-affected communities in these regions will access free movement arrangements, or be protected from rejection or return when crossing an international border.

    The need for African governments to further consider the role of free movement in addressing disaster and climate change displacement in Africa was the subject of a regional meeting in South Africa last year. Policymakers and experts agreed that free movement could provide some of the communities most vulnerable to climate change access to safety and opportunities for more sustainable livelihoods.

    One of the advantages of using free movement arrangements to address displacement is that it obviates the need to impose specific, and sometimes artificial, distinctions between those who move. While refugee protection depends on a person meeting the technical, legal criteria of a refugee, free movement is generally available to all citizens of Member States of the same region. In some cases, a passport is not even required – possession of a national identity card may be enough to facilitate entry and stay elsewhere.

    The progressive realisation of free movement is a continent-wide goal in Africa. The African Union (AU) ‘Agenda 2063’ sets out a vision of an integrated Africa, where people and goods move freely between countries. In 2018, the AU adopted the continent-wide Protocol Relating to Free Movement of Persons, Right of Residence and Right of Establishment. The IGAD Protocol could provide a first step in supporting the other African regions and countries to develop specific frameworks and guidelines for the use of free movement in the context of disaster and climate change.

    For the potential of the IGAD Free Movement Protocol to be realised in reality, implementation is key. At present, regional and sub-regional free movement agreements across Africa’s various RECs may be undermined by restrictive laws and policies at the national level, or by onerous documentation requirements for those who move. The IGAD Roadmap to Implementation, adopted together with the Protocol, sets out specific measures to be taken by IGAD Member States when putting free movement arrangements into practice.

    The adoption of the IGAD Protocol presents a cause for celebration. It also presents a timely opportunity to further consider how countries in Africa can provide avenues to safety and security for the large, and increasing, numbers of people who move in the context of natural hazards, disasters and climate change. Action taken now could ensure the benefits of free movement for vulnerable communities well into the future.


    #réfugiés #réfugiés_climatiques #réfugiés_environnementaux #asile #migrations #changement_climatique #climat #pacte #accord #Afrique #sécheresse #inondations #dégradations_environnementales #Somalie #Ethiopie #Soudan_du_Sud #liberté_de_mouvement #liberté_de_circulation

    ping @karine4

  • The #Climate-Migration-Industrial_Complex

    Thirty years ago there were fifteen border walls around the world. Now there are seventy walls and over one billion national and international migrants. International migrants alone may even double in the next forty years due to global warming. It is not surprising that over the past two decades, we have also seen the rise of an increasingly powerful global climate-security market designed to profit from (and help sustain) these crises. The construction of walls and fences to block rising sea levels and incoming people has become one of the world’s fastest growing industries, alongside the detention and deportation of migrants, and is projected to reach $742 billion by 2023. I believe we are witnessing the emergence of what we might call a “climate-migration-industrial complex.”

    This complex is composed of private companies who profit by securitizing nation-states from the effects of climate-related events, including migration. This includes private detention centers, border construction companies, surveillance technology consultants and developers, deportation and transportation contractors, and a growing army of other subcontractors profiting from insecurity more broadly. Every feature of this crisis complex is an opportunity for profit. For example, even when security measures “fail” and migrants cross borders illegally, or remain beyond their visas to live without status as “criminals,” there is an entire wing of private companies paid to hunt them down, detain them, and deport them just across the border, where they can return and begin the market cycle all over again. Each step in the “crimmigration” process now has its own cottage industry and dedicated army of lobbyists to perpetuate the laws that support it.

    Here is the incredible double paradox that forms the backbone of the climate-migration-industrial complex: right-wing nationalists and their politicians claim they want to deport all undocumented migrants, but if they did, they would destroy their own economy. Capitalists, on the other hand, want to grow the economy with migrant labor (any honest economist will tell you that immigration almost always leads to growth in GDP), but if that labor is too expensive, then it’s not nearly as profitable.

    Trump is the Janus-faced embodiment of this anti-immigrant, pro-economy dilemma and the solution to it — not that he necessarily knows it. With one hand, migrant labor is strategically criminalized and devalorized by a xenophobic state, and with the other, it is securitized and hyper-exploited by the economy. It is a win-win situation for right-wing capitalists but a crucial element is still missing: what will continue to compel migrants to leave their homes and work as exploited criminals in an increasingly xenophobic country?

    This is where the figure of the climate migrant comes in. What we call “climate migrants” or “climate refugees” are not the victims of merely “natural disasters,” because climate change is not a strictly natural process — it is also highly political. The causes of climate-related migration are disproportionately produced by rich Western countries and the effects are disproportionately suffered by poorer countries. The circumstances that determine who is forced to migrate are also influenced by the history of colonialism, global inequality, and the same conditions that have propelled economic migration for decades. In short, the fact that climate change benefits the perpetrators of climate destruction by producing an increasing supply of desperate, criminalized, physically and economically displaced laborers is no coincidence. In fact, it is the key to the Trump “solution.”

    Another key is the use of climate change to acquire new land. When people are forced to migrate out of a territory, or when frozen territories thaw, new lands, waters, and forests become open to extractive industries like mining, drilling, fishing, and logging. Trump’s recent (and ridiculous) bid to buy the thawing territory of Greenland for its oil and gas reserves is one example of this. Climate-stricken urban areas open up new real estate markets, as the gentrification of New Orleans after hurricane Katrina illustrated. In other words, climate change might not mean the end of capitalism, but rather could actually signal its resurgence from current falling rates of ecological profit. During colonialism, everything and everyone that could be easily appropriated (oil, slaves, old-growth forests, etc.), was gobbled up. The workers who are left today under post-colonialism demand more money and more rights. The minerals left are more expensive to extract. This is why capitalists have increasingly retreated to financial speculation, and now to monetizing their own crises.

    If only there were new ways, the capitalist dreams, to kick start the economy and cheaply dislodge huge numbers of people from their land, devalorize their labor, and then appropriate that labor extremely cheaply. In other words, if climate change did not exist, capitalism would have to create it. Luckily for the capitalists, it does exist, because they did create it. Climate migrants now form what we might call a “disposable climate labor army,” conscripted out of a standing reserve of global poverty from wherever the next climate-related disaster strikes, and deployed wherever capitalism demands precarious, securitized, and criminalized labor to be exploited.

    We need to rethink the whole framing of the climate migration “crisis.” Among other things, we need a more movement-oriented political theory to grapple better with the highly mobile events of our time — what I call a “kinopolitics.” The advent of the Capitalocene/Kinocene makes possible today the insight that nature, humans, and society have always been in motion. Humans are and have always been fundamentally migratory, just as the climate and the earth are. These twin insights might sound obvious today, but if taken seriously, they offer a complete inversion of the dominant interpretive paradigms of the climate and migration crises.

    Humans and Earth have always been in motion, but not all patterns of motion are the same. There is no natural, normal, or default state of the earth or of human society. Therefore, we have to study the patterns of circulation that make possible these metastable states and not take them as given. This is what I have tried to work out in The Figure of the Migrant (2015) and Theory of the Border (2016). Unfortunately, the dominant framework for thinking about the climate and migrant crises is currently upside down. It starts from the perspective of a triple stasis: 1) that the earth and human society are in some sense separable and static, or at least stable, structures; 2) that the future should continue to be stable as well; and 3) that if there is not stability, then there is a “crisis.” Mobility, then, is a crisis only if we assume that there was or should be stasis in the first place. For example, migrants are said to destabilize society, and climate change is said to destabilize the earth.

    From a kinopolitical perspective, we can see that the opposite is, in fact, true: Humans were first migratory, and only later settled into more metastable patterns of social-circulation (made historically possible by the social expulsion and dispossession of others). Migrants are not outside society but have played a productive and reproductive role throughout history. Migrant movements are constitutive and even transformative elements of society, rather than exceptional or marginal phenomena. The real question is how we ever came to act and think as if societies were not processes of social circulation that relied on migration as their conditions of reproduction. The earth, too, was first migratory, and only later did it settle into metastable patterns of geological and atmospheric circulation (e.g. the Holocene). Why did we ever think of the earth as a stable surface, immune from human activity in the first place?

    The problem with the prevailing interpretation of climate change and migration is that the flawed paradigm that has defined the “crisis,” the notion of stasis, is also proposed as the solution “Let’s just get things back to normal stability again.” In short, I think a new paradigm is needed that does not use the same tools that generated the “crisis” to solve it — i.e. capitalism, colonialism, and the nation-state.

    Today’s migrant “crisis” is a product of the paradox at the heart of the capitalist, territorial nation-state form, just as the climate crisis is an expression of the paradox at the heart of anthropocentrism. The solutions, therefore, will not come from the forms in crisis but only from the birth of new forms-in-motion that begin with the theoretical primacy of the very characteristic that is dissolving the old forms: the inherent mobility of the migrant climate and the climate migrant.


    #complexe_militaro-industriel #réfugiés_environnementaux #réfugiés_climatiques #murs #barrières_frontalières #business #climat #changement_climatique #sécurité #rétention #détention_administrative #privatisation #contrôles_frontaliers #kinopolitics #kinopolitique #kinocène #mobilité #circulation #crise #stabilité #philosophie #ressources_pédagogiques #Etat-nation


    #catastrophes_naturelles :

    What we call “climate migrants” or “climate refugees” are not the victims of merely “natural disasters,” because climate change is not a strictly natural process — it is also highly political. The causes of climate-related migration are disproportionately produced by rich Western countries and the effects are disproportionately suffered by poorer countries. The circumstances that determine who is forced to migrate are also influenced by the history of colonialism, global inequality, and the same conditions that have propelled economic migration for decades. In short, the fact that climate change benefits the perpetrators of climate destruction by producing an increasing supply of desperate, criminalized, physically and economically displaced laborers is no coincidence.

    –-> @karine4

    #terres #accaparement_des_terres :

    Another key is the use of climate change to acquire new land. When people are forced to migrate out of a territory, or when frozen territories thaw, new lands, waters, and forests become open to extractive industries like mining, drilling, fishing, and logging.

    –-> @odilon
    #extractivisme #colonialisme


    @sinehebdo, un nouveau mot :
    –-> #crimmigration
    #mots #terminologie #vocabulaire

    Et aussi... la #kinocène


    Lien avec le #capitalisme :

    If only there were new ways, the capitalist dreams, to kick start the economy and cheaply dislodge huge numbers of people from their land, devalorize their labor, and then appropriate that labor extremely cheaply. In other words, if climate change did not exist, capitalism would have to create it. Luckily for the capitalists, it does exist, because they did create it. Climate migrants now form what we might call a “disposable climate labor army,” conscripted out of a standing reserve of global poverty from wherever the next climate-related disaster strikes, and deployed wherever capitalism demands precarious, securitized, and criminalized labor to be exploited.

    #expoitation #travail #disposable_climate_labor_army #pauvreté

    signalé par @isskein

    ping @fil @reka

  • Weak links: Challenging the climate & migration paradigm in the Horn of Africa & Yemen

    When mobility drivers are scrutinised and climate change is found to play a role in movement, it remains difficult to determine the extent of its influence. This paper will show that although conditions in the Horn of Africa and Yemen are variously characterised by conflict, authoritarian regimes, poor governance, poverty, and mass displacement, along with harsh environments that produce negative climate change impacts, there is scant evidence that these impacts cause intercontinental and interregional mixed migration. The linkages are hard to locate. Climate change and environmental stressors cannot easily be disaggregated from the wide range of factors affecting populations, and even where some disaggregation is evident the results are not seen in the volume, direction, or destination choices of those affected.

    #rapport #immobilité #immobilité_involontaire #mobilité #migrations #réfugiés_climatiques #réfugiés_environnementaux #asile #migrations #réfugiés #Corne_de_l'Afrique #Yémen #changement_climatique #climat #mixed_migration_centre

    –-> citation:
    “There is a strong likelihood that involuntary immobility will become the biggest and most relevant issue in the Horn of Africa when it comes to the link between environmental stress and mobility”

    –-> Cette idée de “involuntary immobility” me semble très intéressante à amener car le discours ambiant se focalise sur “migration subie/choisie” "migration volontaire/forcée"...
    #catégorie #catégorisation (ping @karine4)
    #migration_subie #migration_choisie #migration_volontaire #migration_forcée

    ping @reka

  • Historic UN Human Rights case opens door to climate change asylum claims

    In its first ruling on a complaint by an individual seeking asylum from the effects of climate change, the UN Human Rights Committee* has stated that countries may not deport individuals who face climate change-induced conditions that violate the right to life.

    In 2015, #Ioane_Teitiota ’s asylum application in New Zealand was denied, and he was deported with his wife and children to his home country of #Kiribati. He filed a complaint to the UN Human Rights Committee, arguing that by deporting him, New Zealand had violated his right to life. Mr. Teitiota argued that the rise in sea level and other effects of climate change had rendered Kiribati uninhabitable for all its residents. Violent land disputes occurred because habitable land was becoming increasingly scarce. Environmental degradation made subsistence farming difficult, and the freshwater supply was contaminated by salt water.

    The Committee determined that in Mr. Teitiota’s specific case, New Zealand’s courts did not violate his right to life at the time of the facts, because the thorough and careful evaluation of his testimony and other available information led to the determination that, despite the serious situation in Kiribati, sufficient protection measures were put in place. “Nevertheless,” said Committee expert Yuval Shany, “this ruling sets forth new standards that could facilitate the success of future climate change-related asylum claims.”

    The Committee also clarified that individuals seeking asylum status are not required to prove that they would face imminent harm if returned to their countries. The Committee reasoned that climate change-induced harm can occur both through sudden-onset events (such as intense storms and flooding), and slow-onset processes (such as sea level rise, salinization and land degradation). Both sudden-onset events and slow-onset processes can prompt individuals to cross borders to seek protection from climate change-related harm.

    The Committee also highlighted the role that the international community must play in assisting countries adversely affected by climate change. The Committee stated that without robust national and international efforts, the effects of climate change in sending states may trigger the #non-refoulement obligations of receiving states and that – given that the risk of an entire country becoming submerged under water is such an extreme risk – the conditions of life in such a country may become incompatible with the right to life with dignity before the risk is realized.

    The ruling marks the first decision by a UN human rights treaty body on a complaint by an individual seeking asylum protection from the effects of climate change.

    See the full Human Rights Committee ruling here: https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/_layouts/15/treatybodyexternal/Download.aspx?symbolno=CCPR/C/127/D/2728/2016&Lang=en


    #réfugiés #asile #migrations #réfugiés_climatiques #réfugiés_environnementaux #UN #ONU #renvois #expulsions #refoulement #Nouvelle_Zélande #justice #droit_à_la_vie #inhabitabilité #dignité

    Sur ce cas, déjà signalé sur seenthis:
    En 2015: https://seenthis.net/messages/391645
    En 2013: https://seenthis.net/messages/187732

    ping @isskein @karine4 @reka

  • Climate change ’impacts women more than men’ - BBC News

    Women are more likely than men to be affected by climate change, studies show.

    UN figures indicate that 80% of people displaced by climate change are women.

    Roles as primary caregivers and providers of food and fuel make them more vulnerable when flooding and drought occur.

  • Plusieurs millions de nouveaux réfugiés et déplacés climatiques en 2019

    Un porte-parole du Haut-commissariat aux réfugiés (HCR) de l’ONU a déclaré mercredi que des millions de nouveaux déplacés et réfugiés climatiques étaient apparus en 2019, dont près de 750 000 personnes pour la seule Somalie, en proie à d’intenses aléas climatiques.

    “Le bruit du vent nous a réveillés en pleine nuit. Quelques instants plus tard, de l’eau a commencé à entrer chez nous. Nous avons seulement réussi à attraper nos enfants avant de nous enfuir vers une zone surélevée.” Rafael Domingo, un père de quatre enfants, a tout perdu lors du passage du cyclone Idaien mars dernier au Mozambique. Comme lui, 73 000 personnes se sont retrouvées sans-abri, ne laissant d’autre choix que de fuir les zones sinistrées, ont raconté de nombreux témoins à l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM).

    Qu’ils changent simplement de région ou qu’ils quittent leur pays après une catastrophe naturelle, ces hommes et ces femmes incarnent une catégorie de migrants dont on parle peu : les déplacés et les réfugiés climatiques. Selon le Conseiller spécial sur l’action pour le climat du HCR, Andrew Harper, “rien que sur la première moitié de l’année, les tempêtes, les inondations et autres catastrophes ont provoqué plusieurs millions de nouveaux déplacements”.

    Dans un discours alarmant prononcé à la COP 25 de Madrid, mercredi 11 décembre, le porte-parole onusien explique que “les changements climatiques amplifient la fréquence et l’intensité des catastrophes naturelles et qu’ils contribuent à fragiliser les populations et à déclencher des conflits”. Il estime par conséquent que “davantage de personnes seront menacées de déplacement à moins qu’une action urgente ne soit prise.”

    Outre les catastrophes naturelles, Andrew Harper s’est dit “particulièrement préoccupé” par l’épuisement des ressources naturelles, la diminution des rendements agricoles ou encore la pénurie de bétail qui deviennent “des multiplicateurs de menaces de conflit et d’instabilité pouvant conduire à des crises humanitaires et à de nouveaux déplacements, à la fois en interne et au-delà des frontières.”

    En première ligne de ces menaces climatiques, la région du Sahel voit déjà des effets dévastateurs. “En Somalie, un pays hautement vulnérable aux changements climatiques, plus de 746 000 personnes ont été déplacées au sein du pays cette année à cause de l’intensification de la sécheresse, mais aussi des inondations monstres et des conflits”, souligne Andrew Harper.

    Dans les régions fragiles, souvent frappées par les catastrophes naturelles, les déplacés parviennent rarement à retrouver leur ancienne vie. “Beaucoup d’entre nous ne pourrons jamais rentrer chez eux. La sécheresse en Somalie revient tout le temps. Les habitants n’ont pas assez de temps ou de moyens pour se remettre sur pieds à chaque fois”, a expliqué à l’OIM Halima, une mère de trois enfants déplacée en Somalie à cause de la sécheresse.
    Plus de 250 millions de réfugiés climatiques en 2050
    Dans son dernier rapport sur la paix dans le monde paru en juin, l’Institute for Economics and Peace, un think tank australien, estimait à 18 millions le nombre de personnes forcées à quitter leur foyer à cause d’une catastrophe naturelle. Cela correspond à plus de 60% de l’intégralité des déplacements dans le monde en 2017.
    Les auteurs du même rapport notent également qu’actuellement, près d’un milliard de personnes vivent dans des zones “hautement à très hautement” exposées aux aléas climatiques. Ainsi, des millions de personnes risquent de se déplacer ou migrer dans un futur proche. La Banque mondiale estime que d’ici 2050, on dénombrera 143 millions de migrants climatiques originaires d’Afrique sub-saharienne, d’Asie du sud-est et d’Amérique latine. Au total, ils pourraient même dépasser les 250 millions à l’échelle de la planète, selon les prévisions de l’ONU.

    Depuis la COP 25 Madrid, le HCR a appelé à “une action urgente” notamment en mettant en place des systèmes de prévision et d’alerte précoce améliorés ainsi que des stratégies de réduction des risques. Il s’agit également “d’intensifier les efforts d’adaptation et de résilience” en diversifiant, par exemple, les sources de revenus des populations fragiles qui dépendent souvent entièrement de l’agriculture ou de la pêche, par exemple.

    L’agence onusienne appelle également les pays accueillant des réfugiés à instaurer un véritable cadre de protection pour les populations déplacées par le climat. À ce jour, les catastrophes naturelles et autres événements dus au réchauffement de la planète ne constituent pas un argument permettant de demander l’asile, les déplacés environnementaux n’ont d’ailleurs aucun statut juridique défini comme c’est le cas pour les réfugiés. La Suède fait toutefois figure de pionnière en la matière en reconnaissant depuis 2005, le droit à la protection pour les personnes victimes de catastrophes environnementales. Depuis 2009, une quarantaine de pays africains a également ratifié la Convention de Kampala sur la protection et l’assistance des déplacés environnementaux inter-Afrique.

    Les questions climatiques occuperont une place de choix à l’occasion du tout premier Forum mondial sur les réfugiés, les 17 et 18 décembre prochains à Genève, puisqu’il s’agira de l’un des six thèmes fondamentaux discutés et pouvant, comme l’espère Andrew Harper du HCR, donner lieu à des actions concrètes dès 2020.

    #IDPs #réfugiés_climatiques #réfugiés_environnmentaux #déplacés_internes #asile #migrations #réfugiés #climat #prévisions #Somalie #sans-abri #catastrophe_naturelle #changements_climatiques #Sahel #COP_25 #risques #protection #statut #Convention_de_Kampala

    Lien entre changements climatiques et #conflits :

    Outre les catastrophes naturelles, #Andrew_Harper s’est dit “particulièrement préoccupé” par l’épuisement des ressources naturelles, la diminution des rendements agricoles ou encore la pénurie de bétail qui deviennent “des multiplicateurs de menaces de conflit et d’#instabilité pouvant conduire à des #crises_humanitaires et à de nouveaux déplacements, à la fois en interne et au-delà des frontières.”


    • Asile : réfugié climatique, un statut non reconnu mais qui compte

      L’ONU prévoit 250 millions de réfugiés climatiques d’ici à 2050 dont une grande partie sera issue d’une Afrique sub-saharienne pas assez résiliente face à l’intensification des catastrophes naturelles. Le phénomène pourrait amplifier les départs de migrants vers l’Europe, sauf que le statut de réfugié climatique n’y est pas reconnu.

      Sécheresses, inondations, ouragans : les épisodes météorologiques dévastateurs sont de plus en plus fréquents et de plus en plus intenses sous l’effet du changement climatique. Si aucune région du monde n’est épargnée, toutes n’ont pas la même propension à la résilience ni les mêmes capacités de reconstruction.

      En Afrique sub-saharienne, au Moyen-Orient ou en Asie, des pans entiers de population sont déjà contraints de quitter leur région ou même leur pays d’origine pour tenter de tout recommencer ailleurs. Ce sont des “réfugiés climatiques”.

      Si le terme est apparu pour la première fois en 1985 dans un rapport du Programme des Nations Unies pour l’environnement (PNUE), il n’existe à ce jour dans le monde aucun statut juridique pour ces déplacés environnementaux. La Suède fait toutefois figure de pionnière en la matière en reconnaissant depuis 2005, le droit à la protection pour les personnes victimes de catastrophes environnementales. Depuis 2009, une quarantaine de pays africains a également ratifié la Convention de Kampala sur la protection et l’assistance des déplacés environnementaux inter-Afrique. Et plus récemment, début novembre, la Nouvelle-Zélande a annoncé se pencher sur la création d’un visa spécial pour les réfugiés climatiques du Pacifique.

      Reste que pour la plupart des pays de la planète, le changement climatique ne peut justifier une demande d’asile. En France, notamment, “ce n’est pas un argument recevable en tant que tel, mais il peut être pris en compte et ajouté au dossier dans certains cas”, indique une porte-parole de France Terre d’Asile, contactée par InfoMigrants. “Si le changement climatique vous force, par exemple, à partir de chez vous pour une région où votre ethnie est mal acceptée ou menacée, l’argument pourra être entendu. Mais on ne reconnaît que ce qui est de la main de l’Homme. Le climat ne peut être utilisé que comme un élément de compréhension au dossier”, précise l’ONG.

      “Une crise migratoire en Europe ? Attendez de voir dans 20 ans...”

      Selon les estimations de l’ONU, le monde comptera au moins 250 millions de réfugiés climatiques d’ici 2050. En moins de 10 ans, les dangers liés au climat “déplacent en moyenne 21,7 millions de personnes par an, soit 59 600 par jour”, souligne Steve Trent, directeur exécutif de la Fondation pour la justice environnementale (EJF), dans un rapport publié début novembre. “Si l’Europe pense avoir un problème avec la crise migratoire actuelle, attendez de voir dans 20 ans quand les conséquences du changement climatique forcera des millions de personnes à quitter l’Afrique”, enchérit le général Stephen Cheney, retraité de l’armée américaine, cité par le rapport.

      “Il faut regarder les choses en face : l’Afrique a une population jeune et de plus en plus éduquée. L’enseignement est dispensé dans des langues comme l’anglais, le français, l’espagnol, le portugais… alors bien sûr, l’Europe est une meilleure destination aux yeux de ces jeunes [...] Et il est impossible d’arrêter cette migration”, explique Ibrahim Thiaw, directeur exécutif de l’agence pour l’environnement de l’ONU, joint à Nairobi par InfoMigrants.

      Parmi les régions les plus vulnérables : le Sahel, jusqu’à la Somalie, affirme-t-il, des régions où la production agricole est cruciale. Elle représente par exemple 30% du produit intérieur brut en Sierra Leone, au Liberia ou en Centrafrique. Dix-sept des vingt pays les plus dépendants à l’agriculture au monde se trouvent en Afrique sub-saharienne.

      Le changement climatique, un amplificateur des conflits

      “En combinant l’accroissement démographique -l’Afrique comptera 2 milliards d’habitants en 2050- à la dégradation des ressources naturelles et leur mauvaise gestion, la seule issue possible c’est la migration, poursuit Ibrahim Thiaw. Les déplacés climatiques sont un phénomène déjà présent, qui s’accentue de jour en jour sans que l’on puisse véritablement le quantifier car beaucoup de paramètres entrent en jeu et nous n’avons même pas de définition claire de ce qu’est un réfugié climatique.”

      Un statut qui pourrait ne jamais être reconnu internationalement, bien que le rôle du changement climatique dans les conflits actuels soit démontrable. “En Syrie, on comptait déjà 1,3 et 1,5 million de personnes fuyant la sécheresse avant même que la guerre ne commence. Personne ne dit que le changement climatique est la raison du conflit syrien, mais il est à ne pas en douter un ‘amplificateur des menaces’ pouvant mener à des violences”, argue Steve Trent de l’EJF.

      Si Ibrahim Thiaw de l’ONU ne croit pas, pour l’heure, à une convention mondiale sur les réfugiés climatiques, il exhorte la communauté internationale mettre en place et appliquer des accords régionaux sur le modèle de la Convention de Kampala encore trop méconnue. Il encourage aussi les potentiels migrants à bien réfléchir à leur projet migratoire avant de se lancer aveuglément sur des routes souvent dangereuses à travers le désert, les forêts tropicales ou la Méditerranée. “Un pays comme l’Ouganda est très accueillant. Il n’y a pas de camp de réfugiés et ils sont exemplaires sur l’intégration”, conclut-il.


    • Groundswell : Preparing for Internal Climate Migration

      This report, which focuses on three regions—Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Latin America that together represent 55 percent of the developing world’s population—finds that climate change will push tens of millions of people to migrate within their countries by 2050. It projects that without concrete climate and development action, just over 143 million people—or around 2.8 percent of the population of these three regions—could be forced to move within their own countries to escape the slow-onset impacts of climate change. They will migrate from less viable areas with lower water availability and crop productivity and from areas affected by rising sea level and storm surges. The poorest and most climate vulnerable areas will be hardest hit. These trends, alongside the emergence of “hotspots” of climate in- and out-migration, will have major implications for climate-sensitive sectors and for the adequacy of infrastructure and social support systems. The report finds that internal climate migration will likely rise through 2050 and then accelerate unless there are significant cuts in greenhouse gas emissions and robust development action.
