• L’IA a tendance à opter pour la violence et les frappes nucléaires dans les simulations de guerre, révèle une étude

    L’adoption de l’IA dans les stratégies militaires et diplomatiques s’accompagne d’un potentiel d’escalade conflictuelle, révèle une étude. Les résultats montrent que les simulations de guerre utilisant des agents IA autonomes ont une tendance à l’escalade, y compris vers l’usage d’armes nucléaires — avec des justifications parfois troublantes. Face à ces constats, les chercheurs insistent sur la nécessité d’adopter une approche mesurée et réfléchie quant à l’intégration de l’IA dans les processus décisionnels liés à la sécurité et à la défense.

    #selon_une_étude_récente #it_has_begun et #skynet_existe déjà

    Juste pour de rire, le paragraphe de conclusion, où on te dit que OpenAI autorise les usages militaires, sauf si ça devient trop méchant. Très #lol.

    Récemment, OpenAI a adapté sa politique pour permettre l’usage de ses technologies dans le secteur militaire, à la stricte condition de ne pas causer de préjudice aux individus et d’éviter la création d’armements. Toutefois, l’étude souligne les dangers liés à l’emploi de l’IA générative dans le conseil et la gestion de l’information. Des collaborations entre OpenAI et les forces armées seraient en cours, notamment dans le domaine de la cybersécurité.

  • #Marco_Albino_Ferrari. Contro l’assalto alle Alpi

    I territori montani sono minacciati da modelli di sviluppo ormai superati. È tempo di un pensiero nuovo, consapevole e rispettoso, come racconta il giornalista e scrittore, responsabile del settore cultura del Club alpino italiano

    “Assalto alle Alpi”, l’ultimo libro di Marco Albino Ferrari, giornalista, direttore editoriale e responsabile del settore cultura del Club alpino italiano (Cai), si apre con il racconto di una storia dimenticata ma dalla grande portata simbolica, quella di Viola Saint Gréé: un piccolo Comune in provincia di Cuneo dove negli anni Sessanta del Novecento iniziarono i lavori per la costruzione di un moderno complesso sciistico, sul modello delle stazioni “sky total” allora di moda in Francia. Nel volgere di pochi anni furono costruiti alberghi, appartamenti e multiproprietà e un enorme complesso edilizio (la Porta delle Alpi) dove gli sciatori potevano trovare tutto il necessario per il soggiorno e lo svago: dai ristoranti ai minimarket, dalle sale convegni a quelle per gli spettacoli.

    Per alcuni anni fu un successo. Poi, a partire dalla fine degli anni Ottanta, le nevicate si fecero sempre meno frequenti e abbondanti e gli anni Novanta segnarono la fine dell’avventura del piccolo comprensorio piemontese. Mentre cammina all’interno degli enormi locali vuoti e ormai vandalizzati, Ferrari si chiede quante siano le Viola Saint Gréé che punteggiano le Alpi: “Quante avventure fallimentari esistono intorno a noi, sulle quali ci ostiniamo a puntare grosse partite di denaro pubblico?”.

    Ferrari invita però a non demonizzare l’industria dello sci: “In passato ha evitato lo spopolamento di molte vallate sulle Alpi, ridotto la povertà e portato sviluppo economico -dice ad Altreconomia-. Oggi però la situazione è radicalmente cambiata. Molte stazioni sciistiche, soprattutto a quelle a bassa quota, hanno dovuto chiudere per effetto dei cambiamenti climatici: solo in Piemonte quelle attive oggi sono 30 a fronte delle 46 del 2013. Abbiamo tante piccole realtà che chiedono risorse pubbliche per poter continuare a operare. E poi ci sono le grandi società che gestiscono i grandi complessi, che puntano a crescere sempre più”.

    Può farci qualche esempio?
    MAF Penso a Dolomiti Supersky, con i suoi 12 comprensori e 450 impianti di risalita, che si estende su un totale di 1.200 chilometri di piste: l’equivalente della distanza tra Milano e Cosenza. Una superficie enorme dove si fa largo uso dei cannoni per produrre neve artificiale, ma le giornate in cui la temperatura rimane costantemente sotto i meno due gradi (in gergo, i cosiddetti “giorni-neve”) sono sempre meno e in quel ristretto lasso di tempo va prodotta la maggior quantità di neve possibile. Questo richiede una grande disponibilità d’acqua, servono quindi più invasi artificiali per raccoglierla e conservarla. Tutte queste infrastrutture resteranno sul territorio per sempre: si tratta di azioni irreversibili. Ma questi grandi comprensori non chiedono di aumentare la propria capacità di offerta per adeguarsi alla domanda degli sciatori (provenienti soprattutto dall’estero e da Paesi non alpini) ma per battere la concorrenza, vantare un nuovo primato. Un po’ come avviene nelle città con i centri commerciali che diventano sempre più grandi senza che ci sia una reale domanda.

    È possibile trovare una sostenibilità per l’industria dello sci?
    MAF Sì, è possibile. Ma per prima cosa occorre interrompere quell’accanimento terapeutico che permette di mantenere in vita le piccole stazioni sciistiche situate in località dove la neve è destinata a scomparire. E bisogna dire basta all’aumento delle piste da sci: non c’è bisogno di nuove infrastrutture dal momento che il numero di praticanti di questa disciplina non sta aumentando. L’esperienza degli ultimi anni ha mostrato che da parte delle persone c’è voglia di montagna, di stare all’aria aperta: ma lo sci è solo un mezzo per farlo. Dopo il Covid-19 abbiamo visto grandi affollamenti di turisti in molte località alpine, soprattutto quelle più famose e pubblicizzate.

    “L’esperienza degli ultimi anni ha mostrato che da parte delle persone c’è voglia di montagna, di stare all’aria aperta. Ma lo sci è solo uno dei mezzi per farlo”

    Vede il rischio di ripetere con il turismo estivo quello che è stato fatto con quello invernale?
    MAF Sì, questo pericolo c’è. Non si può impedire a nessuno di andare in montagna e se ha voglia di farlo è giusto che vada: però si può riflettere su dove andare. Oggi ci sono grandi concentrazioni e altrettanto grandi vuoti. Il Parco nazionale del Gran Paradiso o le Dolomiti, solo per fare due esempi, sono frequentati da milioni di persone, mentre appena al di fuori dai loro confini il numero di turisti ed escursionisti cala significativamente. Stiamo creando una geografia di luoghi “di serie A” certificati in diversi modi come eccellenze, come è successo alle Dolomiti con il riconoscimento di Patrimonio dell’umanità dell’Unesco, e in questo modo tutti gli altri vengono automaticamente declassati a luoghi ordinari e “di serie B”.

    Come fare per cambiare questa situazione?
    MAF Indicando strade alternative, evitando l’eccessiva concentrazione di turisti sia nei luoghi sia nel tempo. Le Alpi si affollano nel mese di agosto, certamente chi ha le ferie in quel periodo dell’anno non può fare diversamente, ma l’autunno è una stagione meravigliosa per frequentare le montagne e oggi i rifugi alpini tendono a prolungare le aperture. Occorre passare da un modello “concentrato e grande” a uno “diffuso e più piccolo” attraverso un’operazione culturale che aiuti questo cambio di prospettiva. Anche noi che facciamo comunicazione dovremmo lavorare per sostenere questo cambiamento.

    In “Assalto alle Alpi”, pubblicato per Einaudi, lei scrive che l’unica via per arginare la cultura dell’eccesso è promuovere un senso diffuso della misura e le Alpi possono insegnarci molto da questo punto di vista. Di quale insegnamento si tratta?
    MAF Abitare una vallata alpina significa fare i conti con un territorio che è limitato per definizione, che può offrire solo una quantità di risorse limitata. Le comunità alpine storiche hanno dovuto fare i conti con questa finitezza dei luoghi e di conseguenza hanno dovuto sempre tenere sott’occhio l’andamento demografico: se diminuiva non c’erano abbastanza braccia per i lavori collettivi, ma se invece le bocche da sfamare aumentavano era necessario emigrare, andarsene. Analogamente, anche il nostro Pianeta è un luogo finito, proprio come un fondovalle alpino. La mia vuole essere una provocazione, io non sono una persona che guarda al passato come a un luogo di verità: però questo rappresenta l’esempio lampante di come una crescita infinita, come quella che ci impone il moderno sistema capitalistico, sia impossibile. Così come il mito di una storia che punta sempre verso un progresso non reversibile.

    “Abitare una vallata alpina significa fare i conti con un territorio che è limitato per definizione e che può offrire solo un quantità finita di risorse”

    Quali interventi sono necessari per costruire un nuovo rapporto, più proficuo e sostenibile, tra città e aree montane?
    MAF Innanzitutto ricordando che la montagna non è solo turismo, come dimostrano le esperienze delle tante famiglie giovani che tornano o scelgono di trasferirsi nelle terre alte. La montagna ha bisogno di una legge quadro: durante la scorsa legislatura il Consiglio dei ministri aveva approvato un testo che sarebbe dovuto poi andare alle Camere, ma poi con la caduta dell’esecutivo si è fermato tutto. Ora bisognerà ricominciare da capo. Servono diverse tipologie di interventi per incentivare il ritorno della vita in montagna, ad esempio favorire la ricomposizione fondiaria dei terreni che, nel passaggio di padre in figlio, si sono sempre più ridotti di dimensioni fino a ridursi a microparticelle che singolarmente non sono sufficienti per vivere. Occorre intervenire per favorire le aziende che nascono in montagna per iniziativa dei giovani, ma soprattutto una visione complessiva che metta insieme tutte queste azioni. Ovviamente questo intervento da solo non basta, ma è urgente agire. Tenendo conto che purtroppo le aree montane offrono pochissimi voti e quindi, spesso, la politica se ne dimentica.

    Dedica anche ampio spazio all’analisi degli stereotipi che riducono le Alpi a luoghi salvifici o a parco di divertimenti per le persone in fuga dalla città. Quando nascono?
    MAF Nascono nell’Ottocento e individuano le Alpi come luogo alternativo alle città che, negli anni della seconda rivoluzione industriale, diventano sempre più inquinate e invivibili. Le vette alpine e i suoi abitanti vengono idealizzati, diventano il luogo salvifico per antonomasia: un mondo in cui tutto è bene, pulito, buono e armonioso. Questa idea di alterità rispetto alla città, in cui in montagna rimane tutto fermo e uguale a sé stesso continua fino ai giorni nostri e provoca uno scollamento dalla realtà che però non fa bene né ai cittadini né a chi abita sulle Alpi.

    #Alpes #assaut #développement #modèle_de_développement #transition #ski #post-neige #montagne #livre #sky_total #industrie_du_ski #Dolomiti_Supersky #soutenabilité #tourisme_hivernal #alternatives #représentations #stéréotypes

  • Usbek & Rica - Avant les années Facebook, la folie Skyblog

    Le succès des skyblogs, au début des années 2000, fut aussi fulgurant que sa chute. Dans le cadre de notre série sur les grands fails de la préhistoire numérique, retour sur l’histoire de ce réseau social précurseur, né avant Facebook, qui fut un temps la plus belle comète du numérique français, au point que le géant Yahoo ! fut à deux doigts de racheter l’entreprise.

    #SNT #NSI #Histoire #Skyblog #Internet

  • #Air_Partner: the Home Office’s little-known deportation fixer

    International travel megacorp #Carlson_Wagonlit_Travel (#CWT) holds a £5.7 million, seven-year contract with the Home Office for the “provision of travel services for immigration purposes”, as it has done for nearly two decades. However, a key part of its work – the chartering of aircraft and crew to carry out the deportations – has been subcontracted to a little-known aviation charter outfit called Air Partner.


    Digging deeper into Air Partner, we found a company which has been quietly organising mass deportations for the Home Office for years. We also learnt that:

    It likely arranged for the airline #Privilege_Style to carry out the aborted flight to #Rwanda, and will seek another airline if the Rwanda scheme goes ahead.
    It has organised deportation logistics for the US and several European governments.
    It is currently one of four beneficiaries of a €15 million framework contract to arrange charter deportations for the European Coast Guard and Border Agency, #Frontex.
    The company grew off the back of military contracts, with profits soaring during the ‘War on Terror’, the Arab Spring, and the Covid-19 pandemic.
    Its regular clients include politicians, celebrities and sports teams, and it recently flew teams and fans to the FIFA World Cup in Qatar.
    Air Partner was bought in spring 2022 by American charter airline, Wheels Up, but that company is in troubled financial waters.

    Air Partner: Home Office deportation broker

    In Carlson Wagonlit’s current contract award notice, published on the EU website Tenders Electronic Daily, the “management and provision of aircraft(s) charter services” is subcontracted to Air Partner – a detail which is redacted in documents on the UK government’s procurement site. In other words, when the Home Office wants to carry out a mass deportation flight, the task of finding the airline is delegated to Air Partner.

    The contract stipulates that for each charter flight, Air Partner must solicit bids from at least three potential airlines. Selection is on the basis of value for money. However, the contract also states that “the maximum possible flexibility “ is expected from the carrier in terms of dates and destinations. The winning bidder must also be morally comfortable with the work, although it is not clear at what point in the process a first-time deportation airline is fully informed of the nature of the task.

    The contract suggests that airlines like #Privilege_Style, #Titan_Airways, #Hi_Fly and #TUI, therefore, owe their entry into the UK deportation business to Air Partner, which effectively acts as gatekeeper to the sector. Meanwhile, #Carlson_Wagonlit books the tickets, oversees the overall operation, arranges deportations on scheduled flights, and liaises with the guards who physically enforce the expulsion (currently supplied by the company that runs Manston camp, Mitie, in a Home Office escorting contract that runs until 2028).

    The latest deal between the Home Office and Carlson Wagonlit was awarded in 2017 and runs until 31st October 2024. It is likely that Air Partner makes money through a commission on each deportation flight.

    Flying for Frontex

    Yet Air Partner isn’t just the UK government’s deportation dealer. Its Austrian branch is currently one of four companies which organise mass expulsions for the European Coast Guard and Border Agency, Frontex, in a €15 million framework contract that was renewed in August 2022. A framework contract is essentially a deal in which a few companies are chosen to form a pool of select suppliers of particular goods or services, and are then called upon when needed. The work was awarded without advertising, which Frontex can do when the tender is virtually identical as in the previous contract.

    Frontex organises deportation charter flights – either for multiple EU states at a time (where the plane stops to pick up deportees from several countries) – or for a single state. The Agency also arranges for individuals to be deported on regular commercial flights.

    Air Partner’s work for Frontex is very similar to its work for the Home Office. It sources willing aircraft and crew, obtains flight and landing permits, and organises hotels – presumably for personnel – “in case of delays”. The other beneficiaries of the framework contract are #Air_Charter_Service, #Professional_Aviation_Solutions, and #AS_Aircontact.

    Air Charter Service is a German company, sister of a Surrey-based business of the same name, and is owned by Knightsbridge private equity firm, #Alcuin_Capital_Partners. Professional Aviation Solutions is another German charter company, owned by #Skylink_Holding. Finally, Norwegian broker AS Aircontact is a subsidiary of travel firm #Aircontact_Group, ultimately owned by chairman #Johan_Stenersen. AS Aircontact has benefited from the Frontex deal for many years.

    The award was given to the four companies on the basis of lowest price, with each bidder having to state the price it was able to obtain for a range of specified flights. The companies then bid for specific deportations, with the winner being the one offering best value for money. Air Partner’s cut from the deal in 2021 was €2.7 million.

    The contract stipulates the need for total secrecy:

    [The contractor] Must apply the maximum discretion and confidentiality in relation to the activity… must not document or share information on the activity by any means such as photo, video, commenting or sharing in social media, or equivalent.

    The Frontex award effectively means that Air Partner and the other three firms can carry out work on behalf of all EU states. But the company’s involvement with deportations doesn’t stop there: Air Partner has also profited for years from similar contracts with a number of individual European governments.

    The company has done considerable work in Ireland, having been appointed as one of its official deportation brokers back in 2005. Ten years later, the Irish Department of Justice was recorded as having paid Air Partner to carry out a vaguely-described “air charter” job (on a web page that is no longer available), while in 2016 the same department paid Air Partner €240,000 for “returns air charter” – government-speak for deportation flights.

    Between August 2021 and February 2022, the Austrian government awarded the company six Frontex-funded deportation contracts, worth an estimated average of €33,796.

    The company also enjoys a deportation contract with the German government, in a deal reviewed annually. The current contract runs until February 2023.

    Finally, Air Partner has held deportation contracts with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and has been involved in deporting Mexican migrants to the US as far back as the early 2000s.1
    Relationship with the airlines

    In the first half of 2021, 22 of the EU’s 27 member states participated in Frontex flights, with Germany making far greater use of the ‘service’ than any other country. The geographic scale of Air Partner’s work gives an indication of the privileged access it has as gatekeeper to Europe’s lucrative ‘deportation market’, and ultimately, the golden land of government contracts more generally.

    For example, British carrier Titan Airways – which has long carried out deportations for the Home Office – only appears to have broken into this market in Germany and Austria in 2018 and 2019, respectively. As Corporate Watch has documented, other airlines such as Privilege Style, #AirTanker, #Wamos and #Iberojet (formerly, #Evelop) regularly run deportation flights for a number of governments, including the UK. We can assume that Air Partner’s relationships with the firms are key to these companies’ ability to secure such deals in new markets.

    Some of these relationships are clearly personal: #Alastair_Wilson, managing director of Titan Airways, worked as trading manager for Air Partner for seven years until he left that firm for Titan in 2014. By 2017, Titan was playing a major role in forcible expulsions from the UK.

    The business: from military money to deportation dealer

    Air Partner’s origins are in military work. Founded in 1961, the company started its life as a training centre which helped military pilots switch to the commercial sector. Known for much of its history as Air London, it has enjoyed extensive Ministry of Defence deals for troop rotations and the supply of military equipment. Up until 2010, military contracts represented over 60% of pre-tax profits. However, in recent years it has managed to wean itself off the MOD and develop a more diverse clientele; by 2018, the value of military contracts had dropped to less than 3% of profits.

    The company’s main business is in brokering aircraft for charter flights, and sourcing planes from its pool of partner airlines at the request of customers who want to hire them. It owns no aircraft itself. Besides governments and wealthy individuals, its current client base includes “corporates, sports and entertainment teams, industrial and manufacturing customers, and tour operators.”

    Its other source of cash is in training and consultancy to government, military and commercial customers through three subsidiaries: its risk management service Baines Simmons, the Redline Security project, and its disaster management sideline, Kenyon Emergency Services. Conveniently, while the group’s main business pumps out fossil fuels on needless private flights, Kenyon’s disaster management work involves among other things, preparing customers for climate change-induced natural disasters.

    Despite these other projects, charter work represents the company’s largest income stream by far, at 87% of the group’s profits. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the majority of this is from leasing large jets to customers such as governments, sports teams and tour operators. Its second most lucrative source of cash is leasing private jets to the rich, including celebrities. Finally, its freight shipments tend to be the least profitable division of its charter work.

    The company’s charter division continues to be “predominantly driven by government work”.2 It has been hired by dozens of governments and royal families worldwide, and almost half the profits from its charter work now derive from the US, although France has long been an important market too.

    Ferrying the mega-rich

    Meanwhile, Air Partner’s work shuttling politicians and other VIPs no doubt enables the company to build up its bank of useful contacts which help it secure such lucrative government deals. Truly this is a company of the mega-rich: a “last-minute, half-term holiday” with the family to Madeira costs a mere £36,500 just for the experience of a private jet. It was the first aircraft charter company to have held a Royal Warrant, and boasts of having flown US election candidates and supplying George W Bush’s press plane.3

    The “group charter” business works with bands and sports teams. The latter includes the Wales football team, Manchester City, Manchester United, Chelsea and Real Madrid, while the Grand Prix is “always a firm fixture in the charter calendar”.4 It also flew teams and fans to the controversial 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar.5

    Crisis profiteer: the War on Terror, the Arab Spring & Covid-19

    Air Partner has cashed in on one crisis after the next. Not only that, it even contributes to one, and in so doing multiplies its financial opportunities. As military contractor to belligerent Western forces in the Middle East, the company is complicit in the creation of refugees – large numbers of whom Air Partner would later deport back to those war zones. It feeds war with invading armies, then feasts on its casualties.

    The company reportedly carried at least 4,000t of military supplies during the first Gulf War. The chairman at the time, Tony Mack, said:

    The Gulf War was a windfall for us. We’d hate to say ‘yippee, we’re going to war’, but I guess the net effect would be positive.6

    And in its financial records over the past twenty years, three events really stand out: 9/11 and the ‘War on Terror’, the Arab Spring, and the Covid-19 pandemic.

    9/11 and the subsequent War on Terror was a game changer for the company, marking a departure from reliance on corporate customers and a shift to more secure government work. First – as with the pandemic – there was a boom in private jet hire due to “the number of rich clients who are reluctant to travel on scheduled services”.7

    But more significant were the military contracts it was to obtain during the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. During the occupation of Afghanistan, it “did a lot of freighting for the military”,8 while later benefiting from emergency evacuation work when coalition foreign policy came to its inevitably grim conclusion in 2021.

    It enjoyed major military assignments with coalition forces in Iraq,9 with the UK’s eventual withdrawal resulting in a 19% drop in freight sales for the company. At one point, Air Partner lamented that its dip in profits was in part due to the temporary “cessation of official hostilities” and the non-renewal of its 2003 “Gulf contracts”.

    9/11 and the aggression that followed was a boon for Air Partner’s finances. From 2001-02, pre-tax profits increased to then record levels, jumping 85% from £2.2 million to £4 million. And it cemented the company’s fortunes longer-term; a 2006 company report gives insight into the scale of the government work that went Air Partner’s way:

    … over the last decade alone, many thousands of contracts worth over $500m have been successfully completed for the governments of a dozen Western Powers including six of the current G8 member states.

    Two years on, Air Partner’s then-CEO, #David_Savile, was more explicit about the impact of the War on Terror:

    Whereas a decade ago the team was largely servicing the Corporate sector, today it majors on global Government sector clients. Given the growing agenda of leading powers to pursue active foreign policies, work levels are high and in today’s climate such consistent business is an important source of income.

    Profits soared again in 2007, coinciding with the bloodiest year of the Iraq war – and one which saw the largest US troop deployment. Its chairman at the time said:

    The events of 9/11 were a watershed for the aviation industry…since then our sales have tripled and our profitability has quadrupled. We now expect a period of consolidation… which we believe will present longer term opportunities to develop new business and new markets.

    It seems likely that those “new markets” may have included deportation work, given that the first UK charter deportations were introduced by the New Labour government in 2001, the same year as the invasion of Afghanistan.

    Another financial highlight for the company was the 2011 Arab Spring, which contributed to a 93% increase in pre-tax profits. Air Partner had earlier won a four-year contract with the Department for International Development (DfID) to become its “sole provider of passenger and freight air charter services”, and had been hired to be a charter broker to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Crisis Centre.

    As people in Libya, Egypt, Bahrain and Tunisia took to the streets against their dictators, the company carried out emergency evacuations, including for “some of the largest oil companies”. A year later, it described a “new revenue stream from the oil & gas industry”, perhaps a bonus product of the evacuation work.

    Finally, its largest jump in profits was seen in 2021, as it reaped the benefits of converging crises: the pandemic, the evacuation of Afghanistan, and the supply chain crisis caused by Brexit and the severe congestion of global sea-shipping routes. The company was tasked with repatriation flights, PPE shipments, and “flying agricultural workers into the UK from elsewhere in Europe”, as well as responding to increased demand for “corporate shuttles” in the UK and US.10 Pre-tax profits soared 833% to £8.4 million. It made a gross profit of approximately £45 million in both 2021 and 2022. The company fared so well in fact from the pandemic that one paper summed it up with an article entitled “Air Partner takes off after virus grounds big airlines”.

    While there is scant reporting on the company’s involvement in deportations, The Times recently mentioned that Air Partner “helps in the deporting of individuals to Africa and the Caribbean, a business that hasn’t slowed down during the pandemic”. In a rare direct reference to deportation work, CEO Mark Briffa responded that it:

    …gives Wheels Up [Air Partner’s parent company] a great opportunity to expand beyond private jets…It was always going to be a challenge for a company our size to scale up and motor on beyond where we are.

    Yet Briffa’s justification based on the apparent need to diversify beyond VIP flights looks particularly hollow against the evidence of decades of lucrative government work his company has enjoyed.

    When asked for comment, a spokesperson from the company’s PR firm TB Cardew said:

    As a policy, we do not comment on who we fly or where we fly them. Customer privacy, safety and security are paramount for Air Partner in all of our operations. We do not confirm, deny or comment on any potential customer, destination or itinerary.

    The parent company: Wheels Up

    Air Partner was bought in spring 2022 for $108.2 million by Wheels Up Experience Inc, a US charter airline which was recently listed on the New York Stock Exchange. The company calls itself one of the world’s largest private aviation companies, with over 180 owned or long-term leased aircraft, 150 managed fleet (a sort of sharing arrangement with owners), and 1,200 aircraft which it can hire for customers when needed.

    In contrast to Air Partner, its new owner is in deep trouble. While Wheels Up’s revenues have increased considerably over the past few years (from $384 million in 2019 to $1.2 billion in 2022), these were far outweighed by its costs. It made a net loss in 2021 of $190 million, more than double that of the previous year. The company attributes this to the ongoing impact of Covid-19, with reduced crew availability and customer cancellations. And the situation shows no sign of abating, with a loss of $276.5 million in the first nine months of this year alone. Wheels Up is responding with “aggressive cost-cutting”, including some redundancies.

    #Wheels_Up is, in turn, 20% owned by #Delta_Airlines, one of the world’s oldest and largest airlines. Mammoth asset manager Fidelity holds an 8% share, while Wheels Up’s CEO #Kenneth_Dichter owns 5%. Meanwhile, the so-called ‘Big Three’ asset managers, BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street each hold smaller shareholdings.

    Among its clients, Wheels Up counts various celebrities – some of whom have entered into arrangements to promote the company as ‘brand ambassadors’. These apparently include Jennifer Lopez, American football players Tom Brady, Russell Wilson, J.J. Watt, Joey Logano, and Serena Williams.

    Given Wheel’s Up’s current financial situation, it can be safely assumed that government contracts will not be easily abandoned, particularly in a time of instability in the industry as a whole. At the same time, given the importance of Wheels Up as a brand and its VIP clientele, anything that poses a risk to its reputation would need to be handled delicately by the company.

    It also remains to be seen whether Wheels Up will use its own fleet to fulfil Air Partner’s contracting work, and potentially become a supplier of deportation planes in its own right.
    Top people

    Air Partner has been managed by CEO #Mark_Briffa since 2010. A former milkman and son of Maltese migrants, Briffa grew up in an East Sussex council house and left school with no O or A levels. He soon became a baggage handler at Gatwick airport, eventually making his way into sales and up the ladder to management roles. Briffa is also president of the parent company, Wheels Up.

    #Ed_Warner OBE is the company’s chair, which means he leads on its strategy and manages the board of directors. An Oxbridge-educated banker and former chair of UK Athletics, Warner no doubt helps Air Partner maintain its connections in the world of sport. He sits on the board of private equity fund manager HarbourVest, and has previously been chairman of BlackRock Energy and Resources Income Trust, which invests in mining and energy.

    #Kenny_Dichter is founder and CEO of Air Partner’s US parent company, Wheels Up. Dichter is an entrepreneur who has founded or provided early investment to a list of somewhat random companies, from a chain of ‘wellness’ stores, to a brand of Tequila.

    #Tony_Mack was chairman of the business founded by his parents for 23 years and a major shareholder, before retiring from Air Partner in 2014. Nowadays he prefers to spend his time on the water, where he indulges in yacht racing.

    Some of Air Partner’s previous directors are particularly well-connected. #Richard_Everitt, CBE held the company chairmanship from 2012 until 2017. A solicitor by training, prior to joining Air Partner Everitt was a director of the British Aviation Authority (BAA) and chief executive of National Air Traffic Services (Nats), and then CEO of the Port of London Authority (PLA). Since leaving the PLA, he has continued his career on the board of major transport authorities, having twice been appointed by the Department of Transport as chair of Dover Harbour Board, a two-day per week job with an annual salary of £79,500. He also served as a commissioner of Belfast Harbour.

    One figure with friends in high places was the Hon. #Rowland_John_Fromanteel_Cobbold, who was an Air Partner director from 1996 to 2004. Cobbold was the son of 1st Baron Cobbold, former Governor of the Bank of England and former Lord Chamberlain, an important officer of the royal household. He was also grandson of Victor Bulwer-Lytton, 2nd Earl of Lytton and governor of Bengal, and younger brother of 2nd Baron Cobbold, who was a crossbench peer.

    #Lib_Dem peer #Lord_Lee of Trafford held significant shares in Air Partner from at least 2007 until the company was bought by Wheels Up in 2022. Lord Lee served as parliamentary undersecretary for MOD Procurement under Margaret Thatcher, as well as Minister for Tourism. In 2015 the value of his 113,500 shares totalled £446,000. His shares in the company were despite having been Lib Dem party spokesman on defence at the time. Seemingly, having large stakes in a business which benefits from major MOD contracts, whilst simultaneously advocating on defence policy was not deemed a serious conflict of interest. The former stockbroker is now a regular columnist for the Financial Times. Calling himself the “first ISA millionaire”, Lee published a book called “How to Make a Million – Slowly: Guiding Principles From a Lifetime Investing”.

    The company’s recent profits have been healthy enough to ensure that those at the top are thoroughly buffered from the current cost of living crisis, as all executive and non-executive directors received a hefty pay rise. Its 2022 Annual Report reveals that CEO Mark Briffa’s pay package totalled £808,000 (£164,000 more than he received in 2021) and outgoing Chief Financial Officer Joanne Estell received £438,000 (compared with £369,000 in 2021), not to mention that Briffa and Estell were awarded a package in spring 2021 of 100% and 75% of their salary in shares. Given the surge in Air Partner’s share price just before the buyout, it’s likely that the net worth of its directors – and investors like Lord Lee – has significantly increased too.


    What really is the difference between the people smugglers vilified daily by right-wing rags, and deportation merchants like Air Partner? True, Air Partner helps cast humans away in the opposite direction, often to places of danger rather than potential safety. And true, smugglers’ journeys are generally more consensual, with migrants themselves often hiring their fixers. But for a huge fee, people smugglers and deportation profiteers alike ignore the risks and indignities involved, as human cargo is shunted around in the perverse market of immigration controls.

    In October 2022, deportation airline Privilege Style announced it would pull out of the Rwanda deal following strategic campaigning by groups including Freedom from Torture and SOAS Detainee Support. This is an important development and we can learn lessons from the direct action tactics used. Yet campaigns against airlines are continuously being undermined by Air Partner – who, as the Home Office’s deportation fixer, will simply seek others to step in.

    And under the flashing blue lights of a police state, news that an airline will merely be deporting refugees to their countries of origin – however dangerous – rather than to a distant African processing base, might be seen as wonderful news. It isn’t. Instead of becoming accustomed to a dystopian reality, let’s be spurred on by the campaign’s success to put an end to this cruel industry in its entirety.
    Appendix: Air Partner Offices

    Air Partner’s addresses, according to its most recent annual report, are as follows:

    - UK: 2 City Place, Beehive Ring Road, Gatwick, West Sussex RH6 0PA.
    - France: 89/91 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, 75008 Paris & 27 Boulevard Saint-Martin, 75003 Paris.
    - Germany: Im Mediapark 5b, 50670 Köln.
    - Italy: Via Valtellina 67, 20159 Milano.
    - Turkey: Halil Rıfatpaşa Mh Yüzer Havuz Sk No.1 Perpa Ticaret Merkezi ABlok Kat.12 No.1773, Istanbul.


    1 Aldrick, Philip. “Worth teaming up with Air Partner”. The Daily Telegraph, October 07, 2004.

    2 “Air Partner makes progress in the face of some strong headwinds”. Proactive Investors UK, August 27, 2021.

    3 Aldrick, Philip. “Worth teaming up with Air Partner”. The Daily Telegraph, October 07, 2004.

    4 Lea, Robert. “Mark Briffa has a new partner in aircraft chartering and isn’t about to fly away”. The Times, April 29, 2022

    5 Ibid.

    6 “AirPartner predicts rise in demand if Gulf war begins”. Flight International, January 14 2003.

    7 “Celebrity status boosts Air Partner”. Yorkshire Post, October 10, 2002.

    8 Baker, Martin. “The coy royal pilot”. The Sunday Telegraph, April 11, 2004.

    9 Hancock, Ciaran. “Air Partner”. Sunday Times, April 10, 2005.

    10 Saker-Clark, Henry. “Repatriation and PPE flights boost Air Partner”. The Herald, May 6, 2020.

    #avions #compagnies_aériennes #Home_Office #UK #Angleterre #renvois #expulsions #business #complexe_militaro-industriel

    via @isskein

  • ¿Karacole ? Cet après-midi j’ai vu l’escargot s’envoler au dessus de la carte de France. Puis il a fait pluie-froid-sombre et j’ai vu l’Ombre... Mais rappelle-toi : « No morirá la flor de la palabra. »


    ValK. a posté une photo :

    #Nantes, 15 août 2021.
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  • Niederlande: Bande bereitete in Containern ein Gefängnis mit Folterkammer vor | Telepolis

    Die Kriminellen gingen hochprofessionell vor und wollten offenbar Menschen verschleppen und foltern

    Die niederländische Polizei veröffentlichte ein Video von einer gruseligen Entdeckung, die eher aus einem fiktiven Thriller kommen sollte als aus der Wirklichkeit mitten in Europa. Eine Bande hatte in dem Dorf Wouwse Plantage in einer Lagerhalle sechs schall- und wärmeisolierte Schiffscontainer mit Handschellen an Decke und Boden und jeweils einem chemischen Klo für ein Gefängnis präpariert. Ein weiterer Container war als Folterzelle hergerichtet. Dieser Container enthielt einen Zahnarztstuhl sowie Foltergeräte wie Zangen, Sägen und Skalpelle, Handschellen und Baumwolltaschen, die man über den Kopf ziehen kann. Nach Angaben der Polizei waren die Container aber noch nicht benutzt worden.

    Auf die Spur der Bande kam die Polizei, nachdem mit Europol und Eurojust die Verschlüsselung des mittlerweile geschlossenen Messengerdienstes EncroChat geknackt worden war, während sie auf der Spur eines Mannes aus Den Haag war, der einen der Container in dem Dorf nutzte. Die Polizei konnte über das Abhören der Gespräche erkennen, dass es um Foltermethoden und Entführungen ging: „Wenn ich ihn einmal auf dem Stuhl habe, werden wir mehr wissen.“ Ein Bild mit dem Zahnarztstuhl im Container brachte sie schließlich auf die Spur des Gefängnisses.

    Die Container in der Lagerhalle wurden beobachtet, kurz vor Fertigstellung schlug man am 22. Juni zu und durchsuchte 13 Orte, an denen man 24 kg der Droge MDMA, drei Lieferfahrzeuge, zwei schnelle BMWs und Schusswaffen beschlagnahmte. Sechs Verdächtige wurden festgenommen und werden beschuldigt, Entführungen, schwere Körperverletzung und Erpressung geplant zu haben und Mitglied einer kriminellen Organisation zu sein. Zwei der Verdächtigen sind überdies des illegalen Waffenbesitzes angeklagt. Eine zweite von den Kriminellen benutzte Lagerhalle wurde in Rotterdam entdeckt, wo man die Waffen, Schusswesten und die BMWs fand.

    Die Polizei konnte die vorgesehenen Opfer identifizieren und warnen, sagt aber nichts Genaueres darüber, was der Hintergrund der geplanten Entführungen und Folterungen war, auf die sich die Bande hochprofessionell vorbereitet hat. Es dürfte wohl auch um Drogenhandel gehen, aber ob die Opfer Reiche, Politiker oder andere Mitglieder von Drogenkartellen waren, ist noch nicht bekannt.

    Es sollen bereits mehrere Teams zum Kidnappen aufgestellt worden sein, dazu kam ein „Beobachtungsteam“. Offenbar wollte die Bande als Polizisten verkleidet ihre Taten begehen, möglicherweise durch Straßenblockaden. Gefunden wurden Polizeiuniformen, Schusswesten und andere Polizeiausstattung wie Blendgranaten sowie Lieferwagen und Stoppschilder.

    #criminalité #Encrochat #Sky #téléphones_mobiles #cellphone #pays_bas

  • Entschlüsselt : Das geheime Tagebuch der Organisierten Kriminalität - YouTube

    Quand tu fais trop confiance à ton fournisseur de téléphone mobiles.

    Waffengeschäfte, Drogendeals: Jahrelang haben sich Kriminelle in verschlüsselten Nachrichten abgesprochen – bis Ermittler die Plattform Encrochat knackten. SPIEGEL TV konnte Chatprotokolle auswerten. Exklusive Einblicke von Claas Meyer-Heuer und Thomas Heise.

    #criminalité #Encrochat #Sky #téléphones_mobiles #cellphone

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  • Il n’y a plus d’après...


    ValK. a posté une photo :

    ... Ciel d’orage chargé de présences dans les nuages, Nantes, le 19 septembre 2020.
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    #sombra #valk #aigle_noir #ange_blanc #cielo #clouds #contrastes #fronts #noiretblanc #nuages #nubes #orage #sky #storm #tormenta #vision #hommage

    • et puis #paraéidolie : il semble que je sois un peu la seule à voir dans les nuages une sorte d’ange en face d’un oiseau noir mais qu’une fois que je l’explique, on « ne voit plus que ça » ! J’ai fait toute une séquence photo sur cette « rencontre » céleste, sa stabilité m’a impressionnée d’autant qu’aucun des deux nuages n’a absorbé ou chassé l’autre.

  • Quand l’Europe aide la Chine pour surveiller massivement ses concitoyens

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  • Whatsapp, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat : qui chiffre les messages privés des utilisateurs ?

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  • Foreign workers in the Gulf still can’t call home

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    #FaceTime #Skype #WhatsApp #VoIP #migration #censure #surveillance

  • BigBlueBotton (http://docs.bigbluebutton.org)


    #BigBlueBotton is an #OpenSource web conferencing system for online #learning.

    A valid alternative to ms #teams, google #hangouts, ms #skype, #zoom, ...

    #BigBlueButton is an #HTML5 based #web #application

    We stated above that #BigBlueButton extends many of its core features to focus on enabling the instructor to engage students. There are four main use cases for engagement: 1. #Tutoring/ virtual #office hours 1. Flipped #classroom 1. Group #collaboration 1. Full online classes

    If you are an instructor, BigBlueButton helps you engage students with: 1. Multi-user #whiteboard 1. Break out #rooms 1. #Chat (public and private) 1. #Polling 1. Shared #notes 1. #Emojis

    Tutorial Videos: https://bigbluebutton.org/html5 Server installation: (...)

  • prism-break.org - Zintv

    Met­tons fin à notre dépen­dance à l’é­gard des ser­vices pro­prié­taires. LE SITE PRISM-BREAK.org LUTTE CONTRE LA SURVEILLANCE Échap­per aux pro­grammes de sur­veillance néces­site de chan­ger la manière dont on uti­li­ser Inter­net. Néan­moins, trou­ver et uti­li­ser les bons outils numé­riques alter­na­tifs n’est pas for­cé­ment à la por­tée de tout le monde. Dans ce sens, le site prism-break.org pro­pose toute une série de logi­ciels qui n’ont pas été déve­lop­pés par les géants du web qui col­la­borent avec la NSA. (...)

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    ##Altaba/Yahoo_ ! ##surveillance

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    Les applications qui permettent d’organiser des visioconférences sont massivement utilisées en ces temps de confinement. Pour la sécurité de vos conversations, il convient toutefois de rappeler les bonnes pratiques en ligne, et de souligner les limites de certains outils. Confinés depuis lundi 16 mars 2020, les Français et les Françaises trouvent des manières de continuer à communiquer entre eux : jeux vidéo en ligne, coups de fil, mais aussi visioconférences à plusieurs interlocuteurs. Une (...)

    #Zoom #BigData #FaceTime #Messenger #Skype #WhatsApp #Cisco #Facebook #URL


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    #jami #téléphonie #open-source #distribué #skype #discord #chat #partage_écran

  • Microsoft : des transcriptions Skype et Cortana épluchées par des sous-traitants chinois - Next INpact

    Nouvel épisode dans la triste suite des scandales liés à l’analyse vocale et aux « assistants ». The Guardian a publié les confessions d’un Anglais travaillant en Chine pour une entreprise ayant eu accès à des fichiers audio provenant de Skype et Cortana. Ce type de travail « humain » a justement été révélé par le dossier des enceintes connectées, où l’on apprenait que les GAFAM se servaient tous de sous-traitants, souvent étrangers, pour perfectionner leur reconnaissance vocale. Dans le cas présent, les (...)

    #Apple #Microsoft #Skype #Chrome #Windows #biométrie #reconnaissance #écoutes #GAFAM #voix (...)
