• Così l’Italia ha svuotato il diritto alla trasparenza sulle frontiere

    Il Consiglio di Stato ha ribadito la inaccessibilità “assoluta” degli atti che riguardano genericamente la “gestione delle frontiere e dell’immigrazione”. Intanto le forniture milionarie del governo a Libia, Tunisia ed Egitto continuano.

    L’Italia fa un gigantesco e preoccupante passo indietro in tema di trasparenza sulle frontiere e di controllo democratico dell’esercizio del potere esecutivo. Su parte delle nostre forniture milionarie alla Libia, anche di natura militare, per bloccare le persone rischia infatti di calare un velo nero. A fine 2023 il Consiglio di Stato ha pronunciato una sentenza che riconosce come non illegittima la “assoluta” inaccessibilità di quegli atti della Pubblica amministrazione che ricadono genericamente nel settore di interesse della “gestione delle frontiere e dell’immigrazione”, svuotando così di fatto l’istituto dell’accesso civico generalizzato che è a disposizione di tutti i cittadini (e non solo dei giornalisti). Non è un passaggio banale dal momento che la conoscenza dei documenti, dei dati e delle informazioni amministrative consente, o meglio, dovrebbe consentire la partecipazione alla vita di una comunità, la vicinanza tra governanti e governati, il consapevole processo di responsabilizzazione della classe politica e dirigente del Paese. Ma la teoria traballa. E ne siamo testimoni.

    Breve riepilogo dei fatti. Il 21 ottobre 2021 l’Agenzia industrie difesa (Aid) -ente di diritto pubblico controllato dal ministero della Difesa- stipula un “Accordo di collaborazione” con la Direzione centrale dell’Immigrazione e della polizia delle frontiere in seno al ministero dell’Interno. Fu il Viminale -allora guidato dalla prefetta Luciana Lamorgese, che come capo di gabinetto ebbe l’attuale ministro, Matteo Piantedosi- a rivolgersi all’Agenzia, chiedendole “la disponibilità a fornire collaborazione per iniziative a favore dei Paesi non appartenenti all’Unione europea finalizzate al rafforzamento delle capacità nella gestione delle frontiere e dell’immigrazione e in materia di ricerca e soccorso in mare”. L’accordo dell’ottobre di tre anni fa riguardava una cooperazione “da attuarsi anche tramite la fornitura di mezzi e materiali” per dare impulso alla seconda fase del progetto “Support to integrated border and migration management in Libya”.

    Il Sibmmil è legato finanziariamente al Fondo fiduciario per l’Africa, istituito dalla Commissione europea a fine 2015 al dichiarato scopo di “affrontare le cause profonde dell’instabilità, degli spostamenti forzati e della migrazione irregolare e per contribuire a una migliore gestione della migrazione”. La prima “fase” del progetto è dotata di un budget di 46,3 milioni di euro, la seconda, quella al centro dell’accordo tra Aid e ministero dell’Interno, di 15 milioni. A beneficiare di queste forniture (navi, formazione, equipaggiamenti, tecnologie), come abbiamo ricostruito in questi anni, sono state soprattutto le milizie costiere libiche, che si sono rese responsabili di gravissime violazioni dei diritti umani. Nel 2022, pochi mesi dopo la stipula dell’accordo, abbiamo inoltrato come Altreconomia un’istanza di accesso civico alla Aid -allora guidata dall’ex senatore Nicola Latorre, sostituito dal dicembre scorso dall’accademica Fiammetta Salmoni- per avere la copia del testo e degli allegati.

    La richiesta fu negata richiamando a mo’ di “sostegno normativo” un decreto del ministero dell’Interno datato 16 marzo 2022 (ancora a guida Lamorgese). L’oggetto di quel provvedimento era l’aggiornamento della “Disciplina delle categorie di documenti sottratti al diritto di accesso ai documenti amministrativi”. Un’apparente formalità. Il Viminale, però, agì di sostanza, includendo tra i documenti ritenuti “inaccessibili per motivi attinenti alla sicurezza, alla difesa nazionale ed alle relazioni internazionali” anche quelli “relativi agli accordi intergovernativi di cooperazione e alle intese tecniche stipulati per la realizzazione di programmi militari di sviluppo, di approvvigionamento e/o supporto comune o di programmi per la collaborazione internazionale di polizia, nonché quelli relativi ad intese tecnico-operative per la cooperazione internazionale di polizia inclusa la gestione delle frontiere e dell’immigrazione”.

    Il 16 gennaio 2023 Roma e Ankara hanno firmato un memorandum per “procedure operative standard” per il distacco in Italia di “esperti della polizia nazionale turca”

    Non solo. In quel decreto si schermava poi un altro soggetto sensibile: Frontex. Vengono infatti classificati come inaccessibili anche i “documenti relativi alla cooperazione con l’Agenzia europea della guardia di frontiera e costiera (appunto Frontex, ndr), per la sorveglianza delle frontiere esterne dell’Unione europea coincidenti con quelle italiane e che non siano già sottratti all’accesso dall’applicazione di classifiche di riservatezza Ue”. Così come le “relazioni, rapporti ed ogni altro documento relativo a problemi concernenti le zone di confine […] la cui conoscenza possa pregiudicare la sicurezza, la difesa nazionale o le relazioni internazionali”.

    È per questo motivo che lo definimmo il “decreto che azzera la trasparenza sulle frontiere”, promuovendo di lì a poco un ricorso al Tar -grazie agli avvocati Giulia Crescini, Nicola Datena, Salvatore Fachile e Ginevra Maccarone dell’Associazione per gli studi giuridici sull’immigrazione e membri del progetto Sciabaca&Oruka- contro i ministeri dell’Interno, della Difesa, della Pubblicazione amministrazione, oltreché l’Agenzia industrie difesa (Aid), proprio per vedere riconosciuto il diritto all’accesso civico generalizzato. In primo grado, però, il Tar del Lazio ci ha dato torto.

    Ed eccoci arrivati al Consiglio di Stato, il cui pronunciamento, pubblicato a metà novembre 2023, ha ritenuto infondato il nostro appello, riconoscendo come “fonte di un divieto assoluto all’accesso civico generalizzato”, non sorretto perciò da alcuna motivazione, proprio quel decreto ministeriale firmato Luciana Lamorgese del marzo 2022. “All’ampliamento della platea dei soggetti che possono avvalersi dell’accesso civico generalizzato corrisponde un maggior rigore normativo nella previsione delle eccezioni poste a tutela dei contro-interessi pubblici e privati”, hanno scritto i giudici della quarta sezione.

    I legali che ci hanno accompagnato in questo percorso non la pensano allo stesso modo. “Il Consiglio di Stato ha affermato che il decreto ministeriale del 16 marzo 2022, una fonte secondaria, non legislativa, adottata in attuazione della disciplina del diverso istituto dell’accesso documentale, abbia introdotto nell’ordinamento un limite assoluto all’accesso civico, che può essere invocato dalla Pubblica amministrazione senza che questa sia tenuta a fornire alcuna motivazione in merito alla sua ricorrenza.

    Si tratta di un’evidente elusione del dettato normativo, che prevede in materia una riserva assoluta di legge”, osservano le avvocate Crescini e Maccarone. Che aggiungono: “I giudici hanno respinto anche la censura relativa all’assoluta genericità del limite introdotto con il decreto ministeriale, che non individua precisamente le categorie di atti sottratti all’accesso, ma al contrario solo il settore di interesse, cioè la gestione delle frontiere e dell’immigrazione, essendo idoneo a ricomprendere qualunque tipologia di atto, documento o dato, di fatto svuotando di contenuto l’istituto”. Questa sentenza del Consiglio di Stato rischia di rappresentare un precedente preoccupante. “L’accesso civico è uno strumento moderno che avrebbe potuto garantire la trasparenza degli atti della Pubblica amministrazione secondo canoni condivisibili che rispecchiano le esigenze che si sono cristallizzate in tutta Europa nel corso degli ultimi anni -riflettono le avvocate-. Tuttavia con questa interpretazione l’istituto viene totalmente svuotato di significato, costringendoci a fare un passo indietro di notevole importanza in tema di trasparenza, che è chiamata ad assicurare l’effettivo andamento democratico di un ordinamento giuridico”.

    I mezzi guardacoste che l’Italia si appresta a cedere quest’anno alla Guardia nazionale del ministero dell’Interno tunisino sono sei

    Le forniture italiane per ostacolare i transiti, intanto, continuano. Negli ultimi mesi la Direzione centrale dell’Immigrazione e della polizia delle frontiere del Viminale -retta da Claudio Galzerano, già a capo di Europol- ha ripreso con forza a bandire gare o pubblicare, a cose fatte, affidamenti diretti. Anche per trasferte o distacchi in Italia di “ufficiali” libici, tunisini, ivoriani o “esperti della polizia nazionale turca”. La delegazione della Libyan coast guard and port security, ad esempio, è stata portata dal 15 al 18 gennaio di quest’anno alla base navale della Guardia di Finanza a Capo Miseno (NA) per una “visita tecnica”. Nei mesi prima altre “autorità libiche” erano state formate alle basi di Gaeta (LT) o Capo Miseno. Gli ufficiali della Costa d’Avorio sono stati in missione dal 30 ottobre scorso al 20 gennaio 2024 “in materia di rimpatri”. Sono stati portati nei punti caldi di Lampedusa e Ventimiglia.

    Al dicembre 2023 risale invece la firma dell’accordo tra la Direzione centrale e il Comando generale della Gdf per la fornitura di navi, assistenza, manutenzione, supporto tecnico-logistico a beneficio di Libia, Tunisia ed Egitto. Obiettivo: il “rafforzamento delle capacità nella gestione delle frontiere e dell’immigrazione e in materia di ricerca e soccorso in mare”. Proprio alla Guardia nazionale del ministero dell’Interno di Tunisi finiranno sei guardacoste litoranei della classe “G.L. 1.400”, con servizi annessi del tipo “consulenza, assistenza e tutoraggio”, per un valore di 4,8 milioni di euro (i soldi li mette il Viminale, i mezzi e la competenza la Guardia di Finanza). Navi ma anche carburante. A inizio gennaio di quest’anno il direttore Galzerano, dietro presunta richiesta di non ben precisate “autorità tunisine”, ha approvato la spesa di “nove milioni di euro circa” (testualmente) per “il pagamento del carburante delle unità navali impegnate nella lotta all’immigrazione clandestina e nelle operazioni di ricerca e di soccorso” nelle acque tunisine. Dove hanno recuperato le risorse? Da un fondo ministeriale dedicato a “misure volte alla prevenzione e al contrasto della criminalità e al potenziamento della sicurezza nelle strutture aeroportuali e nelle principali stazioni ferroviarie anche attraverso imprescindibili misure di cooperazione internazionale”. Chissà quale sarà la prossima fermata.

    #Tunisie #Egypte #transparence #Agenzia_industrie_difesa (#Aid) #Support_to_integrated_border_and_migration_management_in_Libya (#Sibmmil) #Fonds_fiduciaire_pour_l'Afrique #gardes-côtes_libyens #Frontex

    • Così l’Italia ha svuotato il diritto alla trasparenza sulle frontiere

      Il Consiglio di Stato ha ribadito la inaccessibilità “assoluta” degli atti che riguardano genericamente la “gestione delle frontiere e dell’immigrazione”. Intanto le forniture milionarie del governo a Libia, Tunisia ed Egitto continuano.


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    also hier mal mein „Halbwissen“ bezüglich Dongels und Handy apps

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    Was die alle nicht können, ist Autohersteller spezifische Steuergeräte auslesen. Ich glaube kaum, dass es eine App gibt die z.b. das Volvo Multimedia Zeugs auslesen oder konfigurieren kann. Das geht nur mit VIDA. Einige Apps scheinen aber zumindest ABS, Airbags und sowas zusätzlich zu Motordaten zu verstehen.

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    #voitures #volvo #support #logiciels

  • L’Italia cede alla Libia altre 14 navi veloci per intercettare le persone. Il ruolo di Invitalia

    La commessa è stata aggiudicata definitivamente per 6,65 milioni di euro. A curare la gara è stata l’agenzia del ministero dell’Economia che dovrebbe in realtà occuparsi di “attrazione degli investimenti e sviluppo d’impresa”. Intanto 40 Ong danno appuntamento a Roma il 26 ottobre per opporsi al rinnovo dell’accordo con Tripoli

    L’Italia fornirà altre 14 imbarcazioni alle milizie libiche per intercettare e respingere le persone in fuga nel Mediterraneo. La commessa è stata aggiudicata definitivamente nella primavera di quest’anno per 6,65 milioni di euro nell’ambito di una procedura curata da Invitalia, l’agenzia nazionale di proprietà del ministero dell’Economia che sulla carta dovrebbe occuparsi dell’”attrazione degli investimenti e lo sviluppo d’impresa” e che invece dall’agosto 2019 ha stipulato una convenzione con il ministero dell’Interno per garantire “supporto” tecnico anche sul fronte libico. La copertura finanziaria dei nuovi “battelli” è garantita, così come tante altre, dalla “prima fase” del progetto “Support to integrated Border and migration management in Libya” (Sibmmil) datato dicembre 2017, cofinanziato dall’Unione europea, implementato dal Viminale e inserito nel quadro del Fondo fiduciario per l’Africa (Eutf).

    Si tratta in questa occasione di 14 mezzi “pneumatici con carena rigida in vetroresina” da 12 metri -come si legge nel capitolato di gara-, in grado di andare a una velocità di crociera di almeno 30 nodi, con un’autonomia di 200 miglia nautiche, omologati al trasporto di 12 persone e destinati a “svolgere i compiti istituzionali delle autorità libiche” (è la seconda tranche di una procedura attivata oltre tre anni fa). Quali non si poteva specificarlo. Anche sull’identità dei beneficiari libici c’è scarsa chiarezza da parte di Invitalia, il cui amministratore delegato è Bernardo Mattarella. Negli atti non si fa riferimento infatti né all’Amministrazione generale per la sicurezza costiera (Gacs) né alla Direzione per la lotta all’immigrazione illegale (Dcim), che opera sotto il ministero dell’Interno libico, quanto a una generica “polizia libica”.

    Chi si è assicurato la commessa, con un ribasso del 5% sulla base d’asta, è stata la società B-Shiver Srl con sede a Roma. B-Shiver è la ragione sociale del marchio Novamarine, nato a Olbia nel 1983 e poi acquisito negli anni dal gruppo Sno. “È uno dei must a livello mondiale perché ha fatto una rivoluzione nel campo dei gommoni, con il binomio carena vetroresina e tubolare”, spiega in un video aziendale l’amministratore delegato Francesco Pirro.

    B-Shiver non si occupa soltanto della costruzione dei 14 mezzi veloci ma è incaricata anche di “erogare un corso di familiarizzazione sulla conduzione dei battelli a favore del personale libico”: 30 ore distribuite su cinque giorni.
    Nell’ultima versione del capitolato sembrerebbe sparita la possibilità di predisporre in ogni cabina di pilotaggio dei “gavoni metallici idonei alla custodia di armi”, come invece aveva ipotizzato il Centro nautico della polizia di Stato nelle prime fasi della procedura di gara.

    Le forniture italiane alla Libia per rafforzare il meccanismo di respingimenti delegati continuano, dunque, a oltre cinque anni dal memorandum tra Roma e Tripoli in fase di imminente rinnovo. Un accordo che ha prodotto “abusi, sfruttamento, detenzione arbitraria e torture”, come denunciano oltre 40 organizzazioni per i diritti umani italiane promotrici il 26 ottobre di una conferenza stampa e una manifestazione in Piazza dell’Esquilino a Roma per “chiedere all’Italia e all’Europa di riconoscere le proprie responsabilità e non rinnovare gli accordi con la Libia” (dall’Arci all’Asgi, da Msf a Emergency, dalla Fondazione Migrantes a Intersos, da Sea-Watch ad Amnesty International Italia).

    “Se entro il 2 novembre il governo italiano non deciderà per la sua revoca -ricordano le Ong-, il memorandum Italia–Libia verrà automaticamente rinnovato per altri tre anni. Si tratta di un accordo che da ormai cinque anni ha conseguenze drammatiche sulla vita di migliaia di donne, uomini e bambini migranti e rifugiati”. Dal 2016 all’ottobre 2022 sono infatti oltre 120mila le persone intercettate in mare dalla cosiddetta guardia costiera libica e riportate forzatamente in Libia (fonte Oim). “Un Paese che non può essere considerato sicuro”.

    I contorni dell’abisso libico li ha descritti più volte, tra gli altri, la Missione indipendente sulla Libia delle Nazioni Unite che a fine giugno 2022 ha presentato una (ennesima) relazione sul punto al Consiglio dei diritti umani dell’Onu. “Diversi migranti intervistati dalla Missione hanno raccontato di aver subito violenze sessuali per mano di trafficanti e contrabbandieri, spesso con lo scopo di estorcere denaro alle famiglie, nonché di funzionari statali nei centri di detenzione, datori di lavoro o altri migranti -si legge-. Il rischio di violenza sessuale in Libia è tale e così noto che alcune donne e ragazze migranti assumono contraccettivi prima di partire proprio per evitare gravidanze indesiderate dovute a tali violenze”. È una violenza istituzionale. “Il carattere continuo, sistematico e diffuso di queste pratiche da parte della Direzione per la lotta all’immigrazione illegale (Dcim) e di altri attori coinvolti riflette la partecipazione di funzionari di medio e alto livello al ciclo della violenza sui migranti”.

    La brutalità non scompone i promotori della strategia di respingimento per procura, condotta nella totale mancanza di trasparenza sull’utilizzo complessivo dei fondi. Ad esempio quelli del Fondo di rotazione ex legge 183/1987, nel quale è previsto anche un “subcapitolo” dedicato alle spese per iniziative progettuali “a favore dello Stato della Libia”.

    Quando quest’estate abbiamo chiesto all’Ispettorato generale per i rapporti finanziari con l’Unione europea (Igrue) del ministero dell’Economia l’elenco dei pagamenti liquidati, dei beneficiari, delle causali di pagamento e degli estremi e del contenuto della voce di spesa in Libia, quest’ultimo ha rinviato al Viminale, sostenendo che la trasparenza fosse in capo a quell’amministrazione, “titolare del programma”. Il ministero dell’Interno ha però negato l’accesso perché “l’estrapolazione delle voci richieste comporterebbe un carico di lavoro tale da aggravare l’ordinaria attività dell’amministrazione”. La tipica cortina fumogena replicata anche per la convenzione del 2019 tra Invitalia e il Viminale, di cui ci è stato trasmesso il testo con cancellazioni sopra gli importi finanziari e orfano degli allegati, cioè della sostanza.


    #Italie #Libye #navires #externalisation #frontières #contrôles_frontaliers #migrations #réfugiés #Méditerranée #Invitalia #Support_to_integrated_Border_and_migration_management_in_Libya (#Sibmmil) #fonds_fiduciaire #Bernardo_Mattarella #Amministrazione_generale_per_la_sicurezza_costiera (#Gacs) #Direzione_per_la_lotta_all’immigrazione_illegale (#Dcim) #police #police_libyenne #B-Shiver #Novamarine #Sno #Francesco_Pirro

    ping @isskein

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  • Ligue des champions : des scènes de chaos aux abords du Stade de France avant le coup d’envoi

    « La situation a été proche de la catastrophe lorsqu’un goulot d’étranglement s’est formé, à la suite d’un mauvais aiguillage des supporters à leur sortie du RER D puis aux problèmes d’ouverture et de fermeture des portes d’entrée au stade, explique un spectateur présent sur les lieux. Les gens attendaient sagement depuis des heures quand les mouvements de foules se sont accentués. Certains – même des enfants et des personnes âgées – ont été gazés ou écrasés contre des barrières. »

    Carrie sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/MissCarrieW/status/1530648658512945154

    Good grief. Steve Douglas from AP providing his account to BBC of how the French police took his accreditation off him until he deleted all his videos of what was going on outside the stadium. He deleted video evidence because it was his job to cover the game.

    #France #Police

    • Finale de Ligue des champions : Gérald Darmanin et l’UEFA blâment les supporters de Liverpool munis de faux billets - Le Parisien

      Sur Twitter, le ministre de l’Intérieur a publié un message. « […] Merci aux très nombreuses forces de l’ordre mobilisées ce soir (NDLR : samedi soir) dans ce contexte difficile. »

    • Johannes Herrmann (Phylloscopus) :

      Il ne faut pas laisser Lallement et Darmanin nous prendre pour des imbéciles en jouant sur la détestation universelle du footeux/du hooligan/de l’Anglais.

      Ce qui s’est passé hier est du jamais vu aux époques récentes, de l’avis unanime de la presse étrangère.

      Des Britanniques qui viennent deux fois plus nombreux qu’ils n’ont de billets ? Mais ils font toujours ça. Rien de plus prévisible. Et partout ailleurs, tout le monde a réussi à l’anticiper et à s’adapter. Tout le monde.

      Perso, je suis allé environ 300 fois au stade, j’ai vu un match de Coupe d’Europe à Bordeaux avec 10 000 Ecossais pour 4000 billets. On avait même véhiculé 2 Ecossais (avec billets) trop bourrés pour marcher.

      Tous ceux qui le devaient étaient entrés à l’heure et sans heurt.

      Et d’autres cas encore, avec des clubs turcs et tous les Turcs de la ville dans les rues pour soutenir l’équipe concernée, etc. Un match de LDC à Lyon en plein « dawa » de 2005.

      Jamais un merdier pareil. Jamais.

      Est-ce qu’on réalise que ç’a été la merde juste par incapacité à gérer correctement le flux des personnes ayant un billet ? Qu’il n’y a même pas eu d’affrontement entre supporters adverses (quels qu’ils soient) ?

      Imaginez par exemple que des black blocs aient décidé de venir se faire les Ultrassur, par-dessus le marché, ç’aurait donné quoi ? Ou si des hools du PSG avaient eu envie d’en découdre avec les uns ou les autres, façon PFC-OL ?

      Paris a échoué à gérer une situation de supporters CALMES voulant simplement entrer dans le stade. Il n’y a pas eu une charge massive de 40 000 personnes sans billet voulant entrer de force. C’est juste le tri et l’accès des personnes à billet qui a raté. La base de la base. 7/
      Des familles, des personnes âgées, avec billets, ont attendu des heures, raté la moitié du match, parce qu’on n’a pas été capable d’assurer cette gestion du flux. Et pour couronner le tout, on les a gazés, pour se donner l’illusion de contrôler et que c’était leur faute.

      Cerise sur le gâteau, des journalistes ont été malmenés et intimidés dans une tentative pathétique de cacher ce raté monumental qui faisait le tour du monde. Ça, c’est la honte au cube.

      C’est exactement ça. Lallement a considéré qu’il était en présence non pas de personnes qu’il fallait acheminer vers le stade mais d’une foule hostile qu’il fallait bloquer, intimider et disperser.

      Et comme certains l’ont fait remarquer, sur un site sensible visé par un attentat en 2015. On frémit à l’idée que quelque chose aurait pu se produire de ce côté-là dans de telles conditions.

      Et aujourd’hui Lallement et Darmanin se pavanent, très fiers d’avoir, justement, su matraquer fermement l’ennemi.

      Bordel c’étaient des clients d’un spectacle qu’il fallait canaliser vers le lieu de celui-ci. Ils ont été traités comme des émeutiers.

    • Dans l’article du Monde :

      Le couac d’organisation au stade dyonisien interroge sur la capacité de la France à gérer les déplacements de foule et à assurer la sécurité lors de grands événements sportifs. La finale 2022 de la Ligue des champions devait initialement avoir lieu à Saint-Pétersbourg, avant que son organisation soit retirée à la ville à la suite de l’invasion de l’Ukraine par la Russie. Elle a été rapatriée à Paris, qui a dû gérer l’afflux, notamment, de 60 000 supporteurs de Liverpool alors que 20 000 billets ont été dévolus aux supporteurs des Reds comme à ceux du Real.

      Le dispositif de sécurité – 6 800 policiers, gendarmes et pompiers – mis en place samedi devait servir de test pour la Coupe du monde de rugby, organisée par la France à la fin de 2023 et pour les Jeux olympiques de Paris, qui se tiendront en 2024.

    • Mon cerveau comprend plus vite que moi … il suffit que je lise

      Sur Twitter, le ministre de l’Intérieur a publié un message

      pour que mes neurones m’envoient

      Sur Twitter, le ministre de l’Intérieur a publié un mensonge

      nan, parce qu’en fait, je décroche et n’étais pas au courant de cette affaire, mais apparemment j’ai une ligne branchée sur le grand SDF …

    • En relayant la parole du préfet de police de la ville de Paris, la Brigade des Forces du Mal (#BFM) en profite pour détourner l’attention sur « les perturbations occasionnées par la grève de la RATP » et sur les « 300 ou 400 jeunes issus des quartiers sensibles de la Seine-Saint-Denis ».

      Fiasco au Stade de France : le préfet Didier Lallement se défend



    • info de terrain : je viens de boucler une vision avec une salariée d’un client qui était au match avec son mari, côté Real Madrid, le sujet s’est imposé de lui-même, car elle avait encore les yeux gonflés…

      Ils étaient venus en voiture, pour éviter la foule des transports en commun ; aucun problème pour arriver. Bien sûr, au moment prévu du coup d’envoi, le demi-stade d’en face était totalement vide ; il s’est rempli en 10 minutes, ce qui a permis le début du match.

      À la sortie, au moment où le conducteur tapait le code pour sortir du parking, ils ont vu débouler une masse de supporteurs qui fuyaient la police au milieu d’un énorme nuage de lacrymogène. Totalement aveuglé, le conducteur n’a pu terminer le code, ils ont rapidement dû sortir du véhicule puis se mettre à courir pour échapper à la police. Ils sont revenus ultérieurement récupérer la voiture…

    • #BFMTV le mensonge totalement décomplexé de la préfecture de police sur les faux billets qui seraient prétendument le « fait générateur » des troubles au stade de France (mensonge relayé tout la journée d’hier par BFM) démonté par un avocat.
      #LalleMENT :


      Ah ! Et :

      « Elle commence très fort, la nouvelle ministre alors que la police même de #Liverpool était sur place 😂Ah, ces aigles 🦅 ! Au passage, la maire de Liverpool demande des explications à l’ UEFA et à #Macron himself »

      franceinfo :

      Ligue des champions : la ministre des Sports, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, accuse Liverpool d’avoir « laissé ses supporters dans la nature »

    • Incidents au Stade de France : le déni des pouvoirs publics malgré une organisation défaillante

      (...) dès 17 h 30, plusieurs milliers d’entre eux s’engouffraient dans un lugubre passage couvert qui relie la gare du RER D au parvis du Stade de France. Quelques dizaines de mètres plus loin, un premier filtrage était censé permettre une opération de contrôle sommaire des billets avant l’arrivée aux portes Y et Z. Avec quatre couloirs et une vingtaine de stadiers en chasuble bleu et jaune, le dispositif est apparu bien sommaire face à une véritable marée humaine qu’un fléchage défaillant et des stewards débordés n’ont pas su rediriger vers une autre entrée, située à cinq minutes à pied sur l’avenue du Stade-de-France, où les opérations de filtrage étaient beaucoup plus fluides. « La sécu de l’UEFA n’était clairement pas assez dimensionnée, avec peu de stewards et pratiquement pas de barrières disposées en serpentins, qui permettent de canaliser la foule », assure un gradé de la police qui supervisait, samedi soir, une partie du dispositif de sécurité.

      Dans un rapport adressé au ministre de l’intérieur, dimanche soir, Didier Lallement, préfet de police de Paris, a indiqué avoir finalement pris la décision de lever ce barrage filtrant, « pour éviter un drame ». Une décision bienvenue mais soudaine, et si peu coordonnée sur le terrain qu’elle marque le début de la deuxième phase d’une soirée de chaos, lorsque de « 300 à 400 jeunes issus des quartiers sensibles de Seine-Saint-Denis », selon les estimations de la #Préfecture_de_police (PP), profitent de cette absence de contrôle en amont pour forcer le passage et gagner le parvis du stade.

      La ruée est diffusée en direct sur les réseaux sociaux et provoque un véritable appel d’air, tandis que les services de police tentent de repousser les intrus en utilisant leurs sprays de gaz lacrymogène « de manière encadrée, pour faire cesser les tentatives d’intrusion et de mouvements de foule », selon la commissaire Loubna Atta, porte-parole de la PP. Sans grand discernement, au regard d’images largement diffusées. Des familles, des enfants, se retrouvent « les yeux qui piquent, [avec] la sensation d’étouffer », s’indigne Joe Blott, responsable de Spirit of Shankly, la fédération des associations de #supporteurs du club de Liverpool, qui assure avoir « vécu tout ça au côté de très jeunes fans présents sur les lieux, et même d’handicapés ».

      Directeur exécutif de Football Supporters Europe, une association accréditée comme observatrice des rencontres auprès de l’UEFA, à laquelle elle fait remonter ses observations, Ronan Evain, lui-même « gazé cinq fois en l’espace d’une heure et demie », se désole « d’un manque de flexibilité du dispositif de sécurité, avec un long flottement au barrage filtrant, aucun ordre précis, rien pour rediriger la foule », et il regrette « une approche française en matière de gestion des supporteurs toujours axée sur la démonstration de force, très en retard sur le reste de l’Europe ».

      « Un écran de fumée »

      Les accusations d’arrivée tardive de milliers de supporteurs anglais munis de faux billets, une tradition solidement établie chez les fans britanniques ? « Un écran de fumée utilisé par les autorités françaises pour camoufler leur piteuse organisation », avance Joe Blott, qui dit avoir déjà collecté « des centaines de témoignages qui prouvent le contraire », y compris ceux émanant de la #police de Merseyside-Liverpool, dont plusieurs éléments avaient été dépêchés sur place : sur son compte Twitter officiel, elle a dénoncé sa « pire expérience » de rencontre européenne.

      A l’issue du match, auquel des centaines de spectateurs munis de billets valables n’ont pu assister qu’à compter de la seconde période et d’autres pas du tout, un troisième acte est venu clôturer cette calamiteuse soirée : des supporteurs anglais et espagnols ont rapporté avoir été agressés et, pour certains, détroussés, alors qu’ils se dirigeaient vers l’entrée de la ligne 13 du métro parisien, par des petits groupes de dix à quinze délinquants du cru, parfois les mêmes qui avaient tenté de s’introduire dans le stade de France deux heures plus tôt.


      #93 #Saint-Denis #maintien_de_l'ordre #Paris

  • L’Empreinte des #civilisations | L’odyssée de l’écriture | ARTE

    « Quels sont les #supports et les matériaux d’#écriture du passé, des #papyrus égyptiens à l’invention de l’#impression typographique par #Gutenberg. Une passionnante plongée dans l’histoire de la plus grande des #inventions humaines.

    Sur quel support et avec quel matériel #écrire ? En Égypte, le papyrus est devenu l’un des fondements de la civilisation. Son utilisation s’étend jusqu’à Rome, où lecture et écriture sont à la portée de tous. À l’époque médiévale, au contraire, le #parchemin demeure un matériau très onéreux, ce qui en réserve l’usage à une élite. En Chine, la fabrication du #papier au IIe siècle après J.-C., restée pendant six cents ans un secret d’État, a permis à l’#érudition et à l’#éducation de prospérer jusqu’à ce que l’invention de l’impression typographique par l’Allemand Johannes Gutenberg provoque de nouveaux bouleversements en Europe.

    Secrets d’écriture
    Réalisée par le Britannique David Sington, cette extraordinaire saga dans les trois principaux foyers de civilisation (#Occident, #Orient et monde #arabo-musulman) nous emporte dans un formidable voyage à travers le temps et le monde pour comprendre la manière dont l’écriture a façonné les sociétés humaines au cours des millénaires. On y découvre l’histoire fascinante des origines, avec de nouvelles révélations d’archéologues et de philologues, mais aussi les secrets de fabrication des supports et des matériaux d’écriture du passé. Riche d’images d’archives illustrant les grandes réformes du siècle dernier, étayé par des témoignages de neuroscientifiques, d’artistes et de spécialistes, le dernier épisode de cette passionnante série documentaire interroge aussi nos usages contemporains à l’ère du numérique. »


    Pour faire écho au post d’@odilon :

    A travers ce documentaire, on voit très nettement le lien entre savoir et pouvoir.
    Or entre les attaques incessantes de l’éducation nationale, les restrictions d’accès à la BNF....
    Ca commence à se voir qu’ils veulent reconcentrer le pouvoir aux mains des élites financières en privatisant tout...

    Ca me semble être une des plus grandes menaces pour la population

  • Expliquez-nous… Covid, chaleur et autres pathologies : L’ordonnance du Dr Aissa Diaga Ngom - Lequotidien - Journal d’information Générale

    Expliquez-nous… Covid, chaleur et autres pathologies : L’ordonnance du Dr Aissa Diaga Ngom
    Par Woury DIALLO (Envoyé spécial au Cameroun) – Médecin des supporters sénégalais présentement au Cameroun pour la Can, le Dr Aissa Diaga Ngom dresse un premier bilan médical.
    Docteur, comment ça se passe sur le plan médical avec les supporters sénégalais qui ont effectué le déplacement à Bafoussam ?
    Le « 12e Gaindé » s’est déplacé en masse depuis le Sénégal. Il y a aussi le comité du « 12e Gaindé » local et d’autres Sénégalais qui viennent supporter les Lions. Nous devons prendre en charge toutes ces personnes-là sur le plan médical. Comme vous le savez, nous sommes en période de pandémie, il faut qu’on fasse beaucoup attention. Nous insistons sur les mesures barrières, le port du masque, la distanciation sociale, même si c’est difficile de la respecter, mais aussi l’utilisation ou l’usage de gel antiseptique. Nous essayons de prendre en charge tout le monde sans distinction de pays parce que c’est une question de santé. Même il y a des Camerounais qui passent nous voir. Nous les consultons et leur offrons des médicaments.
    Quelles sont les pathologies que vous rencontrez ?
    Vous savez, le « 12e Gaindé », ce sont des gens qui dépensent beaucoup d’énergie en termes de danses, de chants. Après une animation, ils sont un peu fatigués. Ce sont des gens qui consomment énormément de vitamine C ou de supplémentation vitaminique pour annihiler la fatigue. En dehors de cela, nous avons quelques soucis dus aux petites températures que nous gérons, et cela est lié aux aléas du voyage, mais aussi quelques troubles digestifs. Ce qui est normal parce que quand on change d’alimentation et d’environnement, ça peut amener quelques perturbations digestives. C’était tout au début, mais là, le corps commence à s’acclimater.
    (...) Comment se passent les tests d’avant-match avec les supporters ?
    C’est un test rapide. On touche du bois, jusqu’à aujourd’hui, il n’y a personne parmi nous qui a été testé positif. C’est grâce au respect des mesures barrières, mais aussi avec l’aide de Dieu. Il faut continuer à respecter les mesures barrières.


  • Frama, c’est aussi des personnes au #Service des #Services

    Installer 16 services en ligne sur des #serveurs, c’est une chose. Assurer leur sécurité, leurs mises à jour, leur sauvegarde, en est une autre. Si on ajoute à cela un travail sur l’accueil, les réponses aux questions de chacun·e et … Lire la suite­­

    #Contributopia #Frama_c'est_aussi #Accueil #alternatives #chatons #contact #Deframasoftisons #Degooglisons #forum #infrastructure #soutenir #support

  • Ubisoft workers slam bosses in open letter over handling of #MeToo scandals - Axios

    Close to 500 current and former employees of “Assassin’s Creed” publisher Ubisoft are standing in solidarity with protesting game developers at Activision Blizzard with a letter that criticizes their company’s handling of sexual misconduct.

    #jeu_vidéo #jeux_vidéo #ubisoft #activision_blizzard #lettre_ouverte #courrier #harcèlement_sexuel #support #environnement_toxique #santé_au_travail #syndicalisme #ressources_humaines #emploi

  • Wie hilfesuchende Kinder während der Pandemie allein gelassen werden

    Jonas* ist ein junger Mann, 19 Jahre alt. Gesund. Kräftig. Er hat tiefe Augenringe. Nicht vom Feiern. Er sitzt in seinem Kinderzimmer. In den vergangenen Monaten war er oft hier. Lange. Er streicht sich mit der Hand über die Haare. „Ich habe während der Pandemie starke Depressionen bekommen. Wären meine Freunde nicht für mich da gewesen, wäre ich jetzt nicht hier“, sagt er. Jonas dachte an Selbstmord.

    Jonas heißt eigentlich anders. Er möchte lieber anonym bleiben. Der Schüler hat zwei Leben gelebt: eins vor der Pandemie und eins während der Pandemie. Vor der Pandemie hat er sich gerne mit seinen Freunden und Freundinnen getroffen, ist zum Kampfsport gegangen und wollte nach der Schule soziale Arbeit oder Psychologie studieren. Doch im März 2020 schlossen zum ersten Mal die Schulen, der Unterricht fand nur noch digital statt, Jonas verlor sein soziales Leben: „Alles, wovon ich Energie geschöpft habe, war plötzlich nicht mehr da.“ Der Schüler kam mit dem Homeschooling nicht klar. Seine Noten verschlechterten sich. Er wurde dieses Jahr nicht zum Abitur zugelassen.

    Seit der Pandemie spielt sich sein Alltag fast nur noch in seinem Zimmer ab. Seit einigen Monaten leidet der Schüler an starken Depressionen. Doch professionelle Hilfe bekommt er nicht. Im Februar versuchte er, einen Termin bei einem Psychiater zu bekommen, weil er Selbstmordgedanken hatte. Am Telefon wurde ihm gesagt, dass der nächste Termin im Juli sei. Daraufhin wandte Jonas sich an die Schulpsychologin, mit der er sich ein paar Mal traf. Das Reden half ihm zwar, sagt er. Aber sie habe ihm nichts Neues sagen können, was er nicht schon wusste: „Dass sogar eine Schulpsychologin nicht weiterhelfen konnte, war sehr heftig für mich. Ich bin einer Machtlosigkeit ausgesetzt und ich kann nichts dagegen tun.“ Alles was ihm gut tue, könne er momentan nicht machen.

    Die Kinder- und Jugendhilfe ist während der Pandemie stark eingeschränkt

    Für diese Recherche hat CORRECTIV mit mehreren Schülern und Schülerinnen gesprochen. Sie teilten ihre persönlichen Geschichten, wie es ihnen seit Beginn der Pandemie geht und mit welchen Schwierigkeiten sie zu kämpfen haben. Zudem sprach CORRECTIV mit weiteren Familienangehörigen, Heimen und Beratungsstellen. Das Ergebnis der Recherche: Für notleidende Kinder und Jugendliche steht das Hilfesystem seit der Pandemie fast still. Termine für Therapien und Beratungen sind kaum zu bekommen und Kontrollinstanzen wie Schule und Kita fallen weg.

    Schon im Februar berichtete CORRECTIV, wie dutzende Jugendämter in NRW seit Beginn der Pandemie nur noch in dringenden Fällen Hausbesuche machten. Jetzt zeigt sich: Die Kinder- und Jugendhilfe ist stark zurückgegangen. Für hilfesuchende Kinder und Jugendliche kann das im Extremfall lebensbedrohlich werden.

    Was ein Extremfall bedeuten kann, zeigen die Statistiken der Polizei. Diese Woche wurde in Berlin eine Sonderauswertung der polizeilichen Kriminalstatistik vorgestellt. Daraus geht hervor, dass 2020 sexuelle Gewalt gegen Kinder zugenommen hat. Demnach stieg die Zahl der Misshandlung Schutzbefohlener um zehn Prozent. Der Kindesmissbrauch stieg um 6,8 Prozent im Vergleich zum Vorjahr. Die Statistik erfasst alle Taten, die bei der Polizei gemeldet werden. Die Dunkelziffer ist laut der Sonderauswertung wahrscheinlich viel höher.

    Dazu kommt: Kindern und Jugendlichen geht es grundsätzlich seit Beginn der Pandemie schlechter als vorher. Das zeigt eine Studie von den Universitäten Hildesheim, Frankfurt und Bielefeld, in der rund 3400 Jugendliche zwischen 15 und 19 Jahren befragt wurden. Demnach fühlen sich viele Jugendliche aufgrund der Pandemie einsam, verunsichert und überfordert.
    Ein funktionierendes Hilfesystem kann Kindern das Leben retten

    Wie wichtig gerade jetzt ein funktionierendes Unterstützungssystem für hilfesuchende Kinder und Jugendliche ist, zeigt der Fall von Mira. Die heute 25-Jährige hat das Zusammenleben mit ihrer gewalttätigen Mutter unter großen Leiden überlebt. Sie erinnert sich noch sehr gut an ihre Kindheit. Auch heute muss sie vieles noch verarbeiten: „Wenn ich mal eine schlechte Note auf dem Zeugnis hatte, hat meine Mutter zugeschlagen. Sie hat mich dabei im schlimmsten Fall am Nacken gepackt, sodass ich nicht weglaufen konnte“, erzählt Mira.

    Irgendwann kam für die damals 17-Jährige der Punkt, an dem sie nicht mehr konnte: „Ich dachte mir, ich komme hier entweder raus oder ich bringe mich selber um“, sagt sie. Ihre Hoffnung, dass sich ihre Mutter ändern würde, hatte sie aufgegeben. Doch einfach das Jugendamt von zu Hause aus anrufen ging nicht. Ihre Mutter kontrollierte die Telefonrechnungen. Einmal rief sie die Telefonseelsorge an. Ihre Mutter habe die Anrufe auf der Rechnung gesehen. „Sie ist völlig ausgerastet und hat mich geschlagen“, erzählt sie. Deswegen war es wichtig, dass sie in die Schule gehen und mit einem Lehrer darüber sprechen konnte. Der Lehrer reagierte sofort, die damals 17-Jährige wurde von dem Jugendamt in Obhut genommen.

    Während der Corona-Pandemie wäre das kaum möglich gewesen. Es fehlen wichtige Kontrollinstanzen wie Schulen oder Kitas. So werden Kinder und Jugendliche nur noch eingeschränkt wahrgenommen, Gewalt und Missbrauch schwerer erkannt. Der Präsident des deutschen Kinderschutzbundes, Heinz Hilgers, sagt, dass viele Fälle häufig nicht gesehen werden: „Trotz der erhöhten Gewaltbelastung in den Familien ist die Zahl der Inobhutnahmen nicht gestiegen, denn der Kontakt zu den Familien ist erschwert.“

    Beratungsgespräche werden abgesagt

    Sara* ist auch eine hilfesuchende Jugendliche, die sich noch kurz vor dem ersten Lockdown in ein Heim retten konnte. Die 17-Jährige wurde zu Hause von ihrem älteren Bruder geschlagen. Weil sie noch minderjährig ist, bleibt auch sie anonym. Sara erzählt: „Als mein Bruder herausgefunden hat, dass ich einen Freund habe, ist er komplett ausgerastet.“ Die Eltern sind machtlos gegenüber dem gewalttätigen Bruder. Ihr Vater versteht bis heute nicht, wieso die Schülerin seit über einem Jahr in einem Heim lebt und nicht zuhause. Er gab ihr zu verstehen, dass sie übertreibt.

    Im Februar 2020 erzählt die 17-Jährige ihren Freundinnen in der Schule, dass ihr Bruder sie geschlagen hat. Ihre Freundinnen ermutigen sie, sich einem Lehrer anzuvertrauen. Dann ging alles sehr schnell. Das Jugendamt reagiert sofort und nimmt die Schülerin in Obhut. Das war rund drei Wochen vor dem ersten Lockdown. Seitdem lebt Sara in einem Heim.

    Doch mit der Inobhutnahme verschwinden die Probleme nicht. Das erste Heim, in das die Schülerin kommt, sei dreckig gewesen und sie habe sich dort nicht wohlgefühlt. Eine „Horror-Inobhutnahme“, sagt Sara. Doch die Schülerin braucht Hilfe und vor allem ein stabiles Umfeld. Im Sommer 2020 kann sie das Heim verlassen, weil in einem sogenannten Hilfeplangespräch mit dem Jugendamt besprochen wird, was mit Sara passiert. Sie entscheidet sich für ein anderes Heim, in dem sie jetzt seit fast einem Jahr lebt und sich wohlfühlt.

    Dass Sara ein Hilfeplangespräch bekam und in ein anderes Heim ziehen konnte, ist keine Selbstverständlichkeit während der Pandemie. Denn die sogenannten Hilfeplangespräche wurden laut einer CORRECTIV-Recherche in einigen nordrhein-westfälischen Jugendämtern entweder verschoben oder ganz abgesagt. Eigentlich sollen sie regelmäßig stattfinden, dabei sprechen der betroffene Jugendliche, eine Fachkraft und das Jugendamt über die Zukunft des Jugendlichen und können aktuelle Konflikte thematisieren.

    Kinder und Jugendliche, die Hilfe von außen suchen, brauchen Heime, in denen sie sich wohlfühlen und in denen sie ihre Traumata und ihre Probleme bewältigen können. Genau diese Schutzorte sind durch die Pandemie stark belastet.
    Keine Therapie, schwierige Betreuung: Traumatisierte und hilfesuchende Kinder leiden stärker durch die Pandemie

    Ein Heim, in dem Kinder und Jugendliche vor Gewalt und Missbrauch Schutz finden können, ist das St. Vincenz Jugendhilfe Zentrum in Dortmund. Hier können sie durch verschiedene Angebote ein normales Leben führen. Doch auch an diesem Beispiel zeigt sich, wie stark die Pandemie die Arbeit in dem Heim belastet hat.

    Melanie Mohr arbeitet seit rund 15 Jahren als Sozialarbeiterin in der Wohngruppe. Sie erzählt, dass die Kinder und Jugendlichen extrem frustriert sind: „Ein Jugendlicher von uns ist biologisch ein Mädchen, möchte aber als Junge leben, heißt, er ist transsexuell. Wäre Corona nicht gewesen, hätte der Junge eine stabilere Psyche und könnte dadurch ein geregelteres Leben führen.“ Weil seine Behandlung aber teilweise während der Pandemie abgebrochen worden sei, sei er stark depressiv geworden. Das größte Problem sei vor allem, dass es schwieriger geworden sei, Termine bei Therapeuten zu bekommen. Mohr sagt: „Die Jugendlichen, die sich sowieso schon schlecht gefühlt haben, fühlen sich jetzt noch schlechter, weil es kaum ergänzende Maßnahmen gibt. Die Entwicklungen der Kinder sind stagniert.“

    Das größte Problem der stationären Jugendhilfe sei die große Belastung, erzählt Heinz Hilgers vom deutschen Kinderschutzbund: „Die Heime sind eigentlich so aufgebaut, dass die Kinder zur Schule gehen. Durch die Pandemie sind die Schulen aber teilweise geschlossen und auch ergänzende Unterstützungen sind erschwert. Das müssen die Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen in den Heimen selber versuchen aufzufangen“, sagt Hilgers. Er findet, dass die Kinder- und Jugendhilfe in den ganzen Diskussionen rund um die Pandemie kaum Beachtung gefunden hat.

    Familienhilfe: Vertrauen durch persönliche Gespräche aufbauen

    Nachdem die damals 17-jährige Mira von ihrer gewalttätigen Mutter weg konnte, hat sie später angefangen Pädagogik zu studieren. Die heute 25-Jährige schaut besorgt auf die Kinder- und Jugendhilfe während der Pandemie: „Familienhilfe ist nicht einfach. Man kann nicht einfach ein Telefonat führen und direkt mit dem betroffenen Kind Vertrauen aufbauen. Ich habe das am eigenen Leib gespürt.“ Wenn Mira über ihre Kindheit spricht, weiß sie, dass ihr das Hilfesystem das Leben gerettet hat. Sie erzählt, dass sie niemals in der Gegenwart ihrer Mutter Außenstehenden gesagt hätte, dass sie geschlagen wird. Die Angst war zu groß. Über die Erlebnisse konnte sie erst mit einem Lehrer sprechen, dem sie vertraute.

    Persönliche Gespräche sind für hilfesuchende Kinder und Jugendliche sehr wichtig. Doch gerade diese Möglichkeiten sind durch die Pandemie stark eingeschränkt. Die Beratungsstelle „Gegenwind“ aus Bottrop setzt sich dafür ein, dass Kinder und Jugendliche vor sexuellem Missbrauch geschützt werden. Seit dem ersten Lockdown bietet die Beratungsstelle telefonische Beratungen an. Doch das lief am Anfang nicht so gut. Doris Wagner, Mitbegründerin von „Gegenwind“, erzählt: „Die telefonische Beratung lief im ersten Lockdown sehr schleppend an. Wir haben uns große Sorgen um Kinder gemacht, die nicht mehr raus konnten und somit nicht mehr im Blickfeld waren. Die Kinder waren sehr schlecht zu erreichen.“ Das Problem sei vor allem die Kommunikation gewesen. Viele Betroffene hätten gar nicht gewusst, dass Hilfe auch unter Pandemie-Bedingungen möglich war.

    Jugendliche leben während der Corona-Pandemie zwischen Hoffnung und Verzweiflung

    Die Kinder- und Jugendhilfe ist lebensnotwendig. Mira weiß das nur zu gut: „Wäre Corona in meiner Jugend da gewesen, wäre ich wahrscheinlich nicht am Leben, weil ich das nicht überstanden hätte.“ Fast zehn Jahre, nachdem sie ihre gewalttätige Mutter durch das Jugendamt verlassen konnte, hat sie ihrem damaligen Lehrer eine Nachricht geschrieben: „Ich glaube, ihm war gar nicht bewusst, dass er damals mein Leben gerettet hat. Ich wollte mich einfach bei ihm bedanken.“

    Wenn Sara, die von ihrem Bruder geschlagen wurde, an ihre Zukunft denkt, dann wirkt sie hoffnungsvoll. Sie will die Zeit in dem Heim nutzen, ein gutes Abitur ablegen und vielleicht Polizistin oder Sozialarbeiterin werden. „Weil diese Berufsgruppen Menschen vor Gewalt schützen“, sagt die Schülerin. Wenn Sie an Zuhause denkt, dann hat sie noch die Gewalt im Kopf, die sie noch nicht verarbeitet hat. In dem Heim findet sie trotz der Corona-Pandemie Schutz und Hilfe.

    Jonas, der unter starken Depressionen leidet, wirkt mit Blick auf seine Zukunft hoffnungslos. Weil er sein Abitur nicht bestanden hat, muss er Umwege gehen. Aktuell sucht er nach einem Platz für ein freiwilliges soziales oder ökologisches Jahr, um sein Fachabitur zu machen. Er kann aber auch nicht sagen, wie er seine Depression bewältigen soll. Der 19-Jährige weiß nur, dass seit Beginn der Pandemie einiges falsch gelaufen ist: „Es wurde nicht auf das Wohlergehen der Kinder und Jugendlichen geschaut.“

    *Name geändert

    #pandemic #covid #children #youth #lockdown #Germany #depression #suicidal_thoughts #life-threatening #support #violence #domestic_violence #child_abuse #sexualized_violence #isolation #social_system #therapy


    • Trigger Warnings | Centre for Teaching Excellence

      A trigger warning is a statement made prior to sharing potentially disturbing content. That content might include graphic references to topics such as #sexual_abuse, #self-harm, #violence, #eating_disorders, and so on, and can take the form of an #image, #video_clip, #audio_clip, or piece of #text. In an #academic_context, the #instructor delivers these messages in order to allow students to prepare emotionally for the content or to decide to forgo interacting with the content.

      Proponents of trigger warnings contend that certain course content can impact the #wellbeing and #academic_performance of students who have experienced corresponding #traumas in their own lives. Such students might not yet be ready to confront a personal #trauma in an academic context. They choose to #avoid it now so that they can deal with it more effectively at a later date – perhaps after they have set up necessary #resources, #supports, or #counselling. Other students might indeed be ready to #confront a personal trauma in an academic context but will benefit from a #forewarning of certain topics so that they can brace themselves prior to (for example) participating in a #classroom discussion about it. Considered from this perspective, trigger warnings give students increased #autonomy over their learning, and are an affirmation that the instructor #cares about their wellbeing.

      However, not everyone agrees that trigger warnings are #necessary or #helpful. For example, some fear that trigger warnings unnecessarily #insulate students from the often harsh #realities of the world with which academics need to engage. Others are concerned that trigger warnings establish a precedent of making instructors or universities legally #responsible for protecting students from #emotional_trauma. Still others argue that it is impossible to anticipate all the topics that might be potentially triggering for students.

      Trigger warnings do not mean that students can exempt themselves from completing parts of the coursework. Ideally, a student who is genuinely concerned about being #re-traumatized by forthcoming course content would privately inform the instructor of this concern. The instructor would then accommodate the student by proposing #alternative_content or an alternative learning activity, as with an accommodation necessitated by a learning disability or physical disability.

      The decision to preface potentially disturbing content with a trigger warning is ultimately up to the instructor. An instructor who does so might want to include in the course syllabus a preliminary statement (also known as a “#content_note”), such as the following:

      Our classroom provides an open space for the critical and civil exchange of ideas. Some readings and other content in this course will include topics that some students may find offensive and/or traumatizing. I’ll aim to #forewarn students about potentially disturbing content and I ask all students to help to create an #atmosphere of #mutual_respect and #sensitivity.

      Prior to introducing a potentially disturbing topic in class, an instructor might articulate a #verbal_trigger_warning such as the following:

      Next class our discussion will probably touch on the sexual assault that is depicted in the second last chapter of The White Hotel. This content is disturbing, so I encourage you to prepare yourself emotionally beforehand. If you believe that you will find the discussion to be traumatizing, you may choose to not participate in the discussion or to leave the classroom. You will still, however, be responsible for material that you miss, so if you leave the room for a significant time, please arrange to get notes from another student or see me individually.

      A version of the foregoing trigger warning might also preface written materials:

      The following reading includes a discussion of the harsh treatment experienced by First Nations children in residential schools in the 1950s. This content is disturbing, so I encourage everyone to prepare themselves emotionally before proceeding. If you believe that the reading will be traumatizing for you, then you may choose to forgo it. You will still, however, be responsible for material that you miss, so please arrange to get notes from another student or see me individually.

      Trigger warnings, of course, are not the only answer to disturbing content. Instructional #strategies such as the following can also help students approach challenging material:

      – Give your students as much #advance_notice as possible about potentially disturbing content. A day’s notice might not be enough for a student to prepare emotionally, but two weeks might be.

      – Try to “scaffold” a disturbing topic to students. For example, when beginning a history unit on the Holocaust, don’t start with graphic photographs from Auschwitz. Instead, begin by explaining the historical context, then verbally describe the conditions within the concentration camps, and then introduce the photographic record as needed. Whenever possible, allow students to progress through upsetting material at their own pace.

      – Allow students to interact with disturbing material outside of class. A student might feel more vulnerable watching a documentary about sexual assault while in a classroom than in the security of his or her #home.

      – Provide captions when using video materials: some content is easier to watch while reading captions than while listening to the audio.

      – When necessary, provide written descriptions of graphic images as a substitute for the actual visual content.

      – When disturbing content is under discussion, check in with your students from time to time: #ask them how they are doing, whether they need a #break, and so on. Let them know that you are aware that the material in question is emotionally challenging.

      – Advise students to be #sensitive to their classmates’ #vulnerabilities when they are preparing class presentations.

      – Help your students understand the difference between emotional trauma and #intellectual_discomfort: the former is harmful, as is triggering it in the wrong context (such as in a classroom rather than in therapy); the latter is fundamental to a university education – it means our ideas are being challenged as we struggle to resolve cognitive dissonance.


    • Why Trigger Warnings Don’t Work

      Because trauma #survivors’ #memories are so specific, increasingly used “trigger warnings” are largely #ineffective.

      Fair warning labels at the beginning of movie and book reviews alert the reader that continuing may reveal critical plot points that spoil the story. The acronym NSFW alerts those reading emails or social media posts that the material is not suitable for work. The Motion Picture Association of America provides film ratings to advise about content so that moviegoers can make informed entertainment choices for themselves and their children.

      Enter stage right: Trigger warning.

      A trigger warning, most often found on #social_media and internet sites, alerts the reader that potentially upsetting information may follow. The words trigger warning are often followed by a subtitle such as *Trigger warning: This may be triggering to those who have struggled with _________. Fill in the blank. #Domestic_abuse. #Rape. #Body_image. #Needles. #Pregnancy.

      Trigger warnings have become prevalent online since about 2012. Victim advocate Gayle Crabtree reports that they were in use as early as 1996 in chat rooms she moderated. “We used the words ‘trigger warning,’ ‘#tw,’ ‘#TW,’ and ‘trigger’ early on. …This meant the survivor could see the warning and then decide if she or he wanted to scroll down for the message or not.” Eventually, trigger warnings spread to social media sites including #Tumblr, #Twitter, and #Facebook.

      The term seems to have originated from the use of the word “trigger” to indicate something that cues a #physiological_response, the way pollen may trigger an allergy attack. A trigger in a firearm is a lever that activates the sequence of firing a gun, so it is not surprising that the word was commandeered by those working in the field of #psychology to indicate objects and sensations that cause neurological firing in the brain, which in turn cause #feelings and #thoughts to occur.

      Spoiler alerts allow us to enjoy the movie or book as it unfolds without being influenced by knowledge about what comes next. The NSFW label helps employees comply with workplace policies that prohibit viewing sexually explicit or profane material. Motion picture ratings enable viewers to select movies they are most likely to find entertaining. Trigger warnings, on the other hand, are “designed to prevent people who have an extremely strong and damaging emotional response… to certain subjects from encountering them unaware.”

      Say what?

      Say hogwash!

      Discussions about trigger warnings have made headlines in the New Yorker, the Los Angeles Times, the Guardian, the New Republic, and various other online and print publications. Erin Dean writes that a trigger “is not something that offends one, troubles one, or angers one; it is something that causes an extreme involuntary reaction in which the individual re-experiences past trauma.”

      For those individuals, it is probably true that coming across material that reminds them of a traumatic event is going to be disturbing. Dean’s definition refers to involuntary fear and stress responses common in individuals with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder characterized by intrusive memories, thoughts, or dreams; intense distress at cues that remind the individual of the event; and reactivity to situations, people, or objects that symbolize the event. PTSD can result from personal victimization, accidents, incarceration, natural disasters, or any unexpected injury or threat of injury or death. Research suggests that it results from a combination of genetic predisposition, fear conditioning, and neural and physiological responses that incorporate the body systems and immunological responses. Current theories suggest that PTSD represents “the failure to recover from the normal effects of trauma.” In other words, anyone would be adversely affected by trauma, but natural mechanisms for healing take place in the majority of individuals. The prevalence of PTSD ranges from 1.9 percent in Europe to 3.5 percent in the United States.

      The notion that trigger warnings should be generalized to all social media sites, online journals, and discussion boards is erroneous.

      Some discussions have asserted that because between one in four and one in five women have been sexually abused, trigger warnings are necessary to protect vast numbers of victims from being re-traumatized. However, research shows that the majority of trauma-exposed persons do not develop PTSD. This does not mean they aren’t affected by trauma, but that they do not develop clinically significant symptoms, distress, or impairment in daily functioning. The notion that trigger warnings should be generalized to all social media sites, online journals, and discussion boards is erroneous. Now some students are pushing for trigger warnings on college class syllabi and reading lists.

      But what?


      But wait, before people get all riled up, I’d like to say that yes, I have experienced trauma in my life.

      I wore a skirt the first time George hit me. I know this because I remember scrunching my skirt around my waist and balancing in heels while I squatted over a hole in the concrete floor to take a piss. We were in Tijuana. The stench of excrement made my stomach queasy with too much tequila. I wanted to retch.

      We returned to our hotel room. I slid out of my blouse and skirt. He stripped to nothing and lay on the double bed. He was drinking Rompope from the bottle, a kind of Mexican eggnog: strong, sweet, and marketed for its excellent spunk. It’s a thick yellow rum concoction with eggs, sugar, and almond side notes. George wanted to have sex. We bickered and argued as drunks sometimes do. I said something — I know this because I always said something — and he hit me. He grabbed me by the hair and hit me again. “We’re going dancing,” he said.

      “I don’t feel like dancing — “

      “Fine. Stay.”

      The world was tilting at an angle I didn’t recognize. The mathematician Matt Tweed writes that atoms are made up of almost completely empty space. To grasp the vast nothingness, he asks the reader to imagine a cat twirling a bumblebee on the end of a half-mile long string. That’s how much emptiness there is between the nucleus and the electron. There was more space than that between George and me. I remember thinking: I am in a foreign country. I don’t speak Spanish. I have no money. We went dancing.

      Labeling a topic or theme is useless because of the way our brains work. The labels that we give trauma (assault, sexual abuse, rape) are not the primary source of triggers. Memories are, and not just memories, but very specific, insidious, and personally individualized details lodged in our brain at the time of the trauma encoded as memory. Details can include faces, places, sounds, smells, tastes, voices, body positions, time of day, or any other sensate qualities that were present during a traumatic incident.

      If I see a particular shade of yellow or smell a sickly sweet rum drink, I’m reminded of my head being yanked by someone who held a handful of my hair in his fist. A forest green Plymouth Duster (the car we drove) will too. The word assault does not. The words domestic violence don’t either. The specificity of details seared in my mind invokes memory.

      Last year a driver slammed into the back of my car on the freeway. The word tailgate is not a trigger. Nor is the word accident. The flash of another car suddenly encroaching in my rearview mirror is. In my mid-20s, I drove my younger sister (sobbing, wrapped in a bed sheet) to the hospital where two male officers explained they were going to pluck her pubic hair for a rape kit. When I see tweezers in a hospital, I flash back to that awful moment. For my sister, other things may be triggers: the moonlight shining on the edge of a knife. The shadow of a person back lit in a doorway. An Hispanic man’s accent. If we were going to insist on trigger warnings that work, they would need to look something like this:

      Trigger warning: Rompope.

      Trigger warning: a woman wrapped in a bed sheet.

      Trigger warning: the blade of a knife.

      The variability of human #perception and traumatic recall makes it impossible to provide the necessary specificity for trigger warnings to be effective. The nature of specificity is, in part, one reason that treatment for traumatic memories involves safely re-engaging with the images that populate the survivor’s memory of the event. According to Dr. Mark Beuger, an addiction psychiatrist at Deerfield Behavioral Health of Warren (PA), the goal of PTSD treatment is “to allow for processing of the traumatic experience without becoming so emotional that processing is impossible.” By creating a coherent narrative of the past event through telling and retelling the story to a clinician, survivors confront their fears and gain mastery over their thoughts and feelings.

      If a survivor has had adequate clinical support, they could engage online with thoughts or ideas that previously had been avoided.

      According to the National Center for Health, “#Avoidance is a maladaptive #control_strategy… resulting in maintenance of perceived current threat. In line with this, trauma-focused treatments stress the role of avoidance in the maintenance of PTSD. Prolonged exposure to safe but anxiety-provoking trauma-related stimuli is considered a treatment of choice for PTSD.” Avoidance involves distancing oneself from cues, reminders, or situations that remind one of the event that can result in increased #social_withdrawal. Trigger warnings increase social withdrawal, which contributes to feelings of #isolation. If a survivor who suffers from PTSD has had adequate clinical support, they could engage online with thoughts or ideas that previously had been avoided. The individual is in charge of each word he or she reads. At any time, one may close a book or click a screen shut on the computer. What is safer than that? Conversely, trigger warnings perpetuate avoidance. Because the intrusive memories and thoughts are internal, trigger warnings suggest, “Wait! Don’t go here. I need to protect you from yourself.”

      The argument that trigger warnings help to protect those who have suffered trauma is false. Most people who have experienced trauma do not require preemptive protection. Some may argue that it would be kind to avoid causing others distress with upsetting language and images. But is it? Doesn’t it sometimes take facing the horrific images encountered in trauma to effect change in ourselves and in the world?

      A few weeks ago, I came across a video about Boko Haram’s treatment of a kidnapped schoolgirl. The girl was blindfolded. A man was digging a hole in dry soil. It quickly became evident, as he ushered the girl into the hole, that this would not end well. I felt anxious as several men began shoveling soil in around her while she spoke to them in a language I could not understand. I considered clicking away as my unease and horror grew. But I also felt compelled to know what happened to this girl. In the 11-minute video, she is buried up to her neck.

      All the while, she speaks to her captors, who eventually move out of the frame of the scene. Rocks begin pelting the girl’s head. One after the other strikes her as I stared, horrified, until finally, her head lay motionless at an angle that could only imply death. That video (now confirmed to be a stoning in Somalia rather than by Boko Haram) forever changed my level of concern about young girls kidnapped in other countries.

      We are changed by what we #witness. Had the video contained a trigger warning about gruesome death, I would not have watched it. Weeks later, I would have been spared the rush of feelings I felt when a friend posted a photo of her daughter playfully buried by her brothers in the sand. I would have been spared knowing such horrors occur. But would the world be a better place for my not knowing? Knowledge helps us prioritize our responsibilities in the world. Don’t we want engaged, knowledgeable citizens striving for a better world?

      Recently, the idea of trigger warnings has leapt the gulch between social media and academic settings. #Universities are dabbling with #policies that encourage professors to provide trigger warnings for their classes because of #complaints filed by students. Isn’t the syllabus warning enough? Can’t individual students be responsible for researching the class content and reading #materials before they enroll? One of the benefits of broad exposure to literature and art in education is Theory of Mind, the idea that human beings have the capacity to recognize and understand that other people have thoughts and desires that are different from one’s own. Do we want #higher_education to comprise solely literature and ideas that feel safe to everyone? Could we even agree on what that would be?

      Art occurs at the intersection of experience and danger. It can be risky, subversive, and offensive. Literature encompasses ideas both repugnant and redemptive. News about very difficult subjects is worth sharing. As writers, don’t we want our readers to have the space to respond authentically to the story? As human beings, don’t we want others to understand that we can empathize without sharing the same points of view?

      Trigger warnings fail to warn us of the very things that might cause us to remember our trauma. They insulate. They cause isolation. A trigger warning says, “Be careful. This might be too much for you.” It says, “I don’t trust you can handle it.” As a reader, that’s not a message I want to encounter. As a writer, that is not the message I want to convey.

      Trigger warnings?



    • Essay on why a professor is adding a trigger warning to his #syllabus

      Trigger warnings in the classroom have been the subject of tremendous #debate in recent weeks, but it’s striking how little the discussion has contemplated what actual trigger warnings in actual classrooms might plausibly look like.

      The debate began with demands for trigger warnings by student governments with no power to compel them and suggestions by #administrators (made and retracted) that #faculty consider them. From there the ball was picked up mostly by observers outside higher ed who presented various #arguments for and against, and by professors who repudiated the whole idea.

      What we haven’t heard much of so far are the voices of professors who are sympathetic to the idea of such warnings talking about what they might look like and how they might operate.

      As it turns out, I’m one of those professors, and I think that discussion is long overdue. I teach history at Hostos Community College of the City University of New York, and starting this summer I’m going to be including a trigger warning in my syllabus.

      I’d like to say a few things about why.

      An Alternative Point of View

      To start off, I think it’s important to be clear about what trigger warnings are, and what purpose they’re intended to serve. Such warnings are often framed — and not just by critics — as a “you may not want to read this” notice, one that’s directed specifically at survivors of trauma. But their actual #purpose is considerably broader.

      Part of the confusion arises from the word “trigger” itself. Originating in the psychological literature, the #term can be misleading in a #non-clinical context, and indeed many people who favor such warnings prefer to call them “#content_warnings” for that reason. It’s not just trauma survivors who may be distracted or derailed by shocking or troubling material, after all. It’s any of us, and a significant part of the distraction comes not from the material itself but from the context in which it’s presented.

      In the original cut of the 1933 version of the film “King Kong,” there was a scene (depicting an attack by a giant spider) that was so graphic that the director removed it before release. He took it out, it’s said, not because of concerns about excessive violence, but because the intensity of the scene ruined the movie — once you saw the sailors get eaten by the spider, the rest of the film passed by you in a haze.

      A similar concern provides a big part of the impetus for content warnings. These warnings prepare the reader for what’s coming, so their #attention isn’t hijacked when it arrives. Even a pleasant surprise can be #distracting, and if the surprise is unpleasant the distraction will be that much more severe.

      I write quite a bit online, and I hardly ever use content warnings myself. I respect the impulse to provide them, but in my experience a well-written title and lead paragraph can usually do the job more effectively and less obtrusively.

      A classroom environment is different, though, for a few reasons. First, it’s a shared space — for the 75 minutes of the class session and the 15 weeks of the semester, we’re pretty much all #stuck with one another, and that fact imposes #interpersonal_obligations on us that don’t exist between writer and reader. Second, it’s an interactive space — it’s a #conversation, not a monologue, and I have a #responsibility to encourage that conversation as best I can. Finally, it’s an unpredictable space — a lot of my students have never previously encountered some of the material we cover in my classes, or haven’t encountered it in the way it’s taught at the college level, and don’t have any clear sense of what to expect.

      For all these reasons, I’ve concluded that it would be sound #pedagogy for me to give my students notice about some of the #challenging_material we’ll be covering in class — material relating to racial and sexual oppression, for instance, and to ethnic and religious conflict — as well as some information about their rights and responsibilities in responding to it. Starting with the summer semester, as a result, I’ll be discussing these issues during the first class meeting and including a notice about them in the syllabus.

      My current draft of that notice reads as follows:

      Course Content Note

      At times this semester we will be discussing historical events that may be disturbing, even traumatizing, to some students. If you ever feel the need to step outside during one of these discussions, either for a short time or for the rest of the class session, you may always do so without academic penalty. (You will, however, be responsible for any material you miss. If you do leave the room for a significant time, please make arrangements to get notes from another student or see me individually.)

      If you ever wish to discuss your personal reactions to this material, either with the class or with me afterwards, I welcome such discussion as an appropriate part of our coursework.

      That’s it. That’s my content warning. That’s all it is.

      I should say as well that nothing in these two paragraphs represents a change in my teaching practice. I have always assumed that if a student steps out of the classroom they’ve got a good reason, and I don’t keep tabs on them when they do. If a student is made uncomfortable by something that happens in class, I’m always glad when they come talk to me about it — I’ve found we usually both learn something from such exchanges. And of course students are still responsible for mastering all the course material, just as they’ve always been.

      So why the note, if everything in it reflects the rules of my classroom as they’ve always existed? Because, again, it’s my job as a professor to facilitate class discussion.

      A few years ago one of my students came to talk to me after class, distraught. She was a student teacher in a New York City junior high school, working with a social studies teacher. The teacher was white, and almost all of his students were, like my student, black. That week, she said, one of the classes had arrived at the point in the semester given over to the discussion of slavery, and at the start of the class the teacher had gotten up, buried his nose in his notes, and started into the lecture without any introduction. The students were visibly upset by what they were hearing, but the teacher just kept going until the end of the period, at which point he finished the lecture, put down his papers, and sent them on to math class.

      My student was appalled. She liked these kids, and she could see that they were hurting. They were angry, they were confused, and they had been given nothing to do with their #emotions. She asked me for advice, and I had very little to offer, but I left our meeting thinking that it would have been better for the teacher to have skipped that material entirely than to have taught it the way he did.

      History is often ugly. History is often troubling. History is often heartbreaking. As a professor, I have an #obligation to my students to raise those difficult subjects, but I also have an obligation to raise them in a way that provokes a productive reckoning with the material.

      And that reckoning can only take place if my students know that I understand that this material is not merely academic, that they are coming to it as whole people with a wide range of experiences, and that the journey we’re going on #together may at times be #painful.

      It’s not coddling them to acknowledge that. In fact, it’s just the opposite.


  • Apparemment au collège en cinquième à 11 ans quand on est une fille, pour avoir plein d’“ex” et être “populaire”, il faut avoir des t-shirt avec marqué Levis dessus.

    (En même temps ça me rassure, je croyais qu’il fallait avoir un téléphone qui coûte un RSA.)

  • #metooanthro


    metooanthro is a collective of anthropologists* from around the world committed to making our discipline a safer and more just space by combatting sexual assault and harassment. This collective grew out of a meeting of anthropologists at the Shifting States conference for AAS/ASA/ASAANZ in December, 2017.

    Anthropologists face unique working conditions – both inside and outside the university – that increase our exposure to the risk of sexual assault and harassment. We want to create a safer culture at our conferences, campuses, field sites, and all spaces in which anthropologists work.

    We begin by acknowledging that that many groups in our community are disproportionately affected by assault and harassment, and are further discriminated when attempting to seek redress.

    “Solidarity does not assume that our struggles are the same struggles, or that our pain is the same pain, or that our hope is for the same future. Solidarity involves commitment, and work, as well as the recognition that even if we do not have the same feelings, or the same lives, or the same bodies, we do live on common ground.”
    ― Sara Ahmed

    We are currently working on three main actions and collecting personal stories of harassment in the discipline.

    We need to hear from more voices, not the same voices, in this work. We encourage all to participate.

    * The metooanthro collective is a broad and evolving group. At the moment, our emails, social media and website are run by Esther, Hannah and Mythily, who are all based in Australia.


    Here you can find a collection of resources about the issue of sexual assault and harassment in anthropology. If you know of any other resources that could be useful, please email metooanthro.

    How to respond to and support others:

    Naomi Quinn – ‘What do do about sexual harassment: A short course for chairs’
    Laura A. LeVon – ‘Teaching fugitive anthropology with Maya Berry and colleagues’
    Kristen Drybread – Writing about violence Part I; Writing about violence Part II

    Anthropology blogs and popular reporting on anthropology and sexual assault:

    The New Ethnographer – ‘Gendered Bodies’
    Cynthia Mahmood – India’s shame: The personal ordeal of Cynthia Mahmood
    Ann Gibbons & Elizabeth Culotta – ‘Anthropologists say no to sexual harassment’
    Alix Johnson – The Self at stake: Thinking fieldwork and sexual violence; Paranoid reading, writing, and research: secrecy in the field; Violence and vulnerability in anthropology
    Megan Steffen – Doing fieldwork after Henrietta Schmerler
    Bianca C. Williams – MeToo: A crescendo in the discourse about sexual harassment, fieldwork, and the academy Part I; MeToo: A crescendo in the discourse about sexual harassment, fieldwork, and the academy Part II
    Kate Clancy – ‘I had no power to say that’s not okay: Reports of harassment and abuse in the field’
    Mingwei Huang – ‘Vulnerable observers: Notes on fieldwork and rape’
    Nell Gluckman – How Henrietta Schmerler was lost, then found
    Melissa Demian – Anthropology after #MeToo
    Danielle Bradford & Charlotte Payne – Fieldwork safety, or: ‘don’t grab my pussy’
    Lexie Onofrei – #MeToo in anthropology: A call for updating codes of conduct in the field
    Elizabeth Beckmann – #MeToo in Anthropology (on the origins of a movement, and its future)
    Holly Walters – #MeToo Anthropology (reflecting on stories and potential responses)

    Anthropology News #MeToo series:

    Mingwei Huang, Vivian Lu, Susan MacDougall & Megan Steffen – Disciplinary violence
    Cheryl Rodriguez – Black women and the fight against sexual violence
    Gil Schmerler & Megan Steffen – The disavowal of Henrietta Schmerler
    Shan-Estelle Brown – #MeToo conversations on campus
    Kathleen S. Fine-Dare – The long view on #MeToo
    Mariam Durrani – #MeToo, believing survivors, and cooperative digital communication

    Podcast episodes:

    MeTooAnthro with Mythily Meher, Hannah Gould, Martha McIntyre & Tanya King for Anthropology @ Deakin: Episode #13
    Emma Louise Backe for This Anthro Life – ‘#MeToo: Stories in the age of survivorship’
    Elizabeth Watt (interviewed by The Familiar Strange) – ‘Ep. #9 Calculated risk: Elizabeth Watt talks sexual power, politics, and vulnerability in the field’

    A bibliography of writing on anthropology, sexual assault, gendered harassment, and identity:

    Berry, MJ, Chávez Argüelles, C, Cordis, S, Ihmoud, S & Velásquez Estrada, E 2017, ‘Towards a fugitive anthropology: Gender, race, and violence in the field’, Cultural Anthropology, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 537-565.

    Bohannon, J 2013, ‘Survey of peers in fieldwork highlights an unspoken risk’, Science, vol. 340, no. 6130, p. 265.

    Clark, I & Grant, A 2015, ‘Sexuality and danger in the field: Starting an uncomfortable conversation‘, Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford: Special issue on Sexual Harassment in the Field, vol. 7, no. 1, p. 1-14.

    Congdon, V 2015, ‘The ‘lone female researcher’: Isolation and safety upon arrival in the field‘. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford: Special issue on Sexual Harassment in the Field, vol. 7, no. 1, p. 15-24.

    Isidoros, K 2015, ‘Between purity and danger: Fieldwork approaches to movement, protection and legitimacy for a female ethnographer in the Sahara Desert‘, Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford: Special issue on Sexual Harassment in the Field, vol. 7, no. 1, p. 39-54.

    Johansson, L 2015, ‘Dangerous liaisons: risk, positionality and power in women’s anthropological fieldwork‘, Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford: Special issue on Sexual Harassment in the Field, vol. 7, no. 1, p. 55-63.

    Kloß, ST 2017, ‘Sexual(ized) harassment and ethnographic fieldwork: A silenced aspect of social research’, Ethnography, vol. 18, no. 3, p. 396-414.

    Krishnan, S 2015, ‘Dispatches from a ‘rogue’ ethnographer: exploring homophobia and queer visibility‘,Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford: Special issue on Sexual Harassment in the Field, vol. 7, no. 1, p. 64-79.

    Lewin, E & Leap, WL (eds.) 1996, Out in the field: Reflections of gay and lesbian anthropologists, University of Illinois Press, Urbana.

    McDougall, S 2015, ‘Will you marry my son? Ethnography, culture and the performance of gender‘, Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford: Special issue on Sexual Harassment in the Field, vol. 7, no. 1, p. 25-38.

    Miller, T 2015 ‘‘Listen to your mother’: negotiating gender-based safe space during fieldwork‘, Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford: Special issue on Sexual Harassment in the Field, vol. 7, no. 1, p. 80-87.

    Moreno, E 2005, ‘Rape in the field’, in D Kulick & M Willson (eds.) Taboo: Sex, identity and erotic subjectivity in anthropological fieldwork, new edn, Routledge, London, pp. 166-189.

    Nelson, RG, Rutherford, N, Hinde, K & Clancy, KBH 2017, ‘Signalling safety: Characterizing fieldwork experiences and their implications for career trajectories’, American Anthropologist, vol. 119, no. 4, pp. 710-722.

    Pandey, A 2009, ‘Unwelcome and unwelcoming encounters’ in P Ghassem-Fachandi (ed.) Violence: Ethnographic encounters, Berg, Oxford, pp. 135-144.

    Pollard, A 2009, ‘Field of screams: Difficulty and ethnographic fieldwork’, Anthropology Matters, vol. 11, no. 2.

    Scheper-Hughes, N 2016, ‘James X: A reflection on rape, race, and reception’, Anthropology Today, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 21-25.

    Schneider, LT 2020, ‘Sexual violence during research: How the unpredictability of fieldwork and the right to risk collide with academic bureaucracy and expectations’, Critique of Anthropology, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 173-93.

    Williams, BC 2009, ‘”Don’t ride the bus!”: And other warnings women anthropologists are given during fieldwork’, Transforming Anthropology, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 155-158.

    Willson, M 2005, ‘Afterword: Perspective and difference: Sexualisation, the field, and the ethnographer’, in D Kulick & M Willson (eds.) Taboo: Sex, identity and erotic subjectivity in anthropological fieldwork, new edn, Routledge, London, pp. 190-207.

    #metoo #sexualized_harassment #gender #university #fieldwork #anthropology #collectiv #ressources #support #blog #reporting #podcast #references


  • https://www.mediapart.fr/journal/france/280919/selon-un-rapport-policier-la-repression-contre-les-supporters-est-ineffica
    Depuis plusieurs années, tout un arsenal répressif frappe les supporters de football, pour un résultat médiocre, selon un rapport de la Division nationale de lutte contre le hooliganisme (DNLH), qui dépend de la police nationale.

    « La gestion des rencontres de football abordée uniquement sous l’angle de l’ordre public montre ses limites. D’autres pistes (approche intégrée de la sécurité, développement de la prévention et du dialogue, “contractualisation” des relations avec les supporters) doivent être explorées afin de limiter les incidents et les violences tout en préservant les libertés publiques. »

    #football #supporters #securité #répression

  • Who Has the Best Prices for Tech’s Top 100 Products of the Year? A Machine Learning Analysis.

    If you haven’t read my friend’s post for part 1, please do so as here, we will continue to discuss about the remaining part of the project.Continuation AnalysisWe would like to predict whether each given searched result from iprice will match with one of the top 100 coolest electronic gadgets.The features we considered to be included are:dist_jw : Jaro–Winkler distanceprice_diff_ratio : ( price— refer_price) / refer_pricediscount : Discount percentageJaro-Wrinkler distance“In computer science and statistics, the Jaro-Winkler distance is a string metric for measuring the edit distance between two sequences.Informally, the Jaro distance between two words is the minimum number of single-character transpositions required to change one word into the other.The Jaro-Winkler distance uses a prefix (...)

    #machine-learning-analysis #machine-learning #support-vector-machine #similarity-search #random-forest

  • Firefox removes core product support for RSS/Atom feeds (https://ww...

    Firefox removes core product support for RSS/Atom feeds

    TL;DR: from Firefox 64 onwards, RSS/Atom feed support will be handled via add-ons, rather than in-product. What is happening? After considering the maintenance, performance and security costs of the… Article word count: 559

    HN Discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18202028 Posted by arayh (karma: 405) Post stats: Points: 205 - Comments: 105 - 2018-10-12T15:23:00Z

    #HackerNews #atom #core #feeds #firefox #for #product #removes #rss #support

    Article content:

    TL;DR: from Firefox 64 onwards, RSS/Atom feed support will be handled via add-ons, rather than in-product.

    What is happening?

    After considering the maintenance, performance and security costs of the feed preview and subscription features in Firefox, we’ve (...)

  • Aligning #sales, #marketing, and #support for #revenue Growth

    Business owners rely on a lot of metrics to evaluate whether their business is growing or taking a toll down the hill. Monthly active users, month-by-month growth rate, user retention rate and what not?But at the end of the day, what matters is how your overall revenue is fairing against the cost of acquiring customers.Eric Ries, the pioneer of Lean Startup movement, coined a term for all these secondary metrics — Vanity metrics. If you are not filling in your pockets by the end of the day; the number of active users, number of leads and other Vanity metrics can serve as a false pretense of growth.(If you have not read The Lean Startup by Eric Ries, I would highly recommend you do so, especially if you are running a startup or managing a team)I am not saying that these metrics should not be (...)


  • En 1939, des centaines de milliers de Républicains espagnols se réfugient en France : c’est la #Retirada. Comment la #mémoire de cet #exode s’est-elle construite et a t-elle été transmise de génération en génération ? Film en coopération avec CNRS Images


    #Retirada, #exode, #espagne, #france, #migration, #guerre, #guerre_d'espagne, #guerre_civile, #film, #documentaire, #histoire, #mémoire, #anthropologie, #républicain, #génération, #exil, #franquisme, #accueil, #intimité, #acteur, #support, #politique, #monument

  • « Le #football est-il une entreprise comme les autres ? » On est semble-t-il très loin du sport associatif fondé sur des valeurs de partage, de #solidarité ou de don de soi. #Argent, communication et #commerce. Le cas du #TFC !


    #business, #foot, #club, #marchandisation, #économie, #communication, #professionnel, #amateur, #entreprise, #associatif, #valeur, #partage, #sport, #média, #stratégie, #identité, #public, #image, #sponsor, #identité, #supporter

  • Skid Row Downtown Los Angeles Christmas Day 2017

    Une balade dans les rues de L.A. avec des entretiens peu communs

    Downtown Los Angeles - by car

    Une visite du même quartier qui montre davantage de rues avec leurs SDF.

    California Homeless Problem - by bike

    Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America ? - LA Times

    Hillary Clinton in Estonia - Trumpland (2016) Michael Moore

    Enfin un discours de Michael Moore qui explique comment 20 millions d’américains sont morts des conséquences de la politique de santé dans son pays.

    #USA #pauvreté #santé #SDF #Californie #Los_Angeles

  • iPad 1 – das kann das erste Apple-Tablet heute noch - Macwelt

    Diese Apps funktionieren: Überraschenderweise funktionieren noch eine ganze Reihe Apps auf dem alten iPad. Dazu gehören die älteren Versionen von Pages , Keynote und Numbers sowie Office2HD , eine sehr gute Office-App, die auch docx-Formate unterstützt. Sogar Garageband lässt sich auf dem Ur-iPad einwandfrei verwenden. Adobe Photoshop Express funktioniert ebenfalls und auch grafik- und leistungsintensivere Spiele wie Badland , Amazing Alex oder About Love, Hate and the other Ones , auch wenn sie auf dem 1024 x 768 Pixel-Display nicht wirklich schön aussehen. Wer oft Zeitschriften auf dem Tablet liest, dürfte mit den meisten Ausgaben auf dem Ur-iPad auch keine Probleme haben, sofern sie als ePaper erscheinen. Filme lassen sich ebenfalls einwandfrei abspielen, auch über Streaming-Apps wie Zattoo Live TV . Da das Ur-iPad Airplay unterstützt, können Sie Videos auch auf einen großen Fernseher über Apple TV streamen. Auch andere Videoformate lassen sich abspielen, den VLC-Player unterstützt das iPad 1 nämlich ebenfalls. Die üblichen Verdächtigen aus dem Bereich Soziale Medien wie Facebook, Facebook Messenger oder Twitter lassen sich auf dem Ur-iPad installieren. Diese Apps funktionieren nicht: Apps, die einen Keiselkompass oder eine Kamera benötigen, können Sie nicht auf das Ur-iPad laden. Dazu gehören vor allem Facetime und Skype . iMovie und iPhoto funktionieren ebenfalls nicht. Apps, die für iOS 7 entwickelt wurden, bereiten ebenfalls Probleme. Die neuen Office-Apps von Micrsosoft stehen auf dem Ur-iPad nicht mehr zur Verfügung.

    Mit iTunes können Apps auch auf dem alten iPad installiert werden: Geeignete Apps in iTunes auswählen, iTunes mit iPad installieren und auf Warnhinweis hin die geeignete alte Version dr App wählen. Fürs WWW wird Opera empfohlen, da die alten Versionen von Safari und Firefox aufgrund der gemeinsamen Engine beide abstürzen.

    Wer iTunes nicht will, kann die folgende Lösung ausprobieren.

    iPhone: Apps ohne Appstore installieren - so geht’s - CHIP

    Apps lassen sich abseits vom Apple Appstore mit der Software CopyTrans installieren.

    Die Apps müsssen jedoch offizielle zertifizierte iOS-Apps sein. Inoffizielle Apps lassen sich auch mit dem CopyTrans nicht installieren. Das Programm ist kostenlos und läuft unabhängig von iTunes.

    CopyTrans Manager - so installieren Sie mit der Software Apps ohne Appstore

    – Installieren Sie den CopyTrans Manager auf Ihrem PC. Starten Sie danach das Programm.
    – Verbinden Sie Ihr Apple-Gerät mit Ihrem PC. Das Gerät wird vom CopyTrans Manager automatisch erkannt.
    – Klicken Sie links unter „Wiedergabelisten“ auf „Applications“ und dort in der Mitte auf „Jetzt kostenlos herunterladen“. Folgen Sie den Installationsanweisungen, Sie erhalten so „CopyTrans Apps“.
    – Sobald die Zusatzsoftware auf Ihrem PC installiert ist, können Sie in „CopyTrans Apps“ über den grünen Button „Apps installieren“ iOS-Application-Dateien installieren.

    #Apple #Software #support #auf_deutsch

  • Un an après avoir prédit le Brexit et Trump, Bloomberg annonce Le Pen présidente et un Frexit pour 2017 | Slate.fr

    Pour l’année 2017, donc, Bloomberg prédit la victoire de Marine Le Pen à l’élection présidentielle française et, dans les mois qui suivent, la tenue d’un référendum sur une sortie de la France de l’Union européenne. À l’image du Brexit, voici le « Frexit ». En Europe, le scénario n’a rien de réjouissant : le magazine prédit la fin de l’espace Schengen. L’espace de libre circulation sans contrôles aux frontières au sein de l’Europe n’est plus.
    En Allemagne, Angela Merkel perd les élections. En Italie, le leader du Mouvement 5 Étoiles, Beppe Grillo, se hisse au pouvoir et lance l’idée d’un référendum pour la réintroduction de la lire italienne. Au Royaume-Uni, Theresa May, elle, se voit depassée et surpassée par un candidat de la ligne dure du Brexit, après que les discussions sur la mise en place du Brexit n’aboutissent à quelque chose de concret. En Grèce, la crise économique persiste mais, cette fois, aucun renflouement n’est prévu, ajoute Bloomberg.

    • Pas la peine de flipper, la Marine est déjà à la manœuvre :
      Voici des faits relatés dans le torchon à grand tirage de la région.

      Mayenne. Quatre personnes agressées par des supporteurs des Verts

      Quatre Parisiens rentraient d’un enterrement à Brest dimanche 4 décembre. Vers 20 h 30, ils ont été victimes de « propos racistes et de menaces de mort » de la part d’un groupe de supporteurs de l’AS Saint-Etienne sur l’aire de repos à hauteur de Thorigné-en-Charnie. Ils ont porté plainte.

      Quatre personnes, qui rentraient à Paris après avoir assisté à un enterrement à Brest, dénoncent des agressions commises dimanche soir par « des supporteurs de l’AS Saint-Etienne ». Le club de foot jouait contre Rennes dans l’après-midi dans le cadre du championnat de Ligue 1.
      « Nous étions trois, eux une cinquantaine. »

      Vers 20 h 30, le couple et ses deux amis, âgés de 26 à 33 ans, s’arrêtent sur l’aire d’autoroute de la Vallée de l’Erve, à Thorigné-en-Charnie (Mayenne). Selon ce groupe composé entre autres d’un Franco-malgache et d’un Franco-guinéen, les choses se gâtent dès l’entrée dans la station Shell. « Un gars nous dit : « Tu vas où toi ? Tu dois payer pour rentrer. » » Le ton dérape : « L’un commence à nous traiter de bougnouls. » Une claque derrière la tête tombe et les insultes pleuvent. « Nous étions trois, eux une cinquantaine. » Ils disent n’avoir pas rétorqué et quitté les lieux.

      Les trois amis sortent et tentent de bloquer les Stéphanois devant les portes de la station. « Ils ont essayé de les défoncer en donnant des coups de pied et criaient : « On va vous tuer, vous massacrer, vous buter ! » »
      Plainte déposée au commissariat de Versailles

      Contactés, les responsables de la station-service ont refusé de s’exprimer sur les faits et d’éventuelles dégradations commises dans l’établissement.

      Les clubs de supporteurs que nous avons joints via Facebook n’ont pas donné suite. Le service communication de l’AS Saint-Etienne, lui, reconnaît que les groupes qui suivent le club « ne sont pas parfaits. Mais ils n’ont rien à voir avec des supporteurs racistes ».

      700 supporteurs stéphanois étaient présents au Roazhon Park dimanche et divisés en plusieurs groupes. Le commissariat de Versailles (Yvelines) a confirmé la plainte déposée dans la nuit par les quatre victimes. Une enquête est en cours.

      #racisme #foot_ball #supporters #le_sport_c'est_la_guerre #gros_connards_bas_du_front