
  • Kurds make game changing exchange in northern Aleppo to help rebel forces

    According to local activists in northern Aleppo, the Syrian Democratic Forces will hand-over the villages of Tal Rifa’at, Mennagh, Kafr Karmeen, Deir Jammal, Harbek, ‘Ayn Daqnah, and Mur’anez to the Free Syrian Army.

    Initially, the Syrian Democratic Forces seized these villages from the Turkish-backed rebels; however, in some strange agreement recently, these sites will be handed back over.

    These villages are located just north of the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) positions in the Al-Zahra’a Valley, which puts the latter in a rough situation as they prepare for their large-scale offensive in the ‘Anadan Plain.

    La plaine d’Anadan se trouve à mi-chemin entre Alep et, en direction du nord-ouest, les très célèbres ruines de Saint-Siméon (sublime site mais aussi très stratégique). Les FDS sont des kurdes soutenus par les USA, tout comme l’ASL. On note juste que ces révolutionnaires ont l’amabilité de faire à peu près ce qui arrange leurs commanditaires.


  • Un point assez complet sur les combats actuels en Syrie et la pause dans les pourparlers :
    Syrian rebels launch new assaults as opposition seeks peace talks ’pause’
    MEE / 18.04.16
    Relevé des points saillants :
    A Lattaquieh :

    Among the groups involved in the Latakia offensive are Kataib Ansar al-Sham, the al-Qaeda-linked Turkistan Islamic Party, Ahrar al-Sham, Jaish al-Islam and the First Coastal Division.

    A Hama :

    There were also reports of a new opposition offensive against government targets in Hama.
    According to the pro-Assad al-Masdar news site, fighters from the al-Qaeda splinter group Jund al-Aqsa launched a major assault on the al-Ghaab Plains near the Hama-Latakia axis, in an attempt to capture the village of Khirbat al-Naqous.

    A Alep :

    On Sunday, government jets carried out air strikes in Aleppo province that killed at least 11 civilians, according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory of Human Rights.

    Formation d’une nouvelle chambre d’opération commune Ahrar al-Cham/ Jaysh al-Islam et groupes labellisés ASL - sans qu’al-Nousra qui participe aux combats, avec d’autres organisations classées terroristes (Parti Islamique du Turkestan), n’en fassent formellement partie :

    A number of groups, including the powerful Ahrar al-Sham group, also announced on Monday the “formation of a joint operations room to begin the response to violations by the army of Assad”.

    Toujours la question d’Assad sur laquelle les négociations achoppent :

    Negotiations between the opposition and the government have stalled over the government’s refusal to discuss the opposition’s call for Assad to step aside as part of any peace deal and some have suggested that rebels on the ground have pushed for the opposition negotiators to withdraw from talks altogether.

    Les tweets de Mohammed Allouche, négociateur du HCN (opposition de Ryadh) appellant à frapper le régime partout - et donc à mettre fin à la cessation des hostilités :

    On Sunday, Mohammed Alloush, senior negotiator for the HNC, called in a tweet for the resumption of attacks on Syrian government targets.
    “Don’t trust the regime and don’t wait for their pity,” Alloush wrote on Twitter.
    “Strike them at their necks [kill them]. Strike them everywhere,” he said, reciting a passage from the Quran dealing with war.

    En bonus de jolies photos/vidéos récentes de rebelles avec des missiles anti-tanks américains TOW et des missiles sol-air portatifs (chinois)...


  • Le régime syrien annonce une offensive soutenue par la Russie pour prendre tout Alep , où dans le sud une contre-offensive du régime et de ses alliés tente déjà de récupérer le terrain perdu ces derniers jours face à l’offensive récente d’une coalition comprenant al-Nousra, des groupes salafistes et d’autres affiliés à l’ASL.
    Syrian PM says Russia to back new Aleppo attack ; opposition says truce near collapse
    Reuters / 10.04.16

    Syrian Prime Minister Wael al-Halaki told a delegation of visiting Russian lawmakers of preparations to “liberate” Aleppo, Syria’s biggest city and commercial hub before the conflict that erupted in 2011. Aleppo is divided into areas controlled separately by the government and opposition.
    “We, together with our Russian partners, are preparing for an operation to liberate Aleppo and to block all illegal armed groups which have not joined or have broken the ceasefire deal,” he was quoted as saying by TASS news agency.
    Dmitry Sablin, a member of Russia’s upper house of parliament and a member of the delegation, told RIA news agency “Russian aviation will help the Syrian army’s ground offensive operation”.

    L’opposition de Ryadh déclare que la cessation des hostilités est sur le point de s’effondrer :

    A member of the main opposition council said the last 10 days had “witnessed a serious deterioration, to the point where the ceasefire is about to collapse”. Bassma Kodmani of the High Negotiations Committee also told Journal du Dimanche that a U.S.-Russian ceasefire monitoring mission was “powerless”.
    The army says groups that had agreed to the cessation of hostilities had taken part in Nusra Front attacks on government-held positions south of Aleppo. Free Syrian Army groups meanwhile blame the fighting on government violations.
    “The air strikes are now roughly back to what they were,” said Mohamed Rasheed, head of the media office with the Jaysh al-Nasr rebel group. A Syrian military source said: “The battles are raging because ... armed groups that were part of the (truce) joined Nusra in the attack.”

    Tandis qu’on annonce l’arrivée de renforts nombreux pour le régime du côté d’Alep, tout semble en place pour une confrontation majeure du côté de Lattaquieh (frontière turque) et à Alep. Les Russes, les Iraniens et le régime semblent vouloir infliger une leçon à tous les groupes qui se sont alliés à al-Nousra, non seulement en récupérant le terrain perdu récemment, mais en réalisant des faits nouveaux sur le terrain.
    Qu’en pensent les Américains ? Jusqu’où va leur entente avec les Russes ?

    • Selon al-Monitor, à la suite de la déclaration fracassante du premier ministre syrien Wael al-Halaki sur la vaste contre-offensive prévue à Alep et qui serait soutenue par les Russes, des officiels russes auraient dit aux Américains : ne l’écoutez pas, il est irrationnel :

      Russian officials have told the Americans that they are committed to sustaining the cessation of hostilities. Indeed, after Syrian Prime Minister Wael al-Halqi was cited telling a visiting delegation of Russian lawmakers April 9 that a Russian-backed Syrian army operation was soon to get underway to liberate Aleppo, the Russians told the Americans don’t listen to him, he’s “irrational,” a Syrian opposition contact in touch with US officials working on Syria told Al-Monitor.
      Notably, after the US expressed concern about how a major operation against Jabhat al-Nusra near Aleppo could affect the cease-fire ahead of new talks, Russia did not provide air support to Iranian special forces involved in intense clashes against Jabhat al-Nusra in Al-Eis, near Aleppo, on April 11-12, an Iranian and a British journalist near Aleppo said.

  • Il me semble que ça a déjà été référencé ici mais ne le trouvant plus...

    Dans un reportage du Time de juillet 2012 où le journaliste a rencontré différents militants rebelles (d’al-Nousra à l’ASL) sont rapportés les propos d’un membre d’Ahrar al-Cham qui prétend que les cellules du groupes ont été formées bien avant le début de la « révolution » syrienne en mars à 2011 à Deraa et après la révolution égyptienne (soit entre décembre 2010 et février 2011) :

    In another town in northern Idlib, another jihadist — belonging to a different group — shared Ibrahim’s goal of an Islamic state. “Abu Zayd” is a 25-year-old Shari’a graduate who heads one of the founding brigades of Ahrar al-Sham, a group that adheres to the conservative Salafi interpretation of Sunni Islam. [...]
    The Ahrar started working on forming brigades “after the Egyptian revolution,” Abu Zayd said, well before March 15, 2011, when the Syrian revolution kicked off with protests in the southern agricultural city of Dara’a. The group announced its presence about six months ago, he said. Abu Zayd denied the presence of foreigners, even though TIME saw a man in the group’s compound who possessed strong Central Asian features. “Maybe his mother is,” Abu Zayd said unconvincingly. “We are not short of men to need foreigners.”

    Via Moon of Alabama

  • Escalade au sud d’Alep où un ensemble de groupes avec notamment les groupes salafistes al-Nousra, Ahrar al-Cham et Jound al-Aqsa attaquent plusieurs villages constituant des positions prises par l’armée syrienne fin 2015 lorsqu’elle avait, avec l’appui de l’aviation russe, établi une zone sécurisant l’autoroute Damas-Alep. Le village de Tall al-’Eiss vient semble-t-il d’être pris par al-Nousra. L’attaque est présentée par ces groupes comme une réponse aux violations du cessez-le-feu par le régime.
    2 remarques sur cette escalade :
    1° - al-Nousra pourrait être en train d’essayer d’entraîner plusieurs groupes à rendre caduque la cessation des hostilités - même si la zone concernée ne fait pas partie de cet accord. Voir ici l’analyse d’E.J. Magnier sur la menace que cet accord fait peser sur al-Nousra :
    Sujet déjà abordé à plusieurs reprises sur seen this (voir #liste_blanche / #liste_noire)
    2° - la Division 13 (ASL), récemment boutée hors de son QG de Maraat al-Nouman par al-Nousra (voir :, ce qui avait déclenché des manifestations pro-ASL et anti-alNousra dans la ville, combat désormais au cours de cette offensive aux côtés de cette branche syrienne d’al-Qaïda.
    Ceci attesté sur son compte twitter où est publiée la photo d’un de ses combattants mort dans la bataille pour la prise du village de « Khalidyah dans le rif sud d’alep » :

    • It is possible, said Boms, that Israel had treated members of al-Nusra. Rebel fighters have been switching back and forth between FSA brigades and more Islamist groups. Perhaps, he explained, those al-Nusra members who came through were linked to more moderate groups with whom the IDF has connections.
      That Israel remains ambiguous about the identity of those groups on the other side, he said, “is not divorced from logic.”
      In a conflict where loyalties and realities on the ground are constantly shifting, concluded Boms, ambiguity and complexity can leave much needed room for maneuvering.

  • Un Mig-21 de l’armée syrienne a été abattu le 12 mars 2016 près de Kafr Nabudah (nord-ouest de Hama). Le pilote qui s’est éjecté a été abattu.
    Accusations du régime syrien selon lesquelles des groupes rebelles syriens disposeraient désormais de « MANPAD » (missiles Sol-air portatifs = Option Stinger) :
    Rapport du ministre de la défense russe qui fait écho à cette accusation et dénégation des groupes rebelles (notamment ici de l’ASL)/ Dépêche Reuters 13.03.2016 :

    BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian rebels on Sunday denied a Russian Defence Ministry report that an anti-aircraft missile had been used to shoot down a Syrian warplane in Hama province on Saturday.
    Officials in three rebel groups contacted by Reuters reiterated previous statements that it had been shot down with anti-aircraft guns.
    Fares al-Bayoush, head of a Free Syrian Army rebel group operating in the Hama area, said the Russian statement might be aimed at “accusing some states of supplying the opposition with anti-aircraft missiles”.

    Voir ici les vidéos des uns et des autres censées étayer l’accusation et les dénégations :

  • al-Nousra vient d’attaquer et de prendre le QG de la division 13 de l’ASL (groupe soutenu par la CIA) à Idlib, sur fond de manifestations pro-opposition réprimées par al-Nousra :
    Accusations réciproques sur qui a attaqué l’autre en premier :

    Combats rapportés également entre les deux groupes à Maarat al-Nouman qui ont tourné à l’avantage d’al-Nousra.

    Via twitter Hassan Ridha

    #c'est_qui_l'patron ?

  • Dans un article du WINEP sur les motivations supposées de Da’ich dans l’attentat à Istanbul l’auteur soutient qu’il y aurait un plan américano-turc pour reprendre le contrôle de la frontière turco-syrienne d’Azaz à Jarabulus, plan que selon lui Da’ich aurait visé à contrecarrer en commettant cet attentat :

    Second, by bringing the war to Turkey’s largest city, IS aims to undercut the planned U.S.-Turkish campaign against its forces in Syria, which is reportedly scheduled to begin in a matter of weeks following Vice President Joe Biden’s January 23 visit to Ankara. The apparent goal of the joint plan is to capture the sixty-mile-long Jarabulus-Azaz corridor along the Syrian border, most of which is currently held by IS. If successful, the campaign would effectively plug the group’s last overland conduit from Syria into Turkey and Europe. The IS leadership is well aware that such a development would hurt its finances, recruitment efforts, and prestige, so it appears to have acted preemptively in the hope that Turkey will stand down or at least not escalate its military efforts.

    L’article ne mentionne pas que, de fait, pour la partie tenue par Jaysh al-Fatah, le corridor d’Azaz est largement menacé de tomber sous les efforts distincts de l’Armée syrienne et des forces kurdes du YPG dans le canton d’Afrin, soutenus tous deux par l’aviation russe. La route Azaz-Alep étant d’ores et déjà coupée sur une petite partie par l’armée syrienne.
    D’autre part, à l’est d’Alep, dans la zone tenue par Da’ich, d’un côté les kurdes du YPG, adjoints de quelques groupes de l’ASL au sein des SDF et soutenus par l’aviation américaine, ont déjà passé la « ligne rouge » turque de l’Euphrate et pourrait se diriger vers Manbij, tandis que de l’autre côté l’armée syrienne progresse depuis sa reprise de l’aéroport militaire de Kuweires en direction de la ville d’al-Bab.

    Ce plan serait-il une manière de réagir à ces évolutions inquiétantes pour la Turquie tout en actant la fin de son soutien de fait à Da’ich et en s’intégrant à un éventuel plan américain pour en pas rester sur la touche ?
    Si quelqu’un à des lumières particulières ou d’autres sources évoquant cet hypothétique plan américano-turc...

    • Une carte - au code couleur étrange : violet pour le régime et mauve pour Da’ich ! - pour comprendre un peu la situation militaire au nord de la Syrie, tirée du dernier article de Balanche sur le site du WINEP (hum !) :

      La même en plus grand ici :

    • A lire également, l’article approfondi de Balanche qu’accompagne la carte, qui présente de manière exhaustive la situation complexe au nord de la Syrie :

      As the PYD and its allies seized Abu Qilqil, several sources indicated that IS might abandon Manbij, mainly because it faces major local hostility there and would be unable to defend the town against a Kurdish advance. On November 12, Manbij civilians protested the forced recruitment of young men to fight with IS on the Azaz front line. And on December 19, the group executed fourteen civilians out of fear that an uprising might be brewing.

      Meanwhile, the PYD offensive has been supported by coalition airstrikes, indicating that the move was at least partly coordinated with the United States and was not a unilateral PYD decision. From that perspective, the advance toward Manbij could be part of a strategy to win back Raqqa. If Manbij falls, the capital of the “caliphate” could eventually become isolated from the rest of IS territory in Syria. All of the Euphrates bridges from the Turkish border south to Assad Lake have been destroyed or are controlled by the Kurds. If the PYD moves further south and the Syrian army launches an offensive toward al-Bab or Assad Lake, many IS personnel would be trapped in east Aleppo province.

      To the west, the rebel groups controlling the Azaz corridor are currently on the defensive against IS, which has seized several villages in the area since September and is slowly progressing toward Azaz. The priority of the Saudi/Turkish-backed Jaish al-Fatah is to defend the supply road to eastern Aleppo against the Kurds in the west and the Syrian army in the south. Yet Russian aircraft are multiplying their raids on the corridor and weakening the rebel defenses, especially near the border crossing of Bab al-Salam, and losing this road would leave rebel units in the eastern districts almost completely surrounded by regime forces. Some assistance would still flow from the western Bab al-Hawa border crossing, but the Syrian army’s progress around Aleppo threatens that route as well.

  • L’Assemblée des turkmènes syriens ( s’est réunie à Gaziantep (Turquie) pour décider que les différents groupes de combattants turkmènes qui opèrent sous la bannière de l’ASL, en étroite coordination avec les militaires turcs, soient unifiés au sein d’un commandement militaire unique visant à combattre et refouler les kurdes du YPG (beaucoup) et éventuellement Da3ich (un peu, si les Turcs s’entendent avec les Américains) :

    Syrian Turkmen military and political officials, who are close to Turkey, have been moving to form a unified army in northern Syria capable of confronting the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), which Ankara views as a terror group.
    “Turkmen fighting groups in Syria have taken the decision to offer greater support to each other and work to create a Turkmen army if conditions permit,” Syrian Turkmen Assembly chief Abdel Rahman Mustafa told Turkish Anadolu news on Monday.
    The Turkmen official’s comments came as the Syrian Turkmen Assembly held a meeting in southern Turkey’s Gaziantep that brought together Turkmen representatives from Aleppo, Tal Abyad, Jarabulus, Latakia, Idlib, Raqqa and the Golan.
    Alaraby Aljadeed reported that the Turkmen military and civilian officials in the meeting decided to form a military council which reports to the Syrian Turkmen Assembly, a pro-opposition group with ties to the Turkish government.
    The decision to form the council comes after calls emerged from Turkmen military formations to fight both ISIS and the Kurdish Democratic Union Party that controls the YPG, the London-based daily added.
    Syrian Turkmen have already armed themselves in a series of brigades throughout Syria that are loosely affiliated with each other and count on about 10,000 armed men in total, with the largest fighting units operating in the Aleppo province.
    Turkey’s security institutions maintain close links with the Turkmen units in Syria, providing special forces training to the brigades, which are affiliated with the Free Syrian Army and have taken part in operations in Aleppo, Idlib and outside Latakia.

    Erdogan tente-t-il une voie médiane pour peser sur les évènements au Nord et éviter un contrôle par la milice kurde des routes d’approvisionnement de Da3ich et des rebelles d’Ansar al-Chariah (al-Nusra, Ahrar al-Cham et les débris de l’ASL) sans avoir à recourir à une intervention militaire directe qui rencontre l’hostilité de certains militaires turcs et des States ?
    Toujours est-il que deux envoyés militaires américains ont rencontré aujourd’hui des officiels turcs pour discuter de la Syrie selon l’AFP :

    The US special envoy for the coalition against the Islamic State (IS) group was in Ankara on Tuesday to meet Turkish officials, after speculation Turkey could launch a military intervention inside Syria, sources told AFP.
    “General John Allen will hold talks in Ankara today,” a Turkish official told AFP on condition of anonymity, adding that the talks were “naturally” expected to focus on the fight against IS.
    Accompanied by US Undersecretary of Defence for Policy Christine Wormuth and military officials, Allen is expected to meet with Feridun Sinirlioglu, the Turkish undersecretary of the foreign ministry as well as military chiefs, the source said.
    Turkey has reinforced its military presence on the volatile border over the past week, deploying tanks and anti-aircraft missiles there as well as additional troops.
    The moves come as fighting between Islamist-led groups an
    d Syrian regime forces in the northern city of Aleppo has intensified.

  • A lire sur al-monitor, une très intéressante tentative de prospective sur l’avenir de la politique turque vis à vis de la Syrie à l’aune des changements des rapports de force politiques suite aux résultats des récentes élections législatives :
    The future of Turkey’s Syria policy
    Selon l’analyse de l’auteur la plupart des partis autres que l’AKP sont sceptiques voire très critiques vis à vis de la politique choisie par l’ex-tandem Erdogan-Davutoglu et donc susceptible de profondes révisions. Les doutes se feraient sentir au sein même de l’AKP. Selon l’auteur, quelle que soit la coalition qui formera le nouveau gouvernement turc, Jaysh al-Fatah au Nord (coalition groupant al-Nusra Ahrar al-Cham et les débris de l’ASL) devrait voir l’appui turco-qataro-saoudien s’amoindrir - même si au sud les opérations dirigées depuis une chambre d’opérations à Amman (groupant Qatar, AS, Turquie et pays occidentaux [et aussi très probablement Israël]) et s’appuyant sur le Front Révolutionnaire du Sud ne devraient pas être affectées :

    As Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan agreed with Saudi King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud in their Riyadh meeting, the new addresses for weapons assistance were al-Qaeda’s Syrian branch of Jabhat al-Nusra and the Army of Conquest (Jaish al-Fateh), led by Ahrar al-Sham, set up by former al-Qaeda affiliates.
    After the shipment of weapons via Turkey, the Army of Conquest captured Idlib, Jisr al-Shughour, Ariha and Mastume. The Syrian army also lost some locations in the south. In the latest development, the 52nd Brigade, which was 100 kilometers (62 miles) south of Damascus, had to abandon its base.
    On the northern front, the objective of the Army of Conquest is to capture Aleppo and Latakia after Idlib and then move toward Damascus. Before Turkey’s elections, there were reports that Turkey was about to send troops to Syria along with Saudi Arabia to set up a buffer zone. The second prong of the strategy developed by the Turkey-Saudi-Qatari alliance is to devise a new approach in the south. The south front, commanded from an operations room in Amman, Jordan, in the presence of Western intelligence officials, will hopefully be reorganized under the leadership of Zahran Alloush, commander of the Army of Conquest.
    Reports say that Alloush was in Istanbul last month to meet with opposition representatives and then in Amman to meet with Gulf and Western intelligence services.
    The scenarios for government change in Turkey will not affect support for the opposition from Amman, but the future of the northern front will depend mostly on Ankara’s new attitude. If the new government in Ankara does not agree to continue with the Turkey-Qatar-Saudi Arabia partnership, then the flow of weapons via Turkey will cease. In such a case, it won’t be easy for the Army of Conquest to hold on to the territory it has captured in Idlib and the vicinity.
    The Syrian army is now massing around Idlib and preparing for a major offensive. According to journalist Mehmet Serim, who is reporting from Damascus, Assad’s regime was waiting for the Turkish elections for its major offensive.

  • Selon des déclarations faites à l’agence de presse iranienne IRNA et rapportées par Newsweek, le général Qassem Suleimani promet une grosse surprise en Syrie :

    “The world will be surprised by what we and the Syrian military leadership are preparing for the coming days,” Iran’s official IRNA state news agency quoted the general as saying.
    The agency added that it “takes no responsibility for the information”.

    Une source sécuritaire syrienne anonyme aurait par ailleurs rapporté à l’AFP qu’environ 7000 combattants irakiens et iraniens seraient arrivés en renfort de l’armée syrienne d’abord pour sécuriser Damas, ensuite pour reprendre le noeud stratégique de Jisr al-Choughour à Jaysh al-Fatah (al-Nusra, Ahrar al-Cham et consorts de l’ASL) :

    “Around 7,000 Iranian and Iraqi fighters have arrived in Syria over the past few weeks and their first priority is the defence of the capital. The larger contingent is Iraqi,” the Syrian security source, speaking on condition of anonymity, told AFP news agency.
    “The goal is to reach 10,000 men to support the Syrian army and pro-government militias, firstly in Damascus, and then to retake Jisr al-Shughur because it is key to the Mediterranean coast and the Hama region,” the source added.

  • Quelqu’un a vu passer des confirmations/reprises/réfutations de ceci ? Free Syrian Army abandons Aleppo, leader flees to Turkey

    The Free Syrian Army (FSA), the recognized armed opposition group against the Bashar al-Assad in Syria, has ceased its resistance in Aleppo, Syria’s second biggest city, withdrawing its 14,000 militia from the city, a ranking Turkish security source told the Hürriyet Daily News on Nov. 17.

    “Its leader Jamal Marouf has fled to Turkey,” confirmed the source, who asked not to be named. “He is currently being hosted and protected by the Turkish state.”

    The source did not give an exact date of the escape but said it was within the last two weeks, that is, the first half of November. The source declined to give Marouf’s whereabouts in Turkey.

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    WIC 2012 in Macau, China

    WoLLIC 2012, Argentina

    WormShop 2012, Barcelona

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    Grant a Pardon to Alan Turing

    Turing for 10 pound note

    Turing Pardon - EDM Supporters

    Plaques for Alan Turing New!

    A Statue for Alan Turing

    Alan Turing in history syllabus

    Put Alan Turing on bitcoins

    Alan Turing and 4th plinth

    A Coin for Alan Turing

    Turing Petition (archive)


    Turing Fellowships

    Turing Centenary Research Proj.

    Mind, Mechanism & MathematicsI



    Codebreaker competition

    Turing Cryptography Competition

    Codebreaker Challenge

    Turing-Tape Games

    Turing Cryptography Competition 2013

    Turing Machine Award 2012, Wien

    ICO Schools’ Art Competition

    Exhibitions & Performances

    Alan Turing & Life’s Enigma

    CODEBREAKER Science Museum

    Breaking the Code in Oxford

    Cryptograph in Kansas


    Espace Turing, France

    MK Gallery - Station X

    Oslo Turing Film Series

    Turing on Channel 4

    Touring - Intuition & Ingenuity

    Legacy for Computing & Humanity

    Manchester Walks, June 23

    Melbourne Computer History Tour

    Alan Turing’s life in posters

    ART (Artists Redefine Turing)

    Breaking the Code in Europe

    ’Turings Erfenis’ in Amsterdam

    ATY in Hong Kong Exhibition

    NY Consciousness Collective

    ’ALAN’S APPLE’ in Rome

    TURING - a staged case history

    PINK MILK in NY & Chicago

    ’To Kill a Machine’ in Aberystwyth

    Alan’s Apple in Verona

    STATION X at Bletchley Park

    OTHER LIVES in Jerusalem


    Turing Poster Exhibition

    Poem: Enigma Variations

    Alan Turing: The Enigma

    The Once and Future Turing

    Alan Turing: His Work and Impact

    A Computable Universe

    Pioneer of the Information Age

    NATURE - ’Alan Turing At 100’


    Computer Journal Special Iss.

    AIECM 2012 book on AI

    Philosophia Scientiæ Spec. Iss.

    The Universal Computer

    The Universal Machine

    AT & His Contemporaries

    Alan Turing’s Philosophy

    Turing First Day Covers

    Der Spiegel: Das Phantom

    CACM: Turing’s Titanic Machine?

    Odyssey mag. special issue

    Wiley Turing Centenary offer

    Artlink Magazine special issue

    Alan Turing Bibliography

    Alan Turing Bibliography - BibTeX

    Alan M Turing by Sara Turing

    ACM interview with Robert Soare

    Rudy Rucker: Turing & Burroughs

    Quadrature No.84 features Turing

    Cryptograph Museum Catalogue

    White Cat Black Cat comic

    Blue Sky Kids, pp.46-47

    Manchester banner

    Incomputability After Alan Turing

    Alan Turing illustrated

    Turing: Phil Trans Royal Soc

    Westminster debate transcript

    the making of Alan Turing

    Computer Journal: Turing Focus

    SITN ’Flash’ Turing Edition

    Bletchley Park Turing Special

    Tom Vickers recalls Alan Turing

    GCHQ & Turing’s Legacy

    ’We need more oddballs’

    Computer Education, Tsinghua

    Take Tea with Turing

    Alan Turing Monopoly board

    Konrad Zuse und die Schweiz

    Bruderer on Turing and Zuse

    Turing & Artificial Languages

    Warren McCulloch & Alan Turing

    La strana vita di Alan Turing

    Jack Copeland: Big Question 1

    Jack Copeland: Big Question 2

    Jack Copeland: Big Question 3

    Play: A Most Secret War

    Intuition & Ingenuity Catalogue

    Davis: Il Calcolatore Universale

    The Foresight of Alan Turing

    Turing at ’Gay to Z’

    AT and Enigmatic Statistics New!

    Museums J. ’Turing Remembered’

    Historia y Vida article New!

    Capt. Jerry Roberts stamps New!

    SAPERE: Computing Nature New!

    IJSE: Turing on Emotions New!

    Audio, Video and Film

    ATY on Audioboo

    Breaking the Code

    Strange Life and Death, Pt.1

    Strange Life and Death, Pt.2

    (part) The Death of Alan Turing

    Radiolab: The Turing Problem

    Kate Russell on Turing

    Bletchley Park Post Office

    Pink Triangle: Dear Alan

    100 Years of Alan Turing

    Alan Turing Codebreaker film

    Decoding Alan Turing

    ATY Lectures from Calgary

    A Turing Phase - podcast

    ’The Creator’ at The Cornerhouse

    Rudy Rucker ’Imitation Game’

    Alan Turing - The Sacred Texts

    IEEE Interview of Andrew Hodges

    La Macchina di Turing from Pisa

    ’Intelligent machines?’ (Spanish)

    IET/BCS Turing Lecture 2012

    Turing Year on Hong Kong radio

    Public Meeting in Hong Kong, Pt.1

    Public Meeting in Hong Kong, Pt.2

    Public Meeting in Hong Kong, Pt.3

    Hong Kong Speaker Lunch, Pt.1

    Hong Kong Speaker Lunch, Pt.2

    Alan Turing Hong Kong activities

    Turing and his Times

    IEEE Computer at Bletchley Park

    Via Crucis Alan Turing


    THE TURING ENIGMA - trailer

    BBC: The Turing Solution

    Cambridge Blue Plaque

    Kasparov vs Turing

    Parliamentary Debate on Turing

    Samson Abramsky on Turing

    Martin A. Smith and Hallie

    Keith Devlin on Turing’s Work

    Firecatcher at Bletchley Park PO

    David Tranah on Sara Turing book

    Le Modele Turing

    Tartu ATY Conference film

    Dayo Wong performs for Turing

    David Leavitt Interview

    Manchester Conference videos

    US Public Radio TTBOOK on AMT

    Inria: Turing aurait 100 ans

    ICO Alan Turing Lecture 2012

    ’Panic’ poem for Alan Turing

    Rehabilitating Alan Turing

    Hong Kong Alan Turing Exhibition

    Turing’s Sunflowers Experiment

    Bletchley Park’s Lost Heroes

    LGBT History Month pre-launch

    Prof YB Yeung Turing Talk & Song

    Hong Kong Music tribute to AMT

    Der Urahn aller Computernerds

    blinc 2012 Tribute to Turing

    AT: Strange Oceans of Thought

    Homenaje a Alan Turing

    blinc Portrait in Sound & Visuals

    Turing People in Vienna New!

    Oxford: Centenary Lectures New!

    David Link’s LoveLetters video

    BCS/IET Turing Lecture 2013New!

    B. Randell: Uncovering Colossus

    George Dyson in Italy New!

    BBC Radio4: The Turing Solution

    Jack Copeland on Turing & ACE

    Janna Levin on her Turing book

    Alan Garner on Alan Turing

    Bob Lubarsky: Alan Turing’s Life

    Turing Inspired Music

    Turing Test opera

    Matmos: For Alan Turing

    Matmos: Messages from Unseen

    Skyscraper: Song for Alan Turing

    A Song for Alan Turing

    Salero: Turing Machine Opera

    Sirotti: For Alan Turing

    Sound Portrait Of Alan Turing

    Hidrogenesse: Turing Bits

    Hidrogenesse: ’El Beso’

    AT - L’attributo dell’intelligenza

    Matthew Knowles ’For AT, Part 6’

    Composer Barry Truax work

    Chinese Song for Alan Turing

    Chinese Song for Alan Turing/mp3

    Loke Lay score Alan Turing Song

    Loke Lay score AT Song, Eng. Yb

    Eli Fung sings Alan Turing Song

    Binaerpilot: Songs for Alan Turing

    Barry Truax: Enigma premiere

    Truax: From the Unseen World

    Hong Kong Music tribute to AMT

    PSBs Memory Of The Future

    Supporting Organisations


    ACM History Committee

    Assn for Symbolic Logic

    Alan Turing Institute Almere

    British Computer Society



    Bletchley Park Trust

    Brazilian Computer Society

    Brazilian Logic Society

    British Logic Colloquium

    British Math Colloquium


    Computability in Europe

    Computer Conservation Soc

    Computing at School

    CODDII: Informatics in Spain



    Computer Society of India

    Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica



    Enigma and Friends

    European Assn for TCS

    European Mathematical Society


    German Mathematical Society

    Gesellschaft für Informatik

    Heinz Nixdorf Museumsforum

    Hong Kong Computer Society






    Informatics Europe

    IOS Press

    Kurt Gödel Society



    London Mathematical Society

    Manchester University

    Manchester Met. University

    Microsoft Research

    MOSI, Manchester

    National Physical Laboratory

    Oxford University Press

    Plus Magazine

    Pride in Plymouth

    Rainbow Radio, Australia

    Royal Society of Edinburgh

    Royal United Services Institute

    SCIE - CS Society of Spain

    Sherborne School


    John Templeton Foundation

    UK Mathematics Trust

    Wolfram Research

    Other External Links

    Alan Turing Home Page

    AMT at The National Archives

    Chatbot Chaturing

    Digital 60 Manchester

    The Drama House

    Enigma Machine

    Enigma and the Bombe

    Jewish personnel at BP

    A Julius Turing genealogy


    Natl. Museum of Computing

    Plaques for Alan Turing New!

    Saving Bletchley Park

    Saving Turing’s Papers

    ScienceMuseum: Computing

    Turing and Morphogenesis

    Turing Archive for the History of Computing

    Turing Centres (TICs)

    Turing Digital Archive

    Turing in Hastings

    Turing Institute Almere

    Turing Machine Embodied

    Turing and Aspergers

    Turing on Wikipedia

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    The Alan Turing Year on Facebook - and on Twitter
    ATY Press and Media Contact - Daniela Derbyshire - email: turing @


    June 23, 2012, is the Centenary of Alan Turing’s birth in London. During his relatively brief life, Turing made a unique impact on the history of computing, computer science, artificial intelligence, developmental biology, and the mathematical theory of computability.

    2012 will be a celebration of Turing’s life and scientific impact, with a number of major events taking place throughout the year. Most of these will be linked to places with special significance in Turing’s life, such as Cambridge, Manchester and Bletchley Park.

    The Turing Year is coordinated by the Turing Centenary Advisory Committee (TCAC), representing a range of expertise and organisational involvement in the 2012 celebrations. Organisations and individuals wanting to contribute ideas or support for the Turing Year are invited to contact any of the current TCAC members.

  • Analysts : Foreign militant Islamists streaming into Syria to face Hezbollah | McClatchy

    Enfin, quand on lit l’article il ne s’agirait pas que de combattre le Hezbollah mais tous ceux qui ne partagent pas leurs vues, y compris au sein de l’"ASL".

    Foreign Islamist extremists are streaming into Syria, apparently in response to the Shiite militant group Hezbollah’s more visible backing of Syrian President Bashar Assad, a development that analysts say is likely to lead to a major power struggle between foreign jihadists and Syrian rebels should the regime collapse.

    Researchers who monitor the conflict said this week that they’ve detected the influx of foreigners in firsthand observations on the battlefield, spotting them in rebel videos posted on the Internet, observing a recent spike in reported deaths of foreign fighters and studying their postings on social media sites.

    And while many foreign fighters have been absorbed into established Syrian rebel groups, there are signs now that an increasing number are remaining in free-standing units that operate independently and are willing to clash with other rebels and Syrian communities to implement their own rigid vision of Islamist governance.

    “The numbers are increasing, with more radical groups inside now,” said Salman Shaikh, director of the Brookings Institution’s Doha Center in Qatar.

    Elizabeth O’Bagy, an analyst at the Institute for the Study of War who just returned from a two-week research trip to study rebels inside Syria, said that “without a doubt” she saw far more foreign fighters than on her previous trip two months ago, including foreigner-only fighting groups in northern Idlib province, near the border with Turkey.

    “There were substantial groups of foreign fighters that we came across, way more than I remembered,” O’Bagy said. “And we heard a lot of commanders complaining about foreign fighters coming in and not working with other opposition groups.”


    Immediately after Nasrallah’s speech, Sunni clerics across the region issued a chorus of sectarian-tinged calls for men to head to Syria to help their Sunni brethren against the Shiite “Party of Satan” – a play on Hezbollah’s name, which means “Party of God” – and Assad’s minority Alawite sect.

    The most prominent was Sheikh Youssef al Qaradawi, a Qatar-based cleric with a millions-strong following and close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. News reports quoted him as telling a rally in Doha that “every Muslim trained to fight and capable of doing that” should make himself available for jihad against Assad and Hezbollah.


    Charles Lister, an analyst at the Terrorism and Insurgency Center of IHS Jane’s, a defense research firm, said at least eight other clerics have issued similar appeals, and the impact can already be seen.
