• Mitchell Plitnick đŸ”„đŸ•Ž sur X :

    #Israel has used the October 7 attack by #Hamas to destroy many norms. The biggest ones have gotten the most notice, those that are part of genocide and ethnic cleansing. But there’s more, and it’s going to have profound effects on warfare going forward.

    Israel has intentionally targeted civilians, hospitals, ambulances, schools, journalists, UN shelters, humanitarian workers, and civilian infrastructure of all kinds. They’ve done these things before but never on this scale and never so openly.

    Israel has made no effort to hide these acts. On the contrary, they have tried to justify them as intentional acts. They’ve been supported in this by the US and EU. In the future, other countries will do the same and opposition will only reinforce the already widely held view that there are no rules, just what the US will allow its friends and forbid others.

    The US and #Israel have struck what could be a mortal blow to the fledgling effort to establish international laws that protect civilians.


    • Le gouvernement des États-Unis et la plupart des gouvernements des pays de l’UE ont abandonnĂ© la dĂ©fense du Droit humanitaire basique et des Conventions de GenĂšve (protection des civils, des infrastructures civiles, des Ă©coles, hĂŽpitaux), et ont abandonnĂ© la dĂ©fense de l’ONU qui a Ă©tĂ© insultĂ© par IsraĂ«l et dont les personnels ont Ă©tĂ© assassinĂ©s sans rĂ©action notable de l’occident.

      Aussi imparfait que soit l’ONU c’est une instance de rĂ©gulation mondiale oĂč les Ă©tats se rencontrent, peuvent parler, et nĂ©gocier sur leurs diffĂ©rends.

      Le magistĂšre moral de l’occident a sombrĂ© (Ă  l’exception remarquable de celui du gouvernement irlandais qui a dĂ©fendu constamment les civils et le droit).

      L’abandon de toute exigence d’application des Ă©lĂ©ments fondamentaux du Droit risque de faire entrer l’occident et l’humanitĂ© dans l’antichambre d’une barbarie sans frein.

      L’occident n’a plus grand chose Ă  objecter Ă  Poutine. C’est la Chine qui prĂ©vient qu’il faut faire la diffĂ©rence entre « le bien et le mal » ...