Ubuntu Fast-Tracks #AppArmor Fix for #flatpak_apps Failing to Start
The recent update to AppArmor to remedy issues with 3rd-party apps being unable to run on #Ubuntu_24.04_LTS (due to its security hardening) inadvertently prevents a fleet of popular Flatpak apps from running either. The Telegram Desktop, KeePassXC, and Steam clients are among Flatpak apps users have reported issues with, seemingly due to the AppArmor profile tweaks for the Bubblewrap sandboxing tool the prior update introduced. To be clear: snap, DEB, and binary versions of the software above are not affected, only Flatpak packages installed from stores like Flathub. But good #News: Ubuntu’s developers got to work to identify […] You’re reading Ubuntu Fast-Tracks AppArmor Fix for Flatpak Apps Failing to Start, a blog post from OMG! Ubuntu. Do not reproduce elsewhere without (...)