• C’est extrait du message de Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib qu’il cite :

      One of the most disastrous and destructive Israeli policies during the Gaza war has been the plan to arm and work with powerful clans inside the coastal enclave to create an alternative to Hamas’s rule and administrative control. These clans have long been a source of instability, with significant elements within them being involved in crimes, weapons trading, shadowy economic activities, and overt thuggery and violence towards the Palestinian Authority and the general public. The first thing that Hamas did successfully and got immense support for, including from its ideological opponents, was breaking these clans’ thuggery, militarily confronting them, and bringing them under the rule of law. This ended peoples’ ability to walk around Gaza with AK-47s and M-16s on their shoulders/waists, stopped acts of “arbada / baltaja” or (عربدة وبلطجة), and made powerful families like Doghmosh, Hilles, Abu Amra, Sweirki, and others accountable to the police and security forces.

      Right now, the problem of organized crime, looting, and thuggery is out of control throughout Gaza. Right by the Kerem Shalom crossing, where humanitarian aid trucks come in, hundreds of criminals and looters, including those with guns, are regularly camped out, awaiting new convoys to steal, attack, and loot. What’s puzzling is that Israeli drones, surveillance, and intelligence assets all know about these criminals and see them very clearly, including those with AKs, but choose to leave them alone. This has spread concern among many in Gaza, including within the humanitarian community, that Israel’s policy of arming and supporting clans in Gaza has backfired horribly – or worse, that Israel is allowing crime to grow as part of its war strategy. Additionally, when many of these clans fled northern Gaza, they brought most of their arsenals of weaponry with them, again, under the direct watchful eyes of Israeli ISR (Intelligence/Surveillance/Reconnaissance) and have been able to use these guns in their destructive and harmful activities.

      One of the first tasks in a post-war period for any new authority, including an interim international or Arab-led peacekeeping/policing force, would be to confront those criminal gangs and looters head-on, eliminating their ability to destabilize Gaza and removing guns and weaponry from their hands. Whether they are small cells or part of more prominent clans, organized criminals risk preventing the emergence of a safe and prosperous Gaza far more than remnants of Hamas or the Islamic Jihad. Islamist groups are well-known for enforcing law and order and a monopoly on violence in any region that they take over, and that was part of Hamas’s promises during the 2006 elections. Allowing crime and the breakdown of law and order to fester risks the emergence of a Hamas 2.0 or another Islamist-Jihadi type group that would capitalize on Gazans’ desperation for safety and security.

      Israel must quickly reverse course and stop its disastrous policies, which, like the decision to allow Hamas’s rule to grow and prosper with suitcases full of cash, will backfire horribly.

      Après c’est écrit dans le verbiage habituel du Atlantic Council, où un « proud american anti-Hamas » espère donner des conseils sur la politique qu’Israël devrait mener, et croire que s’il y a un backslash désespéré des palestiniens de Gaza, ce ne sera pas à cause du génocide qui dure depuis un an dans l’indifférence générale, mais parce qu’il y a trop de criminalité.

      Dans sa dernière phrase, le gars ne suggère pas qu’Israël devrait arrêter de génocider les Palestiniens, il suggère qu’il faudrait arrêter de donner le pouvoir aux clans. C’est ambitieux.

    • Il me semble que ça fait partie des méthodes de déstabilisation assez classiques des sociétés levantines, qu’on a utilisées au Liban, en Irak, en Syrie… Inonder les clans d’armes en prétendant que c’est pour résister à un pouvoir autoritaire qui ne respecte pas la structure sociale très « orientale » de sa propre société (on va trouver des études sociologiques d’excellente qualité avec plein de mots arabes pour décrire ces société si… différentes), puis constater que c’est un merdier sans nom et qu’on n’a plus de pays, plus de société, mais un grand chaos milicien et mafieux ultra-réactionnaire, alors hop on va réimposer un pouvoir autoritaire, en espérant que cette fois il sera à notre botte.