« Honnête » état des lieux de la situation politique en Algérie, à la veille d’une pseudo-élection présidentielle.
The “New Algeria” promised by Tebboune has proven to be a significant regression in terms of respect for fundamental rights and freedoms, worse than the Bouteflika era. This reality was highlighted during a recent visit by two UN Special Rapporteurs in Algeria in 2023, who noted severe shortcomings in the country’s respect for fundamental rights. One of the two Rapporteurs urged “to ease the strict restrictions imposed on gatherings and associations and address the climate of fear created by a series of criminal charges against individuals, associations, unions, and political parties under excessively restrictive laws”. In this context, it is difficult to imagine holding free and fair elections.
Despite the regime’s tight grip on power and its resilience, the Hirak movement has profoundly impacted the Algerian political system. The ruling authorities have managed to maintain their hold through a combination of repression and economic redistribution. The upcoming election is designed to consolidate institutional legitimacy, stabilize the regime in this turbulent post-Hirak period, and buy time for further internal restructuring. However, this repression fails to address a crucial reality: the legitimacy crisis plaguing the ruling system remains unresolved. The suppression of the Hirak movement and civil society has only widened the gap between citizens and state institutions, fostering a climate of fear and exacerbating political extremism. Instead of responding to the people’s aspirations, the 2024 election risks further entrenching an authoritarian regime desperately clinging to power amid a severe legitimacy crisis. Despite widespread fatigue among Algerians and the regime’s authoritarian resilience, the conditions seem ripe for the resurgence of the Hirak’s spirit in new forms of social contest.