Israel ranks last in Global National Brands Index - Israel News - The Jerusalem Post
Israel has been ranked last in the 2024 Nation Brands Index (NBI), placing it among the world’s most underdeveloped and unstable countries, according to the report published by Anholt Nation Brands Index on Tuesday.
The findings, based on a comprehensive survey conducted between July and August 2024, highlight a growing global sentiment that perceives Israel as a destabilizing force rather than an innovative and progressive nation.
The NBI survey, which gathered insights from over 40,000 respondents across 70 countries, ranked nations based on six key dimensions: governance, culture, people and society, exports, immigration and investment, and tourism.
(...) The study also revealed a growing aversion to Israeli products, with many respondents indicating they were unwilling to purchase goods labeled “Made in Israel.” This suggests a de facto boycott that could pose a serious risk to Israeli exports and international business operations.
Despite its reputation as the “Start-Up Nation,” Israel’s technological leadership is not widely recognized beyond specific industry circles. European respondents, for example, ranked Israel lower in technological advancements than the United Arab Emirates, reinforcing the idea that Israel’s self-perception does not align with how it is viewed globally.
According to Motti Scherf, founder of Brand IL: “Israel has lost its legitimacy in the international community and has been cast into the backyard of global affairs. It is time to acknowledge the failure of traditional public diplomacy and adopt innovative nation-branding models.”