• Drone Nations

    I have been updating my notes, which I call “Drone Nations” as I see news reports, and government reports, identifying where drones are operating in which nations, doing what.

    My Drone Nations notes on Scribd:


    My collection of drone documents on Scribd:


    #drones #données #cartographie_radicale

    Contrary to a common misconception, most drones are not weaponized. US military statistics indicate that only 4-5% of US military drones carry weapons. Most drones in the skies are used for #surveillance. The military also operates drones on the ground, on and under the sea. We also have robot drones in outer space.
    Drones are not all operated by some person at some remote site. Many drones are operated by someone on the ground who can see the drone involved. Typically there is one person piloting the thing, seeing what it can see,and another observer watching what is all around the drone, to help try to avoid collisions. Some drones are operated by another person in a manned chase plane. Some are now self-operated, using some internally loaded programming, which tells them what to do. Those kinds can refuel in mid-air, like man operated aircraft, and they can also land on air craft carriers. I do not know how they get landing permission, since air craft carriers are often quite busy with man operated flights.