Climate : We’re in the danger zone says James Hansen
Climate News Network
Au moment même où James Hansen (le père de l’expression "anthropocène") faisait sa déclaration, le Fremkritspartiet, le parti populiste d’extrême droite en Norvège qui tenait son congrès annuel a réaffirmer son soutien à la ligne défendue par les climato-sceptiques. Le FrP reste collé plus que jamais à l’idée qu’il y a « une "grande incertitude" sur les causes du changement climatique » et met en garde contre « l’utilisation aveugle du principe de précaution » (sic). le FrP dénonce l’utilisation de la cause climatique comme alibi pour augmenter les impôts pour les entreprises norvégiennes. Ils ne veulent pas entendre parler de taxes environnmentales.
Source NRK : "Frp tviholder på klimaskeptisk linje"
By Paul Brown
The first scientist to warn the US Congress of the threat of climate change retired earlier this year. But that has not stopped him continuing to try to alert the world to the dangers he sees ahead.
LONDON, 26 May – Professor James Hansen, often described as the world’s most prominent climate scientist, has also chosen to be one of its most controversial.
His view that the world has already passed a dangerous threshold for a safe future, because there is too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, has led him to step up attacks on politicians and the oil business.
He has been well known internationally since 1988, when he caused a sensation by being the first to warn the US Congress that climate change was a threat to his country and the planet.
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