
“You know what I did? I left troops to take the oil. I took the oil. The only troops I have are taking the oil, they’re protecting the oil. I took over the oil.”

  • Assad backers reportedly make up 43 percent of dead in Syria

    According to the new statistics, which the Syrian Observatory passed to McClatchy by phone, at least 96,431 people have lost their lives in the more than two years of violence that’s wracked Syria.

    Of those, Syrian soldiers and members of the government’s security forces account for 24,617, while members of pro-government militias make up 17,031. Taken together, those deaths account for 43.2 percent of the total recorded.

    Civilian noncombatants are the next largest group of the dead – 35,479, or 36.8 percent of the total, according to the human rights group.

    Deaths among anti-Assad fighters total 16,699, or 17.3 percent, according to the new numbers. Of those, 12,615 were Syrian civilians who’d picked up arms against the regime, 1,965 were rebel fighters who’d defected from the Syrian military and 2,119 were foreigners who were killed fighting on the Syrian rebels’ behalf.

    Il n’y a pas de raison de croire ces nouveaux chiffres plus que les précédents : pourquoi sortir ces précisions maintenant ? Auparavant, l’observatoire ne prétendait pas donner de chiffres précis selon les camps.

    Et franchement, ces chiffres me semblent assez nettement dénués de sens. Le seul intérêt, c’est que l’Observateur syrien de Londres se mettrait soudainement à communiquer des chiffres qui sont totalement contraires à, grosso modo, tout ce qui se dit sur la Syrie depuis deux ans.

    Pour tout te dire, je m’attends à un démenti vigoureux dans les prochaines heures.