• Israel
    Nouvelle réflexion sur l’impossibilité de voir émerger un jour un Etat palestinien. Naomi Chazan, ancienne vice-président de la Knesset, est convaincue que si un Etat binational venait à voir le jour, il est douteux qu’Israël puisse continuer longtemps à se prévaloir d’être la seule démocratie du Proche Orient. D’ici là, la colonisation des territoires palestiniens - phénomène irréversible - aura contredit l’idéal sioniste fait de liberté, justice et paix. Le gouvernement Netanyahou prouve par sa politique que l’ultranationalisme juif et le post-sionisme sont les deux faces d’une même monnaie. Naomi Chazan énumère les techniques mis en œuvre par le gouvernement actuel pour consolider la domination juive sur l’ensemble de tous les territoires, israéliens et palestiniens.

    The Times of Israël

    Israel’s new post-Zionists
    NAOMI CHAZAN June 2, 2013, 2:44 pm 14

    Forty-six years after the Six Day War of 1967, the continued Israeli occupation of the West Bank no longer appears temporary. These territories, with the exception of Jerusalem, have not been annexed; they have, however, gradually become an integral – albeit decidedly unequal – part of Israel. A one-state reality is taking shape: one which flies in the face of the democratic and Jewish values of the founders of the state. The present government is the first in the country’s history that, by its dedication to making the current situation permanent, is directly contravening the Zionist dream and replacing it with a messianic vision which leaves little room for “the precepts of liberty, justice and peace” or the ideals of “full social and political equality of all…citizens, without distinction of race, creed or sex,” embedded in Israel’s Declaration of Independence.

    The third government of Binyamin Netanyahu, sworn in a few months ago, is also Israel’s most avowedly nationalist. Both its composition (it includes all the parties on the right of the political spectrum) and personal make-up underline its ethnocentric orientation. The prime minister’s own Likud, virtually devoid of the liberal followers of Jabotinsky (such as Dan Meridor, Benny Begin and Michael Eytan), is now represented by the likes of Moshe Feiglin, Danny Danon, Tzipi Hotobeli and Miri Regev – all declared one-staters. Naftali Bennett and his Jewish Home alliance are committed to the retention of the entire Land of Israel. Even the seemingly moderate Yair Lapid is proving to be a sheep in wolves’ clothing. Together, under Netanyahu’s guidance, they are systematically demonstrating that Jewish ultra-nationalism and post-Zionism are two sides of the same coin.

    Five techniques are being used by the government and its allied institutions, think-tanks and NGOs to further the agenda which will solidify a Jewish-dominated bi-national reality. (…)
    #occupation, #one_state, #zionist-dream, #Netanyahu, #Meridor, #Begin, #Eytan, #Feiglin, #Danon, #Hotobeli, #Regev, #Bennett, #Lapid, #procrastination, #compartmentalization, #promotion, #vilification, #transformation #Peres, #World_Economic_Forum, #Kerry, #negotiations, #Arab_Peace_Initiative, #two_state_solution, #settlements, #self_determination, #zionism, #post_zionism