• The GM genocide: Thousands of Indian farmers are committing suicide after using genetically modified crops | Mail Online

    Far from being ’magic seeds’, GM pest-proof ’breeds’ of cotton have been devastated by bollworms, a voracious parasite.

    Nor were the farmers told that these seeds require double the amount of water. This has proved a matter of life and death.

    With rains failing for the past two years, many GM crops have simply withered and died, leaving the farmers with crippling debts and no means of paying them off.

    Having taken loans from traditional money lenders at extortionate rates, hundreds of thousands of small farmers have faced losing their land as the expensive seeds fail, while those who could struggle on faced a fresh crisis.

    When crops failed in the past, farmers could still save seeds and replant them the following year.

    But with GM seeds they cannot do this. That’s because GM seeds contain so- called ’terminator technology’, meaning that they have been genetically modified so that the resulting crops do not produce viable seeds of their own.

    As a result, farmers have to buy new seeds each year at the same punitive prices. For some, that means the difference between life and death.