Les débuts de l’escroc salafiste de Saïda : agiter des mitraillettes en plastique, prétendre qu’elles « insultent Aïcha », promettre qu’il va « hanter les nuits » de Nasrallah et Berri à ce sujet (oui, au sujet de jouets en plastique), et lorsqu’on découvre (enfin ?) que c’est totalement bidon, il passe à autre chose et la presse le suit. Who is Ahmed al-Assir ?
With this gathering momentum, he upped his tone, and in June 2012 he gave an explosive sermon at Sidon’s Bilal bin Rabah mosque, in which he accused Hezbollah and Amal, another Shia-dominated party, of selling a toy machine-gun in Dahyeh, Beirut’s southern suburbs, which called for the attacking of the prophet’s wife, Aysha.
He said he would “haunt the nights” of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and Amal leader Nabih Berri, and that of their families, unless the offending toys were removed.
Sunnis across the country were up in arms. Shia across the country were up in arms. Local media jumped on this, hosting him on shows to have him repeat the same sectarian accusations against Hezbollah and Nasrallah.
One local channel was fire-bombed following a particularly inciting interview it hosted with Assir. The channel later issued a statement, saying it apologised to its viewers “for everything uttered by its guest who… disregarded the sentiments of the Lebanese with all their different affiliations and categories”.
Investigations into the alleged toys revealed the such toys did not actually exist, and the gun he was referring to actually says, in English, “pull over and save the hostages”.
But the results of the investigations went unnoticed by many across the country, already riled by Assir’s statements, and also by most of the media, who were waiting for the next Assir moment.
Je maintiens que la promotion médiatique dont a bénéficié Assir depuis le début est aussi scandaleuse qu’étonnante.