• Making the #web fun again, Neocities wants to be a Geocities 2.0

    #hébergement statique via @archiloque

    Go to a Facebook profile, and ponder what we have now. Instead of having adventures into the great unknowns of the web, we instead now spend most of our time on social networks: boring, suburban gated communities, where everybody’s “profile” looks exactly the same, and presents exactly the same content, in the same arrangement. Rarely do we create things on these networks; Instead, we consume, and report on our consumption. The uniformity and blandness rival something out of a Soviet bloc residential apartments corridor. And now adding to that analogy, we’ve found out that our government is actually spying on us while we’re doing it, in ways the Stasi could only dream of. The web we have today is a sad, pathetic, consumption-oriented digital iron curtain, and we need to change that.

    • Here you can upload a new file for your home page.

      It has to be one of the following file types
      – HTML (.html, .htm)
      – Image (.jpg, .png, .gif, .svg)
      – Markdown (.md)
      – JavaScript (.js)
      – CSS (.css)

      If the file already exists, it will be overwritten without warning.

      It has to be legal to share this content in the United States.

      It must fit into your home page space (5MB).

      The file uploader will automatically scrub any characters not matching: a-z A-Z 0-9 _ - .