• Any.IO - Twitter and Identi.ca through finger or DNS.

    providing access to #Twitter and Identi.ca through #DNS and #finger, as well as finger through HTTP.

    permet de contourner la #censure ? par exemple, de lire twitter à travers les bornes wifi des aéroports sans être authentifié ? #cccp

    code :

    dig recifs.twitter @any.io

    résultat :

    recifs.twitter. 10 IN TXT “dig recifs.twitter @any.io”
    created-at.recifs.twitter. 10 IN TXT “Thu Apr 14 09:36:43 +0000 2011”
    name.user.recifs.twitter. 3600 IN TXT “Fil”
    location.user.recifs.twitter. 3600 IN TXT “”
    url.user.recifs.twitter. 3600 IN TXT “http://rezo.net
    description.user.recifs.twitter. 3600 IN TXT “don’t”
    text.recifs.twitter. 3600 IN CNAME recifs.twitter.

    ;; Query time: 342 msec
    ;; SERVER:
    ;; WHEN: Thu Apr 14 11:38:14 2011
    ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 255