• PostScript ou Truetype ? // Chez Porchez: TrueType quality

    Perhaps TTF is better if good hinting is included in the font (not always the case, read the state of webfont quality by Ross Mills on Typographica) BUT as 99% of fonts are designed in Bézier curves, conversion to TrueType destroy partially the curves, so the design. Even if you try to correct the new outlines in TrueType with the Bézier original curves on the back, some details will be lost. Its really depending of the nature of the design. Few years back, when Linotype launched OpenType pro fonts, they decided to go for OpenType TTF flavor. I was fully against in the case of the conversion of my Sabon Next for its Pro version: This image compare on the back (yellow) a detail of the final serif of the glyph a in Bézier versus on top the TTF version…
