
#UnPaysQuiSeTientSage soutenu par la Quinzaine des Réalisateurs, Prix Lumières meilleur documentaire 2021, nommé aux Cesar 2021, « DernièreSommation » (Grasset), punk rock & contre-filatures + https://twitch.tv/davduf

  • Run an Oil Field With This Documentary Game - Dice News

    According to the National Film Board of Canada, Fort McMoney took two years of research, 50 interviews and 60 days of shooting. All of which are indicative of high production values.

    Bias in Documentaries?
    There’s a school of thought that documentaries should be used to convince the viewer of the creator’s worldview; that they’re not meant to be balanced or objective but rather biased to win the audience’s hearts and minds. Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth serves as an example.

    With a game, although the designer can instill his views, the pros and cons tend to be a little more obvious and easier to quantify. If Fort McMoney was funded by Big Oil then you might expect a positive attitude toward the industry. But funding seems to be from the Canada Media Fund, along with partnerships with the interactive producer TOXA and the National Film Board of Canada. Until it comes out, we won’t know if it’s balanced but so far it’s looking pretty good.


    #fmm #fortmcmoney #jeudoc #webdoc #fmmpresse #sables_bitumineux #pétrole