• Red in the Face - By Kalev Leetaru | Foreign Policy

    Yet, what we are able to see in the crisp mathematical precision of the computerized graphs and maps above is just how vast and intense the negative coverage really is. As a result, we can move beyond anecdotes like “It’s getting a lot of coverage” to precise statements like “More than 80 percent of all television news shows are talking about it.”

    We can also gaze through the eyes of the news media and literally map the deep pessimism towards the law as it spreads across the nation. This by itself is a key finding: just how much the media has been covering Obamacare and, in particular, how key the GOP’s tying of Obamacare to the government shutdown was in bringing it to the forefront. Indeed, while Republicans may have lost in their attempt to defund Obamacare through their shutdown showdown, they succeeded in making it a national news item, and thus setting the stage for the media to eagerly pounce on the first hints of a problem with the new website.

    A month after the government shutdown, more than 60 percent of American television news programming still discusses Obamacare, while a vast array of critical foreign policy issues struggle for coverage amongst this deluge. Of course, this is simply what the news media does — across the world, it reports on the freshest stories that are likely to win the most readers. Even with the potentially infinite virtual space of the online world, there is still a fixed amount of real estate on the front page, fixed number of reporters, and a fixed amount of time in the day to cover all the stories competing for attention. Still, the sheer magnitude of the shift inwards caused by the Obamacare debacle and the attendant loss of political capital and public approval have real implications for the administration’s flexibility in tackling future foreign policy issues.

    Long et passionnant article sur le traitement médiatique de la politique d’Obama, avec le constat, étayé sur des analyses quantitative détaillées et géolocalisées des différents médias (presse, télé, internet). Avec un constat accablant : concentration sur l’échec de l’Obamacare et un impact désastreux, à la fois sur la popularité d’Obama et la place des affaires internationales et donc la capacité à agir sur celles ci.

    Parmi les nombreux graphiques.

    Traitement par les infos télévisées

    Localisation de la « tonalité » des médias vis-à-vis d’Obama (une carte pour chaque mois de juin à octobre)