Remembering French Investments in Apartheid #South_Africa
With politicians showing unusual agreement among themselves and media focused on the “global” tribute to Nelson Mandela, there has been unanimous praise in #France for the South African leader and the struggle against apartheid he embodied. However, when Mandela was still laying in jail for life, things were very different. France and its major corporations were among the most loyal supporters of Pretoria’s racist regime, to which they sold arms, nuclear and industrial technologies, in #Total (...)
/ #Defence_and_Security, #A_la_une, #Energy, South Africa, France, #Alcatel-Lucent, #Alstom, #ArcelorMittal, #Areva, #EADS, #EDF, #Groupe_Dassault, #Lagardère, #PSA_Peugeot_Citroën, #Renault, #Safran, Total, #Wendel, #armament, #public_campaign, #international_law, human (...)
#human_rights #ethics #international_solidarity