#Lebanon: Garbage Drowns 364 Towns Amid Landfill Dispute
Sukleen is in charge of collection and cleanup in Beirut and Mount Lebanon, except Jbeil, for a total of 364 towns and municipalities. The total waste collected by the company rose from 1,140 tons daily in 1994, to 3,100 tons today. (Photo: Marwan Bu Haidar). #sukleen is in charge of collection and cleanup in Beirut and Mount Lebanon, except Jbeil, for a total of 364 towns and municipalities. The total waste collected by the company rose from 1,140 tons daily in 1994, to 3,100 tons today. (Photo: Marwan Bu Haidar).
Three days into the closure of the road between Naame landfill and Ain Drafil, garbage flooded the roads in Beirut and Mount Lebanon. Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam promised to find a solution if the (...)