Work in progress...
#Trasmedia observatory :
The project Trove is a search engine built by scientists from the digital humanities allowing to analyze the dissemination of information in various media over time. This allows the specific roles of the various media and their interrelationships and mutual influence to be examined together. Trove this will not only identify the key players, but also an analysis of the roles they play in discursive constructions. It will eventually be able to show how the media operates and are connected in the building of information and thus the influence of the media on the public debate.
(pour l’instant surtout en hollandais, mais selon les auteurs, bientôt en anglais aussi)
#observatoire #média #TROVe #digital_humanities #chercheur #scientifiques #discours #analyse_de_discours #information #outil #logiciel
@reka et @fil : ça vous semble utile ?
Si vous en avez besoin, j’ai rencontré les créateurs...