• Talking dogs and behavior alerts: Israel police go high-tech - National Israel News | Haaretz

    In a section entitled Developing and Establishing International Cooperation for the Fight against Organized Crime, Serious Crime and Cross-border Crime,” the document describes an American-Israeli joint project for reading the brain waves of dogs. According to the document, dogs’ brain waves will be translated into human language by a device that resembles the portable microphones worn by stage performers. The day still appears to be far off when dogs owned by Israeli organized-crime kingpins will testify as state’s witnesses, but ministry officials and its chief scientist take the project seriously.
    The brain wave project is not the only one involving canine capabilities. A recent lawsuit against the Israel Police over the awarding of a tender revealed a method called RASCargO, or Remote Air Sampling for Canine Olfaction. Learned in France recently by a local police animal handler, RASCargO involves drawing air from a cargo container and giving it for testing to sniffer dogs in an entirely different location. This method is rapid and efficient, since the dog and his handler are not in contact with the public, and has the advantage of keeping the dog in a sterile environment.