• RT.com sort des documents fuités du ministère de la Défense ukrainien et réintroduit la thèse du missile sol-air.
    Avec quelques variantes…

    Kiev secretly received data from #MH17 crash investigators – Ukrainian hacktivists — RT News

    Ukrainian CyberBerkut hacktivists claim that they have penetrated the internal network of Ukraine’s Defense Ministry and found proof that Kiev is getting secret data from MH17 crash investigators, including information which implies its involvement.

    A document, posted on the website cyber-berkut.net, and allegedly downloaded from Ukraine’s Defense Ministry network, dates back to August 7 and appears to be signed by Colonel Igor Zorin, the chief of Ukraine’s air defense forces. It is a report which maintains that a fragment of a projectile found together with the debris of the crashed flight MH17 is in fact a damage agent of a 9M38 surface-to-air guided missile belonging to the mobile air defense complex Buk or Buk M1.

    Photo scans allegedly depicting the fragment in question have been also posted.

    The document acknowledged that a specific rectangular shape of the fragment pointed out that it could belong to a 9N314 warhead of the 9M38 anti-aircraft missile.

    It was suggested that the final conclusion could be made after analyzing the original fragments depicted in the photographs.

    Évidemment, au vu des photos il est rigoureusement impossible de dire quoi que ce soit…

    Là où ça se complique, c’est que le ministère de la Défense russe, cette fois, fournit d’autres informations…

    Buk and Buk M1 missile systems were developed by the Soviet Union and entered into service in the late 1970s and in early 1980s.

    Earlier this week, a source in Russia’s Defense Ministry told RIA Novosti news agency that after the fall of the Soviet Union, a number of such systems remained in Ukraine and today Kiev possesses no less than 70 Buk M1 systems.

    According to open sources, the Russian army operates only Buk-M1-2 and Buk-M2 missile systems – the latest modified versions developed after Ukraine became independent in 1991.

    The source also accused Valentin Nalivaichenko, head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), of inadvertently leaking that the MH17 Boeing-777-200 crash in July was caused by an outdated missile that only Ukrainian army still operates.

    … et surtout…

    RIA Novosti’s source also said that on the day the MH17 was shot down, Ukraine’s 156th SAM regiment carried out an unauthorized missile launch.

    • En fait, cette dernière information est ancienne (25/07)

      Vol MH17 : exercices de la DCA ukrainienne près de Donetsk le jour du crash (source) | International | RIA Novosti

      Le jour du crash du vol MH17 en Ukraine orientale, des unités de DCA de l’armée ukrainienne se sont entraînées à ôter le verrouillage des systèmes de missiles Bouk-M1, une erreur de manipulation pourrait avoir causé le drame, a annoncé à RIA Novosti une source au sein de l’armée ukrainienne.
      « Le 17 juillet, le commandant de la 156ème unité de missiles sol-air a reçu l’ordre de mener un entraînement consistant à couvrir des troupes terrestres dans la banlieue de Donetsk – il fallait déployer des divisions, assurer le suivi des cibles, et réaliser tout l’éventail d’accompagnement et de destruction des cibles des systèmes aériens Bouk-M1 », a indiqué l’interlocuteur de l’agence.
      Selon lui, malgré le fait que les clés permettant le déverrouillage des missiles aient été fournies aux commandants des batteries, aucun tir de missiles 9М38М1 n’était prévu.