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  • Bloomberg report names Atlanta and New Orleans as the most unequal cities in the US - World Socialist Web Site

    Bloomberg report names Atlanta and New Orleans as the most unequal cities in the US

    By E.P. Bannon
    6 November 2014

    A recent report released by Bloomberg listed the 50 most unequal cities in the United States. The top two cities on the list were Atlanta and New Orleans, placing first and second, respectively. The six cities with the highest levels of social inequality were all located in the South.

    Florida had the most cities on the unequal list of any state: Miami, Gainesville, Tampa, West Palm Beach and Tallahassee. Detroit, beset by a profound social crisis, ranked 43rd out of 50. The city’s current poverty rate is 42.3 percent—the highest of any major city in America. Detroit also has the lowest median household income of the 50 cities listed by Bloomberg, $23,600.

    The levels of the Gini coefficient [which ranks income distribution on a scale between 0 and 1; 0 being perfect equality, 1 being perfect inequality] in the top ranking cities, not surprisingly, are well above the already high national average.

    #états-unis #inégalités #nouvelle-orléans #atlanta #pauvreté #richesse