Geek dilettante habitant une belle et grande propriété sur la Côte d’améthyste

  • J’étais en train de me souvenir de cette vieille série de 1993 d’Oliver Stone, Wild Palms, et je suis tombé là-dessus. Le billet (auquel je ne pige globalement que pouic) contient ce paragraphe sur le rapport d’Oliver Stone et Paul Verhoeven aux idées libertariennes.

    Afghan Fire Drill, by Michael Gilson De Lemos

    Meanwhile . . . silence on thousands of “detainees” worthy of the movie Wild Palms of Oliver Stone, that depicts an explicitly-stylized Libertarian struggle to free America from a conspiracy of statists and religious fanatics where thousands disappear in supra-legal processes after a concocted terrorism incident. (Mr. Stone is not a Libertarian, but like many in Hollywood — such as Paul Verhoeven, who has made Starship Troopers and movies exploring what one might call the FAQS of Libertarian ideas, such as police privatization vs. civic spirit in RoboCop, or whether privatization brings fascism in Total Recall — is interested in coming to grips with it, and was made aware of Libertarianism by the unsung and indefatigable late LIO advisor Dr. Timothy Leary — whose impressionistically-written, thought-provoking exploration on how psychic shocks generate political behavior and make obvious truths literally psychologically invisible, Neuropolitique, seems more relevant then ever.