Bon j’y comprends goutte... for the reccord disons... si quelqu’un a un avis aussi...
Meet the new Greek government | Open Europe
[C’est #Varoufakis, le ministre des finances grec qui parle :]
We owe our European partners €280bn. Fine: we will issue new bonds worth this amount, with exactly the same repayment schedule that we had agreed – but linked to nominal, not real, GDP growth. The IMF and the ECB claim that our nominal GDP will grow by 7% per year for the next 20 years. If this is the case, we will pay back the money they lent us. But if nominal GDP grows by between 5% and 7%, we will pay back a third of the money we committed to repay. And if [it grows] by less than 5%, we won’t pay anything back that year. In 2038, these bonds will expire. We will have repaid what we could. What we couldn’t repay, we wouldn’t. It is about making debt repayments conditional on progress in the real economy.
El Mundo: “Si Grecia no crece, un gobierno de SYRIZA no pagará la deuda” (21 January 2015)