• 1 in 3 College Men Admit They Would Rape, If We Don’t Call It ’Rape’

    A small survey of college men points at something equal parts interesting and disturbing: one in three of them say they would be willing to “use force to obtain intercourse” as long as nobody would find out and there would be no consequences. But very few were willing to say they would commit rape, suggesting that they don’t quite see that forced sex and rape are the same thing.

    The study, published in the journal Violence and Gender and first reported by Newsweek was exceedingly small: just 86 men were surveyed, and only 72 of those surveys were usable. Of that number, nearly 32 percent said they would use force to obtain sex, provided there would be no consequences. But only 13.6 were willing to endorse the statement that they would they would rape a woman under the same circumstances.

    The researchers found that there was a pretty significant difference in attitudes towards sex between the people willing to admit they would “rape” and those who weren’t. Men who called it “rape” and were still willing to do it displayed hostility to women, meaning, the researchers say, “resentment, bitterness, rejection sensitivity, and paranoia about women’s motives.”

    The men who didn’t have a problem with forced sex displayed “callous sexual attitudes” but no “hostility towards women,” while the people who said they’d be fine with committing rape indicated both. In other words, then, men who are cool with “forced sex,” the researchers theorize, might have personality traits that lend themselves “to allowing men to not perceive his actions as rape.” They add:
