
“You know what I did? I left troops to take the oil. I took the oil. The only troops I have are taking the oil, they’re protecting the oil. I took over the oil.”

  • Ce billet d’Al Akhbar en anglais rappelle l’importance de la guerre du Liban de 2006 et ce qu’elle a changé dans l’attitude « mentale » des arabes. Très intéressant.

    Science, technology, education and research : these must become the new front lines of the Arab Revolt – Rami Zurayk

    This transformation is a crucial mental leap in the process of self-liberation of the mind. It also ushers a change in the balance of power. We reached this point in Lebanon in 2006, when a handful of resistant confronted the elite Golani brigade of the Zionist army in South Lebanon and made its soldiers cry for their mothers to come and save them. This is when the legend of the mighty Israeli army was truly shattered and everything suddenly became clear. This is when we all understood that there is no such thing as an elite Israeli brigade; only little cowardly people who hide behind their tanks and their planes. This is when we understood that for nearly 60 years we had been defeated in our minds. This why our victory in July 2006 was essentially won over our own minds. Today we have changed the nature of the struggle. Today we resist because we want a better world and not because we are hopeless and desperate. We fight to live and not to die.