#Wi-Fi probes leak your favourite SSIDs - thus showing where you live, work and travel
▻http://blog.viraptor.info/post/your-wifi-shows-me-where-you-live-work-and-travel #wifi
Infovore, father, photography, roller-skating, cycling, Africa, Free software, open networks, adventure, wargaming, cooking and more geekery
#Wi-Fi probes leak your favourite SSIDs - thus showing where you live, work and travel
▻http://blog.viraptor.info/post/your-wifi-shows-me-where-you-live-work-and-travel #wifi
On Linux, you can configure the wpa_supplicant networks with scan_ssid=0. This stops the probing behaviour and is actually the default.
▻https://f-droid.org/repository/browse/?fdid=be.uhasselt.privacypolice prevents your #Android smartphone or tablet from leaking privacy sensitive information via Wi-Fi networks. Available on the #F-Droid application repository.
- It prevents your smartphone from sending out the names of Wi-Fi networks it wants to connect to over the air. This makes sure that other people in your surroundings can not see the networks you’ve connected to, and the places you’ve visited.
–If your smartphone encounters an unknown access point with a known name (for example, a malicious access point pretending to be your home network), it asks whether you trust this access point before connecting. This makes sure that other people are not able to steal your data.