
“You know what I did? I left troops to take the oil. I took the oil. The only troops I have are taking the oil, they’re protecting the oil. I took over the oil.”

  • Scoop : les services de renseignement des forces de sécurité intérieure libanaises viennent d’identifier et d’arrêter les assassins de Rafiq Hariri. Ils devraient être prochainement déferrés à La Haie.

    8 Devil Worshippers Arrested in Mount Lebanon - Naharnet

    Eight people, including several girls, were arrested on Friday on suspicion of blasphemy and drug possession in Mount Lebanon.

    The National News Agency said the suspects are devil worshippers and are self-harming.

    Military Examining Magistrate Saqr Saqr is expected to charge the eight on Saturday, NNA said.

    Lebanese law prohibits blasphemy and immoral conduct.