• via Bill Jennings (Black Panthers)

    Texte de Davey D Cook.

    Indignation schizophrénique? ou bien indignation de privilégiés? :

    il est facile de s’indigner des mouvements populaires des autres tout en favorisant son propre mouvement populaire. Et là je pense aux syriens, et à ce qu’ils ont du encaisser d’abjectes de la majorité dès le début. Depuis les mentalités changent....petit à petit.

    Donc l’auteur de ce texte qui suit a amplement raison de le souligner :

    “Ce qui est intéressant à remarquer c’est que pour la plupart des gens qui sont si prompt à condamner les troubles sociaux à Baltimore, beaucoup des mêmes personnes sont celles qui s’étaient soulevées et avaient encouragé haut et fort les manifestations que nous avions suivies, en Tunisie et en Egypte durant les printemps arabes. Nous voyons beaucoup d’américains dire que les manifestations dans notre cas sont inutiles pour les peuples qui veulent se libérer de l’oppression”

    It s interesting listening to all the news pundits and government officials condemn the so-called riots in Baltimore. The mayor referred to citizens upset with police killing and brutalizing them as ’thugs’.. The governor is calling in the National Guard and a State of Emergency has been declared.. Everyone is on high alert as pompous people look down their noses and talk about how ’out of control’ folks are in Baltimore and how ’riots never solve things’.. .

    Whats interesting to note is that while many are quick to condemn unrest in Baltimore, many of those same folks stood by and cheered loudly when we saw ’riots’ in Tunisia and Egypt during the Arab Springs.. We saw many Americans say riots were necessary for folks to free themselves from oppression ..

    Last year when students in Hong Kong rioted against police.. we saw all these pundits cheer and give the students major props and moral support.. We as a country condemned the brutality of Chinese police... There was no press conference talking about evil protestors in Hong Kong surrounded that police bus I posted up..

    Of course we have the unrest in the Ukraine.. America not only cheered but we actually sent aid to help those who dared to stand up to oppressive police forces. We called the folks fighting.. Freedom Fighters..

    Its funny how America loves to cheer for those fighting for Freedom except when it comes to Black people.. In June 1976 the Soweto Riots took place.. Over 3000 people were killed and the world condemned South Africa.. Well almost the whole world.. The US and Israel kept their support of the country and their brutal Apartheid Regime..

    Many American pundits tried to say that the the students in Soweto needed to find peaceful means.. They were told riots never solve anything.. Every time a vote came up to put embargoes on South Africa, the US was there to veto it.. During the time of the Soweto riots Gerald Ford and secretary of state Henry Kissinger were trying some mild negotiations, not to end Apartheid but to make it more friendlier.. The US saw South Africa as an important geo-political partner. Hence it wasn’t about freeing folks.. it was about keeping things orderly. Fortunately Black folks in South Africa refused to go along and talks fell apart ..

    Folks should never forget when Presidents like Ronald Reagan took office, he put forth a policy of constructive engagement.. Yeah the US never approved of riots in South Africa. But like I said we have cheered for folks rebelling for freedom everywhere else..

    Courtesy of Davey D Cook

    #BlackLivesMatter #Baltimore #riots