• Bhutanese Refugees

    Where are the Bhutanese refugees? The refugee camps in Eastern Nepal have been home to an entire generation of Bhutanese of Nepali origin who were evicted from or fled Southern Bhutan in the early 90s.
    Six years after the resettlement began, there are 26,000 refugees plus remaining in the camps. Of these, a majority has applied for resettlement. Many are keen on joining their families and friends abroad.
    There are some refugees who think that resettlement deviates the focus from repatriation – a solution that many still cling to as their right, although it has been resolutely denied to them for so long. Then there are those who think that integration in Nepal is the next best alternative, given their historical and cultural ties with this country.
    The Bhutanese refugees have been on life support for 22 years. What happens to those who cannot or do not want to access the durable solution of resettlement?


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