• The Happiness Industry : How Government and Big Businesses Manipulate Your Moods For Profit

    Le #désespoir humain engendré par le #néolibéralisme entraînant « un manque à gagner qui se #chiffre en centaine de milliards USD » Il s’agit de #manipuler l’#humeur des gens afin d’inverser le désespoir sans en modifier les causes.

    .... governments and businesses ‘created the problems that they are now trying to solve.’ Happiness science has achieved the influence it has because it promises to provide the longed-for solution. First of all, happiness economists are able to put a monetary price on the problem of misery and alienation. The opinion-polling company Gallup, for example, has estimated that unhappiness of employees costs the US economy $500 billion a year in lost productivity, lost tax receipts and health-care costs. This allows our emotions and well-being to be brought within broader calculations of economic efficiency. Positive psychology and associated techniques then play a key role in helping to restore people’s energy and drive. The hope is that a fundamental flaw in our current political economy may be surmounted, without confronting any serious political–economic questions.

    Psychology is very often how societies avoid looking in the mirror.

    #psychologie #manipulation