#amateur_astronomers keeping an eye on the #comet
This post is an interview with Padma A. Yanamandra-Fisher, a Senior Research Scientist at the Space Science Institute, USA, and the #rosetta Coordinator of Amateur Observations for 67P/C-G. Q: When did the amateur campaign to observe Rosetta’s comet start? A: The first observations of #Comet_67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko by amateur astronomers for this stretch of the comet’s orbit, leading to the 2015 #perihelion, were performed in March 2014. At the time, the comet was very faint and only visible from the southern hemisphere, with a magnitude around 20, just at the limit of detection by small telescopes. In addition, the comet was in a highly dense star field and not always easy to image. From March to November 2014, we received about a dozen or so decent #Images from amateurs located at (...)
#Ground-based_observations ##perihelion2015 #ground-based_observations