La Taupe

Aux alentours de l’#underground

  • Portugal : une embellie de façade

    Alors que les élections #législatives se tiennent ce week end, les résultats semblent être au rendez vous : le #chômage a baissé (de 17% en 2013 à 12% aujourd’hui), la #croissance repart, et le pays rembourse même en avant ses prêts au #FMI.

    L’envers de la médaille, ce sont des #privatisations discutables et propices aux conflits d’intérêt, l’abandon des #services_publics, des naissances qui s’effondrent et une vague d’#émigration sans précédent depuis les années 60 (100.000 par an depuis 2013, soit 1% de la population chaque année qui part).

    Le #Portugal était déjà le pays le plus vieux de l’Union Européenne, sa politique actuelle est très loin de préparer l’avenir.

    ° ° °

    Geração à Rasca

    May 5, 2011 11:48 am May 5, 2011 11:48 am

    Portugal’s disaffected youth – the “generation in trouble” or “desperate generation.”

    Commenting on Portugal’s latest Eurovision Song Contest contenders – Homens da Luta – “a comic duo posing as 1970s political activists,” Susana Moreira Marques wrote in The Guardian:

    When Homens da Luta won the Eurovision nomination in Portugal in March, they surprised the show’s organisers, the serious juries and the other contestants. They even surprised the audience at home who had voted for them. Their song, A Luta é Alegria, about taking to the streets and shouting with joy, is silly and ironic, and yet does seem to work: in Portugal, at least, it has become the soundtrack of people taking to the streets.

    The 12 March protests against the austerity measures announced under the recently resigned Portuguese prime minister José Sócrates saw the biggest crowd gathering in Lisbon since 1974, the year of Portugal’s revolution. Homens da Luta have become the face of the “generation in trouble“, a name coined by the Portuguese media and the name of the group that initially called the 12 March protests on Facebook.

    Writing for The Financial Times in March, Peter Wise reported:

    They call themselves the geração à rasca, Portugal’s “desperate generation” – university graduates aged from 21 to 35 who are desperate to start a career, earn a steady wage and move out of their parents’ homes.

    “The only work we can get is ‘work experience,’ the only future we are offered is emigration,” says Inês Gregório, 29, an art history graduate who has worked in cafés for most of the six years since she left university.

    We will use the hashtag #AltPt for alternative news in #Portugal // Usaremos o hashtag #AltPT para info alternativa em #Portugal