Attention, le langage des signes n’est pas du tout universel…
Nod (gesture) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There are few exceptions with some countries swapping the meanings between nodding and shaking head: in Greece, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Turkey, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania, and Sicily a single nod of the head up (not down) indicates a “no”.
et donc, logiquement…
Head shake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shaking head to indicate rejection
Different cultures assign different meanings to the gesture. Shaking to indicate “no” is widespread, and appears in a large number of diverse cultural and linguistic groups. Areas in which head shaking generally takes this meaning include Indian subcontinent, Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, Europe, South America, North America and Australia.
However, in most Southeast Europe, e.g. Bulgaria, Greece and southern Albania, it is used for the opposite purpose, to indicate affirmation, meaning, in fact “yes”. In these regions, nodding in fact means “no” as well, the complete reverse of most other places in the world.
Intéressant mais surtout je me rends compte que j’avais oublié de mettre le lien vers le site en question (c’est corrigé). Où il est plus question d’un outil d’aide à la décision (#humour donc) et pas des signes de tête. Désolée pour cet oubli.