
j’écris des trucs là parfois

  • Les indignés français n’ont pas le monopole de l’infiltration par des conspis zarbs


    To underscore a fact, there has been a lot of news surrounding the Occupy Movement that in the week we have not been dealing with it, we need to get to. So it pretty much sucks that as we are trying to get back up to speed with everything, this comes up. When we began our coverage of the Occupy actions, one of the first was in response to Occupy Kansas City possibly giving a pass to racist and anti-Semitic scumbags who might want to be a part of the Occupation. It seems like much of the problem stems from the group’s Facebook page where a few boneheads have decided to promote their racist crap to those group members. The thing about it it page administrators are not cutting them off. This is pissing off the people at Kansas City-based blog SCISSION, who is tired of having to sound this alarm. We are too, but sound it we must. Because that’s the kind of crap that advances the 1% and you are not helping anyone if you keep ignoring it. Let’s make this clear: racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, Islamophobia, sexism, and fascism are NOT “political disagreements”. It is all flat out unacceptable. Occupy Kansas City, you have to get on top of this.

    I didn’t think I would have to do this again. I really thought and have said that Occupy Kansas City (OKC) has dealt with the Jew haters in its midst. Unfortunately, I wasn’t totally correct.

    Recently I have tried to remain away from OKC facebook discussions because they have come to border on the absurd. Talk of conspiracy theories abound, for example. People arguing about where the money went and whether or not unions are a good thing.

    Unfortunately, this AM I ran into a lengthy debate about David Ickes. Confession, I had never heard of the guy. I googled and discovered he is just one more out there conspiracy guy who seems to think something about reptile people, and maybe, maybe not Jews are doing something to us or whatever. In any event, he is just another charlatan of that type. I did note, however, that he often sites the Protocols of the Elders of Zion as a source for some of his nonsense, but he does say he has nothing against Jews.

    It is bad enough that what passes for political debate in OKC is which theory conspiracy is okay and which isn’t. As if...

    I have no idea how prevalent such “debates” take place anywhere else in Occupy, but they should have been left behind a long time ago. They tarnish the entire Occupy campaign. It’s a shame.

    • et puis des bons pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas le frapa-dingue David Ickes

      Il soutient aussi que des lignées d’hybrides Reptiles humanoïdes pouvant adopter l’une et l’autre forme, les reptiliens, dont l’origine serait l’ancienne Babylone, gouverneraient le monde en secret. Une théorie qui rappelle le scénario du film Conan le Barbare, Invasion Los Angeles ou la série V et dont le thème fut évoqué en premier par l’Ufologue Brad Steiger. Parmi ces reptiliens présumés, citons la reine du Royaume-Uni, George H.W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, Henry Kissinger, le clan Rothschild, les Rockefeller, Harold Wilson, et Tony Blair. Ces créatures auraient pour ancêtres, outre des humains, les Annunakis, des reptiles qui rappelleraient les dragons de nos mythes et légendes. Cette théorie développe et complète celle de Zecharia Sitchin qui évoqua bien l’origine extra-terrestre des Annunakis fondateurs de la civilisation de Sumer mais nia leur origine reptilienne, contrairement à Anton Parks qui a décrit la genèse des reptiliens Annunakis dans ses livres. Leur lignée serait contrôlée par leur « âme-groupe » désincarnée. En outre, la terre étant creuse, celle-ci accueillerait d’autres spécimens de reptiliens voire de véritables villes. Ces propos se rattachent aux déjà nombreuses Théories de la Terre creuse. Ces reptiliens chercheraient à influencer la société humaine pour l’amener à généraliser des comportements liés au cerveau reptilien, comme la peur, l’agression, le conflit, la culpabilité, la division, le manque de compassion et l’intolérance, l’impératif du territoire, le besoin de hiérarchie, la ritualisation à outrance... car elles se nourriraient de nos énergies négatives à la manière d’un vampire.