
La collective TRADFEM est née en 2013 autour de plusieurs projets de traductions, en particulier le texte d’Andrea Dworkin « Je veux une trêve de 24 heures durant laquelle il n’y aura pas de viol ». Ce texte a été travaillé par un petit groupe de gens qui ont alors souhaité prolonger cette collaboration. Celle-ci s’est ensuite étendue avec l’arrivée de nouvelles personnes. Aujourd’hui (2016), la collective rassemble une dizaine de membres, qui ne sont pas nécessairement des professionnel.le.s de la traduction et qui s’y investissent selon leurs possibilités respectives. TRADFEM est mixte avec des personnes vivant en France, au Québec, en Espagne et en Allemagne.

  • #Christine_Delphy : Against war

    For we are still steeped in a colonial way of thinking – the idea that we have the right and duty to deliver justice anywhere in the world. And the government is banking on this structural double standard, this outlook.

    It has also relied on the fact that, since Vietnam, there are no longer pictures nor stories of the killings caused by our bombing. No individuals under the bombs. No evidence of murders. Not even statistics.

    On the other hand, the consequences of the November 13 attacks « at home » were documented extensively – stories of survivors, emergency crews, firefighters and police officers were sought out, recorded, broadcast continuously on every TV channel, printed in every newspaper. Then, once all the news stories and eyewitness reports dried up, they published the pictures of the dead and their life stories. Two months later, commemorations began.

    A whole country was occupied, fascinated and mesmerized by the narrative of this violence, to which heart-rending new details were relentlessly added. There was an overwhelming feeling that we owed something to the dead, those poor dead whose lives we could not save. Like those who witnessed their deaths and wondered aloud why they had been spared, we experienced survivors’ guilt. The spirit of revenge, which requires no invitation, arose. And despite warnings against equating the killers with all Moslems, the spirit of « If it is not you, then it must be your brother” resurfaced, exacerbating an already thriving post-colonial racism.

    Opening Statement, January 15, 2016 at an anti-war meeting held in Paris.
    Ouverture du meeting contre la guerre du 15 janvier 2016, à Paris.

    Version française :

    #antiracisme #antimilitarisme #état_d'urgence #impérialisme #guerre #terrorisme #tradfem