Geek dilettante habitant une belle et grande propriété sur la Côte d’améthyste

  • Wow : on est censé pouvoir redéfinir des « limites optiques » de chaque caractère par une feature #opentype. Je croyais que c’était un pur automatisme de Indesign (le soft s’est largement vendu sur ses corrections optiques automatiques dès sa première version, face à XPress). Il semble donc qu’on puisse modifier cet aspect « optique » dans OpenType. J’ignore s’il existe la moindre police commerciale au monde qui utilise ça.

    Tag: ’opbd’

    Friendly name: Optical Bounds
    Registered by: Adobe (Modified by Adobe, this is the newer description)
    Function: Aligns glyphs by their apparent left or right extents in horizontal setting, or apparent top or bottom extents in vertical setting, replacing the default behavior of aligning glyphs by their origins. Another name for this behavior would be visual justification. The optical edge of a given glyph is only indirectly related to its advance width or bounding box; this feature provides a means for getting true visual alignment.
    Example: Succeeding lines beginning with T, D and W would shift to the left by varying amounts when the text is left-justified and this feature is applied. Succeeding lines ending with r, h and y would likewise shift to the right by differing degrees when the text is right-justified and this feature is applied.
    Recommended implementation: Values for affected glyphs are defined with a separate record for left, right, top, and bottom. Each record describes the amount by which the placement and advance width should be altered (GPOS lookup type 1).