• Food and biopolitics : some literature

    Bobrow-Strain, Aaron (2013) White Bread: A Social History of the Store-Bought Loaf

    Bobrow-Strain, Aaron White bread bio-politics: purity, health, and the triumph of industrial baking Cultural Geographies January 2008 vol. 15 no. 1 19-40

    Carney, Megan A. 2014. The biopolitics of ’food insecurity’: towards a critical political ecology of the body in studies of women’s transnational migration. Journal of Political Ecology 21: 1-18

    Cloke, J. (2013) Empires of Waste and the Food Security Meme, Geography Compass 7/9 (2013): 622–636.

    D Maye, J Kirwan (YEAR) Food security: A fractured consensus Journal of Rural Studies 29, 1-6

    Emel, J, and Neo, H eds. Political Ecologies of Meat. Routledge, 2015.

    Essex, Jamey. 2012. Idle Hands are the Devil’s Tools: The Geopolitics and Geoeconomics of Hunger. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. Vol. 102, No. 1

    Gibson, Kristina E. & Dempsey, Sarah E. (2015) Make good choices, kid: biopolitics of children’s bodies and school lunch reform in Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution children geographies Volume 13, Issue 1, 2015

    Goodman Michael K. and Sage, Colin (Eds.) Food Transgressions. Making Sense of Contemporary Food Politics

    Goodman, D. (1999) Agro-Food Studies in the ‘Age of Ecology’: Nature, Corporeality, Bio-Politics Sociologia Ruralis Volume 39, Issue 1, pages 17–38, January 1999

    Goodman, M. K. (2015) Afterword: the everyday biopolitics of care-full eating. In: Abbots, E., Lavis, A. and Attala, L. (eds.) Careful Eating: Embodied Entanglements Between Food and Care. Ashgate, Farnham. ISBN 9781472439482

    Goodman, M. K. (2015) Technicolor foods: the everyday biopolitics of Cuba. Dialogues in Human Geography, 5 (2). pp. 243-246. ISSN 2043-8214) doi: 10.1177/2043820615586690

    Guthman, J, and DuPuis, M (2006) “Embodying neoliberalism: economy, culture, and the politics of fat.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 24.3: 427-448.

    Guthman, J. (2009) Teaching the Politics of Obesity: Insights into Neoliberal Embodiment and Contemporary Biopolitics Antipode Volume 41, Issue 5, pages 1110–1133

    Heynen, Nik. 2008. Bringing the body back to life through Radical Geography of Hunger: The haymarket affair and its aftermath. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, Vol. 7 (No. 1), pp. 32-44

    Holloway L (2015) Biopower and an ecology of genes: seeing livestock as meat via genetics. In: Emel J and Neo H (eds) Political Ecologies of Meat. London, Earthscan, pp.178-194

    Holloway L and Morris C (2012) Contesting genetic knowledge-practices in livestock breeding: biopower, biosocial collectivities and heterogeneous resistances. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 30 60-77

    Holloway L, Bear C and Wilkinson K (2013) Re-capturing bovine life: robot-cow relationships, freedom and control in dairy farming. Journal of Rural Studies

    Kurtz Hilda E. (2015) Scaling Food Sovereignty: Biopolitics and the Struggle for Local Control of Farm Food in Rural Maine, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 105:4, 859-873, DOI: 10.1080/00045608.2015.1022127

    Le Heron, R., Campbell, H., Lewis, N., & Carolan, M. (Eds.). (2016). Biological Economies: Experimentation and the politics of agri-food frontiers. Routledge.

    MacAuslan, Ian. 2009. Hunger, Discourse and the Policy Process: How do conceptualizations of the Problem of ‘Hunger’ affect its measurement and solution? European Journal of Development Research. Vol. 21., No. 3. pp. 397-418

    Mansfield, B. (2012) Gendered biopolitics of public health: regulation and discipline in seafood consumption advisories Environment and Planning D: Society and Space volume 30, pages 588 – 602.

    Mansfield, B. (2012) Race and the new epigenetic biopolitics of environmental health BioSocieties Vol. 7, 4, 352–372.

    Mansfield, B. (2012)Environmental Health as Biosecurity: “Seafood Choices,” Risk, and the Pregnant Woman as Threshold Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 102(5), pp.969-976.

    Morris C and Holloway L (2013) Genetics and livestock breeding in the UK: co-constructing technologies and heterogeneous biosocial collectivities. Journal of Rural Studies

    Nally, David (2011) The biopolitics of food provisioning, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, Volume 36, Issue 1, pages 37–53

    Nally, David P. (2011) Human encumbrances: political violence and the Great Irish Famine. 2011.

    Peet, R., Robbins P. and Watts, M (2011) Global Political Ecology

    Roe, E. (2006) Material Connectivity, the Immaterial and the Aesthetic of Eating Practices: An Argument for How Genetically Modified Foodstuff Becomes Inedible Environ Plan A vol. 38 no. 3 465-481

    Roe, E. and Buser, M. (2016) Becoming ecological citizens:connecting people through performance art, food matter and practices Cultural Geographies1–18

    Sharp, G. (forthcoming) chapter on food and metabolic rift in James Ormrod (Ed.) Changing Our Environment Changing Ourselves, Palgrave

    Slocum, R. and Saldhana, A. (eds.) Geographies of Race and Food, Routledge.

    Smoyer Amy B. (2016) Making Fatty Girl Cakes - Food and Resistance in a Women’s Prison, The Prison Journal vol. 96 no. 2 191-209

    Smoyer Amy B. and Blankenshipb Kim M. (2014) Dealing food: Female drug users’ narratives about food in a prison place and implications for their health Int J Drug Policy 25(3): 562–568.

    Smoyer, Amy B. Prison Food Bibliography http://www.amysmoyer.com/prison-food-biblio

    Twine, Richard (2010) Animals as Biotechnology:" Ethics, Sustainability and Critical Animal Studies". Routledge.

    Vernon, James. 2007. Hunger: A Modern History. Harvard University Press

    Winter, M. (2005) Geographies of food: agro-food geographies - food, nature, farmers and agency

    Worby, E. (1994) ‘Maps, names and Ethnic Games: The Epistemology and Iconography of Colonial Power in North western Zimbabwe’, Journal of Southern African Studies 20, 3: 371-392

    Worby, E. (1995) ‘What does agrarian wage labour signify?: Cotton, commoditization and social form in Gokwe, Zimbabwe’ Journal of Peasant Studies 23, 1: 1-29

    Worby, E. (1998a) ‘Tyranny, parody, and ethnic polarity: Ritual engagements with the state in Northwestern Zimbabwe’ Journal of Southern African Studies 24, 3: 561-578

    Worby, E. (1998b) ‘Inscribing the State at the “edge of beyond”: danger and development in north-western Zimbabwe’ Political and Legal Anthropology Review 21: 55-70

    Worby, E. (2000) ‘ ‘Discipline without oppression’: sequence, timing and marginality in Southern Rhodesia’s post-war development regime’ Journal of African History 41, 1: 101-125

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